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@GlenH7 for that NP question...
Q: Why we can't have FPTAS for strong NP complete problems

user2159588I understood that we can apply FPTAS to the weak NP problems like 0-1 knapsack. But why we cant apply the same principle to the strong NP problems like bin packing? I also checked wiki page about the same but understood very less.

While algorithms are on topic, I just don't believe that the asker will get the answer he wants from P.SE compared to CS.SE.
Its possible that we could answer it... though it seams to be wanting a bit more on the theory than practical side (thats the rather fuzzy line I draw).
@MichaelT My primary point was that it's not off-topic. But I agree that CS or TCS would provide a better answer. Prog is simply too pragmatic to generate an answer based heavily in theory for that one. And I was a pit peeved at Killian's comment as the OP will just cross-post instead of requesting migration.
Q: Why are all problems in FPTAS also in FPT?

templatetypedefAccording to the Wikipedia article on polynomial-time approximation schemes: All problems in FPTAS are fixed-parameter tractable. This result surprises me - these classes seem to be totally different from one another. FPTAS characterizes problems by how easy they are to approximate, while ...

And, of course, as a corollary you get "The NP optimization problems that are $W[1]$-hard under the uniform reduction have no fully polynomial-time approximation scheme unless $W[1] = FPT$." — Pål GD Aug 8 at 22:15
I suspect that his question would get duped to that one.
@JimmyHoffa With the hoops you have to jump through to be allowed to do academic research, someone good enough to actually do such research could get a real industry job to pay the bills and just do the research. This would be a ton of work - which just means it's the academia experience with a bigger salary. Unless you need expensive equipment the only drawback is that academics tend to ignore even qualified non-academics - which isn't really the greatest selling point for academia.
It sort of saddens me that @jozefg wants to go the academic route.
@MichaelT Just recently checked in code using the Interpreter pattern. I did it to give the MUMPS developers who maintain it some hope (vs. writing a parser generator and letting them figure that out). Let me tell you - writing one of those is even more tedious then it sounds. So much harder than using a parser generator.
1 hour later…
@psr Ah c'mon, he'll love it. He's 17 and already loves thinking about category theory, he'll spend all his time as an academic writing papers proving theorems to integrate intuitionistic type theory and linear logic or whatever other obscenely abstract thing he can get to spend his time doing which is what he does with his free time already.
when i was 17
i rode bikes, ate dirt, and played guitar badly
@MattD when I was 17 I worked 40 hours a week for a tiny website development 'venture' in the basement of a mexican imports shop
making porn sites?
@MattD Insurance policy filing site for spanish community insurance company, local advertising supported CMS site, one web-store site for some local car parts dealer to manage their inventory and allow them to sell their inventory on-line, web-store for a company that sold these doodads used for making elevated roofs, employee time-tracking website for some local company, online bail-bonds management system, stuff like that
online bail bonds
so american
Somebody came to us and wanted us to put it together to sell to the local gov to win a bid for getting off of pen and paper for all the governments bailbonding stuff, I don't even remember the details of the system anymore, was one of the larger ones I did
Not like a corporate thing, it was supposed to be for gov
4 hours later…
Carthago delenda est...
now that the feature request and implementation notes have been updated to reflect your clarifications, does it make sense to also update decline justification? (BTW your note #4, on denormalized field was spot on - well done!) I can open a separate MSO discussion for that if it feels too big to discuss in comments... — gnat 1 min ago
...Regarding analysis answer, it's probably worth noting that, although somewhat outdated, it still feels in the ballpark. For first 3 hours, the example question had up to 12 answer, making calculation pretty close to those that would be there with 10 posts limit. And even after that, number of answers has been up to 16 which is, again, not too far from 10. Denominator, denoting... — gnat 1 min ago
...age-drag effect should go away (ie should stay at 1 through all the time), but again, it's not that far from it now (between 0.8 and 1.3) and, which is most important, it doesn't really impact the core point made about "relative effect of QScore * NumAnswers / 5 versus SumAnswers". Thing is, this relative effect simply doesn't depend on the age drag: both values are scaled so that drag effect, whatever it is or isn't, simply disappears when one divides them to get relative effect — gnat 1 min ago
2 hours later…
> This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. You passed. Closing is appropriate for questions with serious problems.
Does anybody work with iOS?
2 hours later…
@psr Remember that he hasn't been involved in any of the drama of academia yet. Even most undergrads aren't exposed all that much to the challenges. It's only when you hit grad school and start thinking about it as a career option that you start seeing how twisted it is. Easily half of the friends I had when I was on a PhD track went to industry instead of staying with academia. Slogging through to get a graduate degree really exposes academia's underbelly.
@GlenH7 I spent enough time as an undergrad to see that first hand. Competition isn't quite strong enough a word for what PhDs go through.
@WorldEngineer I tried not to paint that as a universal picture as it really depends upon how involved the undergrad is. I had friends that were clueless / didn't care about the politics of academia and I had friends who were considering it so they got glimpses
I went from a top notch school that kept the politics firmly in check to a ... less-than-top-notch school were the politics were rampant. It was quite disturbing and firmly convinced me that I would be better off in academia.
@GlenH7 you mean industry?
@WorldEngineer yeah... this is what I get for multi-tasking... Yes, I knew I would be much better off in industry. Politics are still present, but nowhere near as vicious as what I saw in academia. Way easier to move around too if need be.
and truth be told, I think I've played with cooler technology since I've been in industry than I would have in academia. Neural research is pretty sweet, don't get me wrong. But it's really, really, really hard to secure funding to throw together a monstrous computing environment. OTOH, when I look back at all of the storage technologies and computing platforms I have been able to work on, it's pretty clear that industry provided me more toys to play with.
@GlenH7 and the toys are cutting edge.
@WorldEngineer indeed they are. I was on a project where we were able to influence a portion of the SCSI-3 standard. Yes, standard. We were able to demonstrate the need for a change in the proposal based upon the work we had already completed. And we couldn't envision how anyone else would be able to work with things as it had been proposed.
@gaussblurinc How "work with" are you asking?
@psr I'm just thinking of the one that I saw... ~30k lines of if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("ifSomeCondition")) { ... } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("ifAnotherCondition")} { ... } else if ...
Yes, thats right... every conditional in the 'language' was explicitly hard coded as a distinct conditional. And was done with multiple conditionals on a line.
@MichaelT That's ..... inspiring.
The data structure it wrote was an ArrayList of Objects (thats right, they just put everything in an object...) StringBuffers, images, special barcode objects.... then elsewhere was if(array.get(i) instanceof StringBuffer) { printer.send(((StringBuffer)array.get(i)).toString()); } else if (array.get(i) instanceof Barcode) { ... } ...
As I said, I've only seen the interpreter pattern implemented once, and it was just wrong.
I suspect it started out as a quick and dirty (and small) thing that had about 1k lines or so for the various receipts that could be printed. But as the system grew, the number of tokens grew without refactoring it into a "its a language, parse it"
Oh, the dangers of the quick & dirty hack....
(my previous employer might have been able to keep me a bit longer if they had gone for the "let me just rewrite it" - As the application nolonger needed the interpreter rip out all that code, write a transaction interface for the transaction object (a big ugly thing) to decouple it from the tight innards of the register...
and then make it so that it returns a receipt object, that can then be sent to a rendering engine (be it the printer itself, or a pdf, or what have you).
I thought we wanted to advocate for tight coupling because, you know, it's tight
If done correctly, it would have meant that any object that implements the transaction could get back a standard receipt object that it could print - be it the register and the receipt printer, the website to pdf, or the receipt lookup kiosk, or QA testing engine.
I'm gonna have to work on my trolling for the day though. That one didn't quite land the way it should have.
And think of how much easier it would be to support the next POS system and its variants on receipt printing
@GlenH7 Yea... the receipt code looked into the transaction, and the type of transaction (void sale? return? etc...)
@GlenH7 The thing is there are currently the register and two variants out there now (the website and the receipt lookup kiosk).
blech. I know I'll get flamed for this, but RPG-IV was kind of a standout language from that point of view. It helped decouple the application's printing requirements from the actual hardware. Kind of elegant in its own way.
The website has its own receipt generation code (that has some glitches with the ones printed in the store) and the receipt lookup kiosk has a jsp that it prints.
@MichaelT I would imagine it only added to the vendor lock-in with the POS system too
@GlenH7 Kind of... though not too much. Previous employer bought a source license to it... good thing too because the innards of that code were just wrong.
Within a few days of the "take 3, all stores by this time next year" project, we had completely made it impossible to ever get a patch or support from the vendor.
And yea, looking at the code - not sure we'd want to.
(meeting time)
@MichaelT I never had a chance to find out about the innards of my second previous employer's POS system, but I was always curious. If you can say, I would be curious to know which POS system you were able to poke inside of.
@GlenH7 Yea... that one. I can spot it on a live system now too...
It's kinda hilarious when you can spot issues from previous work lives "in the field"
We took it so far from what it was designed for... it just wasn't what should have been done. It was likely good for a mom and pop shop... though I'd still be worried with the holes that we saw in it.
One reason I stayed away from previous employers POS system is that I saw it everywhere and I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist trying to fix field issues.
It wasn't designed for 16x registers at 300 locations... where you start worrying about failover (wasn't in the core product), or integrating with a home grown back office system.
WAT? You want live inventory updates too? Sheesh you're demanding....
The register was purchased from another company that wrote Java 1.4 code for it. You can see bits of it in there. Then new team that worked on it added 3 modules... and one of those modules got interwoven into the entire system.
That module necessitated circular dependancies... which in turn cased a bunch of reflection code to get added.
Reflection makes everything performant, right?
(don't spit your coffee out)
We didin't use that module at all... and every time we saw the code in a method we were working on, we'd try to extract it.
(ie: rip it out)
Either of you have any impressions on Scala?
@WorldEngineer Its a reasonable and reasonably popular jvm language...
One of the developers undertook a "redo the layout" project that was necessary to get at the steep learning curve of the project.
@MichaelT What I've read of the main site for it seems comprehensible so far...That's probably the Haskell talking.
Trying to figure out where something was / should be was a significant chunk of trying to fix things. And then you'd find things in the wrong place that was done because it was 'expedient' back sometime, and resulted in more reflection code.
@gnat Carthago canem placito
(they stuck everything in untyped arrays or collections... and then when the class wasn't visible at that level at compile time, thats when you'd reflect it)
@MichaelT yick
@WorldEngineer The real fun was reflection based versions of if (foo instanceof SomeClass) became "get the string form of the name, and then test that" because SomeClass wasn't visible either.
@MichaelT Fuck all that, get a pointer to the object, inspect it's v-table for the type id, then manually parse the bytecode on disk to find out the key information you want to know. Private shmivate!
@YannisRizos question on the collider from workplace made me think of you... (not in a bad way)
Q: Blacklisting resumé liars

RenanI have been conducting interviews the last couple weeks and in some cases I had to deal with resumé liars. Most cases are just people who list in their resumés skills that they don't actually have. I don't mean having them in a begginner level, I really mean not being able to demonstrate even th...

I have this weird urge to filk "Closing Time" into "Meeting Time"
o/` Every new project comes from some other project's end o/`
in short, no. Ruby doesn't have a quality threading model to support concurrent in-process work and communication. If you want a trendy hipster language (or just for this general type of domain of multi-user X servers where X is anything with stateful connections like game) Node.JS would serve you much better. — Jimmy Hoffa 25 secs ago
@JimmyHoffa If you must use Ruby, you could do JRuby + Akka
@WorldEngineer Yeah, but it's just the wrong tool for the job scenario. I don't genuinely have anything against ruby (though I don't like the idiomatic humane interface they sell, the language other than that seems fine), but as soon as you start needing sessionful multi-user activity (or generally anything heavily reliant on concurrency), it's just not the right tool anymore. Some ruby runtimes do better but still at it's core that concurrency is far from what ruby is for.
Node.JS is explicitly for precisely that however, so he has an alternative that's still flavor-of-the-day (and genuinely a quality implementation), nothing to complain about there
@JimmyHoffa Awhile back I read an article about a guy working on the Netflix(?) machine learning challenge and trying to do it in ruby, with threading... and having it completely get bogged down.
@MichaelT Yeah see the thing is, even when you use one of the ruby alternatives that has a better runtime model, you're still in a language that was fundamentally not created for that purpose so the knobs and dials available for even doing that stuff aren't going to be any level of maturity
I remeber the guy ending up going back to Java... still trying to find the blog post.
(it was the type of thing that ruby bogged down at less than 100 threads, so he had to change his model again and again to try to make it work... he switched back to java, and went to 1000s of threads without problem and the model he had in his mind was easy to map with that)
@WorldEngineer blam! closed and deleted fast.
@GlenH7 @JimmyHoffa @MichaelT
@JimmyHoffa Haha I laughed a lot reading that
Its snowing!
@MichaelT Here too, isn't it miserable?
@jozefg First snow of the year.... the V-ball players are trying to figure out what the difference between 'snow' and 'sand' is. I said its a edit distance of 3.
One of the people from the manager side of the building is wondering if we can open an office in Antigua.
I want snow too :(
@JimmyHoffa but don't you get mountains, I'd take mountains over snow
@jozefg Package deal, let's see...
ah no snow in the front range again until early next week
@jozefg This pic was taken ~10 minutes down the street from me
School of mines is in the foothills nestled up next to the left most mountain in that image
@JimmyHoffa Wow.. I want mountains..
@jozefg highway 93 is what runs from boulder (in that pic) about 20-30 miles south to Golden (where mines is) and... it's one of the most dangerous roads in the country
@WorldEngineer - the comment software bundle contained on 35 floppy disks brought back memories of some of my first redhat linux distributions
It's not the snow that's the problem, it has a huge valley from mountain up to it on the one side. It's a gorgeous drive, but that valley gets absolutely demolishing winds at times. I had to dodge a christmas tree blowing off someone's roof one time
I once saw a roof topper blow off someone's car and explode on the side of the road (shovels and rakes were in it apparently, not a light thing for the wind to carry away)
Gah, this makes me nostalgic for SF. sobadsogood.com/2013/07/09/…
couldn't be a nicer drive though, this is a pic taken from the highway, this valley between mountains and 93 basically follows it the entire 20-30 mile stretch
(I was looking for this thing when I found that one - slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2013/08/10/… )
Daily close vote limit reached <sigh> Have I ever mentioned that I need more close votes?
They should really onebox the onion in here..
That fog one, I especially like the ~3:30 where the fog 'breaks' over a hill.
@MichaelT Doesn't render for me for some reason
It's just a slideshow, a frame comes up every 45 seconds
which is a type of time lapse I guess...
@JimmyHoffa It would be close to realtime then.
@MichaelT yes, real time lapse.
@JimmyHoffa I've almost dualized lenses
@jozefg Is that some haskell thing you're making up words for again?
@jozefg What does that get you? (I still haven't gotten to lenses any further than: they're setters and accessors)
very very general setters and getters
@MichaelT Dualizing stuff is an idea from category, basically you flip all the arrows of a constructions and you get free (dual) theorems
so the dual would be, constructors and destructors?
@JimmyHoffa I think they're lenses on sum types vs product types
So I do believe I can prove that lenses are the categorical dual of prisms
@jozefg lenses work on both though
granted product types are definable as sum types
@JimmyHoffa Not necessarily, you can't satisfy the get put law on a maybe lens.
What if it's nothing?
@jozefg You'll have to hop on #haskell on Freenode and talk to EKmett about that
@JimmyHoffa I think I shall once my proof is less hand wavy
@jozefg He's plenty friendly, as well as McCann and plenty of others in there anyway. He'd likely help you out with it.
Have you not stopped in there before?
If they're willing to talk to me about stuff helping me understand shit like that, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to talk to someone who actually knows what they're talking about
@MichaelT Ok that's cool. I had to re-open the tab but yeah, reminds me of the cloud forest in Peru
@JimmyHoffa I remember just sitting on top of a parking ramp and watching the fog roll in one evening.
@JimmyHoffa yeah I'll have to ask him about this.. It's weird, lenses appear to morphisms in this category
@MichaelT About the only equivalent we have here is going up to the foothills before dawn and watching the sun come up and light the entire plateau, denver is a big flat plateau running up to it
(in the picture there you can see I think the south table in Golden, you can hike up there anytime)
can never remember the south table from the north table
But yeah, watching a cloud roll in at ground level is something else altogether
For the green tech, the federal building in SF is rather interesting (fog plays a role in this)...
The mesh catches the wind off the ocean at night, and forces it down along the outside of the building. At night, the windows open a little bit. The inside is concrete and the cold outside air cools down the concrete to ambient night temp.
This way AC during the day can be limited because the concrete is able to absorb the heat.
and it looks like a work of art too
The mesh is also all south facing, this cuts down the amount of solar heating the interior gets during the day
@MichaelT See if they were going to go with something like that though, I have to wonder why they didn't go a little thicker with the bars, make them hollow pipes, and just have some water pumps pushing/pulling brown water through on it's way to the treatment plant. That would cool the building significantly more, and in the climate they don't have to worry about pipes freezing (besides, constantly running it wouldn't freeze)
I remember reading at one point the two most effective house cooling techniques people found were A) house shutters (which was extremely surprising) and B) having water misters around their house (which is a horrible waste of water)
from some study. Unless I remember for shit
@JimmyHoffa But thats an active system - this uses all passive technologies.
Another fun bit from it - elevators only step every 3rd floor. Most people have to walk up or down a flight of stairs to get to the cube (encourage interaction between people on the stairways and promote some healthy walking).
@MichaelT Untrue though, there's still an active HVAC system throughout the building, what I refer to would act as an arm of the HVAC significantly reducing the demands on the rest of the HVAC
@JimmyHoffa Actually... I think they scrapped that.
@MichaelT Scrapped what? They have no HVAC?
"The architect's decision to eliminate the usual HVAC system saved $11 million in construction costs."
holy crap
that's awesome
ever seen/heard about the block of ice cooling system?
The idea being you put a block of ice in the basement, run the AC through that. It melts during the day, but at night, you refreeze it when power costs are cheap.
Q: What should be the architecture of an urban game system?

pmichnaI'm going to develop an urban game using a telco API for phone geolocation and sending/receiving messages. A player would pick up one of the scenarios, move around the city and when he hits a given location, he gets a message and possibly has to answer it. I'm wondering, what approach would be t...

Turns out he was asking about architectural design not just technology stack platform I guess
@JimmyHoffa So, what should be the architecture with node.js?
@pmichna Don't ask me! :D
Your question wasn't super clear and a bit broad, likely you won't get an answer on it as it is, but we can definitely discuss it here. If you edit it a bit though you may get a hand full of more comprehensive thought out answers in the question itself
What exactly are you trying to do?
@JimmyHoffa A bachelor thesis project ;)
As I said I have access to telco API
It's not really clear, I just hear game server and immediately think long-standing sessionful connections with shared memory for concurrent state updates which is a problem you really don't want to use Ruby for
Probably you are right
my game server should be able to host concurrent games
and should be stable so that noone gets an error during playing, like you said
So my idea is to create a web interface for users to registers, edit game scenarios, start/stop games, view rankings etc.
Aye, Node.JS works great for that type of thing, Java will work fine too, or Python plausibly though I'm not super familiar on Python's runtime mechanisms
@pmichna and what is a "game" going to be?
pinging players, say, each 5 sec to get their location
and send them SMS messages ro do something else depending where they are and they have done before
@pmichna Python concurrency is...eh
From the mobil side of the world, location fixes every 5 second is... battery consuming.
@WorldEngineer Ok, im rather not interested in python
@MichaelT It doesn't use phone's battery
it's GSM location
not very accurate, but pretty good in cities
So this isn't a smartphone running an app...
not necessarly :)
could old nokia 3310
could be*
the communication would be over SMS messages
and as I said, there would web interface and after reading a little bit about node.js I think it may be a could candidate for the game server. However, my question is: should the game server and web application (user interface) be separate or one node.js application?
So you're polling the phone company for the information on the placement of a given phone rapidly... you might just want to double check the API to make sure you don't get ratelimited there.
Hi Pmichna! Hi MichaelT!
You're correct. The rates can be changed for my needs :)
Mind if I hop into this conversation for a moment?
but I may lower the pinging polling frequency
@StevenA.Lowe Go ahead...
@StevenA.Lowe no problem :)
Thanks - I think you're asking two different questions at once
what's a good architecture
what's a good language
good point
until you understand/define the architecture, 'what language' is premature
you know the limits of the geoloc API and how it operates, so if you must use that library then that's a hard constraint on the architecture
which may dictate the process/thread structure
@pmichna Separate apps make sense for this to me
but the protocols and traffic levels between the game app and game server (however that functionality is physically distributed) may also influence the architecture
in terms of queueing, state-management, and so on
i think you've got a lot more architecting to do ;)
I get the same feeling :). As of traffic - it won't be big, because it won't be a real life project (at least for now) - just a project for bachelor thesis
hmmm... thesis requirements may be very different from real-world requirements!
The very basic requirement is that it has to work :)
I feel I'm not a big fan of Java and I wanted to learn something new, so I thought about Ruby and RoR
if it just has to work, then pick a tool you know, use TDD, and just start building it ;)
while learning a new language might be fun, it's not the point of the thesis, is it?
and it will make the job more difficult unnecessarily
yeah, you are right
on the other hand it may make it more fun, entirely up to you to decide an acceptable level of risk
but I'm not a master in any other language/framework
that makes the situation more open for other options
wish there was a simple answer :P
can Ruby do it? probably. are there better choices for a 'real' app? probably. Since this is a thesis project, does it matter? I doubt it.
if you want massive concurrency
So pick something you'll enjoy learning
but that's probably overkill
Ruby isn't known for good concurrency models.
ok, Scala is to hardcore for this project
Ruby is already gone - everyone discourages me from it
@pmichna (there's a good reason for that)
node.js seems great because of its ease of use of concurrency
I don't think the language choice for a toy project is critical. I'm assuming that the thesis is about either the architecture, or just the experience
what is the point of the thesis? and/or which class is it for?
I wrote some code (very little) in Erlang and it seems to have similar idea
the 'requirements' in this case are very much a function of how the thesis will be graded ;)
@StevenA.Lowe The thesis is my bachelar thesis, for the end of undergraduate studies
Oct 8 at 23:16, by psr
Hello World is tough with Erlang. Due to concurrency you have to say hello to the whole world at once.
the thesis subject is "urban game using telco api and crowdsourcing" or something like this
@MichaelT Yeah, I wasn't so much attracted to Erlang, that's why I don't want to use it in my project. :)
@pmichna Erlang is a fantastic language for these things, concurrency is the point of the whole language
it's cool, but not know :P
but it's a much steeper learning curve than say node.js
so maybe coming back to the beginning and putting the detailed architectural talk aside
I know some Java, done some small projects (mainly some lab tasks on tutorials during my studies)
and there is node.js, which I have noe experience at
@pmichna What Steven has been getting at is you need to scope your project in one way or the other.
but it seems fun
Either pick a language and architect around that. Or architect the project and pick the language that best fits it.
@pmichna A web front end in Ruby would be fine, it's just the part that's doing all the concurrent communication and updating the current serverside game state of each user that you need to not do in Ruby
Trying to do both will leave you in an infinite loop
@GlenH7 sound advice.
(well, to an extent... fundamental requirements dictate some portion of the architecture in an overriding fashion that you need to pick the language based on)
@GlenH7 I'm trying to get out of it ;)
It's just a thesis. I'd recommend picking a language you know moderately well and bang the thing out. Picking a new language adds a lot of risk which translates into stress for you.
full disclosure: My masters thesis was essentially rewriting the code from someone else's thesis. And yes, his code was ... poor.
If it's just a thesis, who cares. Nobody will ever see or use the code. It could be (probably usually are) rife with concurrency bugs and nobody will know the difference
I think I'll just need to think about it
thanks for all the advice
@pmichna Just use LaTeX and a sufficient number of sigmas and no one will notice.
Q: Can we make a love heart with LaTeX?

perfectionm1ngI understand that this post may cause some down votes because it seems a bit off-topic, but having seen the discussion on Christmas Tree with LaTeX I am still willing to try. My Girlfriend's birthday is coming (OK, actually less than 12 hrs!). I would like to write her a little love note. Both...

(a question that has been sticking to the collider for awhile)
@pmichna On a more practical note, I don't believe your question is answerable currently on the main site. Would you consider closing or deleting it please? You're more than welcome to re-open / edit once you've plugged in some of the details
@WorldEngineer It would be a nice feeling if everything worked fine, though
@StevenA.Lowe And thank you for stopping by.
@GlenH7 sure
@StevenA.Lowe exactly, thanks for your help
Ug - old question, has upvotes on answers that are non-trivial... requires four votes to delete.
@GlenH7 I got a question regarding your hotness formula analysis. In Raw basis of question table, collider column, score values - look like ones observed from collider, correct? If yes, how do you take into account that these may be slightly out of sync with values you calculate?...
... I mean, value for collider was calculated by the system in a different moment and post scores could have change since. 2-3 votes for question or an extra answer posed can make a noticeable difference between what you calculate and what is shown at collider, right?
Actually, seeing a couple of those in the 'most delete votes'
Q: Crunch-time Sleep Deprivation: Survival Strategies?

Dan RayFore-warning: I'm typing this question on 3 hours' sleep in the last 48, after a month straight of long hours and sacrificed weekends. Launch deadline D-day was 12 hours ago, now we're in red time. What do you do to make it through delivery deadline crunches? Survival strategies? Tips? Caffeine...

Two votes cast, 8 more needed.
@gnat Noted the assumption and moved on.... Granted, that's hand-waving, but it works in this case. Especially since I wasn't privy to the "actual" algorithm at that point.
@MichaelT mine is there already. Although I would rather prefer a his lock for it (writing flag messages for h/l is rather tricky, that's why I didn't did it yet on that Q)...
yesterday, by gnat
@MichaelT you know, when I look at old, currently inappropriate questions with solid, good quality answers, I ask myself, why do we need to blindly follow SO stringent requirements for historical lock? "The post is stellar... large number of views, upvotes and inbound links" oy wey. These may be fair for a site that changed smoothly, slowly and gradually, but Programmers are not like that!
While its upvoted, it just doesn't have the views to indicate the long tail of a useful h/l.
@GlenH7 all right that makes sense. As long as you aware of the possible diff, I see no reason to worry :)
Only 1 linked question, and one related question - so its lacking on the incoming too.
@gnat The time decay portion wasn't working either (duh, wrong formula) so I had to wave my hands over that one too. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge that some data is crap and do what you can with the rest.
@MichaelT well, to me h/l at Programmers is not so much about usefulness (I'd leave that to SO where was no scope change like ours) but for civil peace and smoother transition between the past and present (and the future for that matter, I won't bet that current scope is cast in stone, think about workplacey topics)
There are, admiditaly good answers in there... If I was a mod (no, @WorldEngineer don't go sticking a diamond here) I'd delete most of the answers and then h/l it.
As it is, it likely won't get deleted, its closed... and isn't terribly embarrassing. Just more an observation on questions with lots of upvotes and delete votes.
A: Crunch-time Sleep Deprivation: Survival Strategies?

haylemHaylem's Survival Guide to Code-Rushes Master your Sleep Be Active and Healthy Be a Team Sleep! Master your Sleep The most important thing is to master the art of sleeping well. Listen to your biological clock and be aware of your Circadian rythm. Learn to understand your sleep cycles and sl...

Thats the good answer in there.
@GlenH7 "revelation" about time decay didn't bother me much, as soon as I figured it only makes the issues with score more prominent. And, of course it was obvious from the very beginning that the core point about relative effect is invariant to time decay...
...age-drag effect should go away (ie should stay at 1 through all the time), but again, it's not that far from it now (between 0.8 and 1.3) and, which is most important, it doesn't really impact the core point made about "relative effect of QScore * NumAnswers / 5 versus SumAnswers". Thing is, this relative effect simply doesn't depend on the age drag: both values are scaled so that drag effect, whatever it is or isn't, simply disappears when one divides them to get relative effect — gnat 12 hours ago
@MichaelT if memory serves I once seen quite compelling explanation (Show? Yannis? maybe ChrisF) why cleanup doesn't make much sense for h/l. Idea was like if you cleanup, it would better stay unlocked. If you lock, heaps of garbage serve as sort of proof why it's not appropriate and on the other hand (which is maybe most important), lock protects things from becoming broken windows - it's intended and designed for that
"Show" = Shog
that one won't go to h/l, for sure. I'll CV it tomorrow, will flag if closing won't come through the regular way, will wait until it's eligible for deletion, and will del-vote as soon as I can...
Q: where do you track team Decisions

rerunI have been on many development teams and as the team matures decisions about direction are made. These decisions often come back up over and over. Like why don't we fill in this field why didn't we use memcache over a custom solutions. These decisions add up over time and become a significant...

barbarians at the gate
guys who learned that recommendations don't fly at SO as good as before, now try to leak them through to Programmers
Interesting bit on the apple.SE site with SO people realizing that different sites have different accepted questions.
Q: What un(der)-documented features have you stumbled upon in Mavericks?

UndoThis question serves to share and collect the enhancements which are not documented by Apple, or documented poorly. Please post one feature per answer. Please also check to see if your answer has already been posted - duplicate answers will be deleted. To search answers for this question use inq...

Coming from StackOverflow, this would be closed as subjective immediately. Does this community tolerate "favorite feature" type "questions"? It hardly seems to be something answerable. — p.campbell 24 hours ago
@p.campbell: you can find some discussion of this here and here - the short answer is that hidden feature wikis are tolerated here, under limited conditions - a straight up "favorites" poll isn't something that you should find on any SE site however. I've edited this question to bring it closer inline with what is normally found here. — Shog9 19 hours ago
@pmichna @MichaelT sorry for the dropout, a client called with a problem. Looks like y'all got it sorted out. Good luck!
@StevenA.Lowe Yep. And yea, thank you for stopping by. Its always nice seeing people in chat working out things that would be far too awkward for comments.
@p.campbell - It's one of the fascinating things about SE. Each board has its own personality, and slightly differing rules. At Money.SE this gets shutdown quickly. — JoeTaxpayer 3 hours ago
@MichaelT yes it's the distinct feature of their site. When I studied sticky questions, a similar question of their was the only one where lots of answers felt all right. They somehow found a way to manage things like that, in their context...
Q: What un(der)-documented features have you stumbled upon in Mountain Lion?

gentmattThis question serves to share and collect the enhancements which are not documented by Apple, or documented poorly. Please justify your answer; if it is something that is well documented by Apple and elsewhere on the web, it does not belong here. Your answer should put the feature into context, ...

Q: Please share your hidden OS X features or tips and tricks

Am1rr3zADo you know any hidden or little-known nice feature of Mac OS X? It doesn't matter what it is—maybe just a short terminal command or a keyboard shortcut. Share your experiences on hidden Mac OS X features with us.. Please post one tip per answer. Please also check to see if your answer has alrea...

(615 favs, 127 answers)
"Ask Different" - name fits :)
their questions differ
Yep... its up to the community really to decide how open/closed they are to certain types of questions... within the SE framework.
on the other hand, they've got objective criteria to judge answers and drop off meh / crap, meaning more leeway for questions
it's not a coincidence I think that Programmers and TWP suffer most from collider, while other sites more or less clean the crap answers - per their objective criteria
P.SE is partly at the point where we are because of our close association with SO, its history - what we're closing now with questions showing up is in part a reaction to that history.
@MichaelT maybe. Part of the history is SO oldtimers making comments under crappy questions, "belongs to programmers"
I flagged here one cross-post like that today, along with flagging a comment at SO "origin" that tripped OP into cross-posting
one post two helpful flags at two sites
I need more close votes.
@MichaelT how did I never see this before?
@MichaelT There's an easy way to fix that...
I am reporting you to jeff atwood — user104971 1 min ago
Good luck with that. — Robert Harvey 1 min ago
@RobertHarvey If you didn't catch the sarcasm in my tone about Node.JS being a language according to hipsters; it was just a matter of being out of the edit window when I noticed what I said
@JimmyHoffa I kinda half-thought it was mild sarcasm, until you pointed out that some hipsters really do think of it as a language. I guess you get street cred if your thing is a language, or at least a domain-specific one. Then again, some folks still think Node is single-threaded.
I actually checked. You jest, but some bloggers really do talk about Node like it's a language.
@RobertHarvey and even more people think Node is magical eventomatic elf-driven shit and that threads are the evil santa claus that only gives people coal and sends every child to the krampus
@RobertHarvey I didn't have to check, I don't doubt it for a moment. People call JQuery a language for fucks sake (I had a contractor once argue with me that it was when he was asking me to fix something he was doing for our company)
it's one thing to be misinformed, it's another entirely to fail at making something work, ask somebody who is said to know what they're doing to help fix it, and then tell them they're wrong regardless of the fact that they solved your problem when you couldn't
Unfortunately, I too have been guilty of talking out of my ass once in awhile. A couple of days ago, someone asked this question, and I answered with a perfectly sensible usage of type classes in Scala. I was getting upvotes on my answer, too, until someone correctly pointed out that you could accomplish the same thing with ordinary generics and interfaces.
So it turned into "stump the chump."
> Hello kind sirs. I'm looking at building a ______ program. How do I do this? Please send the codes.

- Half the questions I read
@RobertHarvey With Jeff and Joel the Stackert Brothers? We're all guilty of it sometimes. Something makes sense so you throw it out there, other people think it makes sense too, then someone corrects you. Can't know what you don't know is all.
> Due haste, my program does not work, plz2fixthx!

- The other half
@JimmyHoffa Yes, that.
Most questions are simply underspecified.
I suddenly realized that SO made a tactical error a couple of years ago with "no question is too simple." The fact is, you need basic knowledge of your craft (and some decent communication skills) to formulate a good question.
@RobertHarvey It's really hard to specify programming problems when you don't know what pro-gra-mee-nguh is
@RobertHarvey puts it generously
In other news, I cannot run the JDK for Java 7
I think it's time to upgrade
@WorldEngineer In other news Java has only pretended to run for years.
@JimmyHoffa fair enough but it's still annoying.
@tylerl My favorite is Why did... because we're all intrinsically aware of what caused every major company to make every technical decision it's ever made
@RobertHarvey did they forgot to put the comma back then? And make it into close reason: "no, question is too simple"
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