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Hello guys, I was wondering if someone could help me with a little problem I'm having: I have a set of data in the form
     data = {{{x1,y1,z1},{idx11,idx12}},{{x2,y2,z2},{idx21,idx22}},{{x3,y3,z3},
          {idx31,idx32}}, ... }
And I need to do a `ListPointPlot3D` of the coordinate points {{x1,y1,z1},{x2,y2,z2},...} with a `Tooltip` that displays {idx11,idx12} etc, when I'm over the respective point. To do so I enter
only to find that although `Tooltip` is working as expected, `ListPointPlot3D` is unable to plot the data. Any suggestions?
Here's an example:
       data = {{{0, 3.94221, -90.0695}, {1, 6}}, {{0, 12.4063, -97.2276},
           {1, 24}}, {{0, 15.7376, -73.848}, {1, 25}}, {{0, 19.531, -100.596},
           {1,2}}, {{0, 23.252, -86.3221}, {1, 17}}}
@Pragabhava Worst case scenario there's always the manual approach
ListPointPlot3D[data[[All, 1]]] /. _Point :>
Tooltip @@@ MapAt[Point, data, {All, 1}]
@Rojo It works great :)
Thank you!
@Pragabhava No prob
7 hours later…
@JacobAkkerboom Hello :)
@Kuba hey there :)
How is your day?
I'm trying out my new/old espresso machine
@JacobAkkerboom Slow, I'm at work atm :)
@JacobAkkerboom Fortunately I have to do something that is related to: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/27001/5478 so it is nice I can waste some time on this :)
@Kuba ah, sounds like nice work :)
@JacobAkkerboom No it isn't that's why I have to create something to make it easier :P
like in this topic.
@Kuba ah.. I take it you are not working with notebooks then?
@JacobAkkerboom I am, but not mine and they are horrible written.
@Kuba ah so are you maybe helping other students?
@JacobAkkerboom let's say I'm making their work usable
@JacobAkkerboom Good luck with espresso machine :) I used to work as barista, quite fun period I must say :)
@Kuba ah, that's nice to know. So do you like coffee? :)
ah why do I start every sentence with ah?
@JacobAkkerboom I don't know if I like because I'm addicted for sure :P So I find it tasty by it could be only an impulse ;P
@Kuba Aiai, so then I must reconsider whether you like MMA and MMA.SE? :P
Indeed :P
@Kuba well, just let me know if I have to trick you into evaluating code that deinstalls MMA :P. But I have to "go" now. Good luck with making the notebooks/work usable :)
@JacobAkkerboom That's great I can count on you :)
2 hours later…
Maybe I understand the situation wrong, but at the very end of this tutorial, shouldn't the output be {\\bf x}^2+1?
@halirutan Off topic. While reviewing posts editing mode is opened without your addon. Are you aware of this?
@Kuba You mean the editor-buttons?
@halirutan Yes.
@halirutan Try to go for suggested edits and Improve.
@Kuba Still here?
(I got busy)
@halirutan Yes. No problem :p
me too
@Kuba the problem is, that the editor buttons are injected when a certain pattern is found in the html-code. Since the edit pages seem to be fundamentally different, the add-on doesn't recognise the editor window correctly.
@halirutan I thought it is something like that. I just wanted to inform you :)
@Kuba Biggest problem is, that this is not my code because I only took care of the buttons and functionality itself.
The injecting code was done by Nathan.
I see.
@Kuba If you want the specific reason: When you make an edit in the review queue and look at the html code of the editor, you will find that the editor buttons look like this:
<ul id="wmd-button-row-47367" ...
and if you now look at the code in the button-user-script which matches, you find the following comment:
        // add buttons which are not bound to a post (these do not have an
        // numeric ID part)
        init_apt_button($("#wmd-input"), $('#wmd-button-row'));

        // add buttons to post editors (which have a numeric ID part)
        $(".wmd-input").each(function(index, element){
            // take the numeric part after "wmd-input-"
            var id = element.id.substr("wmd-input-".length);
            init_apt_button($(element), $("#wmd-button-row-" + id));
The problem seems either to be the ID part which is not recognized properly, or something else..
@halirutan If you are not sure then I'm not gonna solve this :)
@Kuba hehe :-)
is finding the mod, just finding the remainder of a number ie 2^7 = 128
128 mod 13 = 13 remainder 11
which means 128 mod 13 = 11
@Pro-grammer If you use QuotientRemainder the situation becomes clearer:
In[25]:= QuotientRemainder[128, 13]

Out[25]= {9, 11}
Because 9*13 + 11 = 128
@halirutan why can d-independent set can be solved in polynomial time for each fixed natural number d?
is it because polynomial time algorithm can be solved for an input of size k?
@Pro-grammer Are you sure you are in the right chat? This is for the software Mathematica by Wolfram Inc.
no one replies on math stack
@Pro-grammer Have you tried to ask a proper question on the main site http://math.stackexchange.com/?
I am short on time but this poor fellow has been waiting for an answer for days now:
Q: Plotting plain data (single value lists) in 3D

FiireSome Chemistry data sets I am trying to plot some titration data with Mathematica. I have done 4 experiments and gathered around 70 pH points (one for each milliliter) during each session, and therefore I have 4 sets of pH measurements. Now, in each experiment I used a different concentration of...

I started an answer and then forgot about it. If anyone has time to take a look please do. It's really not a bad question IMHO.
6 hours later…
@belisarius loooool O_o
@Kuba :)
@belisarius Do you always have to present such demanding attitude? :P
@Kuba I'm the oldest teacher in "The Wall"
Kids nowadays can't handle pressure :P
@Mr.Wizard I'm not sure I'm understanding the question, but besides what you already did, I think the following should suffice
ListPlot3D[points, Mesh -> None, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]
If the OP wants to calculate an interpolation over an unstructured grid, I know to packages:

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