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what a desert lately :) where's everyone?
I had breakfast 20 min ago in office and was inspecting the WPL while I ate.
I have to say, it's as unfinished as most products lately.
Took 5 min to annoy me so much that it really put a smile on my face, because I just had read the blog entry about it
> I’m excited to see how Wolfram Programming Lab is used. I think it’s going to open up programming like never before—and give all sorts of people around the world the opportunity to join the new generation of programmers who turn ideas into reality using computational thinking and the Wolfram Language.
@Kuba Therefore, I guess everyone is off to report bugs :-)
@halirutan so what is WPL really about, how is it different from mathematica online?
@Kuba J ai pas
@halirutan to be honest, I haven't checked it at all,
@Kuba The WPL was the reason for the acronym post.
It was the tip of the iceberg
@halirutan I have mixed feelings. I really like mma but how released are done lately and how 'feedback' loop is working makes me sad.
@Kuba There is nothing you can do about this. I mean, you could probably do something about your mixed feelings, but the rest is in the hands of the WCEO
@halirutan I must say I'm a little bit grateful. All those things + 'speed' of cloud development made me learning other technologies.
@halirutan and that's huge because I was using mma as a golden hammer from a long time :)
@Kuba This is really something you shouldn't do and if it takes a shitty support and a bad software quality to force you look around, then be grateful :-)
@Kuba If I had time, I would use JavaScript for some project. I really hate that it is type-less but since so many people are using it, it can't be too bad. And I'm always keen to apply my experience in different fields.
@Kuba Btw, I recently learned that QT, the C++ GUI library used by Mathematica, uses now a scripting language to make guis easily.
Hi every one
As a member of this site (almost an active member)
I want to inform you that if there is anyone here interested in remote sensing or photogrammetry
there's a site proposal
which needs your attention and your upvotes to be promoted
@halirutan what does it indicate, that comment about QT. You want to use it to create gui and link to mma?
@halirutan Recently I started learning AngularJS, amazing. With no background in programming I am able do great things quite easily. And the automatic two way binding is really similar to what Dynamic allows you.
@Kuba No, it was just a general comment that looking around is always fun. I have a stack of things I want to try that grows and grows.
@Kuba I used the QT example, because there you can use JS too as scripting. Another thing is that people who only use Mathematica often forget how hard it is to build a nicely working good looking GUI for your algorithms
@halirutan indeed, not to mention that I feel really spoiled when I have to use for now :)
Guys, let me link our community effort to clear up marketing speech once more:
A: List of Mathematica related acronyms and their real meaning

halirutanHere is a first try to assemble names of important technologies or products around Mathematica. I tried to give appropriate links and a clear description for each entry, so than new users have an idea what these things mean. For some entries though, I just was not able to give an exact definiti...

Is there no one who can say some better words about

- UDS - Wolfram Universal Deployment System: It is completely unclear whether this is a product itself or just a name.
- NLU - Wolfram Natural Language Understanding System: This seems to be the language understanding framework behind Wolfram|Alpha and not a product itself.
- Wolfram Discovery Platform: Not published yet and details are not clear. Probably a combination of different technologies around Mathematica to help R&D teams.
etc, etc.. There are so many things that are totally unclear. Someone has to know what they mean!
2 hours later…
Hi all
What file formats are suitable to import/export a list of matrices?
Or in general, a multi-dimensional nested list of numbers?
I am generating such a list from a Python simulation. I would like to export it into a file, which I will read from Mathematica.
I posted a question
Q: Save list of table of numbers from Python into format easily readable by Mathematica?

beckoI am running a simulation in Python. The simulation's results are summarized in a list of number matrices. Is there a nice export format I can use to write this list, so that later I can read the file in Mathematica easily, and Mathematica will recognize it as a list of matrices automatically?

But I guess this is relevant here at Mathematica.SE too
1 hour later…
@becko HDF5?
7 hours later…
Does there exist any command in mathematica to visualise polynomials like atlas below?
datascience.stackexchange.com/questions/9954/… -- moved the question to datascience, I have the polynomials currently in Mathematica and I am trying to find an elegant way to visualise them.
2 hours later…
p5 = (x2 + x2 + x3)*(x4 + x5 + x6);
p6 = x1*x6 + x2*x5 + x3*x4;
GroebnerBasis[{p5, p6}, {x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6}]

{2 x2 x4 + x3 x4 + 2 x2 x5 + x3 x5 + 2 x2 x6 + x3 x6,
x3 x4 + x2 x5 + x1 x6}

where example polynomials that I would like to visualise as graphs.

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