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12:34 AM
I am in the process of migrating the way an app makes persistence of its settings.
It wrote and read data from registry
now it is desired it load/save XML files on the C:\AppData\MyApp\Version folder
for several reasons
It had lots of folders on the registry
1st question: Whats is the best approach: A mega file having the whole configuration or several?
2nd question: The organization of the registry folders, values and keys is a huge mess and not matching the source structure. there is much inter-crossing between the registry folders organization and classes.
There are some values put to / got from registry SURGICALLY. I mean parts of code that only read/write only one entry. Given I am working with files, I do not know a better manner to do it besides load and and save the whole files?
3rd question: More documentation on the subject, please!
10 hours later…
10:52 AM
Also your question might be better received on the Software Engineering SEAaron 35 secs ago
5 hours later…
4:31 PM
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should be on Software Engineering instead. — EJoshuaS 29 secs ago

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