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Current Humble Bundle is various Sid Meiers' games.
@jozefg side bit - perl '0' == '' is true as is '' == '0'
Thats because '' as an integer is 0, and you are using an integer comparison there. '0' eq ''is false because they are different strings.
@jozefg also, as to why things in php are the way they are - chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/13585310#13585310
anyone using wordpress in here?
@MattD I've used it for the Programmers Blog
we've also got a whole site dedicated to its use
ah ok. because im about to punch it
@MattD That's normal.
i had an upgrade forced on me (yay) and now, ?page=1 requests get transformed into /1/ ...
how the hell do i stop that from happening
@WorldEngineer yeah. i try and avoid wordpress as much as possible
@WorldEngineer soon. i wont ever have to use it ever again
@MattD yep, then you'll get to use the DOM instead :)
well no, i'll be back working in games
@MattD Ah, I misunderstood your announcement then
so you'll be doing actual game interface work
ill be leading the team doing the dev on the ui
so more management, some coding
@MattD ah
Well my friends will be grateful, they love them some Halo. I've never been in a position to really run the games outside the first.
itll be fun getting back in the saddle
just need to get through my notice here
11 hours later…
alright, my own vote on it has expired, but why no one else votes / flags to close? Am I the only one thinking it's not okay?
Q: What's the opposite of parallel/concurrent execution?

Joan VengeIn my program, I give the ability to execute certain code either as parallel or non-parallel. I don't know what to call the non-parallel option though. Is Linear a good term? What would be the best word for this?

just look at the answers, a bunch of zero value one-liners, could these be "triggered" by good question?
I don't see anything wrong with it. Mainly because I don't see it at all.
@MetaFight It had answers like "Perhaps "serial" or "sequential"." and ""Sequentially" is IMHO the term you are looking for."
There were more bytes in the comments asking for a better answer than in the answers themselves.
@gnat And my vote had expired on it too.
@MichaelT worth noting that these "bits of wisdom" were perfectly legitimate answers to (equally crappy) question that plainly begged for opinions "Is Linear a good term? What would be the best word for this?"
as Yannis once said...
May 3 '13 at 20:00, by Yannis Rizos
If 9/10 answers are crap, it makes more sense to just get rid of it than commenting on every crap answer...
Q: How to convince my company (operating in the financial sector) to switch from PHP to Java

danMy company is in the financial sector and it is using PHP as programming language. I am a PHP developer myself. I am leading a big project started from almost scratch. I can see how PHP is not the best candidate for building robust platforms. I want to convince my company to switch to Java (whi...

^-- just make them look at the greek economy
Marketing guy jokingly tried to pronounce 'php' - "ffff-puh"
"Its like 'pho', with no 'o' but rather a 'p'... right?"
A: How to comment on a PEP?

Martijn PietersPython PEPs are discussed on the Python-Dev mailinglist, which anyone is free to join. There is a Gmane gateway for web reading too. I do advice you to study the Python developer's guide before wading into any discussions, though. The contained FAQ has some entries on communication that cover n...

I am struggling so hard not to comment on that about how the 90's were a cool decade, but 2 decades later is a cool decade too which pythonista's might have a look at for communication and discussion approaches...
A: Why do some big projects, like Git and Debian, only use a mailing list and not an issue tracker?

gnatThe preference you observe looks like a natural consequence of recommendation clearly stated in GNU Coding Standards. It suggests to report bugs by email, as you can see in below quote (I marked bold the part that directly addresses your observations): 4.7.2 --help The standard --help op...

Anyone with 10k on SO - could you poke at:
Q: Why is "except: pass" a bad programming practice?

VaderI often see comments on other SO questions about how the use of except: pass is discouraged. Why is this bad? Sometimes I just don't care what the error are and I want to just continue with the code. try: something except: pass Why is using a except: pass block bad? What makes it bad, ...

And tell me how many deleted answers are in that question?
What's with all the linked things?
Requests to close?
Hey, can I change the subject for a moment?
Is this useful, or just another example of rampant Architecture Austronauty at work?
Where would you use it?
@MichaelT Looks OK to me, though it borderlines on discussion.
@RobertHarvey Its a hot question that's been sticking to the list recently...
@RobertHarvey I think the goal is "everywhere" though I think it is also subject to thecodelesscode.com/case/109
@MichaelT That sounds like "second system effect."
@RobertHarvey I was just curious if it is suffering from the same things that other sites have (lots of meh answers) but with SO's more active 20k+ people, the poor answers have been deleted... or if its showing everything that has been answered.
@RobertHarvey Yep. "I built a factory twice, now I'll build one that does everything so I won't have to build it again."
@MichaelT It's got two deleted answers.
@MichaelT Got it.
The thing is, they don't realize that they will have factories that don't fit that model... and will have to build another one... or extend that one to handle the new factory type. And eventually will have a frankensiten class.
(btw, #108 thecodelesscode.com/case/108 plays very nicely into #109)
Did you memorize all these? :)
@RobertHarvey Not all, though there are certain pairings that become useful. There are characters who have a theme - following one character follows the theme. thecodelesscode.com/names/Djishin
A: What is the shortcoming of custom factory comparing to generic factory

Robert HarveyGeneric versions of algorithms generally provide type safety. Your version accepts a string to specify the type. That string could be anything, and the compiler cannot check it for you to see if it is correct. If you specify a type in your version that you haven't registered, you won't know th...

Referenced the koans in this answer.
Factories always seem to be such an overblown concept. Am I wrong in thinking of factories as simply a static Create() method? Or DI as handing dependencies to a constructor class?
@RobertHarvey I've found that properly done, factories can be good... but then again I'm dealing right now with a factory for 40 someodd classes. Passing a json and build the right one.
How does it pick the correct type?
The json object has a field: 'key'. This key is the value in an annotation. The factory finds the class with the matching annotation, instantiates it and passes the json object to its constructor which then deseralizes it.
So basically a big case statement.
(the class is in a common jar file that is used in two different web applications that speak to each other through json objects that searlize and desearlize from the shared jar)
@RobertHarvey Yep, but the code is not a switch at all.
It loops through some data structure where you've registered the types.
Or finds them with Teh Reflexions.
Yes - but it doesn't need to be updated when a new type is added, deleted, or changes.
Teh Reflexions. Annotations make that process a bit safer.
The program I'm working on has an interface that three different types implement. The factory method is in a static class... it just picks one type based on the value of a stringly-typed parameter.
@MichaelT So basically it will tell you all of the types that fulfill a particular interface?
 Reflections reflections = new Reflections("my.project.prefix");
 Set<Class<?>> annotated =
Very cool
And annotations themselves contain data about the class.
In C#, it would be
var type = typeof(IMyInterface);
var types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
    .SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes())
    .Where(p => type.IsAssignableFrom(p));
 Set<Class<? extends SomeType>> subTypes =
That's the matching one for that block.
But consider (this is what I worked on with Ampt) that you have a class that can handle files ending in ".txt" or ".text". And now you have that information in the annotation so you can find that class easily with the annotation.
Interesting. So you map the stringly data types to the names of your annotations?
Values in the annotation itself.
Ah, right.
In this case I've got: @Key("reportFoo")
and now when I want to find that one - "reportFoo".equals(c.getAnnotation(Key.class).value())
Though realize that's a contrived version - its not a string constant that's there.
And while the essence of an annotation based factory is useful to understand, I would hate to try to make a factory that would work equally well for my reports and Ampts web pages.
But the factory doesn't seem all that complicated anyway.
Not when it is explained like this. :)
Its not. Its just someone being astronaughty of "oh, this could be abstracted away to a abstract abstract factory..." which... well... becomes a frankenstien when faced with actual problems.
So how do you differentiate the practical factory from the one that lacks oxygen?
The factory class for those 40 reports... its got 3 different forms of the factory (for different annotations) and is < 50 lines long including imports.
And... looking at it... I could abstract those 3 into one method that is passed a class object itself... ohh... tempting.
@RobertHarvey It does what its supposed to and nothing more.
I'm going to bookmark this convo. What title should I give it?
Abstract Astronaut Factories?
High of 5 today. Woo. But we're not there yet...still like -2 outside....
@JimmyHoffa 5 above today, getting up to 12 above for a high...
@MichaelT You damned wisconsonites with your summer-like season year round...
@JimmyHoffa you're just too high up there to notice normal levels of temperature and pressure.
@MichaelT I couldn't hear you over the searing pain in my hands left over from shoveling the walk last night. After nearly 2 decades of living in rentals, this whole shoveling shit is a total crock
@JimmyHoffa Yep. That's why I bought a nice two stage snow blower before my second winter.
(I had a one stage snow blower the first year... but with the size of the intake for that, it really wasn't able to handle the snow we get)
You want something like:
@MichaelT Iduno... I'll have to rent one sometime to see how it works before bothering at that.
Though that one's a bit more... not too necessary for city (the lights) but for country, having lights when you clear your driveway in the dark is very nice.
don't single stag snow blowers start at like $150-200? I just spent $20 on a larger snow shovel yesterday. also salt.
The key there is the two stages - you can see the first stage in the 'grind' part.
I shovel lazily, and salt like I'm trying to scorch the earth because... I'm lazy.
The second stage is behind it and thats what throws it up and out.
In a one stage snow blower, the 'grind' action also tries to do the 'throw' which doesn't always have enough power for heavier snow.
@MichaelT see and for our snow it's unlikely to need but a single stage if the first is for grinding -> our snow is very light and powdery, can hardly make snow balls with it unless you let it melt and refreeze for a couple days.
Try 6" of wet and heavy snow sometimes...
@MichaelT Wrong state, we don't have that
I've also had times where that front part is barely clearing the snow that comes down.
we get the same amount of water accumulation but it's not so dense and takes a foot
It's snowing again here :(
@AshleyNunn Canada's a large ice berg, what do you expect. Some day this global warming is going to melt your attachment and y'all will just float away from north america... better start learning russian now.
The other bit is the two stage ones are typically self propelled... which is really nice.
@JimmyHoffa The only Russian I know relates to weather and furniture :P
Q: Site design for Workplace.se

Stéphane MartinI’m Stéphane, the new designer at Stack Exchange. I'll be working on designing the community sites' branding as they graduate from the beta phase. Each site will have its own unique theme that will reflect its topic. However, all sites will share quite a bit of common elements so they feel like ...

@AshleyNunn That's all you need.
@gnat Oh, that design is nice!
@MichaelT answers score in descending order 175, 40, 36, 14, 10, 7... - now the most interesting question would be, how many answers there are popular?
@AshleyNunn Repeat after me: Dobre Dien! Pivo podjalsta!
in The Water Cooler, 22 mins ago, by Jin
@Chad I didn't do anything :) it's all Stéphane, our new designer. this is his first SE site design, I think he did a wonderful job.
greetings StackOverflowians
@psr "Slovenian - detected". :) @AshleyNunn now that you're a mod, it would be safer to go to Teachers Lounge and ask Anna Lear to teach you Russian
@Mike We're Stack Exchangers if a name must be... but this certainly isn't Stack Overflow.
@gnat The 'now that you're a mod' bit - weren't the beta site mods allowed in TL?
Ashley Nunn ♦, Waterloo, Canada
2.4k 1 10 32
@gnat @psr it only detected slovenian because slovene (and slovak as well) has russian words without the cyrillic alphabet. I don't have a cyrillic keyboard so I was emulating the sounds. dien = day, podjalsta = please
Btw, @AshleyNunn if you glance at:
Q: 2014 Community Moderator Election Results

Grace NoteArqade's 4th moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 3 new moderators are: Congratulations, you three! They'll be joining our existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ro...

though it's probably better said in english as pozhalsta not podjalsta.. it's tricky thinking out how to map some cyrillic letters to english
You'll note that the people who voted you first choice were the ones that set you over Strix. If they had voted you second or third choice, Strix would have won.
(kind of neat to see how that all works out)
Is there an active F# chat?
@MichaelT I don't know, maybe Lounge has a separate "kitchen" for poor beta mods, where they can learn to play with their toy sites, aside from big boys :)
@Mike Language specific chats would be off StackOverflow's chat world... though I can't say for sure if the F# one would be active for not.
Yea, I figured
There are a few here who are C# coders who dabble in functional world...
It's hard to find F# comparisons
Myself, I'm a java coder and tend to stick to the jvm languages (and perl)...
I'm interested in finding someone who has experience with C# and F#
So if you were asking about scala or clojure.
and to have them give me a breakdown of the pros vs. cons of each
obviously, C# has a much larger library base
@JimmyHoffa is likely the one most familiar with F#, though he's more a haskeller than F#.
but I have to figure, since Microsoft has been putting time and energy into this thing, it must be an improvement (or an attempt at one)
The question is how much time and money into F#. From what I understand it was more a "here it is" than a "this is a useful platform for people to develop for"
Yea, which is why I'm curious to ask someone who has used it
I get the same feeling from reading up about it, but I can never find proof that the person writing about it has actually even used it
It's been received very critically, and I'm interested to know exactly what it is that makes it less accepted
@Mike Well .NET was originally designed to support some kind of functional language so it's 10 years in the making basically. I don't expect it to go away soon
JimmyHoffa spent a few days writing a parser with F#, and uses C# on his day job, so he would have some perspective.
@jozefg I know you're more a types guy than an automata guy... but did you see the bit about the Levenstine automata that I stumbled across recently?
In computer science, a Levenshtein automaton for a string w and a number n is a finite state automaton that can recognize the set of all strings whose Levenshtein distance from w is at most n. That is, a string x is in the formal language recognized by the Levenshtein automaton if and only if x can be transformed into w by at most n single-character insertions, deletions, and substitutions. Applications Levenshtein automata may be used for spelling correction, by finding words in a given dictionary that are close to a misspelled word. In this application, once a word is identified as being...
Oh wow that's sweet :D
It is quite neat. Looks to be a rather newish thing (papers from 2002 and 2005).
I tried writing some spelling correction back in '93 or so...
I now have to take out my algorithms book because I realize I've forgotten how to implement edit-distance algorithms :O
Granted, even king edit distance would have made my code better... though I was trying for a "common mistake" aspect in english words.
And then the automata for food:
It's so pretty looking :)
Accepts all words that are less than 3 edits away from 'food'
Blog post about that one: blog.notdot.net/2010/07/…
(gist for the thing in python:
(and yea, gists not oneboxing either)
This all harkens back to my perl days of "lots of string processing"
Here's the memoized version in haskell, which is actually really pretty lpaste.net/99524
I've even hunted up a version in PL/SQL so that it could be a function and use that as part of an SQL query.
Though it looks like its now part of the core oracle functions.
Huh.. I could actually see that being super useful
Oh sweet lord.. yeah that's why I don't use PL/SQL as a shell scripting language :P
Well, its not... its a very cumbersome language... but then IIRC all database extension languages are.
Prolog would make a nice database extension language I feel like.. Well prolog plus a more transparent cost model
Would prolog handle the cursers inherent in databases well?
(braces for torrent of made-up words)
<insert PLT jargon> Yes.
PL/SQL is very pascal influenced... possibly to try to make the Delphi programmers feel a bit more at home.
Is it just me or the section on static typing very off here programmers.stackexchange.com/a/227823/45759
@jozefg I'll defer to your knowledge of types on that one.
Still like perl's handling of scalars... bit more complex than php.
@jozefg All sections seem slightly off. I learned many new words: “pre-execute evaluation”, “type juggling”, and great new findings like “C … is an example of strong static typing” (C has the weakest type system I know), and that Python uses static typing (it does not).
@amon Yeah, I like the phrase type juggling. It sounds like something that Haskell programmers do for some reason
(phrase type) juggling? or phrase (type juggling)?
Though I tend to still think haskellers are all about the juggling = new phrase(random(seed)) or however its done there.
"type juggling", as in "Oh don't go near him, he's type juggling, if he loses focus the length of the error message from the type checker could chatter the fabric of reality"
> A Block Transfer Computation was a mathematical process used to create objects and affect spacetime in other ways by the power of mathematic formulae themselves.
@Mike F# is an improvement over C#, however it has one huge flaw that makes working with it painful, though some tools do exist to lessen the pain of that flaw. The flaw is the in-order type checker which both disallows recursive type definitions (very painful for FP but not super relevant to OO) and requires you to order the files in your project file to be in dependent ordering
@jozefg some fun from perl about implicit types - the types are implied by the operator.

$f = "10x";
$b = "10y";

print "+: ",$f + $b,"\n";
print ".: ",$f . $b,"\n";
print "==:",$f == $b,"\n";
print "eq:",$f eq $b,"\n";
~/foo$ perl foo.pl
+: 20
.: 10x10y
There's actualy a data structure (correct me if I'm wrong here @amon ) behind the scalar in perl that has a string, integer, and float that is used depending on the context.
In perl, == only compares the numeric values. Ever.
@Mike F# has some really cool stuff in the computation expression space that really makes it wreak of research fun project for someone at MS rather than a real large-usage enterprise focused language because it's cool research stuff that it has but it's fundamentals like interoperability and such are pretty terrible
and the fact that they've had multiple iterations over the language (it's V4.0 now I think?) without resolving those basic not extremely difficult problems or really giving it good tooling that makes dealing with those flaws easier tells me again it was somebody's fun project and MS has no care at this point
@JimmyHoffa care to take a stab at this?
Q: Meaningful names in weakly typed language like JS

nexus_2006I've been learning java for about a year, but recently entered the world of javascript. I'm having trouble coming up with meaningful names in function parameters, so that I'll be able to tell and remember what is being passed in and act on it correctly. For example: In java, I could define voi...

@jozefg To be fair, you realize who's left on the .NET team at MS now? All the FP folk are gone. We're not really going to see anything more interesting in the FP space from them or much more movement toward that.
@WorldEngineer Not really. He wouldn't be happy with my answer which @MichaelT may be able to back me up on here: In a duck typed language you name variables based on semantic meaning, just because it's duck typed doesn't mean you should attach a type specifier to it. I go back again to what I've said many times, JS should be treated as an untyped language.
@JimmyHoffa That's what I was thinking.
and I don't feel like committing to the arguments that would ensue besides the answer would just be negatively voted
ah screw it. You tricked me, I answered. Now I'll copy paste it and deal with the downvotes.
A: Meaningful names in weakly typed language like JS

Jimmy HoffaIn a duck typed language you name variables based on semantic meaning, just because it's duck typed doesn't mean you should attach a type specifier to it. That said, JavaScript isn't really even a duck typed language, people may say otherwise on this but I prefer to call it an untyped language b...

@JimmyHoffa 2 upvotes closer to 10k
And then you can join the great delete votes
Fenwick, I await your comments of displeasure. — Jimmy Hoffa 8 secs ago
Matt Fenwick is a very smart guy and works with javascript clearly more than I do, and everytime I say anything about JavaScript he shows up to tell me why I'm just wrong... He knows the idioms and such and how to do things correctly so there's nothing I can really argue with him. Perhaps if I wrote as much JavaScript as he did I would have a different opinion of the language.
@JimmyHoffa I think it's more a question of Javascript is malleable that it can be pretty much whatever you want it to be.
@WorldEngineer There is a commonality among the broad group of folks who write it as their main language, just like this is so in most languages where those like me who just work around the fringes of it don't usually know the really industry-accepted and wringed out patterns and idioms
I want javascript to be a space heater...
while(1) { animate huge thing; }
// rest feet over cpu.
@MichaelT GPUs generate more heat than CPUs, you want a browser with WebCL
@MichaelT CUDA with Quad SLI would be the best heater
@JimmyHoffa If I wanted to burn the place down, I'd fire up flash in an old browser...
@MichaelT Google Hangouts in multiple tabs in Chrome
Previous employer... used to have the DBAs in the basement. It was cold down there in the winter. But the place was on a UPS and didn't want developers to be plugging in space heaters when things whet down.
One of the DBAs got an old store server. (about 3' x 3' x 4' in size) that was being phased out. It ran a bit 'warm'. They used it for testing. About once a month they verified that the code still ran on it. Even after the last one was phased out... but they tested with it. Test boxes were ok to plug in.
When they wanted to turn up the heat, they'd run some heavy computation tasks on it.
@MichaelT NP Hot?
@MichaelT I remember hearing something about spell checker making up like half of the installer disks for the old MS word boxes of 12 or 15 disks you'd install, apparently a very very hard problem (for the era)
Remember I was was young then... and well... you really didn't see too much code that other people wrote back then.
The thing was I stuck them in an array, mapped the order of onto the other, and then looked at the order of the numbers.
So if you saw [1, 2, ...] in an array, that would be considered a perfect match and get that score.
Seeing [1, 3, ...] represented a deletion of the second element (fubar -> fbar) and was scored accordingly.
@MichaelT gotta say, something neat about finding your own content in the web archive
Yep... code from LONG ago. It was on the web before '99...
just thats when I fixed it so that it indexed properly.
n. 1. The art of debugging a blank sheet of paper (or, in these days of on-line editing, the art of debugging an empty file). 2. A pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward. 3. The most fun you can have with your clothes on (although clothes are not mandatory).
Ohh! It did index my cgi! Welcome to the days before robots.txt
Btw, that % at the bottom is the other words in the index and how closely they matched.
@MichaelT Yeah I noticed. Neat.
Heh Machine searcher -> I know you had fun screwing with people with that.
...when you weren't busy overflowing the entire labs proc tables.
Notice the later ones were nicer to the process tables.
Wait, they weren't...
> overflows proc table at times.
It was your machine that it abused... the others weren't quite bad.
finger @machine would return back the list of people on that machine.
So no processes there... but it was a shell script that backgrounded a bunch of other shells cripts.
Btw, the code was compiled against an ultrix machine... the '99 version was hitting a hpux machine. If you go to the older version of the capture from '97... web.archive.org/web/19971111140153/http://www.upl.cs.wisc.edu/…
A: Why is an anemic domain model considered bad in C#/OOP, but very important in F#/FP?

Jimmy HoffaThe main reason FP aims for this and C# OOP does not is that in FP the focus is on referential transparency; that is, data goes into a function and data comes out, but the original data is not changed. In C# OOP there's a concept of delegation of responsibility where you delegate an object's man...

^-- out of the blue rep - ??
@JimmyHoffa I've had that happen
@WorldEngineer One bump is one thing, but I got a few today - makes me wonder if it got linked by another Q or something
Hilarious CSS fail:
@JimmyHoffa Thats... um... rather large.
@JimmyHoffa F# question from Mike -> people looking at linked questions, found your answers, found typos, edit, bump, +rep.
Another version of the chain...
Q: Design in "mixed" languages: object oriented design or functional programming?

Lorenzo DemattéIn the past few years, the languages I like to use are becoming more and more "functional". I now use languages that are a sort of "hybrid": C#, F#, Scala. I like to design my application using classes that correspond to the domain objects, and use functional features where this makes coding easi...

Was bumped today (to start it off). The tags between your answer answer and this question are very similar.
@RobertHarvey given your profile... have you seen this code golf?
Q: Shortest method to implement the Pythagorean Theorem

Vik PWho doesn't love the pythagorean theorem a²+b²=c² ? Write the shortest method you can in any language that takes in value a and b and prints out "The hypotenuse of this right triangle is " + c . Keep c to only three decimal places.

@MichaelT Nobody tried to compress the bits of "The hypotenuse of this right triangle is ". Don't any of these languages have a standard library with a (short-named) method to, say, read Unicode bits as ASCII bits? You could save 21 characters minus what the call to do it takes.
@psr The question is, does it take more bytes to decompress it than the string itself?
Also, they go by bytes, not characters... so full unicode doesn't save anything.
(the only language that gets away with it is apl, because it is a byte in apl)
@psr Btw... 'fun' esolang if you like playing in unicode: esolangs.org/wiki/Sclipting
In Sclipting, Hello world:
Heh... neat trick, struck through '^' is ^
@MichaelT Someone asked bytes or characters and was told characters (for this particular question).
Well, in apl they're the same. If you unicode it, its characters because the apl space aren't single byte characters.
(or I might be answering a different question)
> *: APL can be written in its own (legacy) single-byte charset that maps APL symbols to the upper 128 byte values. Therefore, for the purpose of scoring, a program of N chars that only uses ASCII characters and APL symbols can be considered to be N bytes long.
Most of this answer seems kind of rant-y (and doesn't really explain good naming conventions/how to keep straight what your variables are), so I'm not sure whether or not I agree with it, nor whether it actually answers the question. — Izkata 1 hour ago
true enough
@MichaelT how do you view the history timeline for a Q again?
s/questions/posts/ && s/${title}/timeline/
http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/227853/meaningful-names-in-weakl‌​y-typed-language-like-js becomes http://programmers.stackexchange.com/posts/227853/timeline
@MichaelT "Tweeted" shows up in the revision history for this question but not on the timeline
was just confused what the hell it was talking about
thought the timeline would give more details of ?? but nope
Gives the day that votes were cast and the order of revisions and such.
^-- "Tweeted" shows up in revision history. Weird.
Meaningful names in weakly typed language like JS http://programmers.stackexchange.com/q/227853?atw=1 #naming
but check the timeline for that Q and you don't see "Tweeted" in the revisions list for it
It's just really weird that it shows up in revision history??
Q: Is there a way to check if a post has been sent to twitter?

TshepangOne way to check if a question has been tweeted is via the edit history (example), so I'm curious if there's another way. For example, what about a question that hasn't been edited?

Though could craft a new one to ask that tweeting be added to the timeline or accessible from the revision history somehow even if the question wasn't edited (thus no revision history)
> From a practical standpoint though, bottles can cause broken glass, kegs weigh close to 50 lbs. full, and cans allow for shotgunning. Make sure your container of choice fits your environment :)
Q: Do cans change the taste of beer?

crownjewel82My favorite beers come in bottles and in cans. I always buy it in bottles because I've heard that cans negatively impact the flavor of the beer. Is this true? If so, how does it work?

Does that mean "shotguning the can" or "shooting the can with a shotgun"?
@MichaelT I'm pretty sure he meant "cannons"

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