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Somehow I suspect manufacturing custom floor tiles wouldn't be cheap...
The big tile is perfectly level, but at least I "see" it's actually slightly tilted.
10 hours later…
So if you have say 1000 web requests you need to make (say on average they take a half second to respond), and after each response you need to update a dynamic list, how would you do this for the best combination of speed and stability? It currently seems like launching a bunch of URLFetchAsynchronous calls is the fastest, but often as many as 1/3 of them get lost, and using ParallelSubmit (or of course even just looping through them on the main thread) is the most stable but a good deal slower.
I'm still experimenting though.
@MichaelHale Does it "get lost" without any message whatsoever? Otherwise maybe using the callback to initiate a new download might still be the fastest approach.
@Pickett I was just thinking about that. At grocery store now. When I get back I'll look into that. I do attempt re download on http error currently.
Would be easier to investigate with an EvaluateAsynchronous that uses same mechanism as URLFetchAsynchronous. But I think we can only mimic it with QueueRun and ParallelSubmit which might have different behavior.
1 hour later…
I think I was also getting a fair number of bad results just from submitting too many URLFetchAsynchronous at the same time. Maybe something like this is the best hybrid:
activeRequests = 0; trafficList = {}; i = 0;
While[i < 1000,
 If[activeRequests < 10,
  activeRequests++; i++;
  getTraffic[pageList[[i]], {2016, 6, 17}, {2016, 7, 17}],
  [email protected]
So I limit the rate to only have 10 active asynchronous requests at a time. Still a good deal faster than the 4 I can get with the parallel kernels. And the number of valid results I get seems much higher.
Then getTraffic looks like:
getTraffic[page_, start_, end_] :=
wikipedia/all-access/user/" <>
   URLEncode@StringReplace[page, " " -> "_"] <> "/daily/" <>
   DateString[start, {"Year", "Month", "Day"}] <> "00/" <>
   DateString[end, {"Year", "Month", "Day"}] <> "00",
    #2 == "data",
    Module[{data =
       ImportString[FromCharacterCode[First@#3, "UTF-8"],
        "RawJSON"]}, (
      If[KeyExistsQ[data, "items"],
Then I can just run that main loop on a subkernel in parallel and share the trafficList symbol, so it updates in the main kernel dynamically.
Nevermind. I give up. Every thing seems to block the main thread if it ends up working. WaitNext, QueueRun, etc.
Ah. Maybe ParallelDeveloperSend[].
Nope. lol
Maybe for all of the shared variable stuff to work properly it requires the main kernel to be active and blocked
Maybe something like RunScheduledTask[QueueRun[], .01] is OK. Each call to QueueRun only retrieves one item added to the list, so I have to call it frequently.
1 hour later…
Best I've managed to get. Still not perfect, but better than it was.
pageList =
  WikipediaData["Category" -> "2016 songs", "CategoryMembers",
   "MaxItems" -> All];

getTraffic[page_, start_, end_] :=
wikipedia/all-access/user/" <>
   URLEncode@StringReplace[page, " " -> "_"] <> "/daily/" <>
   DateString[start, {"Year", "Month", "Day"}] <> "00/" <>
   DateString[end, {"Year", "Month", "Day"}] <> "00",
  Which[#2 == "data",
    Module[{data =
       ImportString[FromCharacterCode[First@#3, "UTF-8"],

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