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also the extension methods aren't necessary for linq, they're just nicer than stuffing all those methods inside an ENumerable base class
@RobertHarvey the neat thing about understanding how abstractions like LINQ are fundamentally created is that you can create them from scratch when nobody else knows anything about it; for instance, don't know if you touched async/await much yet but there's a very old implementation somebody made that makes the same behaviours possible using only the yield keyword because the instructions in IL that yield take advantage of are all that were needed for C# to implement async/await
Makes sense.
Ack. Got logged out of chat, no idea why.
@JimmyHoffa Can Delphi interop with .NET?
@RobertHarvey I believe I'd read as much
Delphi has lasted out in silence under guise of a benevolent owner in the shape of the company - one of the kindnesses it wrought it's users was well maintained interoperability with other languages I understand
I'm still planning on learning IronScheme. [sigh] I need a 36 hour day.
the big thing that I hear delphi folks talk about loving more than anything is the data binding that they've had for ages which is basically the best out there
(haven't touched it, but that's the way they always sell it)
do share?
If you want to fiddle with a LISP though just go poke Clojure. Light Table makes it easy and fun and it'll be the same as learning IronScheme I'm sure for all intents and purposes
@JimmyHoffa I asked about IronScheme a few years ago
Q: Is IronScheme complete enough or stable enough to be worth learning?

World EngineerIronScheme is mentioned on Wikipedia as a successor to a failed project called IronLisp, bringing Lisp to CLR and .NET, the way Clojure does for the JVM. Does anyone have experience with this language? It looks fairly complete (99%) but I'm not sure how to judge whether it's worth my time to fidd...

IronScheme is the R6RS Scheme compiler that Leppie wrote on a heavily modified version of the DLR.
In earlier times the .NET's "Any language you want with a shared library and shared interop!" sale was much more seriously taken and people attempted making lots of different things, some were well received, most were largely ignored, but all of them disappeared as .NET rapidly became synonymous with C# and nobody anywhere gave it any mind for other languages except the occasional "We have a schlock of VB programmers already, let's just go with VB.NET so we can keep them productive"
@RobertHarvey Ok that does sound effing cool.
IronPython uses the official DLR.
Neat, but nobody writes IronPython.
That was way back when I had a working windows box
Leppie claims that he gets better performance than IronPython does.
@RobertHarvey I'd work in JScript.NET before any of those
You mean TypeScript don't you? :P
@RobertHarvey JScript.NET -> JavaScript(mostly) that compiles to CIL.
Really. That does sound interesting.
go into your visual studio and create a new project and under other languages you'll find JScript.NET
It's been around since the beginning
a proper MS created .NET language, has the dynamicism of JavaScript while compiling to the CIL before the DLR even existed
And probably nobody uses it.
Which means it eventually dies on the vine.
@RobertHarvey yeah but it works well and is really pretty cool. It's for weird reasons been maintained all these years kept up to date silently
I feel like MS must have some engineer who just maintains it as his darling and is good enough to actually keep it modern
because you're right, nobody uses it.
20 mins ago, by Jimmy Hoffa
though I believe they're trying to make the metro API available to JavaScript as well so you can do desktop apps directly in that
Would be a great sys-admin tool scripting language which was kind of the original intent - get the old jscript that people used to use onto .NET
I think those folks went to PowerShell.
@RobertHarvey This is different, this is more of them actually executing your outright JavaScript as in a browser but giving it facilities like hwo a browser has the DOM, they give the JavaScript a hosting environment that has IO capabilities for desktop apps, while allowing your whole app to be javascript/HTML5 on desktop
@RobertHarvey They did, but I would take JScript.NET over that. I'm truly not impressed with powershell, it's klunky as shit
Does JScript have a REPL?
Have you tried writing any powershell scripts? Sure it's powerful because you have the .NET runtime at your fingertips but it sucks
@RobertHarvey not sure
I'm just not sure they had to invent Yet Another Programming Language for The New Batch File.
There isn't a built in one but this guy built one.
Yep. Just a wrapper around eval. JScript is one of the go-to solutions for those folks who need eval in C# or VB.
Hmm, apparently JScript is used on ASP.NET servers.
And the new (extended) features in JScript 10 sound suspiciously like TypeScript.
They've silently maintained it very well through the years.
3 hours later…
Q: How do you run JavaScript script through the Terminal?

BLUCFor instance, if you were to run a Python script you would type python filename.py or if you wanted to run a C program make filename then ./ filename. How do you do this with .js files?

name that strikes back
Q: "Name that thing" questions

TrindazI'm a repeat offender of asking "Name that thing" questions. The most recent one is here > Is there a name for this pattern / object?. Where can I ask this kind of question if not here? PS - I strongly feel that well formed questions of this format, with clear criteria should be permitted here....

7 hours later…
Q: What is a 'friendly' way to let managers know that having good developers is a privilege?

guest11783I work for a small company, where we recently had a change of managers. The new manager has no experience managing developers, and the old manager has moved into a development role to fill in gaps left by senior developers leaving the company and being unable to find replacements. I was recently...

This started out on Programmers. It got a downvote and no comments, and was self deleted. It's a decent question, and I think it deserved a friendly comment pointing to the Workplace (or at least explaining why it won't work for us).
2 hours later…
16 hours ago, by MichaelT
@AshleyNunn Oh @enderland what say the workplace?
Q: How can I determine a reasonable salary to ask for?

RachelI'm looking for a comprehensive answer to this question, not short answers that just tell me one piece of the equation. The ideal answer should include: How can I determine the average salary rate for my position? What statistics affect the sort of salary I can ask for? (location, skillset, ex...

plus this should be required reading in the engineering/software world - kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation
Q: Continuous Delivery: Kanban, SCRUM, or other?

user3178622I was wondering if there was an SDLC (software development lifecycle) or methodology (Kanban, SCRUM, waterfall, otherwise, etc.) that was particularly well-suited for continuous delivery systems, and why? I'm sure each methodology has pros/cons that make it suited for certain components of CD, b...

@Ampt I'm assuming that's a picture that I can't see at work.
@ThomasOwens No, its SFW.
its the "You're gonna have a bad time" meme
@Ampt I mean the web filter blocks it anyway.
It's gotten a little overzealous recently.
I had adblocker blockign images here for a while
(in chat)
Title: You're gonna have a bad time
Upper: If you think waterfall gives you continuous delivery
Bottom: You're gonna have a bad time
Ah, yeah. I thought about commenting about that, but didn't.
Speaking of beer, they are brewing a Trappist ale in Massachusetts now
We had a process class that was done entirely in waterfall (PSP) and it made me want to rip my eyes out.
@Ampt Waterfall is really great for education.
@ThomasOwens you mean educating me not to use it?
@Ampt No, I mean teaching the types of activities that go into developing a project. The first Software Engineering course when I was in school (and it still is this way) is very waterfall, because it really provides nice modules to have discussions and education.
@ThomasOwens this was my third year in, so it was far from my first class
may have been my least favorite class though.
We had a course that kind of touched on PSP, but it was very little. It was more about personal development and the individual side of work in software engineering in general.
Everything else was team-based.
That was where our program head wanted it to go
until our industry advisory committee told him that no one used PSP anymore and that he was about 10 years behind everyone else
PSP is interesting, academically. But I struggle to find usefulness professionally. The overall performance of the team is far more important than the individuals, especially with collaborative development activities like pair programming.
PSP is great if you need your effort in overhead to be greater than your effort in actually being productive
AKA if you're a government contractor.
@Ampt As a software process engineer for a major defense contractor, no.
Just no.
@ThomasOwens Woah woah woah, slow down there buddy. If you keep this level of productivity up, you're gonna make everyone else look bad.
That's pretty much my goal.
@ThomasOwens We don't take kindly to those that don't take 15 coffee breaks a day round these parts
honestly though, thank you for not doing that. I cry a little every time I hear about a defense contractor who does that because I see the little dollar bills walking out of my wallet
@YannisRizos (not the downvoter) - personally I prefer not saying that something would be better on another site and instead flag for migration if I think it would be better somewhere else. The reasoning is that I don't want the OP to take my advice, go to the other site, repost, and get closed there too - thats a very bad experience.
Things have changed so much in the defense industry in the past 2-3 years, it's insane. Things that used to be common practice will now cause you to lose bids.
@ThomasOwens that's really good to hear. Hopefully things are changing for the better?
@Ampt I think so, yes. Some old timers are finding it difficult to adapt. A big example is openness between agencies and/or contractors. The government wants more options without vendor lock-in, so they are promoting more "open" (loosely, since they are only open to those who need to know) standards.
Common sense things, where competition actually comes down to the engineering and manufacturing floors, and the skills you have in your company. Not how hard the program office can drive people to work.
@ThomasOwens picascii.com the color one gives you something that is readable if you know what it says... if you want to see the image too.
@ThomasOwens This is very cool to hear
@Ampt There are some oddities in how things are billed that make it seem out of proportion when its really just shuffling $ from one spot to another. There are also some times when it needs to work a certain way that isn't intuitive for anyone, say... not standing at 30 degrees on a submarine.
Things like... "how do you make a toilet that doesn't overflow in unpleasant ways for a rapid ascent?" This actually takes some serious thought... and the parts for doing this aren't always a major production run that you can get at your local former employer for cheap.
Part of the nature of the beast (and where the engineering comes into play (as I understand it)) is that things run over. Estimations are hard and we're optimistic that we can do it. With software products we may be working with things that, at the upper end, are in the $1M range...
When you get to the military: s/M/B/
So a 10% missestimation on a $50k project is $5k... a $5B project is $500M... and that needs to be somewhere. That's not something you can just write off.
can someone suggest a resource for technical design brainstorming? i'm building a reporting dashboard in php w/ mysql. don't think i want to use stored procedures for queries b/c the db might be changed. i just want to have parameterized queries available for the dashboard UI designer. not sure how to approach this for a solution.
(and its also part of the real cost of the project...) Engineering practices work at minimizing that risk of overages.
@MikeS. If the DB changes, wouldn't you need to change the queries too, anyways? Or do you mean "mysql -> oracle" as a db change?
I wanted to try one of the hard problems on Project Euler, the more I think about this problem, the more my brain wants to cry.
That said, you likely want a database agnostic interface through an orm.
Q: Good PHP ORM Library?

sgibbonsIs there a good object-relational-mapping library for PHP? I know of PDO/ADO, but they seem to only provide abstraction of differences between database vendors not an actual mapping between the domain model and the relational model. I'm looking for a PHP library that functions similarly to the ...

@MichaelT I don't have much love for migration comments either, but adding something like "Please don't re-post this, I've already flagged it for migration and if the moderators agree it's suitable for Whatever.SE, it will be moved automatically." could work.
i don't think so. could be wrong. @MichaelT that may be what i'm looking for. the whole "well, we might want a different db" thing has my knickers in a twist.
That said, my main concern is that no one bothered explaining why the question didn't fit. I'm all for silent downvotes on low effort crap, but this wasn't.
@YannisRizos Is that a word-for-word repost of what was asked on main?
It certainly wans't and one doesn't find examples of it being closed here easily... so its certainly something that could be an honest mistake (not trying to get around a SO question ban and ignoring the FAQ).
I'm using PDO now which helps with many different issues like abstraction and preventing sql injection stuff.
@MikeS. In the Java world, one often sees hibernate. You tell it what type of database is behind it and it forms the appropriate queries for that dialect of sql.
Sometimes you still need to break out to raw sql when there's something it doesn't quite know/understand (this is a hierarchal data structure and oracle has connect by prior, lets use that), but 95% of the time it works just fine.
that's cool. only java i know is in my cup on the desk. :P
Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping library for the Java language, providing a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object handling functions. Hibernate is free software that is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Hibernate's primary feature is mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types). Hibernate al...
@MikeS. do you use C# at all?
@Ampt no, maining php and javascript
(and reading that... not the most helpful of wikipedia pages)
err, mainly
@MikeS. Javascript-> Java isn't terrible
@GlenH7 The WP question? Yes, it was reposted verbatim.
Q: PHP ORMs: Doctrine vs. Propel

TomI'm starting a new project with symfony which is readily integrated with Doctrine and Propel, but I of course need to make a choice.... I was wondering if more experienced people out there have general pros and/or cons for going with either of these two? Thanks a lot. EDIT: Thanks for the all t...

// Propel
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(ExamplePeer::ID, 20);
$items = ExamplePeer::doSelectJoinFoobar($c);

// Doctrine
$items = Doctrine_Query::create()
       ->from('Example e')
       ->where('e.id = ?', 20)
thanks for the pointers. was kinda flailing around saying wtf wtf. lolol. now i have some reading to do. thx
The key thing to look for is "Object Relational Mapping" - the ORM. Maps an object to a relational database for you.
The page for doctrine:
The Doctrine Project (or Doctrine) is a set of PHP libraries primarily focused on providing persistence services and related functionality. Its prize projects are an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and the Database Abstraction Layer it is built on top of. One of Doctrine's key features is the option to write database queries in a proprietary object oriented SQL dialect called Doctrine Query Language (DQL). Usage demonstration Entities in Doctrine 2 are lightweight PHP Objects that contain persistable properties. A persistable property is an instance variable of the entity that is saved i...
@YannisRizos I probably would have just VTC but not down voted that one then. I wouldn't have left a comment as it's right on the edge of digressing into a whinge-fest via comments. "HR" type questions seem to run a high risk of non-constructive commentary when closing
yes. i forgot about orms. i've been away from php for quite a few months. so this is a good refresher
So that's my pathetic justification for why I wouldn't have commented on that one. My experience has been that trying to explain why it doesn't fit ends up being a waste of time.
@GlenH7 I know the feeling.
It's wishy-washy, but after the bazillionth new user starts whinging about how they're entitled to an answer because they have a problem! you just kind of stop getting involved with the explanation bit.
@YannisRizos you know, if you gave @GlenH7 a diamond, he could do the non-standard migrations rather than just closing.
@MichaelT I think calling that bluff is effective only when Oded or Anna are in the room. :-)
But if I had a diamond, then we'd have at least two trolls as mods. Think of the epic battles that could result...
Maybe... though Yannis might have some sway with making you a depute mod on Politics or something. ;-)
@GlenH7 In the left corner, we have @GlenH7 , new mod untrested but lots of reviews. In the right corner, we have Community, old and weathered and not really all there, but very persistent at deleting those questions. Who will win?!
(oh, you mean you and Yannis?)
@MichaelT I don't have the patience to mod a site like that. Over my career, I have worked with too many coworkers locked into particular mindsets. Can't say I have a lot of patience for that approach.
@MichaelT refer back to yesterday afternoon's conversation. :-)
@GlenH7 You don't need patience to mod ProgSE, only rage.
@YannisRizos I can do that one!
@YannisRizos and haskell?
Flick! on to the next one. Flick! on to the next. Flick! okay, back to work.
(@MikeS. btw, lots of inside jokes flying around here... don't worry if you feel like you're missing something)
@MichaelT that's 'cause we're all missing something. And did you notice @jozefg entered the room just as you mentioned Haskell?
@MichaelT no, tequila. Everyone knows that.
I wonder if we'll have an election soon. Technically, elections happen when mods or the community ask for them, but... no one asked for the last one, it just happened.
@GlenH7 I can sense it. It's like the bat signal except with more lambdas
@YannisRizos I thought Dynamic indirectly kickstarted the last one?
@GlenH7 Ah, yes, completely forgot about that.
@YannisRizos And I'm having difficulty finding that question on meta. Perhaps just as well as it could be misread.
Q: Does the community think we should have another Moderator Election this year?

DynamicAre we going to have another Community Moderator Election for 2013? It seems like we have one around this time every year. Does the community/mods think we need another mod? I, personally, think that (most) mods are doing an outstanding job at what they have to do, but all of our mods should be...

I also helped with that by asking questions about why JoshK was never around.
@WorldEngineer oh, was that you? I thought Dynamic had asked that. Color me forgetful.
@GlenH7 Dynamic asked the meta question. I think I asked in chat
@Walter Personally, I believe that one more mod should be added, as one of the current mods is very inactive. Depending on how this post goes, I may bring that up. — Dynamic Dec 26 '12 at 17:54
That's what I was looking for.
Could sworn I said something about it
@WorldEngineer nah, just pin all the blame on others. Dodge all responsibility at all costs... :-)
A: The review system suggested something was probably spam, what should I do when I see this?

Tim PostWe recently strengthened spam protection in the area of suggested edits. As multiple spam networks tend to target the same seemingly innocuous posts, we've started keeping track of how many spam edits any given post receives over a period of time, and now deal a severely harsh penalty to those t...

This is cool.
@YannisRizos I got one of those suggestions yesterday too. The answer wasn't spam (no link, no advert) but it was a bunch of gibberish. Likely a validation run on a spam bot.
@YannisRizos You should search for the soda conversation.
@MichaelT Huh?
(realizing that its almost all in jest...)
Anyone have any experience with unions in C?
Oct 17 '13 at 19:49, by GlenH7
Living in Milwaukee really changed my point of view for root beer
The timing of the edits to the "Oh hi" message.
@Ampt a bit
@GlenH7 I've got a 200 line union with unions inside of unions with structs in side of those...
@MichaelT I wonder if he's referring to Sprecher... @GlenH7?
is it just for naming sake?
@Ampt fo' schizzle? blech.
I don't get the point of the nested unions though. can't you put them all at the same level?
@GlenH7 They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
@ThomasOwens Sprecher is amazing root beer. I love all of their carbonated beverages (both alcholic and non-alcoholic)
@Ampt I would nest only if I had smaller segments within the broader "object" that could be swapped for each other.
Think of unions as very primitive interfaces.
@GlenH7 When I was in school, the bar across the street had Sprecher root beer on tap. Honestly, I had no complaints going there when I couldn't drink beer because I knew they had Sprecher.
@ThomasOwens there a few Sprecher restaurants in the WI area.
@GlenH7 that's not doing anything though. a union inside of a union says "Ok, it can be ANY of these things, one of which is a union, in which case it can be ANY of one of the things in there"
(one in Madison, one in Wisconsin Dells)
you gain nothing by nesting it from what I can tell..
@MichaelT never knew of those. That could almost be road-trip justification
Originally being from upstate NY, I do have to say that Saranac makes good sodas, too.
Root beer, ginger beer, and orange cream
The brewery is listed as "Glendale" (draw a line from Tomah south, and Mauston West - the intersection is where its at)
@Ampt well, it's potentially a hint to future developers. If I had a 100 var long union, and I had sub-unions of say 10 or 15 vars within there, I'm giving you a hint (future developer) of what I was trying to do.
Not trying to justify the approach, as it sounds fugly. But I could see why someone would do that. Especially in an embedded arena where space is tight
Though.. hm... I'm going with "google maps messed up" its on Glendale Avenue in Milwaukee?
@ThomasOwens sprecher cream sodas are really good as well
(ok, google is confused)
OK. Time to go to a meeting where they tell us how to properly dispose of technical and proprietary data. You know, in the shred bins and not trash or recycle bins. :|
@ThomasOwens You'd be amazed at how often people don't think about those things though
Enjoy the reminders...
In case anyone here is a model builder.
@JohnP If you don't refer it, it oneboxes nicely...
Model Hobbyist

Proposed Q&A site for all hobbyists interested in model building, including cars, motorcycles, war vessels, rocketry, planes and other replica kits, as well as scratchbuilding and painting/finishing techniques.

Currently in definition.

(and here I thought it was database modeling... ;-)
oh, cheers.
@GlenH7 It's... interesting...
It's just got so much going on that it's hard to follow
@Ampt - I could see where you had packets A, B, and C and for ease of transmission (or whatever), they all shared the same layout via union. Not sure it's the first approach I would have picked, but that presumes that a) time and b) experience were available when it was designed.
@Ampt that's the downside of the approach - serious tradeoff on ability to maintain. It may have met space / performance requirements at the cost of only gurus and previously-charred developers can touch it.
@GlenH7 that's exactly what we are doing. At the lowest level a CAN message is 8 data bytes and some other stuff. but those 8 bytes could be interpretted as A, B or C
the dev who made this is gone lol
@Ampt It's the more culturally acceptable version of seppuku.
@GlenH7 who said it wasn't seppuku?
Yay! I get to write non-stop boiler-plate integration tests for a while! Wee... At least it's mindless, time to grab my headphones
I do wish I had more music on hand
@JimmyHoffa Einstein on the Beach over here
@Ampt well, it may drive you there too...
@Ampt ? You turning bright red or something?
@JimmyHoffa He's having an WTF-per-minute moment at work.
Einstein on the Beach is an opera in four acts (framed and connected by five "knee plays" or intermezzos), composed by Philip Glass and directed by theatrical producer Robert Wilson. The opera eschews traditional narrative in favor of a formalist approach based on structured spaces laid out by Wilson in a series of storyboards. The music was written "in the spring, summer and fall of 1975." Glass recounts the collaborative process: "I put [Wilson’s notebook of sketches] on the piano and composed each section like a portrait of the drawing before me. The score was begun in the spring of 19...
Philip Glass is one of my favorite composers
OHH you mean music
@GlenH7 Also yes
I don't typically do classical at work... Iduno, classical is nice but I prefer it during more quiet peaceful times, I'll turn it on when I'm driving in the mountains for instance, there's nothing particularly peaceful about daily desk-time drudgery
@Ampt This is how I partially dealt with that this AM.
A: Creating REST-ful web-services without adhering to the REST principles

GlenH7When I summarize your question as: Should I blindly follow a design approach even though it doesn't provide me any benefit? My only justification is an anticipated, future event that may not ever occur or be an issue. The answer becomes startling clear - No. One of REST's values is in ma...

@JimmyHoffa I would definitely not classify this as classical
it's.... very interesting
@JimmyHoffa go for some drum & bass then... That'll keep things moving.
very modern
@GlenH7 Yeah I do such at the desk
Shpongle is an English psychedelic music project formed in 1996. The group includes Simon Posford (aka Hallucinogen) and Raja Ram (one third of The Infinity Project). The duo are considered to be one of the progenitors of the psybient genre - a genre combining world music with psychedelic trance and ambient. Their musical style combines traditional music from all over the globe and vocals with contemporary western synthesizer-based psychedelic music. When asked to describe Shpongle's music, Posford has responded that it is "like nothing you've ever heard before." Shpongle's first track,...
@Ampt It's okay, you can call it old since it was written before you were born. ;-)
@Ampt Unions within unions typically get a horrendously unsafe version of polymorphism.
@GlenH7 no, seriously. give it a listen. It isn't for everyone but it isn't classical
@JimmyHoffa I may give that a try today. Need something a bit different.
it's a way of organizing things such that the bits get packed in the right order
@GlenH7 It's different, very colorful music.
@WorldEngineer I think "horrendously unsafe" doesn't quite capture the risks involved...
hundred line long unions with nested unions and structs is a ticking time bomb
@GlenH7 I think I figured it out. I didn't have to modify the structure at all, just put in some pre-processor stuff to flip some byte orders
if you do it wrong, you wind up with tons of wasted space
@WorldEngineer It's a way of organizing this so bits get packed in the same space
@Ampt That's a union, a union of unions is gonna have the packing issue
unions containing chars for instance, need to go at the end
@WorldEngineer pretty sure union of a union is the same as a perfectly flat union
unions are OR operators, and nested ORs are still flat
unless I'm interpreting this wrong..
Moral of the story, C programmers are scary.
@Ampt Bear in mind that I come at this from an embedded background
@JimmyHoffa I'm the monster under your bed
@WorldEngineer yeah that's where I'm at now
a union of a union doesn't take any more space
@Ampt You're still pre-junior, you're not even a programmer yet, more less a C programmer.
ok, lets just reason this out
Besides, you're going to be a back-end enterprise dev like @MichaelT and I. I can already see it in your future.
@JimmyHoffa That's just like, your opinion, man
union {
    struct A;
    union {
        struct B;
        struct C;
    } nameBoth;
} nameAll
so it could be A, B or C, which all exist in the same spot in memory, right?
My C is very rusty, but I believe that is correct.
@Ampt Yes, I believe that all packs down together as you suggest.
@JimmyHoffa It's a new field for me. I'm excited to see what kind of challenges I get to face, but I don't think that you can call me not a programmer simply because I haven't graduated.
But there is a semantic hint with B and C being similar in context and A is supposed to represent something else
@Ampt He's jealous because he can make sense of Haskell voodoo-ness but unions scare the crap out of him
@GlenH7 Yeah because you would have to access that via nameAll.nameBoth.C
Its a namespacing of sorts in a language that doesn't have them.
@Ampt So it's a hint that packet C (or B) can only occur in special situations.
@Ampt Okay, yeah, I was confused as to what you were describing
@WorldEngineer it's still ridiculously dangerous... :-)
@WorldEngineer alright, sweet. Thanks :D
@Ampt Neener neener, it's not even 930 and I already got you to take me seriously; Troll: 1, World: who cares
@JimmyHoffa Go put on your music you old fart.
@JimmyHoffa And I'll note you didn't respond to my snipe. :-D
@GlenH7 I'm on a roll this morning
new comers must find some of this banter to be a bit off-putting.
@GlenH7 only if you take you two seriously
At least @MichaelT is helpful
@Ampt someone has to keep things in order...
I'm just better at trolling than @GlenH7 (because I'm believable)
@GlenH7 yeah - have you actually tried following any of @MichaelT's "help" before? :O
@JimmyHoffa do you really regret learning some perl?
@MichaelT If it were possible for me to have learned it I might, luckily I escaped unscathed thanks to the pure nonsense flood I found on every page that tried to teach anything of it.
  #! /usr/local/bin/perl -w

        use Lingua::Romana::Perligata;

        adnota Illud Cribrum Eratothenis

        maximum tum val inquementum tum biguttam tum stadium egresso scribe.
        vestibulo perlegementum da meo maximo .
        maximum tum novumversum egresso scribe.
        da II tum maximum conscribementa meis listis.
        dum damentum nexto listis decapitamentum fac sic
               lista sic hoc tum nextum recidementum cis vannementa da listis.
               next tum biguttam tum stadium tum nextum tum novumversum
o yeah, thanks Perl peoples, I'm sure this is an appropriate way to spread your language, make it writable in dead languages
BEFOREHAND: close door, each window & exit; wait until time.
    open spellbook, study, read (scan, select, tell us);
write it, print the hex while each watches,
    reverse its length, write again;
    kill spiders, pop them, chop, split, kill them.
        unlink arms, shift, wait & listen (listening, wait),
sort the flock (then, warn the "goats" & kill the "sheep");
    kill them, dump qualms, shift moralities,
    values aside, each one;
        die sheep! die to reverse the system
        you accept (reject, respect);
Oh no wait that helps, now I understand perl: It's just a jabberwocky
@JimmyHoffa Oh no wait that helps, now I understand Haskell: It's just a jabberwocky
@JimmyHoffa At least you didn't find the klingon one.
    use Lingua::tlhInganHol::yIghun;

    <<'u' nuqneH!\n>> tIghItlh!

            wa' yIQong!
            Dotlh 'oH yIHoH yInob
                    qoj <mIw Sambe'> 'oH yIHegh jay'!
            <Qapla'!\n> yIghItlh!
    } jaghmey tIqel!
That looks like "Hello World"
@WorldEngineer FWIW, I would put "fluent in Klingon" on the resume just because it will catch the eye of other geeks.
@WorldEngineer best part is the diagnostics
@GlenH7 I saw Qapla! and guessed.
@WorldEngineer no easter eggs on the resume for you then
@WorldEngineer according to Bing (they've got a kli - en translation engine) yIghItlh means "write it down" so likely.
@GlenH7 ...easter eggs.... this is actually an interesting idea, you could do some of those ultra-tiny-text things or other such where the curious mind (read: not the HR people) will have to zoom in on it to see what it says
little black splotch in the corner of a page, I know anytime i see one of those I have to select it to see if it's text, then copy-paste it to notepad to see what it says
@JohnP I just spent $80 on modeling supplies over the past weekend...
@GlenH7 until the hiring manager interviews you in klingon.
@Ampt Just gotta be sure you can respond. The fact that I spoke French to a degree helped land a job offer I had once received.
@enderland I'm still mad this was migrated to TW forcing me to gather TW rep...
@GlenH7 ahh, Canada.
A: Is it ethical to read programming books on the clock?

Jimmy HoffaIt's unethical to act against the express request of your employer; so if they told you not to, the answer would be no it's not ethical. Outside of that however, I would absolutely say yes. Like you said, sharpening the saw 'n such is a necessity, and it's unethical for a company to expect you to...

@MichaelT No, I think the correct phrasing is "Ohh Canada"
@MichaelT nah, that one happened to be Milwaukee. Close, but not close enough, eh?
logEn.warn("oh no...");
logFr.warn("Zut allors!"); // all log files must be bi-lingual
it's technically bilingual :o
@JimmyHoffa The correct phrasing is "Ehh, Canada".
How do you spell "canada" (this joke works better spoken)... "C 'eh N 'eh D 'eh"
@WorldEngineer "Ehh, Canada! Let's play some Hockey Ehh! Ya Hoser!" I think their national anthem's something like that
Though my funniest Canadian experience was a .CA and .AU talking about cisco products... and the faces exchanged.
(Canadians pronounce 'router' with an 'oo' as in 'goose' rather than an 'ow' as in 'ouch'. So its 'rooter'... while 'root' is something mildly vulgar down under)
ok that is pretty funny
Rooter? I hardly knew her!
(to make the matter worse, the stereotype of polite and apologetic was completely there too after this was all explained what was being understood by the .AU)
@MichaelT At which point the .AU is laughing his arse off.
yep. It was all very amusing after the fact... but during that meeting the face of "is he saying what I think he's saying..."
I've known some network folk with very salty language... Sometimes it's the only appropriate way to explain things
And thus the amusing mismatch... what would be salty language coming from a polite Canadian who doesn't realize it was being interrupted as such. "You just plug your jack into the back of the rooter..." - read that both ways.
@MichaelT snicker
wonder if anything is wrong with this answer? First DV made me think it's routine revenge but now there's a second one. Could it be that answer somehow sucks? (as an answerer I find it hard to find out myself due to bias)...
A: proposed algorithm and representation of an algorithm

gnatThis is discussed in a book Computer Science: An Overview (11th Edition) by J. Glenn Brookshear, in Chapter 5 Algorithms. To start with, author formally defines algorithm as follows: An algorithm is an ordered set of unambiguous, executable steps that defines a terminating process Further d...

@gnat I have no clue why that would be downvoted.
@gnat About the only thing I can think of is that it is a lot of quoting but not a lot of original content from you. But it's totally acceptable to provide an external reference as an answer when you include the relevant content.
have a sympathy upvote. Okay, it was a useful answer as well. But I'll let you dwell on the sympathy aspect. :-)
Just realized its snowing
Also just realized that it isn't spring yet :(
@Ampt try harder.
@enderland Yeah, I got sniped at the last minute on a vintage Saturn V Estes rocket that I wanted...my original got lost in a crosswind during recovery. :(
@MichaelT thanks! I feel better ;) @GlenH7 I intentionally decided to make lots of quoting after I figured that question is per se based / derived from that book. In cases like this, I prefer to abstain of own research and stick within the reference material. It's 3rd or maybe 4th answer of that kind I do here. Not very comfortable with it myself, but bend to rules of the game
@Ampt Sorry, I thought about moving my blower back to the shed this weekend. Ergo, I made it snow.
It's going to be 70 here today, what is this "snow" you speak of?
and while quoting I found that author makes couple good points, which lowered my discomfort :)
(Although I can't complain complete ignorance, I grew up in Colorado)
@gnat I think there's a lot of value in citing resources other than wikipedia when they specifically address a question.
@GlenH7 well when I see a hit statement I don't hesitate to quote, you know :)
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." (Rich Cook) — gnat 20 hours ago
we spoke about it already :)
Many years ago... I think it was October '01, my team at Netapp was going to Reno for an outing. We had a small rented corporate shuttle type thing with really nice interior. Anyways, we're driving over the Sierras to get form SF to Reno... and its snowing.
I recall something along those lines...
Saw a Volkswagon Beetle with a license plate that said "Feature" (Featur) yesterday. I laughed.
The Indian in the group had never seen snow before and went up to the front of the shuttle and was looking out the window with wide eyed amazement. Rather amusing for me, a wisconsonite. We stop at a rest stop and he gets out and picks up some snow... then throws it down and goes back into the shuttle looking at his hands.
He then loudly exclaimed "Snow is cold!" with a thick indian accent.
@MichaelT yes, yes it is. My kids were philosophizing the other day about what snow would be like if it were warm or hot.
@GlenH7 The thing they don't apparently realize is that sometimes it hotter in the midwest than in the typical area... and humid. Now, a dry heat is something to experience.
@GlenH7 Volcanic Ash
@MichaelT I spent a summer in Chico, CA. 115 degree highs with a hot, dry wind. It was like an oven.
@MichaelT a humid baking is way different than a dry baking. I've suffered through both many times. :-)
@JimmyHoffa which one? I think we got a lot of migrations today
@MichaelT A fellow from Cameroon told me a story of when he first came here, sent here for college, and there were so many things totally amazing to him, he said when he went back home afterwards for the first time the tribal elders convened as they do with any traveler returning and made him share his stories to tell them of the foreign lands, he said he tried explaining snow because that was the most foreign and baffling thing to him- and they couldn't understand it at all
he said he explained it as like flour falling from the sky blanketing everything but wet and cold
They thought he was making it up
@enderland I posted it, it's an old migration, but I occasionally get rep still from it and it hurts every time
@JimmyHoffa In a way, he was...
@JimmyHoffa Have some more imaginary points...
And to think you could have had nearly 400 rep here if it wasn't migrated...
Very interesting fellow... he ended up getting a PhD in philosophy with a focus on politics from Boston College, was a professor their for a while and now is a professor out here in Boulder
it's ok, we're ridin' the hot questions list today
@MichaelT brilliant point. Have some more rep, Jimmy.
my answer doesn't have enough votes and wasn't early enough to really benefit :(
@GlenH7 @MichaelT I hate you both.
I should go make a bunch of edits to turn that answer CW so I can relinquish myself of dirty dirty TW rep
@enderland both former P.SE questions
@enderland I need easy rep. Links?
A: What is a 'friendly' way to let managers know that having good developers is a privilege?

enderland The reality is that any of our senior developers can walk out the door and have a new job with as much as 30-40% higher pay within a week. Most of us are only staying here for the casual environment, and being able to mix personal time into our work days. How can I let this manager know t...

@JimmyHoffa Whats better is I bet that you actually got 20 rep from each of us through the magic of migration (vote here, migrate, vote again)
@MichaelT I didn't realize you could do that..
Q: How many hours do you expect to clock in a 40 hour week?

ConstarrI currently work M-F 8-5 with 1hr lunch breaks. Which leaves me with 40 hours of "work" a week. I am trying to come up with an ideal amount to use when setting up my sprint backlog. I can't use 40 because I just don't work a hard 40 hours in a week, meetings happen, the occasional extended lunch,...

That is magic. I need to go write SO answers, get some rep, and then flag them for P.SE migration.
that Q might ride the rep train a bit too
@JimmyHoffa easier to go the other way... but yea. You get the rep from the existing upvotes (only) on the question with a migration, and then the votes on the new site aren't the same as the original one, so can vote 'again'
Q: Draw graph of a function whose characteristics are unknown

William JockuschSuppose I have a function. I have code that, given an x value, produces a y value. I can assume that the function is somewhat mathematically sane, not something crazy like an everywhere-discontinuous function or the like, but beyond that, I don't know anything about it. I want to draw a graph ...

Just flagged for math site migration
@enderland That one is getting some dogpile answers, no doubt
Math might actually do the literature too.
@GlenH7 only 3 deleted answers, too, though a lot of "meh" ones
@enderland I like not having rep on TW. Means I don't have to see the cruft that's been culled.
I like it, because once we graduate it means I get more delete/close votes ;)
Head's up. beer.stackexchange.com is heading toward private beta.

Proposed Q&A site for beer aficionados and collectors

Currently in commitment.

@ThomasOwens and their chatroom is already setup....
Two sites I get to be a room owner for...
I wonder if beer.SE will be blocked at work. I hope the liquor one takes off. I want to learn about scotch and tequila and vodka.
@ThomasOwens I am a bit surprised they didn't merge the sites together
@ThomasOwens It's beautiful! BEAUTIFUL!!
...area51 won't render for me right now
or at least not with CSS
> [blocked] The page at 'https://area51.stackexchange.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
they've added some more traffic grabber schmuck but it's not https so my browser killed it
sucks for them
@JimmyHoffa You may want to report that as an issue on MSO. IIRC they swapped some systems over with their use of https from end to end (or whatever)
@RobertHarvey amusing MSO bit given the conversation a bit ago (start here)

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