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Try reading Philip Wadler's blog sometime, the diagrams on there make me realize how completely uneducated I am
@WorldEngineer General idiom for dealing with it that I've learned from other haskellers is that you create your records on your data types, and then you create getter/setter functions in the module with the data types using the record accessors, then when people import your module they specify the getter/setter functions but not the record accessors to avoid the namespace pollution
@JimmyHoffa You should write a short intro to haskell for our blog. Not the basics, something a bit more practical...
Rather you don't export the record accessors
@YannisRizos this morning I actually scheduled a reminder for myself to try and write another blog entry tonight, one detailing combinators, their definition and their benefits, as a preface to start writing a blog on compositional control flow
Anything I write as a blog post you're more than welcome to edit and repost on the P.SE blog
BTW check this out @WorldEngineer "School of Haskell" just went out of beta this week.
Interesting concept, will be neat to watch as they grow the content. They're starting with 3 extremely well known guys writing their content
Anyway, time to head home; I wrote like a few hundred lines of code today and 30 unit tests! This new job rocks, actually having stuff to do makes the days so much more pleasant.. Will see if a bit of whiskey tonight can help me channel my inner yegge and write something up or not.
Q: Why does automated testing keep failing in my company?

Mag20We have tried to introduce developer automated testing several times at my company. Our QA team uses Selenium to automate UI tests, but I always wanted to introduce unit tests and integration tests. In the past, each time we tried it, everyone got excited for the first month or two. Then, several...

@Rachel ^^^ I need a reality check. This seems like an awesome question; yet it's already received two close votes. Is there something that I'm missing?
@JimG. - Both close votes say it's a duplicate.
Q: When is it appropriate to not unit test?

Ken PespisaI work in a small company as a solo developer. I'm the only developer at the company in fact. I have several (relatively) large projects I've written and maintain regularly, and none of them have tests to support them. As I begin new projects I often wonder if I should try a TDD approach. It ...

yeah it's a fine question, I'm not sure I'd call it a dupe
I haven't compared them, just trying to answer JimG
1 hour later…
Ok, whiskey is poured. Now to see if I can say anything meaningful about combinators, or if I even know anything about them at all..
If not then you can talk about whiskey
Also a perfectly viable use of blog space, now that's some premium grade P.SE blog material right there. "How to appreciate whiskey for programmers: A guide to smiling despite your office space life."
@JimmyHoffa a whiskey blog might work better on Seasoned Advice
You'll think differently after your third month working with a couple Bobs
You should actually write a blog about your experiences entering the real world after college when you start interviewing into getting a job and the first 6 months on your first job as a programmer. Would be interesting reading for anyone looking to enter the industry
@JimmyHoffa plan on it
I'm actually gonna write a blog soon about what to major in and why
run it by some people to see what they think as far as experienced hands go
Day 42: I've been begging the architects to upgrade to BLUB2.0 for a week, no dice. Those reports I started are finally getting done but Bob asked me to work Saturday with him, apparently they were supposed to be done last week.

Day 43: Turns out they want the report written using time-weighted averages now. Going to work Sunday too because I need to rewrite them from scratch now and Bob's boss said Bob promised it to him 2 weeks ago.
Day 44: Bob just got fired, new guy came in, wonders why I haven't finished the reports yet, apparently marketing told corporate they were done last quarter.
Day 50: Just started my second job, I think it'll be much better than the last one!

Day 84: I think the project manager might not have an english degree like he says, he never spells anything right at all. I've started growing a beard and I don't know why. Yesterday I yelled at someone because I could see them in the little mirror stuckied to my monitor. I knew what they were up to, they didn't think I knew, but I know...
@JimmyHoffa I already have a beard
I work in a store that routinely sees all kinds of crazy
from every possible angle
I keep getting tempted to go for an asymmetric beard for a day. Side burns and mustache on one side, goatee on the other. For some reason, I keep thinking this might have negative employment consequences... sometimes, I'm not sure if I care.
@JimmyHoffa my father was a systems admin for SGI once upon a time. I've far fewer illusions than most.
Aye, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't be in this industry if I really didn't like it, or on this site as much as I am for that matter. Every good engineer is overly critical, we'd be no good at evaluating competing ideas otherwise, side effect being the prototypical whiney engineer stereotype. Even the bad engineers I've worked with are actually surprisingly level headed friendly people...or the vast majority of them anyway..
That said, I did work with one aspy, and was disheartened at how he was treated by his colleagues in what is supposed to be such a socially-akward culture to begin with, unbelievably intelligent dude
@JimmyHoffa discovering the joy of Git at the moment
What do people typically use for web-based reporting? We're working on a web app that will have a data analysis aspect - measuring response rates, customer answers, etc. for instance.
Do people usually write custom coded reports, a la Google datavis tools or something? Or do they embed some sort of prebuilt reporting package like Pentaho or Jasper reports or something?
Q: Easy to use web-based reporting tool

SuperFurryToadI'm looking for recommendations for an easy to use reporting/business intelligence tool that can interface with an sql server or access database. It can be web-based or a desktop tool. Ideally it would be freeware or low cost, and easy to use for users who are not that technically savvy (below t...

I don't think we'd offer customizing reports from raw data source, but instead pre-build things for clients to run.
@edmicman I don't know what you're looking for so I'll just throw out a couple things for you to read up on: MS SQL Server Reporting Server, R programming language, Google Analytics, Instrumentation
@edmicman I'd say make it as easy for the clients as possible
if they want raw data reports, be prepared to implement but I'd not give any more access than need be
read about those topics for a while and you'll probably have some more clear ideas about what you want. Oh yeah and "Extract Transform Load"
Yeah, I use SSRS at work; this would be fitting into a python web app with a mysql backend
I'm familiar with reporting tools, I'm just undecided between embedding some sort of reporting server package vs coding up some custom displays of data, presenting them with some HTML/javascript charting tools and leaving the separate report server aspect out of it.
@edmicman google "Python reporting engine", also note "Reports" and "Charts" mean two totally different things and are both completely relevant and worth understanding the difference. Also look at R Programming language
That's an architectural question based on your requirements, including time constraints
cool, I'll check that out.
Yeah, we're still hashing out all of the requirements, or at least what the expectations are. At the moment I think it's leaning more on the "reports" side, i.e. tables of data results, vs full on charts and graphs
If you know SSRS and are comfortable with that, it might be worth just looking at ETL to move stuff from MySQL into an SSRS system. If you write up all the current requirements (these will be needed to the best details you have) and then detail the pros/cons of the two approaches you're thinking about you probably have a totally valid Q to post asking Which approach people suggest given your constraints and why
At which point people smarter than me will answer..
@WorldEngineer you using the git command line or some UI?
@JimmyHoffa command line
I can't run the GUI for mac, too old
and to be honest better to know the command line since I'll likely have to use it remotely
at some point
stay away from any of the GUIs, they seriously confused me until I finally found the windows command line installer (which is a pain because there's a grip of "I'm another git client!" ones out there that aren't the normal one)
@JimmyHoffa Mercurial works better on Windows in my experience
never touched it, though I've heard it's nice. All the same, the plain old git command line works great now that I have the right conceptual model for it in my head. That said I've never done anything complex with it like cherry-picking or whatever
@JimmyHoffa I've used dropbox for a while but I need to get familiar with something more powerful
isn't dropbox just an internet shared drive?
Create a github account and request permissions to ballOfMud and you can practice pulling and pushing changes there :P
go fix the threading error in the data model while you're at it heh
@JimmyHoffa I have the account
@maple_shaft: I've never seen graphic designers pull long hours, but I've definitely seen testers stay late. // I really agree with Mike Smith though. Even though many people in many professions may log long hours, suits have a particular penchant for asking developers to log long hours to "bridge the gap". Meanwhile, they're home eating dinner with their families and attending Joey's soccer practice. — Jim G. 45 secs ago
@WorldEngineer I gave you permissions to push into my repo, so when you commit to your local repo, you can push to your github repo, and then push those changes from that repo to mine
not like you can break it, it doesn't even work as it is.
What is that link that used to be in the Programmers FAQ for "any career-development question you might want to know about is already answered here"?
@RobertHarvey you mean the link to the depressed guy who made us all sound like sociopaths?
No, that was Paul Graham. :)
nyuck nyuck :P
I do recall it did have a certain "abandon ye all hope" flavor to it.
Yeah, I took particular issue with the parts where it spoke about your colleagues are not your friends and do not care about you one single bit parts, I'm the colleague of people who may read that, and I'm no self serving robot
Would help but I don't recall the name of it or the guy who wrote it... maybe someone with FAQ edit perms can view history on it to see
Meh, the guy I was trying to write an answer for decided to become a douche, so I lost interest.
haha, hate when that happens. You suddenly realize you shouldn't have even spent the time you already did trying to help.
Q: Has anyone started their programming career over the age of 30?

KewigroHas anyone with little to no prior programming experience, started programming at, around or above the age of 30 and had success? I have been a server (waiter) for about 7 years, and before that I dropped out of school. I am going back now to finish a degree in CS, but when I finish I will be 34,...

Eh, I dumped what I had by way of an answer into a comment. He can chew on that.
@RobertHarvey I'm surprised, you just posted a meta Q that convinced me to start flagging and down-voting a lot more specifically because I don't want to keep seeing questions like that polluting the front-page, and you were actually writing an answer to that one?
@JimmyHoffa I'm mistaken about this one. It's both too specific and a poll; it has nothing to do with being off-topic, it's just not a good question.
"Has anyone out there older than 30 years old with a felony managed to get a programming job?"
Eeek. Migrated to The Workplace.
Is career advice on-topic there? I thought it was off-topic everywhere.
@JimmyHoffa Like Programmers, The Workplace has a hodge-podge list of off-topic questions in its FAQ that have been randomly built from Meta activity. Kinda hard to tell whether career advice is specifically on-topic or not. It's a great way to build consensus, but a terrible way to run a website.
Heh, I have 1478 reputation on The Workplace from four answers. About 1300 of it comes from only two answers.
@RobertHarvey total side-note, you're a C# guy, I'm writing something up and not sure what language to write the examples in. I tend to use JavaScript because most people can read it, but the type verbosity in C# makes what I'm trying to portray more clearly; do you think most people are familiar with the C# Func<T,U> syntax enough to understand examples using it?
@JimmyHoffa What is the example about? If it's about delegates, Func<T,U> is a non-starter (unless you're using it to explain how delegate work). If your audience already knows delegates, Func<T,U> should be readily understandable to them.
@RobertHarvey hah, even funner most of your points there come from answering a disgruntle coworker of @YannisRizos
@RobertHarvey is there a different language you can think of that's commonly known and makes function's as variables clear? I'd use javascript but since there's no type signatures the example wouldn't make clear that a function is being used as a variable.
C# is all that comes to mind
C# is unclear only in the sense that functions as variables are a two-step process. You have to either declare and create a delegate object and pass that around, or create a lambda expression, which should read MyFunction(someOtherFunction(x)), but really reads`MyFunction(x -> someOtherFunction(x))`
Although the lambda syntax is awkward at first, in the long run it's actually more flexible, because it creates a closure around the inside variable.
I'm not sure function expressions are any clearer anywhere else. There's always good ol' C, but then you have to explain pointers.
And then, of course, you have Scheme, which passes functions freely.
Scheme is probably the easiest to understand, in terms of first-class function passing.
The lambda syntax is just C# syntactic sugar over the Func/Action types, likely using the same inference the var does. Here's an example for instance:

int AddOne(Func<int> closure) { return closure()+1; }
You're probably right about that. Man, I learn something new every day from someone at the Stack Exchange network.
in javascript it would be function(closure) { return closure()+1; } and lisps are not well-known enough
Well, that works for me. Seems easy enough to understand, and it's apparently somewhat portable.
Someone asked "Can we overhaul the look and feel of Stack Overflow, like Facebook periodically does?" on Meta. It lasted three minutes; the question got six downvotes before he decided to delete it.
that was very smart of him; that is, for someone who posted that Q to have deleted the Q, the difference between the two acts indicates one of the acts was extremely smart comparably
Jin changed a couple of fonts on Stack Overflow about two months ago, and the Meta community railed on it for hours. I can only imagine what wailing and gnashing of teeth a complete makeover would cause.
Tell him next time he feels like going back to fix the look of one of the SEs the P.SE community would more than appreciate his time...
Will do.
2 hours later…
^^^ @Goma clone?
5 hours later…
@JimG. IP isn't even close but thanks for the heads up
@WorldEngineer you around?
@YannisRizos ish
@WorldEngineer Re the migrate to SO flag: Did you try to migrate? I suspect a q-ban on SO.
@YannisRizos yes
he is q-banned
I lost the post in my browser and then forgot to add a message about it
@WorldEngineer That's what I thought, I'm declining the flag then. It's a shame because it's not a terrible question for SO.
@YannisRizos it really isn't
...but he should work to improve his SO posts, not post here to circumvent the ban.
@YannisRizos yeah, regardless I must get back to work. a mountain of boxes awaits.
@YannisRizos but that's a YAGNI
@WorldEngineer Cool. Flag declined, question deleted (since we can't do anything to salvage it)
Are you going to start deleting questions quickerly?
@JimmyHoffa Well there was nothing we could do about this one. Blatantly off topic, and we couldn't migrate to SO as the OP was banned there.
What's off-topic here but on-topic at SO?
Also you evaded my question, are you going to start deleting questions more quickly? I am curious what would happen if the front-page wasn't littered with closed questions
@JimmyHoffa Implementation and programming tools questions.
@JimmyHoffa Lots of things. Using tools comes to mind (although I don't like that we migrate design tool questions since architecture and design are on-topic here).
@JimmyHoffa Oh, that was a question? No idea what will happen, but hiding things under the carpet is not a solution. That said, lately I do prefer insta-deleting outright crap...
I wouldn't really calling deletion hiding things under the carpet, more like cleaning. (If these things mean the same thing to you, I think you've been cleaning your house wrong)
@JimmyHoffa I'm talking about the "more quickly" aspect. I could be deleting them as they come, but that's not really a solution.
@YannisRizos are you sure? Have you emperical evidence proving it wouldn't solve some of the problem?
@JimmyHoffa Yes (in a way). MSO gets a ton of programming questions from people banned on SO every day, and they usually get deleted pretty fast. But they still keep on coming...
@JimmyHoffa That said, we get a lot less career related questions since I cleaned up our broken windows (deleted about 1K career related questions).
You have no control for that evidence though; You don't know if it would occur more or less frequently if they didn't get deleted fast.
Aye broken window theory, yeah I suppose that's about what I'm thinking may be causing a portion of our ills
@JimmyHoffa In very broad terms, there are two groups of noobs: the well meaning ones, and the "oh, a textarea, let's put some words in it" ones. The first group benefits from speedy deletions, less crap around to confuse them on what's on and what's off topic. The latter...
In any case, personally I'm only interested in the people that have spend 5 minutes reading the FAQ before asking. There seems to be some confusion there, and we should find a way to help them. We can't change the name, we can't change the design, I'm open to suggestions on everything else.
@JimmyHoffa Now go back to doing some rep-whoring and get to 10K already. We need more delete voters.
@YannisRizos nah, I just completely rewrote someone's question
Let me know if my edit is...too much...
@WorldEngineer Right. Obviously I don't have access to the IP logs; but that user's behavior seemed very suspicious so I raised a flag.
I think it's fine just because, well, the initial question was way too confused
@JimmyHoffa Link?
@JimG. There are many Gomas in spirit, but there is only one Goma. Even those who seem like the Goma, may not be the Goma... just channeling the underlying malicious confusion of the Goma.
Q: Are there any programming languages understood by all operating systems, if so what?

user19915I'm curious if there's a programming language that you can write code for all operating systems in, and if so what language that might be? I'm guessing something very low-level like Binary could do this, but am not sure.

@JimG. A better way to raise a flag would be to... flag.
@JimmyHoffa No idea why people are upvoting that. Where's the effort, where's the prior research? <sigh>
In any case, good edit.
@YannisRizos to be fair, someone at his level wouldn't even be capable of doing the research to answer the question (he didn't even understand how to ask the question on here, his google-fu would have been a complete failure)
@YannisRizos The original form of that question has a familiar feeling (though the user name hasn't been changed to something 'silly' yet)
haha good catch @MichaelT
That said, its much less than my other hunches. Its more like a faint whiff than a "this is he."
However the user is a touch lower level than I'd expect from Leslar
Leslar has at least some technical aptitude, this guy is totally lost.
Oh, he loves binary and assembly and programming the computer directly...
But yea... its a whiff rather than a hunch.
Yes, but look at the unedited question this guy wrote, he's conflating the OS and the CPU working with the presumption that all OS's understand the "binary language"
As I said... it has some of the feelings... but not all (the lack of a silly name, any mention of video drivers or firmware... and no response from Robert explaining why its all wrong.)
@YannisRizos I should have never touched that question. It would have been better to let it die quietly, now it's turned into a me-too haven
@JimmyHoffa In my defense, I'd been writing my answer from when there was only one response, but Martin Wickman beat me to it, and I did upvote his answer because it contained the same information I wanted to convey.
@YannisRizos fix the broken window, delete that question pretty plz
I really wish SE had a messaging subsystem...
@JimmyHoffa I don't delete questions that aren't closed.
@YannisRizos it's closed
@YannisRizos also, the user actually got his answer according to the comment he posted to delnan's answer, so he doesn't lose anything by the question being deleted
@JimmyHoffa At this rate, I'll never get to the magical all-powerful 10k rep! ;-)
@JimmyHoffa The answerers will lose their rep.
It'll be easier for them to get rep in the future if the front-page isn't cluttered with broken windows
@YannisRizos Is Leslar getting better at avoiding my troll detector? If that can be answered that is...
(Though, if he is able to completely avoid it, that would be a good thing)
@MichaelT I haven't noticed him lately. The last incarnation was destroyed pretty quickly, I think Thomas saw his "question" before anyone else did.
The last incarnation had a name that was such dead giveaway
maybe 19915 is leslar trying to avoid notice thinking the names are giving him away
@YannisRizos it feels like our question rate has taken off quite recently, I find myself seeing the "There's 1/2/3 new questions, click here to refresh." bar on the front page a lot more than I used to
Any ideas if that's so?
@JimmyHoffa The rate is certainly up (I wonder if DE.SE has refreshed recently enough to show it...)
@JimmyHoffa 30 q/day the past couple of weeks.
@YannisRizos It's that time of year when programmers come out of hibernation, I guess.
Which is probably a lot less than the actual, as I've deleted a lot of questions in that 2 week period.
(and yea, its a "it hasn't refreshed this month yet" - the most recent data is Feb 28th)
I wonder if the election for SO had notices mentioning P.SE election as well that got some SO folks over here
@JimmyHoffa - I didn't see any cross post-posting regarding the elections. I wouldn't have known about the SO election if it weren't for the whiteboard.
remember that silly name thing... 19915 has morphed...
Nikola Tesla, Moving Along through a Mind
5 1
Not certain that counts as a "silly name", definitely nothing like his previous ones
Also I wouldn't expect a troll to list his age
@JimmyHoffa Not Leslar. If he was, you would know by now, I would have suspended the account.
@MichaelT - that user would be starting to match another troll's profile because of the EE account. Can't find the user reference though. @JimmyHoffa - easy enough to lie about in order to mask the MO.
For those who like Ward's wiki on agile... a fork of it was the Meatball wiki for online communities. Some good read there (similar style / depth as one would find on C2) - meatballwiki.org/wiki/WhatIsaTroll and meatballwiki.org/wiki/TrollingTactic
The challenge is the "Assume Good Faith" part... and admittedly, that becomes difficult over time as one becomes a bit more cynical.
last 3 months of Q/A count per 7 day period
the edges are partial periods
There does appear to be an uptick. It would probably be a more useful graph if it was summarized week over week rather than day over day. This way the dips from weekend don't show.
Yep. And that last precarious dip is an edge problem.
mar 8 shows mar 2-8 summed, mar 1 shows feb23-mar1 summed etc
Line chart shows it... I'm wondering if there is really enough data in a day to do a box chart...
eff all that, pie charts are the best! oh sorry, I mean tau charts.
@JimmyHoffa heh When it comes to culinary matters, I'd rather have two pi's rather than a tau.
You know the box plot I mean though... right?
In descriptive statistics, a box plot or boxplot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram or plot) is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five-number summaries: the smallest observation (sample minimum), lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation (sample maximum). A boxplot may also indicate which observations, if any, might be considered outliers. Box plots display differences between populations without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution: they are non-parametric. The spacings ...
oh yeah
Can you change the chart type in DE?
So you have 7 days in each spot, show the points, box them, and connect the medians.
I'm fairly certain that DE doesn't have the provisions to easily calculate the inner quartile median and other such things necessary for doing it.
15 new Qs within the last 2 hours
if we average 30/day, that seems..strange..
1 hour later…
Are github usage questions on topic here? or Stack Overflow? I'm leaning SO for the "tool questions go there" , but I just want to make sure.
Q: How can we search in another branch than master in a private github repository?

morellet.dOn github, when I try to search throught my source code on a private repository, it always show me results from master branch. Is there a way to get results from another branch ?

And if I did some research... I would have known... stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/github
A: Are you still confused about what Programmers is for?

Jeff OI've hammered thousands of nails, but no one ever refered to me as a carpenter. Becoming a professional programmer has been a circuitous route littered with coffee stains, lots of books, bad code, and help from a lot of programmers. Maybe Im not there yet? It's been a long time since I've worked ...

@Jeff O and @Rachel: Bravo! Bravo!
@MichaelT Programmers was created to be different from other SE sites. I'm not trying to point out those are on-topic now, only that they were on-topic when the site was first created and were one type of question that this site was created to support. The majority of this site's history can be found in this question and the links it provides if you're interested. — Rachel 1 hour ago
I think that they are missing the point. The problem questions we have today are not about topicality.
@JeffO this site wants questions that can be answered - not lists of books, lists of languages, lists of frameworks, overly broad to the point it takes chapters to answer, "why do you hate php?", "What should the user group be named?", "what design paterns do I need to know?", "shark vs gorilla!", "what should I learn next?" and "Is programming for me?" questions. Understanding StackExchange is the problem, not the topic. Look at this search and consider how many are not fitting in SE rather than P.SE. — MichaelT 3 mins ago
@MichaelT: I keep hearing you say, "It scales poorly... It scales poorly..." - What does that mean? It almost sounds like you're saying - "Damn kids! Get off of my lawn!" — Jim G. 26 secs ago
Someone asked a question, they got a couple hundred comments. Including people making jokes, people answering, people going off on tangents... people commenting on the jokes from people going off on tangents.
The niche that Stack Exchange is trying to fill is people who want an answer... not the entire community making jokes about it. For people that want the later, there are other, more well established sites to do it that fit that quite well.
It may not be the case that every topic fits well into that particular hole, but that is the stack exchange model. And I believe it was designed that way with good and proper intentions (it is frustrating at times, but the alternatives are worse).
Here's a great little depressing read I just stumbled across:
I used to be active on Deviant Art - the photography forum. It got too hard to ask a question there and actually get an answer (you would get comments on comments on comments... trying to keep up on it and get the answer was difficult). I'm not that active in photography anymore, but I find Photography.StackExchange to be what I would gravitate to.
The future of programming languages circa 1972, 40 years later and everyone is still saying the exact same things. This field is at such a stand still.
@JimmyHoffa Ohh... a 1952-1971 language chart.
To summarize he says the future of programming will be: Domain Specific Languages (he calls them "User Defined Languages"), Higher-level programming languages which can be used for systems level programming (who doesn't still want this?), and Declarative programming ("Nonprocedural" he calls it)
I love how he notes multiple times that the majority of discussion about programming centers on a particular set of languages, while all the actual work is occurring in other languages which everyone knows aren't ideal
Huh, the author of that paper is apparently the creator of:
FORMAC, acronym of FORmula MAnipulation Compiler was an early computer algebra system based on FORTRAN. It was developed by Jean E. Sammet. FORMAC supported computation, manipulation, and use of symbolic expressions. References Bibliography * Jean E. Sammet, "The beginning and development of FORMAC (FORmula MAnipulation Compiler)", Proceedings of HOPL-II, The second ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages, p. 209-230, 1993 ISBN 0-89791-570-4 External links * [http://hopl.murdoch.edu.au/showlanguage.prx?exp=158&language=FORMAC History of Programming Languages: F...
@MichaelT Jokes? Who said anything about jokes?
@MichaelT Here's another example question that illustrates the confusion this site has. It's a question asking for an algorithm to take an excel column such as AA and convert it to a numeric equivalent. It currently has 4 off-topic close votes. How are algorithms off-topic? This kind of behavior is what is so confusing to new users.
@Rachel The off topic votes are accompaied with 3 migrate to SO after he posted code.
@MichaelT He's asking for an algorithm, not code
hence the pseudocode and the note that he'll do the work to convert it to C# on his own
I'm just saying, that type of thing only adds to the confusion about what's on or off topic
@Rachel - agreed, and that question appears on-topic for P.SE. He's explicitly not asking for "gimme teh codez".
@JimG. The jokes are in reference to what one finds in an arbitrary Ask SlashDot question.
I'm looking into having SO reject that migration now.
@Rachel - FWIW, I've flagged the question for mod review. Dunno where all of our diamonds are at the moment. First week on the job and @WorldEngineer is slacking off already!
curse you @ThomasOwens - I almost had my snark about world engineer in before you replied
Questions mentioned in the meta question that were things people were confused about...
Q: My Company Wants To Get Into Mobile Development -- And Use Multi-Platform Frameworks

bobber205To me this seems like a really poor idea. I've used quite a bit of Java's "cross platform" application frameworks and it all sucked. I'm sure things are better than they used to be when people are making this cross platform frameworks but the differences between iOS, Android and Windows Phone is ...

Q: How can I learn algorithms and data structures of any type?

Mohibul HassanI am a novice computer science and engineering student. I am learning Java but i want to learn from the basics so I want to learn algorithms. Where to start that?

@ThomasOwens Algorithms are on-topic on SO, so I don't see why SO can't have it now that it's there. But having it "Closed as Off-Topic" on Programmers only adds to the confusion about what P.SE is for
@Rachel Which is why migration is rejected. We don't migrate questions that are on-topic unless the OP asks for it.
@ThomasOwens - nice flush of the close votes. That was cool. :-)
@GlenH7 ?
@ThomasOwens Fair enough. I see it's already been sent back and reopened by you anyways, that was fast
it shows 0 close votes now
er, duh. I see you re-opened it. Color me dumb. :-(
@GlenH7 I had an SO mod reject the migration, then I reopened the question on our site.
I'd appreciate some up votes on my comment so it rises to the top.
your comment got at least one bump
random, but related Q - is there a way to see the timing of when close votes are applied to a question?
@MichaelT @JimG. Since you're both in chat and we're discussing the question, how come you voted to close it as off-topic? I'm genuinely curious what made that question look off-topic for this site.
I interpreted the question being changed when he started asking about the code. I believe this changed question is a better fit for SO.
I didn't notice the close votes on that question, that felt like a great question to me... asking about algorithms for doing base conversions
@GlenH7 The closest I know of is posts/{id}/timeline which will show you a list of days and actions that occurred each day. Other than that, you might be able to check Data.SE once the post shows up there for exact dates
@Rachel He posted actual code, not pseudo-code, so therefore I thought it was a code question; not an algorithm question.
@Rachel - thanks! and thanks again for asking about the close votes to that question. As a community, we need to better understand what's triggering errant close votes.
@YannisRizos 39 Q's so far today and it's only noon (here)... it does seem genuinely odd, is someone got an RSS reader feeding every Q from here to Reddit or something, wth..
I don't think that GalactiCowboy's clarification of the pseudocode didn't help the intent of the OP on that question. Yes, it was a good comment, but nudged the perception towards HAZ TEH CODEZ
@JimmyHoffa Not really odd. 30 q/day is an average. Weekends are very slow (5-10 q/d), Fridays are very active (those last couple of hours of the workweek no one works on).
howdy folks
Why would a ninja need a shotgun?
@JimmyHoffa Redo your query by day of week?
@YannisRizos more to the point is does he throw it or shoot it?
...or use it like a sword?
@MichaelT wait wait wait- do you know SQL?
I'm Lazy. Its the first great trait of a perl programmer.
And I want it NOW! (Impatience is the second trait)
@YannisRizos This again?
I use the shotgun in the same way traditional ninjas would use smoke bombs or loud fireworks. As a distraction.
@YannisRizos A ninja needs a shotgun so you don't see the minigun hidden behind the tree.
@MichaelT yes yes, but; do you know SQL?
@JimmyHoffa ohhhhhh burrrrrn
@JimmyHoffa Yes. I will admit to having written single SQL queries that are about 300 lines long...
Ok good. Call me old-fashioned but I truly lament the death of SQL knowledge among newer developers
I used to show a 1K loc SQL query to candidates during interviews and ask them to explain it to me. Those that didn't broke into tears got the job. (Dirty little secret: I had no idea what the query was about)
Then again, maybe that's because I (sometimes) kind of like SQL. Data modeling and coming up with complex queries to analyse data can be fun.
@JimmyHoffa I've had to take a course or two on database design; one in high school, one junior year of college.
And if I can get the DBAs to trust me enough, I also know PL/SQL... I have such fun with joining against dynamic tables -- join ( select ... from ... ) on ...
Did you ever see that code WTF about sql?
? don't know
Dangit, I can't flag one of my own comments. Lame.
This was one that I saw a bit ago. It had a screen shot that started off... "select (select"
When printed apparently was ~7 pages long.
user image
I got to edit a SQL Server SPROC that was over 20k LOC.
> Design patterns only work well when the problem domain is sufficiently suited to the features and drawbacks they impose on the design.
Ah, there seems to be a youngster amongst us who knows his trade. Here's an upvote @ShotgunNinja...
Though the daily WTF is really dense with no formatting, so he wins.
@psr you frigging wrote MUMPS, you win.
@YannisRizos whoa, hey.
Yeah, I'm only 21, but I've been nerding out about programming since I taught myself C about 7 years ago.
I'm almost done with a B.S.S.E. from Milwaukee School of Engineering, actually.
@ShotgunNinja What's a B.S.S.E?
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (I would suspect)
Bachelor Something Something Engineering?
@YannisRizos Bachelor's of Science in Software Engineering. pedantic But you could have just Googled that first, right?
@JimmyHoffa - PHP programmers need someone to look down on.
@YannisRizos I like yours more, I totally want a Something Engineering degree... "What are you?" "I'm a something engineer" "Oh yeah? What do you do?" "Engineer you know, stuff.."
Ah, I see. More used to seeing BSc for Bachelor of Science.
@JimmyHoffa They have a name for that: Industrial Engineering.
BA refers to "Bachelor of Arts" - in a US school, the difference between the two tends to be "BS takes more science classes outside the core area and BA takes more writing classes outside of the core area."
@MichaelT Yeah... My school doesn't do a whole lot for my program in conventional physical sciences, giving us just past classical quantum theory and relativity as graduation requirements. It does give us a lot of computer science and mathematics, though.
At UW Madison (and thus likely UW Milwaukee too) - BA requires only 3 credits of bio, 3 credits of physical science while BS requires 6 and 6. On the other hand, BA needs just basic math while BS needs more advanced math. BA requires 4th semester of a language or 3rd semester of one and 2nd semester of another... while BS requires 3rd semester of a language.
@MichaelT Oh, you're from Madtown?
Yeah, also, UW-Milwaukee is NOT Milwaukee School of Engineering.
@ShotgunNinja I'm up in Eau Claire now. Lived in Silicon Valley for 13 years between Madison and Eau Claire.
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