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10:00 PM
@MichaelT redmine! I was trying to remember what system did that, but wasn't 100% sure what it was :-)
980ti is 250
@enderland and github too.
also the 780ti is better than the original titan
Redmine can even allow for logging of time against issues.
10:00 PM
Or changing the status of the issue with the commit message.
@Ampt true. It's still bloody high. I mean, there's basically one card in each generation near 250. It's basically the top they're willing to hit it would seem.
Jan 18 at 19:27, by Jimmy Hoffa
> wa-sheeng!
@JimmyHoffa probably the upper limit for the dissipation of a 2x pci slot package
either way - it's not a problem if you've got liquid cooling :P
@Ampt how's that working out for ya champ?
@JimmyHoffa shaddup
great if nickel wasn't a little bitch of an element
10:03 PM
Look, it's Straustrepp
betcha that guy used is foot gun to shoot my nickel plated cards
what a jerk
(don't care how wrong I spell his name everytime, he should have had a better name and a better language)
10:22 PM
Picked up some St. Germain to just give it a try yesterday. It's got quite a good flavor. I can think of a number of things to mix it in right away. It would go great in a mule, anything with tea, or anything with apple.
I may cut a glass of calvados with a splash of it tonight just for a try.
oh it's Friday, sorry, I forgot I'm supposed to be talking only in cat memes
it's 4:25 on a friday
Pretty sure we just round up to 5:00
@JimmyHoffa I really like the flavor of it. But I find that it can easily be drowned out by other flavors, so I tend to use it judiciously
@Ampt Place I went to for lunch sold margaritas too. Took way too much willpower to not buy one.
@GlenH7 Employer^ Used to go to a really authentic mexican place every tuesday for lunch that looked like it made the worlds best margaritas
unfortunately there was 0 chance in hell I was going to test that theory
@GlenH7 yeah, I could see that. I would think a good use would be a shot in an Angry Orchard, because it's 20% to Angry Orchards 5%, I doubt the flavor would be lost, and would probably be very complimentary.
10:27 PM
@Ampt Yeah, that would have been a very fast roll-off
@GlenH7 Nah, this was Employer^ not Project^
very old school engineering
@JimmyHoffa I like it a lot in vodka martinis. It's a great drink to showcase the flavors
@Ampt - my mistake
But that's the type of mentality I'm working in currently
I do
10:28 PM
I feel horribly
you're still laughing about my computer problems aren't you
@Ampt There's still 2.5 hours in my day and I work 7 hours tomorrow (but soon I will have a different schedule where I work every other saturday! Although the saturday weeks will have a split friday/sunday weekend which will be weird)
@Ampt No. Laughing at that is too low. Even for me.
@Ampt he's just saddened that you proclaim to be an engineer and didn't just use a car battery, a pile of nickels and an nitric acid bath to re-plate your water blocks.
@JimmyHoffa - So this was several gigs ago, back when I was a consultant. We were on a difficult gig and the whole team had gone out for dinner. I was good-naturedly busting the chops of the uber-boss. All he could retort with was "Shut up Glen, and have another margarita." He ended up paying the entire tab that night.
10:33 PM
@GlenH7 I.... I don't believe you.
@JimmyHoffa The thought had crossed my mind, but I think the tolerances are far too tight for me to have done it properly
I'd end up with bolts that don't fit, and gaskets that don't seal.
homebrew replating doesn't sound like a wise idea IMO
hence why I didn't do it. I'm not even a real engineer anyway
I hear the nickel doesn't bond unless you show it your PE
I wouldn't know offhand, to be honest. To be comfortable with that level of tinkering, I would have wanted to take physical chemistry for a few semesters
Too much going on at once in a plating process
you know I'm sure I have some old copper blocks I could use to test this theory....
10:36 PM
I stopped after a semester or two of organic chemistry. That was involved enough for me
@JimmyHoffa I think it's how he pronounces shoot-step after C++ shot off the end of his tongue.
@Ampt - apropos of nothing, xbox one now supports playing 360 games
@GlenH7 all of them???
Maybe not all, but yeah almost all
damn.. that's awesome
and also never going to happen for the ps4
10:42 PM
I think there's a few games that had special add-on controllers or whatever that make things difficult
But I had been claiming my free 360 games with my Live account even when the One couldn't support them. All of them appear to have downloaded just fine, and I haven't had any real problems with playing
I think I've had some 360 games lock up so I've had to go back to the home screen, but I've seen that with One games too
has anyone told you recently that you suck? You know, just as a matter of principal?
Sorry. Was trying to share good news with you.
I'll just delete all of that and go sulk in a corner.
10:44 PM
oh quit with the pity party
you're t-15 minutes from the weekend
I'm just jealous that your shit all works
and I'm staring at a hulk of computer parts I can't use
yeah, I'd be pretty frustrated at that too
that's kind of how I feel about the MC server
not working the way you want?
It's running but I don't have a good feeling it's really as I want it to be
and it's a real PITA hunting down what the actual issue is once you get past a few plugins
10:46 PM
or is it the migrate from bukkit
or is it the plugins that just need to be updated
or ...
delete the world and start over!
And I dislike that users have to log in before I can add them to a group
@Ampt That was part of the problem, to be honest
10:47 PM
multiverse works for the most part with spigot
"for the most part"
That's how we did it on my old server - we had "Seasons" and every season was a new world with updated mods
youngest would be very unhappy with that.
seasons were ~12 months or until the server admins (My friend and I) were feeling extra enthused
well you gotta keep the old worlds and all that
but it does re-invigorate the user base
I mean it's been a while since I played, but when we were doing it, the end game was pretty meh
10:48 PM
Yeah, I'd agree with that
it was a ton of fun to set up a new base, look for your first few diamonds, but once you had over a stack of diamonds and some good enchanments... it kinda got slow
multiverse makes it a bit weird since it breaks the one world, one nether, one end paradigm
so we would spin up a new world, with a fresh set of mods so we don't have compatibility problems
Yeah, one of our setups had that
it worked OKish
I was never really pleased with it, but we had one survival, one creative, on nether and one end
Due to the age spread, they aren't quite aware of the impact behind balancing out game mechanics
And they insisted on being able to set their mode for any of the worlds. So I kinda shrugged my shoulders at that battle
10:51 PM
we didn't really touch that stuff to be honest - the mods we had were more utility than gameplay altering
yeah, our players were definitely older - mostly college age
so it was about challenge and pride in what we were making
so our gameplay was very, very vanilla
There are some really neat new blocks and materials now
had some teleport stuff to get around because the worlds would get huge as players looked for areas to call their own home
and a map util
and a backup
we had worldedit to fix stuff as mods, but only used it to create event related stuff
it was a lot of fun when we had time for it lol
yeah I saw that
I've done some tekkit/FTB on and off
not done anything with programmable blocks
That's kind of where I want to play next
As there is some fun stuff you can do with building arenas and what not that way
We had a ton of fun setting up events like that. Clear this massive dungeon we set up, or see how long you can last on this island with the other players, or last man standing on a small 20x20 chunk of map
10:56 PM
exactly, yes
the problem with FTB/Tekkit is that it gets very unstable, very quickly unless you are willing to get rid of mods when they get unruly
spelunking through the code
what is totally fine for the first few levels of gameplay fails to scale and can kill the entire server performance
Given my core user base, they're not too keen on seeing mods get dropped
yeah, it's really frustrating to invest dozens of hours into a mod pack only to find out the final piece you've been working for is absolutely DOA
10:58 PM
the youtubers I watch seem to think that it can scale if you make an effort to keep all your builds spaced out, but yeah, stability is the big problem
also some mod packs are hella overpowered and need to be turned off, or they're the only ones people will use
@Ixrec yeah, if you only load certain sections at once, it works great :D
which may be a deal breaker if you want to do the kind of crazy automation that's broken by unloaded chunks
yeah - building giant bases full of automation and machinery is out unless you're solo and have a really, really good server
or you can just rely on some form of item teleportation
11:00 PM
You can run a decent server off of that?
IDK I looked at hosting a server on amazon back in the day and it was $$$/mo for what my computer could do for free
gah now you're giving me the itch to log on to the old server
Remember how I asked whether anyone had told you that you suck recently? Well,
You suck.
This is my jealous face
and with that, I'm out for the weekend
later fellas!
(And ladies)
xkcd is another nifty infographic today
11:15 PM
Snow (16–25 in.) throughout the day and breezy starting tonight.
Happy snow day East Coast!
I have family in the path of that storm. It is not bad yet but they are thrilled about the possibility of several feet of snow.
I'm still disappointed there hasn't been any snow this year (East of England)
Oh boy.
we've had a few days where the train station has mush on the platform that probably used to be snow, but no proper snow
11:25 PM
@Ixrec slush is fun to drive through. Just as slippery, and it eventually freezes to your car.
yet another reason I like not having a car
I actually had some of that crap freeze to the back of my car. When I gently smacked it to get it off, it took part of one of the letters of my car's model name with it.
@Ixrec Must be nice. Try not owning a car in the U.S. outside of downtown NYC or Chicago.
yeah, until I moved here cars were quite mandatory
@Ixrec from what I have heard, Europeans have it nice. Countries are smaller, cities are closer together, and most of y'all don't need cars.
11:28 PM
I can understand why Brits are weirded out by the American habit of taking the car even for the shortest of trips...and that Americans do that because the shortest trip you ever do regularly would still be at least a 20 minute walk
@Snowman roughly yeah, my commute is entirely by train
the flip side is that American roads are orders of magnitude better than the ones here
Public transportation in the U.S. is terrible (in most cities), and urban sprawl has not been kind to our cities. Combined with the fact that most urban centers are hotbeds of crime, and you get a situation where the only places where it is convenient to walk or take the bus are the same places where you are likely to be assaulted and robbed.
one thing that took a long time to get used to is that everyone in the UK will habitually park with their car halfway on top of the sidewalk, because if people didn't do that there would literally not be any space left for other cars to drive past them
@Ixrec I have actually walked home from the nearest bar (pub). Took 45 minutes, would have been half that sober
and plenty of two-way roads that are only wide enough for one, so when that one guy goes the other way there's some confusion over who has to pull onto the curb and wait for everyone else to pass
in the US you just obey the traffic lights and signs and it just works...except for the challenge of finding a parking space at your destination
US highways also tend to be a lot straighter, so long distance car travel is a lot faster (I'm told Americans visiting Britain often drastically underestimate how long it'll take to drive places on their curvy roads)
@Ixrec main roads are normally well-demarcated, but side streets (with houses) often have zero markings. They will be wide enough for precisely three cars, and allow street-side parking. So some idiot will park three feet from the curb, and two cars might not be able to squeeze past at the same time.
11:36 PM
The suburb where I grew up has super-wide streets so this is not a problem, but my current locale a few miles away can be challenging
over here, "wide enough for three cars" !== "side street"
it's just different
but yes there will always be stupid people ruining it
I also question who built these houses and garages. My house was built back when land yachts were popular: cars were long and wide. But my mid-size sedan has a tough time backing into the garage without hitting anything.
@Ixrec I have seen pictures of streets in the old* parts of Rome. A single car has a hard time getting through them, and I hear bigger vehicles are forbidden. *old = Roman Empire old
that's another random perk of being here: you can visit ancient Roman ruins as a day trip

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