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@GlenH7 is homebrew on topic?
@Ampt I don't think so since they have a separate site dedicated to homebrew
@Ampt what nature of it?
@MichaelT making it I would suppose
It seems weird to have a site for making and a site for drinking
@Ampt That's what the HB.SE site is for.
Q: My "Cider" has the consistency of puree - what to do?

mart3 weeks ago, I set up a batch of apple to make hard cider. I chopped the apples in a kitchen machine and added yeast. The yeast I put into a smaller batch of the mashed apples before, after ading some sugar there was vissible fermentation (bubbles). For most of the three weeks, I guess the fermen...

Q: How do I carbonate without yeast or a keg?

WulfhartI am brewing a batch of Hard Lemonade. The gravity started at 1.090 in mid September 2011. I pitched Lalvin EC-1118 as the yeast. It is now down to 1.029 and tastes good and is sweet. If I bottle and carbonate the traditional way, I will have bottle bombs. I don't own a keg or have the money to b...

So, that's the homebrew site.
@Ampt ale vs lager?
@GlenH7 Its what kind of yeast you ferment with
top fermenting vs bottom
also, the top fermenting typically need different temperatures
sure, but I would argue that's in the "general knowledge" realm. So there will be some overlap with homebrew
I fear no one will get that reference. N'ermind
I wonder if they'll be able to get a beta-beta migration between the two sites sooner than later.
all of those questions have to do with the creating of beer, not the consumption
@GlenH7 You mean one of the worst songs of 2013, according to Todd in the Shadows?
@ThomasOwens Wasn't making any commentary regarding quality. Just making a horrible pop culture reference.
@GlenH7 Well, yeah. Todd is losing credibility with his commentary on quality after calling Roar the worst song of 2013 and giving Stay the Night an honorable mention. But I get the reference.
Roar seems to be a love it or hate it type song
I don't think you can separate the brewing from the drinking
Trying to find the MSO caching image meme... found this:
@ThomasOwens now I must go watch because someone is wrong on the internet
@Ampt I don't brew, but I drink.
Just like I don't distill, but I drink.
Although home distilling may be illegal?
It is in wisconsin
but how can you say what the difference between a porter and a stout is?
@ThomasOwens how does one define distill?
@ThomasOwens depends upon what state you're in
@MichaelT I don't know. I mean making your own vodka and whiskey.
@MichaelT usually concentrating an alcoholic liquid to increase its proof
Ice wine is naturally distilled... cold filtered beer is a distilling process too.
most often through evaporation
@GlenH7 It's about 30 minutes long. Most of his picks for worst songs are spot on. I may be biased against some of his picks, since I'm a huge dance pop and EDM fan, though, and he really isn't a fan of those genres.
@ThomasOwens I'll try not to hate him then. :-) My tastes align with yours, so I suspect I'll be equally nonplussed at his review.
I wonder how much the videos affect his decisions
@GlenH7 When he's reviewing individual songs, he does comment on the videos.
I think for the worst songs of the year, he focuses on the songs themselves.
The lesson I'm picking up from Todd's review is that I need to be watching more videos...
@GlenH7 Some videos are downright weird. I love Like Satellites, but the video...
He's trashing Lil Wayne at the moment
@ThomasOwens The video for timber almost gave me a seizure
they change the video with every beat of the song (130 BPM) and it's just terrible
@GlenH7 here's something that may be up your alley that's fun. Never saw the music video before, it adds to the strangeness for sure...
@JimmyHoffa What song is it?
No YT at work. :(
@ThomasOwens RJD2 - The Horror
Also, any music video from the 80s is usually gold.
@JimmyHoffa I'll have a look in a bit - he just hit #3 in his commentary
@GlenH7 "He" ?
@JimmyHoffa Todd in the shadows - worst of 2013
@JimmyHoffa He's watching the Todd in the Shadows worst of 2013.
"When the EDM well runs dry, you'll just move on to ruin some other genre"
@ThomasOwens - what's his beef with will.i.am?
@GlenH7 My friends don't get how big EDM is. They think of hardcore, drum and bass, and dubstep with the heavy wub wubs, ignoring trance, house, and electronica like Blackmill and Glitch Mob.
@GlenH7 It started with the Britney song, I think.
@ThomasOwens fair enough. I saw that as will rebooting himself back onto the scene.
And dubstep is an incredibly young niche within the EDM scene
@GlenH7 Wow, I can't listen to that. Terrible, terrible music. No thanks.
But too many people associate EDM with the heavy wub wubs. It's disappointing. I usually work to a trance or ambient pandora station. Really helps pass the day.
@JimmyHoffa What did you expect from the worst of 2013? Good music?
@ThomasOwens Something I could listen to, that I cannot.
@JimmyHoffa I enjoy his supposed "worst song of 2013", and totally love one of his honorable mentions.
@ThomasOwens some of his commentary just seems more angry than witty or even cynical.
@GlenH7 That also doesn't help, smells like a "Hey guys I'm going to shout slander and people will like it, because everybody enjoys angry holier-than-thouness" but still, the music playing throughout just makes it unlistenable
@JimmyHoffa Remember, it's only slander if it's not true!
@Ampt ... said every US political ad from 1990 forward.
@JimmyHoffa I'm watching another video just for a second sampling. And ... it's definitely more angry than funny at the moment
@jozefg no, technically slander has to be false to be slander
@Ampt No, I think you're confusing slander and libel, I don't think slander is necessarily untrue
Slander is the verbal form of libel
both are torts
"Slander n. - the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation."
"Libel - a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation."
Slander is a punishable civil offence in the form of a tort
How about that
TIL Slander is lying
and is also illegal
I knew that part, but there's a ton of "is illegal" things which never get prosecuted
cough I think I just choked on some slander.
for slander to be punishable, there must be harm
it gets tricky with that because you have to be able to prove it
@GlenH7 for any civil offence to be punishable there has to be harm.
@GlenH7 it's less about what must be there, surely there is harm in many cases of things people with large public audiences do, it's a matter of what lawyers can twist
Civil offences are used to make people "whole" so if you commit slander or libel or whatever else without harm, you can't be taken to court
@JimmyHoffa It's really what you can prove/what it will cost to prove it
@JimmyHoffa I think your (rightful) cynicism is blurring the discussion regarding what constitutes punishable slander
@GlenH7 Call it pragmatism: I prefer viewing the law in reality rather than ideality.
The annoying bit about posting answers on MSO is that you see this green "+10" and go "ohh, where did I get the rep?"... "oh, MSO... thats unicorn poo"
@MichaelT That's what happened to me this morning with TW..
@JimmyHoffa The further we get from ideality into reality with our interpretations, the further we get from the spirit of the law. You have to draw a line somewhere
A: Is it sufficient to use acceptance and integration tests instead of unit test?

MichaelIt's comparing oranges and apples. Integration tests, acceptance tests, unit tests, behaviour tests - they are all tests and they will all help you improve your code but they are also quite different. I'm going to go over each of the different tests in my opinion and hopefully explain why you n...

Somebody go approve that edit.
@JimmyHoffa Looked good to me. Approved.
@Ampt Nope, the spirit of the law is totally irrelevant. No reason to give it any mind other than with "oo" and "ahh" and thoughts of "That'd sure be nice"
@JimmyHoffa Laws are there as solid guide lines. They are meant to allow us to provide a clear basis for what is right and wrong. Changing those laws is allowed and even intended, but there is a process for doing that. Allowing laws to float about in ephemeral form where it will slowly creep from one idea to the next isn't a great process.
A: How to architect this simple problem in high level

Dan WalmsleyMy name's Dan Walmsley and I'm the CTO of NationBuilder. This sample is, word for word, our "Developer Challenge" for new hires. I co-authored this problem back in 2012 and it's the same test we use today. I appreciate the thoughtful answers from contributors here. If this seems like a problem y...

How do you flag something like that? On the one hand, he's calling for a copyright violation (kind of). OTOH, he's blatantly trolling for job applicants...
@Ampt whoa whoa whoa let's step away from the knife with statements about how laws are meant to provide a basis for right and wrong, that is one hell of a righteous way to have a truly terribly set of morals heh
@JimmyHoffa They are aren't they? If they aren't what the people feel they should be then they should be changed. I never said they were perfect, or even good, but they are the best we have aren't they?
@GlenH7 not an answer?
@GlenH7 Yeah that's a weird one
(at least, that's how I'm gonna send it down the diamond path)
I'm going to nuke everything.
@ThomasOwens Thanks!
@ThomasOwens That fixes it completely!
@JimmyHoffa I'm not saying you have to agree and abide by the laws 100% all the time, forever and always. I'm saying that if you don't like or agree with a law, pretending it doesn't exist doesn't solve the problem.
Quick! Flag everything so they're all helpful!
It's just a big ball of bleh at this point
@Ampt yeah but don't ever mistake that laws make any dictate regarding "right" or "wrong", segregation used to be law, ones sense of right and wrong should come from a completely different place than the law
I wish he had been more clear in expressing his concerns through his "answer"
OTOH, what did he expect would happen if they are handing out their interview question as a screening tool?
@JimmyHoffa I never said that you should gather your morals from the law, I said that the law should reflect your morals.
> They are meant to allow us to provide a clear basis for what is right and wrong
A tangent to the interview question problem?
Then that is said backward :p
you meant
> Right and wrong are meant to provide a clear basis for what should be law
lets say that we are moral citizens making laws
we then make laws using this moral judgement
@Ampt Are not!
@Ampt Do not!
Btw, migration votes on that git question would be nice.
@JimmyHoffa shush and listen.
so we've made these laws with our moral decisions and now someone from canadia comes to visit and wants to know what is right and wrong
he can use our laws to deduce what we believe is right and wrong
@Ampt you need to take an ethics philos class... there are many things in there that are much deeper.
@MichaelT too late. Not happening in my last quarter haha
@Ampt I don't recall what semester I took it... I was only ~3-4 classes away from a BS degree in philos if I wanted it.
Utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics holding that the proper course of action is the one that maximizes utility, usually defined as maximizing happiness and reducing suffering. Classic utilitarianism's two most influential contributors are Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. John Stuart Mill in his book Utilitarianism, stated, "In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete spirit of the ethics of utility. To do as one would be done by, and to love one's neighbour as oneself, constitute the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality." According to Bentham and Mil...
This is almost as good as their argument over how to cook brats....
@GlenH7 Beer. Brown mustard. Go take a field trip up to Middleton, WI. The museum is open 9-5 I think.
@GlenH7 It's very simple, you put the Brat in the microwave wrapped in a paper towel for about 6 minutes. :)
Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain). Ethical hedonism is the idea that all people have the right to do everything in their power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure possible to them. It is also the idea that every person's pleasure should far surpass their amount of pain. Ethical hedonism is said to have been started by a student of Socrates, Aristippus of Cyrene. He held the idea that pleasure is the highest good. Etymology The name derives ...
I'd love a brat thanks
(The professor was a "prosper" rather than "pleasure" hedonist)
@MichaelT At this point we should have @WorldEngineer in the conversation...
Personally, I still most enjoy ancient philosophy - Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras and the Stoics... modern (Descartes, Leibowitz, Spinoza) are interesting but... they get hard to read.
Utilitiarian Hedonism
> Through the upturned glass I see
a modified reality--
which proves pure reason "kant" critique
that beer reveals das ding an sich--

Oh solipsism's painless,
it helps to calm the brain since
we must defer our drinking to go teach.
> Oh read me some Hume
in a skeptic-packed room,
where the beer and the arguments play--
where often is heard
a reduction absurd--
and the statements are mostly de re!
(so many jokes in there...)
@RobertHarvey sounds like my kinda party
> Bleh. I'd say leave this for Robert Harvey, but he's not a mod here.
I got a "helpful" flag on a mod flag starting with that. May the meme live on.
@GlenH7 If a mod takes an action without dismissing first, it's helpful.
I deleted, so it got auto-helpfuled.
> Bleh. Just... yea, just make it go away. – MichaelT Dec 12 '13 at 2:56 helpful
@ThomasOwens I'm going to take a helpful any way I can get it... :-)
bang bang
@ThomasOwens Surely you didn't have higher expectations of this crowd, right?
@GlenH7 I was referring to the two questions I just closed.
@ThomasOwens even better. You need to work a little harder at things so we can accuse you of mod abuse too. You wouldn't want to be left out, would you?
Once, I saw 4 flags in the queue. By the time I clicked it, there were 0. I would do more if I saw things.
I'll go find some comments to flag then...
I need to go to the manufacturing floor soon, though.
So I'll probably miss them.
I try to lend a helping hand ...
@ThomasOwens You know the question doesn't have to be bad for you to delete it ;)
@ThomasOwens was that math question I mentioned above migrated?
nope, not this one. Ignore me.
(not yet)
@Ampt mods generally don't delete the question immediately so the OP can come back and see it was closed. Otherwise the OP thinks a glitch happened and they just re-ask their question
@ThomasOwens should this be migrated actually to MathOverflow or Mathematics.SE (I don't know the difference)?
Q: Draw graph of a function whose characteristics are unknown

William JockuschSuppose I have a function. I have code that, given an x value, produces a y value. I can assume that the function is somewhat mathematically sane, not something crazy like an everywhere-discontinuous function or the like, but beyond that, I don't know anything about it. I want to draw a graph ...

@JimmyHoffa I don't know the difference either. There's also apparently a dupe on scicomp?
wrong window
Q: Algorithms for (adaptive?) function plotting

soegaardI am looking for algorithms to draw standard 2d-graphs for functions that may or may not have singularities. The purpose is to write a "Mini-CAS", so I have no a priori knowledge of the types of functions, the users want to graph. This problem is very old, so I imagine there must be some standa...

@ThomasOwens I saw that but still, scicomp appears to be algorithmic stuff, the guy appears to be asking more about fundamentally how to approach the problem, which looks like a standard math problem
@Ampt I'm not sure what running a list against this room would get you.
Yeah. If no one else does, I'll try to follow up with the mods of other sites later on.
I honestly don't know where it should go, if anywhere.
@Ampt . .. .booze Awesome Errors Broken die.py kill.hs probably-from-dev-random.pl
@JimmyHoffa ... how'd you know?
rm -rf /home/JimmyHoffa
-rwurwxr-- 1 SE users ThomasOwens
-rwxrwur-- 1 SE users GlenH7
-rwxrwxr-- 1 SE users Ampt
lrwxr-xr-x 1 SE users Sparticus@ -> Ampt
@ThomasOwens if only..
@ThomasOwens stupid sudoers... you guys don't know what it's like
OK. I'm out.
@JimmyHoffa That's an interesting challenge. How many different unix OSs have you worked on?
and no, they're not unix, but I'll count iSeries and zSeries in this case
and I don't know if all the different flavors of linux should count or not...
ultrix, linux (don't count flavors), hp-ux (too bad Mr. Packard didn't want his name first), SunOS, Solaris, Mac OS, Irix, Aix (and pains), AUX, Free|Net|OpenBSD(386)?, SCO (yes)
@GlenH7 wait, what's the challenge? deleting me from every OS?
aix, solaris, linux (redhat, ubuntu, suse), iseries, zseries, hpux, osx
so far @MichaelT is winning
    DROP TABLE Jimmy_hoffa
@JimmyHoffa simple - how many different unix like os's have you worked on?
The linux thing wouldn't be fair either... I worked on Wangix once.... and Caldera... two that don't exist anymore.
(Wangix - we found a old wang semi-compatable pc sitting around, we ported linux to it. It was semi-comptabile because it only had 512k base ram rather than 640k. So we hed to tell Linux "there's a buffer there, no you can't use it, no don't write anything to it, and please don't read it either... but its there... trust us")
@MichaelT i can haz bufferz?
Had full length memory cards in it to get it to 2MB of ram. An MFM hard drive (voice coil rather than stepping motor, we had a directory called /beep where we isolated all the inodes that had bad data behind them that forced the disk to recalibrate... it beeped when it did... the disk was so slow, it was faster to put swap space on nfs than local drive)
@MichaelT yeah, that's pretty frigging slow... Wow.
One of the memory boards had piggybacked chips on it. When the machine finally failed, we unsoldered the pins to see what was under it. One was a positive enable the other was negative enable... or something like that. The EEs in the room were going "eww!"
@MichaelT I love the bent pin on the top one to prevent the connection.
(read about one approach to it at seattlerobotics.org/encoder/200011/moreram.html )
@MichaelT wow.... that is janky
> and despite your space preserving attempts you just need more memory.
made me lol when I read that. "Yep! Been there, done that!"
@Ampt Should have seen the Vax CPU (size of a milk crate) that had hand wired patches on it.
@WorldEngineer - you need to school @JimmyHoffa & @Ampt on the relativism between morals, ethics, and law.
@GlenH7 Morality is absolute. Ethics are somewhat absolute, Law is not absolute. QED.
With regards to the UNIX question: Irix and Solaris
Oh the challenge was how many *nix' have you worked on?
Linux: Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Knoppix
@JimmyHoffa yes
Yeah nix, nah I don't touch that stuff. None of it works I never worked with any of that garbage
That stuffs terrible, never touched it.
@WorldEngineer I'm still wrapping around morals being absolute
@GlenH7 These are my answers to your question :P
@WorldEngineer QED?
ah, fair enough then. I'll flush that cache and move on. :-)
@Ampt Qua Ergo Demonstrandum or there abouts
That which has been demonstrated in Latin
@WorldEngineer oh I thought you meant something else. Doesn't QED imply proof?
@Ampt he is proof.
@Ampt It does. He asked me to explain it to you. So I did. :P
@JimmyHoffa oh, of course. I must have missed that step :P
Given that all I had was what he pinged me with and I'm feeling too lazy to roll through the transcript
@WorldEngineer You should, it'll raise your hackles and you'll want to punch someone. It'll entertain us anyway.
Ok that's highly unlikely but it would be fun anyway if it did happen
@JimmyHoffa he'll just suspend you instead
apropos of nothing - it's interesting seeing how I have different playing styles on words with friends depending upon whom I'm playing
when I play my brother, I have to use every trick I can think of just to keep up with the point score. When I play with another friend the pace is a lot more relaxed.
(and the cartoonist: sciencecartoonsplus.com/index.php )
RE: C# question. I want my dang fireworks already.
I'm not a C# guy, so I don't know. Is C# even relevant in mobile development today?
@KarlBielefeldt As relevant as windows phones and tablets...
(that said, I'm not sure how relevant they are)
WPF is written in C#
And there are ways to use C# to compile to other mobil targets:
Q: Develop Android app using C#

CoolArchTekI am pretty new to phone app development. Not even wrote single line of code for phone app. I wanted to know is it possible to write an android app using C#? Is there an API or something? Is it free for personal and commercial development? What do I need to install to have android project templ...

More or less, that's what you would use for phones or tablets at the moment with the MS stack. You could use WinRT, but I would discourage that. IMO, WinRT was DOA, but I have heard many who like their ARM backed windows 8 tablets.
But for overall market share, the MS stack is a non-starter in the mobile environment currently.
It basically means you want to target those devices, and they're such a small fraction of the market share that is so far behind the curve. Will be of interest to see if MS can use Nokia well... or if they just run it into the ground.
Windows Tablets/ultrabooks/transformers are pretty BA though
guy in my class has a transformer with a 15 inch screen that less than a finger width thick. dual core i7 with 8 gigs of ram. absolutely blazing fast, and gets like 8 hours of battery life in a form that can be used as a tablet or a laptop
@MichaelT I think the key will be a killer biz app that they push on the M$ stack only, or push there heavily first
@Ampt lenovo?
@GlenH7 Yep... strong linkage between the two... but those business units are batteling.
Go learn Haskell if you want to become acquainted with the language thinking 15 years from now, I'd gladly call C# DOA right now if I could but while most C# devs will tell you it'll be strong 15 years from now, I am a C# dev who disagrees with my colleagues on this point. I think 5 years from now it'll be maintenance mode only and 10 years from now it'll be the next COBOL. — Jimmy Hoffa 33 secs ago
@GlenH7 may have been, yes
@Ampt lenovo has got some gorgeous laptops / ultas / whatevers right now
@GlenH7 the Yoga 2 looks like it may be it
best lenovo...
@JimmyHoffa That discredits the value of maintenance programming and that it can be a very secure gig
You could argue that COBOL is dead, but there's quite a few programming jobs available for it still
quick search on monster shows 157 cobol gigs and 13 haskell gigs
@GlenH7 although for that price I would probably go with a rMBP
@GlenH7 You discredit it with that statement, I'm just saying it goes maintenance soon but I didn't say that was bad
The guy was asking about that
@MichaelT ugh. Don't even bring it up. seriously. SO disappointed in that
@JimmyHoffa I disagree; I don't think it will go maintenance in even the next 5 years
The thing is, there wont be a synergizing killer device / pc business app because those business unit are fighting.
@MichaelT 'prolly not.
And the big money ones that could be good on a device - exchange client, word, excel, powerpoint... they don't want to cannablize the one thing that does bring in money.
(flip side, Apple doesn't mind canniablizing its own products... "ipad eats into air sales? Too bad... its still a sale for us rather than someone buying a chromebook")
@GlenH7 I know, lots do, I think we're in a large chaos mode right now and I don't see nearly the same amount of new C# development happening 5 years from now as is happening now. Heck right now I suspect there's significantly less new C# development occuring than was occuring 5 years pryor.
but that's my opinion and why his question is closed
@MichaelT the CEO change may break this mold though, with luck
One thing that makes me uncomfortable with hitching anything to MS is that they may drop it for the next thing at the drop of a hat or indigestion of a CEO.
@JimmyHoffa Possibly... but there is a lot of corporate inertia there.
@MichaelT <MS CEO> burp yeah fuck C# you guys are out
@MichaelT yeah, I'm reading the courier article thinking "whoops, there went their game changer"
@GlenH7 They've had the opportunity many times.
@GlenH7 That was a long time ago
@MichaelT Which would be a bigger problem in other corps, one thing that has been consistent about MS is the Supremely Powerful Leader
They could have had that announced at the same time as the iPad... and it would have come close to matching apple (or vice versa depending on prefs).
No one ever questioned how much control or change Balmer could exert if he wished or Gates before him
They could have done that with surface back in the days of old too... that's just a marketing toy now.
@MichaelT that thing was sooo niche...
Back when they announced the original surface... I was drooling over the prospect of buying a $?k coffee table that I could play board games on.
it was a research project but really nothing they could hang their coat on
@MichaelT until you filled in the ?
I was living in Silly Valley... single digits wouldn't have bothered me.
@MichaelT It wasn't single digits.
No, it wasn't because they didn't make it for consumers... they made it for corporations. They could have though.
trying to find now, but to my recollection it was in the range of $30-50k
@MichaelT That's the thing, they couldn't have, it was just a research project for them to learn about touch interactive technologies and interactions, they put zero effort into the market feasability of it as a product
I remember when high end Macs were in the $10k range for the computer... this would fit in the same area... very expensive toy.
MS is littered with those unfortunately, F# is a prime example
@JimmyHoffa But if they did... if they did decide to make it a consumer product... I'll be willing to bet they could have sold them at a profit for $5k + software
@MichaelT totally not market feasible (you never hear people say this because they want to sound smart with FP stuff) but honestly some of the holes in the tooling are just dumb, like you could have an intern fix them dumb.
@MichaelT read an article the other day laying out costs for the new mac pro server. Cheaper to buy it through apple than it is to try and assemble your own
They note that specialty parts are used, which drives up the consumer price
@GlenH7 Just like so much of apple; they gouge their vendors and bulk-commodotize everything to get a way smaller price than any of us could
@JimmyHoffa All the good interns went to google. :-)
@GlenH7 ;P not true, there was one ultra-smart intern at MS when I was working there. He went to google after the internship.
Prediction: this will get hot and maybe interesting
Q: Why do we still use floats?

Dylan KarrI understand why floats served a purpose in the past and why they're useful in some very extreme simulation examples today, but I've never understood why floats are still so much more prevalent in simple simulations rather than very high precision integers. For example: with modern 64-bit proces...

he made a program that would find and correct lens-flares in bulks of images and gave a presentation on all the math he used to do it, was pretty awesome for someone still in College...
@MichaelT It's at -1 as we speak
@MichaelT "because math is hard and you're a jerk!"
@WorldEngineer Not mine.
@MichaelT wooo jumping on that bandwagon
@Ampt because pi isn't 3.
Let's see if that salvages the question
Q: How did you became a successful programmer?

Jesus Alberto Mendoza ReveronI don't mean in terms of getting a good job, i mean in terms of knowledge. Did you read a lot of books? Youtube tutorials? Internet tutorials? Trying on your own? I just graduated from college and i feel like i know nothing compared to everyone else, causing me to be insecure when going to an i...

you guys want this amirite
How did I become a successful programmer? By checking for syntax errors, understanding the algorithms I was using, and then hitting "Compile".
@enderland We are not TW's toilet.
@MichaelT yeah, he's got that passthru backwards
No voters out on that question
@Ampt nah, you don't get away that easily. enjoy the imaginary points
@WorldEngineer Just tried commenting "Lots of riddilin" but I'm not a member on the site. Probably for the best.
@GlenH7 Boooo
@Ampt We'll get you to 3k yet. Just so we can laugh when you get an indefinite suspension. :-)
@GlenH7 what a relief that would be
@Ampt "I played fizz-buzz with my friends as a drinking game until I could code it with a BAC higher than the legal limit"?
ritalin. Not Riddilin. Apparently I'm really bad at spelling
(For other bad ideas - I was recently introduced to 'stump' as a drinking game - questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2619 )
@MichaelT Brilliant!
and did you notice he was wearing safety glasses?
@MichaelT I used to stay on top of QC until google reader was shut down. We have a different name for that game here, but I forget what it's called. It's bloody fun though
@Ampt damn you kids, one-upping your elders with drinking games...
@GlenH7 As far as I'm aware of that one has been around for a while! A close second favorite is the one where you bang your hands on a pattern on the table until you have to do your "move". after a few drinks you start banging louder and louder until someone wakes up with a broken arm hahaha
@Ampt we just played 3-man and keg-stands
@Ampt Added my $0.02 ... dang! that's a floating point number.
we played drunk D&D
@MichaelT Ugh. there goes all that potential rep
thanks obama
@Ampt Actually, it means its more likely to collide.
@Ampt nah, you're still leading that particular race.
And I just up voted the question to push it on to the collider. Would be nice going into the race with more up votes, but we'll see how it plays
@WorldEngineer unfortunately not a lot of RPG people when I was at Uni. Had fallen out of vogue for a while.
@MichaelT we're accepting applications, there's sitll time!
@GlenH7 late 90s were dark times
so were the times after WoW
@WorldEngineer regrettably so. I still have all my SJGames stuff with car wars though. I loved that game
TIE Fighter was the best game. ever
float question should have a collider score of ~10 at this point. Needs a few more up votes to push it up there. Answer and Question up votes count equally at the moment.
@GlenH7 to help or not to help, that is the question
god my C is rusty
@enderland jump in and ride the train
@WorldEngineer it's only bad when you try to do nested unions... :-)
Q: One Line Aquarium

Eliseo d'AnnunzioMy parents-in-law have a fishpond in their yard, filled with koi. It didn't really cross my mind until I noticed the following extract from my code. ',') & '_' ... I had fish-faces looking back at me from my screen... Which has given me a great idea... My quest for you, my dear golfers is to ...

And it's on the collider with an arbitrary 18.229 hotness points
Questions that require a prediction of the future are specifically off topic. Microsoft is investing heavily in C#. Read into that what you will. — Eric Lippert 37 mins ago
haha Eric Lippert read my comment on C#... he probably just shook his head like I'm an idiot.
which is ok, with Eric Lippert on the chart I do score somewhere vaguely between idiot and nincompoop
@GlenH7 oh fine though I'm not convinced my answer is very good
@JimmyHoffa "like an idiot"? Wrong comparative there... :-)
@enderland Now we just need someone to sully themselves by dropping that out on Reddit.
And it will probably get tweeted since the question & 2 answers have at least 3 votes
There are 3x cv's on it... I don't think the tweeter does those. Or something.
@GlenH7 Yannis
@WorldEngineer True. He has no shame and will drop into reddit any time...
yesterday, by enderland
oh gosh someone kill me I just admitted I use reddit :(
(was waiting for that one)
@EricLippert your comment begs for a resource request to see what upcoming particulars you think are going to keep C# relevant 5 - 10 - 15 years from now. As it stands the only thing really reaching for the future that I'm aware of, which is admittedly a small subset especially compared to you, is the async/await stuff giving C# the ability to do somethings more akin to computations, but that's not even new anymore. If roslyn genuinely brings us Macros that would be cool but lacking homoiconicity it wouldn't have the same heft of the Macros we all want.. Guess I'll go look up MS' plans — Jimmy Hoffa 29 secs ago
I almost registered on reddit...then I washed my eyes out with vinegar and stuff my mouth full of cayenne
eesh, semi-baiting Eric Lippert, have I no respect for anything??
@WorldEngineer I hear lye is useful in that case
@JimmyHoffa No.
well Whiskey and Steak
@WorldEngineer whiskey will help you forget
@JimmyHoffa invite him to chat; don't carry on a thread in comments....

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