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where did link only answers go?
Q: Is there a way to run a SEDE query against an older Programmers data snapshot?

gnatIs it possible to get results of a particular SEDE query executed against an older data snapshot? I am interested in these in order to perform sort of retrospective study. Query I would like to run is Marginal short answers with links. I would like to see results of this query executed against d...

> I would like to learn what happened to thousands posts that are not there anymore, how many was there back then, how many of these were deleted, edited, historically locked.
4 hours later…
I just noticed the tags for this room. The first two are the best. What else do we need other than a few good beers and some horror stories?
I want to implement a version of SO (open source clone at least) internally at my company. I'm sure that process would be a great
gotta find a open source one which is good enough anyways
@enderland There are several SO clones.
I think there is a list on Meta SO. Not sure how up-to-date it is, though.
Q: Stack Overflow clones

AndrijaListed here are clones of the Stack Exchange sites model.

yeah I've been looking at that list
I'm actually considering the reddit source, too - I think it'd be a 90% solution
@JimmyHoffa btw, mentioned that "100% chance of laser beams" to a co-worker who used to be a sysadmin at a weather company - thats caused by the sun hitting the dish just wrong (not a software glitch).
@MichaelT Technically does the sun ever hit the dish wrong? I mean, I'm pretty sure that's like saying gravity hit the stairs wrong because you fell down them
Also, this is a neat trick I found jozefg.bitbucket.org/posts/…
@jozefg are you equally annoyed as me at how damn many terms there are to mean "sum type" ?
@JimmyHoffa There's only one meaning, just 40 misinterpretations :D
@JimmyHoffa I think its more a thing of "when the sun is in a certain position in the sky (happens 2x/year for a short period of time), the weather radar is overpowered by the noise of the sun (its looking right at it) and is tricked into 'thinking' that its a narrow band of reflectivity from a storm.
Pseudo-related - ultra long exposures (photography) -- its only 3 stops from an exposure of 1 day to 1 week...
(5th of April 1997 - 3rd of June 1999)
(more about this photographer (Michael Wesley) at amusingplanet.com/2010/08/… )
@jozefg I just get annoyed every time you say "sum type" and someone's like "Huh?" "ADT?" "Eh?" "Discriminated Union?" "O yeah that one" or any of the various names..
Btw, this is also neat - amusingplanet.com/2011/05/…
Or the term "HM type system" which someone invariably tries to correct you on "No no, HM is just type inference"
@jozefg good answer, I wouldn't have been able to pull that out of my ass because I would have basically seen it like your soapbox "Huh? This guys just spouting nonsense"
@JimmyHoffa Yeah.. Frankly I think subtyping is sledgehammer and should go away, but I don't want to get lynched
@jozefg yeah, same. people completely missed the mark in their readings of all the composition over inheritance publications there are
@JimmyHoffa yeah.. frankly my biggest pet peeve is that after working in OOP over 10k lines, just understanding which function is called so you can trace a bug is annoyingly hard
Here's a nice WTF from php...
$a = INF;
$b = array();
$c = (object)array();
var_dump($a < $b);
var_dump($b < $c);
var_dump($c < $a);
This evaluates to:
MSO comments / thoughts...
Q: Easy close review queue filtering interface

MichaelTShort version: Make a filter selection page the default entry point for the review queues Show the size of the queues for tags they are likely able to work with - not the whole queue When all review options are done, show the user the impact they have had on the view of the queue they were give...

(its not so much for us, but rather SO - trying to get their queue down to size... though we've got a slowly growing one too)
@MichaelT in a short version, consider including the point that is currently buried in the text: "there should still be a 'just take me to the queue' (and one can still set up the filter in the queue that way)". Other than that, suggestion looks very good
so I asked this question the other day and was curious what peoples thoughts might be: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/214899/…
@gnat I think I partially addressed it in the mockups... though I can edit it (to bounce it) and call that out a bit more.
Q: Learning C, Lisp, and UNIX from Ground Up

huntercA friend and I are trying to learn traditional programming from the ground up. We both do web stuff primarily but want to expand to more system related things. We have found a ton of resources but looking for a road map of sorts. We are planning on using SICP to learn Lisp(scheme). Don't reall...

@hunterc Just oneboxing your question...
(there's a whitelist of sites that will automatically populate the contents if you paste the link in by itself... amazon, wikipedia, questions, answers, comments, other sites, other chat messages, xkcd...)
@MichaelT thanks gotta learn how to do all this things in chat lol
@hunterc Start with Haskell, all will made whole in time.
ignore him
No, don't ignore me, that was a touch of sarcasm (sort of)
@hunterc Every chat system has its own nuances... it can take a while to learn all the tricks.
really though. if you're going to learn lisp at all, do it first.
What do you mean by 'traditional programming'?
@JimmyHoffa didnt someone else recommend learning some other FP language first?
We were going to start with SICP and scheme
LISP will get you in the thought process of functional decomposition more quickly and comprehensively than the others
@hunterc Good, do this.
While you're at it, learn emacs
(EMACS runs on a lisp derivative and works great with LISPs)
@JimmyHoffa that made me waste some of my perfectly acceptable coffee all over my disk
but the key is: learning emacs to start with will mean when you move on to other languages you'll have an IDE that you know how to use that works with all of them
@MichaelT We were both designers who kind of tinkered in programming then realized we cared more about it than making pretty pictures so learned a bit of JS and jQuery but no real fundamentals so we both want to switch to programming fulltime but kind of trying to sprint when we don't know how to stand yet
Back in college, I had a class "theory of programming languages" - we wrote a program that generated a maze in different languages. Simple program that has a complex enough algorithm that it isn't trivial to just 'redo' in the different language style.
@hunterc That's exactly what the SICP is for. It served as the intro to get people to think like a programmer at MIT for many years.
@JimmyHoffa yea thats what we heard figured if its good enough for MIT it's good enough for us
Ok... try this as a project then. Write a javascript / jquery page that takes a json object and renders a maze. Then write a program in each language that writes the json object that you could then C&P into the page and see if it worked right.
(just as 'enough' of a problem to get some of the fundamentals down)
@MichaelT okay
Hi again
Oh, who's talking about SICP :D
@jozefg me :)
attempting to learn lisp
6 mins ago, by MichaelT
Q: Learning C, Lisp, and UNIX from Ground Up

huntercA friend and I are trying to learn traditional programming from the ground up. We both do web stuff primarily but want to expand to more system related things. We have found a ton of resources but looking for a road map of sorts. We are planning on using SICP to learn Lisp(scheme). Don't reall...

Write the program in Lisp, C, Java, Haskell, Python... anything else you can get your hands on. Don't be afraid to use existing libraries when they are appropriate - part of knowing a modern language is being able to find and use external resources.
@hunterc An excellent place to start :) I hope you're using Neil Van Dykes SICP mode for doctor racket
Forget all about that, just learn Ruby. It's the future man.
@jozefg uhhh......lol
2 days ago, by MichaelT
(lets see... room tools, mute kids...)
@jozefg I suggested he learn EMACS at the same time as a part of the scheme process. Isn't there something like an EMACS for this particular purpose? Am i thinking of GUILE?
we've been using Ubuntu with MIT-Scheme and repl.it haha
benefit being he wants to move on to learn other languages, and then he'll always have emacs to make all the other languages easy to work with after he gets through scheme
@JimmyHoffa @hunterc Well Dr. Racket is just nice to learn with, it color codes errors and draws errors to them
It's all very pleasant and high tech
@jozefg Oh is that an IDE? I might have to look at that
and with SICP mode it behaves exactly like Scheme in SICP
@jozefg good to know thanks
@JimmyHoffa Yeah, it's the IDE for all things Racket, I still use Emacs, but it's very nice for beginners
@JimmyHoffa I'm thinking of writing a tutorial on category theory for Haskell programmers..
After you've written each program in the language (remember to try to code in the style / thoughts of that language), consider going to CodeReview.SE and asking for a review of it.
(and feel free to link that code review here too)
@MichaelT alright cool. thanks :)
I wish I was comfortable posting some of the stuff I've made at work there but I'm thinking that would be a no-no
@jozefg Do it, I need one heh
(part of the reason why I suggested a maze is that the core of it is small enough to fit into a reasonable CodeReview.SE question)
Oh, toss Clojure in that list of "the cool kids are doing it".. and Scala.
@jozefg read Bartozs' ones on fpcomplete if you haven't, some of them seem pretty good and give a good sense of intuition I think, and may give you some ideas what's already covered and what does/doesn't communicate well
@JimmyHoffa Fair enough, I'm also toying with simply porting Category Theory for Computer Scientists to Haskell
(I'd do Clojure after Lisp and Java... just to see what else can be done on the jvm)
@MichaelT The only part I dislike about Clojure is the meta, the JVM is so slow to start up, problem
@MichaelT there are so many progrmaming languages
Another good resource for a set of problems to tackle a new language - Project Euler - projecteuler.net/problems
Keep the JVM constantly running?
JVM does need some serious start up time though
@Sparticus That is the key idea of the app server...
@all i've noticed that theory is very important also. will sicp cover topics like that or do I need to find another book for that?
@jozefg This is why lighttable works the way it does I think. It has a server that does all the compilation/blabla for you, and the UI runs as a client that connects and that way you don't have to wait for the JVM because it's already active
@JimmyHoffa That's how slime works too.. I should really just write some daemon to do that and then just write scripts in Clojure, that'd be fun
@hunterc SICP is all over that. That's why it goes with Scheme, there's so little syntax that the language features themselves can be largely ignored, this way it can focus on fundamental algorithm concepts etc
@jozefg that's what lighttable is, it's a clojure IDE
@hunterc What part of theory? There are many 'theory' parts to computer science.
@MichaelT good point..
I mean you've got the Chomsky hierarchy and how that applies to different models of machines and the languages they accept... You've got things that are more along the lines of sorting theory, and data structures...
The way that lisp builds data structures is quite different than java, and again quite different from a more dynamic / scripting language.
@MichaelT I understand the SICP at least touches on most of these. It's supposed to be an intro book, I haven't read it but my understanding is it touches at least lightly on all of these. @jozefg you read it, are there any gaping holes it doesn't touch regarding theory (other than the ultra-modern stuff like haskell's underpinnings and PLT which are just out of an intro scope anyway)
@MichaelT This is why, while people say it's just too much, the concepts book really strikes me as valuable. It's an entire book about these distinctions. Though admittedly you do need some fundamentals before they make any sense
@MichaelT i guess traditional CS theory. fromy my reading first couple courses tackle basic program setup and OO if using java, after that some data structures class on hash tables lists trees etc, algorithms, maybe a class or two on hardware, some discrete math
Oh yes, it touches on basic algorithms, data structures, classifying space and time efficiency (big O)
As well as several ideas in programming language theory, type tagging, logical declaritive langauges
Register machines, meta-circular interperters
And It also of course covers the fundamentals of programming itself, including the dastardly duo, pointers and recursion
@hunterc Seriously don't worry about OO. It just muddies the waters in a really bad way. Focus on the uncontroversially good things first, go to OO when you get to the point of being able to think algorithmically and you know data structures and then you want to think about data modeling
Though you definitely should supplement it with CLRS, the algorithm design manual, something like that
Actually SICP teaches quite nice OO, like good old message passing and closures :)
so i guess going back to the root of my question, we want to learn Lisp, C, and UNIX and then build up from there. Trying to build a roadmap so while we are on the topic of lisp: start with sicp, where next?
@jozefg ah, well that's nice then. Though that will probably just make someone confused when they see java's OO that thinks liskov polymorphism is the ninth wonder of the world
SICP -> Algorithms (I recommend Algorithm Design Manual) + K & R -> Book on Unix, I don't have many favorites
C -> Unix is a much easier path than Lisp -> Unix
@jozefg K&R was my first programming book. also as for book on Unix? Do it right, man pages.
I've never done lisp -> unix but can attest that c and unix go hand in hand
we picked up a copy of The UNIX Programming Environment for cheap looked interesting
@hunterc Lisp -> unix is typically done by invoking emacs... which is an editor wishing it was an operating system.
@JimmyHoffa usually has a stash of articles worth a few books of knowledge
@MichaelT It is an operating system, just a confused one
The K&R taught me to think in terms of a turing machine, as well as just being (controversially) one of the most well-written concise books I read which made it a breeze to get through
@JimmyHoffa Agreed, I reread K & R Just to admire the technical writing sometimes
And because occasionally I have moments of weakness and become nostalgic for C
Alright, so the room consensus so far

1. SICP is a good place to start
2. Learn C next
3. Learn Unix with C
4. ???
5. Profit
@jozefg Aye, though I've stated it's quality as an example of Strunk & White done right, I've had people rebuke me on that point saying it's too terse and lacks detail but I just can't agree
@jozefg Might be lack of experience but C looks really nice. Makes a lot of sense. We tried python originally but we just had so many questions about how things worked figured we should to back to basics and as low as possible without hitting assembly (but one day ;) )
C is... simple (once you get your head around proper pointers and memory allocation).
@hunterc C is good for like I said earlier, it makes you think in terms of the underlying turing machine, it gives you an idea of how the physical works. But I still suggest lisp first because it teaches you to not get bogged down thinking about how the machine works
@hunterc C is very good at knowing what it is, it's what happens when you don't add features to a language willy nilly and stick to a core underlying principle
And the result is quite pleasant (In reasonable doses)
I like starting with lisp due to the fact I get to wrap my head around why to do things a certain way plus functional seems nice to learn underpinnings of CS
at the end of the day everything you write is an abstraction over well C, so it's good to know because it gives you the ability to mentally decompress the higher-abstraction code to think about what it's actually doing and how that's going to work out, but that's a skill more useful to the industry programmer than the learner to begin with
@hunterc Yes, this is quite a good way to start
Then you learn C++ do actually do real work but don't want to wade through C to get it done.
Whenever I write C++, I keep wishing for good old printf()
We have set up some interesting goals in my opinion: we want to do that MINIX OS Book, Write our own micro language interpreter parsing typechecker and all
(oh, memories... writing a program that did sprintf(...) to create a string that was then used in a printf(...) as a format)
interpreters are awesome and interesting, but it will be easy to get bogged down getting it all just right, which might be counter productive to learning as much as you can as quickly as you can
@hunterc Modern? Target LLVM or JVM...
@MichaelT Ehh, LLVM's SSA is nontrivial to grok at first, JVM, Parrot, CIL, or just writing a dumb interpreter to traverse the AST directly is far simpler
@MichaelT no clue about that yet. That's kind of our final two goals. Implement a simple OS and PL figured it would great learning experience and look good when applying for CS jobs
very few places will need that depth of knowledge.
Think of CS more as a scaffolding on which to place other knowledge - a library of things to pull ideas out of.
@hunterc interpreters/parsers are fun to write and you learn a lot of good stuff from them about how to design control flow
There are very few Computer Science jobs. There are lots of programming jobs where a high level familiarity with the concepts is useful, but not critical.
as well as how to represent computations which is useful when you design computations in the future
@MichaelT Yeah, but it's still fun stuff, and besides, of all that exists within the CS lexicon that is hardly ever used, state machines/parsers are easily two of the most oft-needed real-world things, so having the fundamentals about that stuff on your side will actually come in handy more than most other CS stuff
Writing even a simple operating system can take a very significant chunk of time with no practical outcome... even on a resume (employers will go "hmm..." and you won't be writing OSs unless you are targeting some very specialized career paths).
Whoa whoa, writing an OS? EFF THAT
I heard writing an interpreter... captain FUCK writing an OS.
3 mins ago, by hunterc
@MichaelT no clue about that yet. That's kind of our final two goals. Implement a simple OS and PL figured it would great learning experience and look good when applying for CS jobs
lol @JimmyHoffa I did say end goals. We are both rather determined individuals
A simple OS isn't that crazy. We did that in my OS class. (An OS within an OS that is.) Had round robin time sharing and memory allocation
If I was a person doing hiring, I'd rather hire a person who could write a program using the frameworks than write an interpreter and OS - those two just aren't as practical.
it was done in unix and had to be able to run 3 different C programs at once, concurrently
we were only told the memory footprint of these programs and thta was it
@hunterc the only parts I've seen of writing an OS that people have actually done happen in the obscure corners of the internet where you find these absolute nut-job hobbyists, and even for them they've usually been working on this pet project in most of their spare time for ~2+ years before it even does basically anything
I think you guys are getting bogged down on modern day OSs. what about a little command line OS?
@Sparticus Did you write the bootloader?
@Sparticus Dos? Apple ][+ style?
> An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.
and what hardware did it run on?
well we both have CS degrees technically. We double majored and did the bare minium and the curriculum was all over the place and because of credit from other courses they said we could skip certain things so we were totally lost for a solid year. so we decided to be designers which we did decently but decided programming is where would rather be but we needed to relearn it and know more than writing simple things in a high level language
It ran on an atmel chip
some was assembly, some was C
@Sparticus ok this is not unreasonable
he gave us some hex files to put in flash that we would load and execute at boot time
That's fairly common practice in uni's on old hardware to my understanding, but trying to get anything to cooperate with modern hardware is a totally non-trivial task
@hunterc Its a noble goal, it won't help your job prospects significantly unless you are after some very specialized paths (embedded systems, HFT)
well just do it within another OS
we did the same thing as a C program in unix
you started it with X amount of memory and it would dish out CPU time and memory to different applications that it started
no one said it was useful but its a basic proof of concept
I've only seen the Interpreter pattern used once in production code... and then it was done really wrong.
@Sparticus That's just a task management and scheduler app, useful but not the same really. Most OS related stuff is almost entirely about the underlying hardware
@MichaelT well he aspires to end up at google, my goals are just to build cool stuff
@MichaelT See, don't you wish that person actually studied how to write an interpreter? :D
I see the 3 pinnacle areas as being C, a functional language or scripting language, and JS
I would argue that it still meets the minimum to be considered an OS. It managed hardware resources (Memory and CPU time) and provided a framework for other applications to use
@hunterc Thats not a path that will take you to google easily.
@hunterc Parsers/Interpreters and OS' are kind of diametric opposites in regards to the level of abstraction and rarely do you find folks who focus on those two things because of it, just saying
I agree it didn't interact with the stuff like video drivers and all that jazz
@JimmyHoffa @MichaelT completely agree if i ever get a programming job that asked me to write a OS id be very suprised but more so to prove to ourselves that we know our stuff
but basic memory and cpu is essentially the same whether its within an OS or not
people tend to find themselves living at one end of the abstraction or the other, the lowest level being systems/embedded land where you deal with things like OS', the other end being distributed computing where you work on services
we don't want to feel lost again applying for a job just to realize we didn't know crap
and then there are people in limbo who seem to be doing both...
You've got a degree right?
@Sparticus yea lot of good it did lol
IMHO I would just specialize. find something you like and be really good at it. If that's web design, there are companies that are hiring just for that
not to say you shouldn't be well rounded, but making an OS at this stage of the game isn't going to gain you a lot
You will likely find that working on data modeling, using the existing ORM frameworks in a given language, adding the modern APIs (rest, soap, etc...) and such will take you much further down the path of cool stuff and a job at google.
@Sparticus That's the problem, he did, and turned out he didn't like design heh
(if you want to work for google that is()
@JimmyHoffa yea haha but I understand @Sparticus point and its a good one
I mean you've got the hard part done. You got the degree. That gets you in the door for an interview. Now you just have to figure out what you want to do. I guess I didn't see the part where you said you didn't like web design
if that's the case then yeah, learn something new. But learn something you want to do
Aye, that job at Google is one hell of a reach, but I agree with @Sparticus and @MichaelT, while studying and learning all this stuff is fun, starting over from scratch will take forever, you'd be better off doing this fun stuff for the fun/learning, but focusing more on picking what you actually want to do for a job and focusing in on that.
Web Services? CRUD software? Systems software? Desktop apps? Mobile apps?
think about the different types of software there are and pick one you want to write.
Snow plows?
@Sparticus i have a friend that builds rockets lol
@Sparticus If carmack's any example he does need to know everything...
Academia? Anybody, anybody
The "starting over" is something that takes a dedicated, full time student, about 2-4 years to complete. When you mix in a current job, you're looking at some very long term things before you complete it.
@jozefg Shhhh we don't talk about that here
@MichaelT I agree but I'm young might as well spend my time doing stuff thats fun and teaches me stuff lol
However, if you've got the fundamentals, applying them to something practical and something you can accomplish in a few months to a year with a reasonable amount of dedication gives you something you can show and say "yes, I did this, I can do this for you too" at an interview.
If you want to learn LISP and make an OS, do it man
if that's fun for you (god help you) then by all means
@jozefg I wish I had gone that route... That seems to be where all the cool stuff is, but instead I went the diametric opposite route by being kicked out of high school and getting no degree
if it's not, move on to something else
@MichaelT true we have debated breaking it into two branches me do one he do another and compare at the end, one web based with JS node ruby python writing rendering engines are build a browser
@JimmyHoffa if it makes you feel any better, I think Academia sucks. (No offense Jozefg)
@Sparticus Pshaw we have free food
And more politics than you can shake a stick at haha. At least in a company everyone admits to the politics but it's disheartening to be a green freshman and have politics screw you over
especially when you're paying to be there....
@Sparticus I thought so too. I still do in lots of ways, I just hate the organization and structure of it (thus why I avoided it), but it turns out if you make it through the bullshit eventually at the upper tier you find all the research happens. Industry never does research. Basically never, the only time they do is by hiring someone who did it at those upper academia tiers I mentioned.. those are the gateway to all research which is cool shit
Yeah if you like research, academia is the one of the very few ways to get there
I'll make you an offer Jimmy, you can finish out my last year at Uni, but that means doing my senior design project... entirely in RoR
@JimmyHoffa They do when its in their domain. The R&D part of big tech companies (Apple, Google, Oracle, EMC, Netapp...) they do it quite a bit. They're also hiring people who have the academic credentials to back it up
@Sparticus See, thats what shows you're a sadistic hipster.
@MichaelT thus my last statement: You still need to make it into those upper academia tiers where they do research before you can do research at a company (90%+ of the time anyway)
I'll admit to the Sadistic part... the hipster was thrust upon me.
Frankly, if you want to get into the research area, you need the academic grad school level background. Its not something you can easily learn on your own within a reasonable amount of time - its something you need a mentor for and the appropriate environment of focused study (apart from a job).
And some good contacts in industry to siphon some money from...
I know two people who got into R&D. One was a insanely bright guy who was hired by MS out of a bachelors degree. You gave him a problem, and he solved it. The other was a guy who liked AI and spent a decade and a half learning it on his own.
I have a friend doing some Biomolecular Research and 1 vial of her samples is upwards of 5 figures. She needs about 6 for her senior design project....
@MichaelT which is why I wish I weathered the bullshit at school. Plus college would have been a lot more fun than working 80 hours a week with adults who don't party and were all way older than me like my early 20s were spent
@JimmyHoffa If it makes you feel any better, his degree is in art.
Hearing my wife's college stories makes me jealous
(he couldn't get his head around some of the areas required for a CS degree, so he switched to an 'art - build your own degree' which was 'computer graphics & art')
@JimmyHoffa You must be talking about another school. Mine beats the life out of its students.
Then he spent 15 years working in the Condor Project where he could dabble in AI in his free time and at home.
so I have been learning java from Deitel's learn java 9th edition. I am up to GUI's and a have a pretty good grasp on OOP etc. I want to go straight to the mobile app development scene, I believe I will learn a fair bit there on using API's, and other tools to develop apps. I am not sure weather I should carry on with PC coding (GUI's etc etc) or skip it all and go direct to learning the Android SDK. So, should I carry on, learn about sockets, writing and reading files, GUI's for PC etc or get a book and jump into android?
skip it all and go on to the mobile scene. Things are done very differently in android.
the most basic ideas will carry over but I'm not sure that it's going to be that useful. If all your interested in is making mobile apps, go for that because it's it's own little ecosystem
plenty of tutorials and resources provided by the people who make the APIs which is invaluable.
That said, don't expect that the stuff you learn on the mobile app side of it to carry back over to PC work either.
Mobil has a different interface model (touch rather than mouse), layout constraints, etc...
And the whole asynchronous backend as well. That takes some getting used to unless you've done it before
@Sparticus Yeah, the school of mines is known for it's students all-night study sessions which are basically a requirement as well as mandatory-unless-you-dont-want-to-keep-up year round study courses
oh you meant your school not school of mines...
School of mines was one of my options
but mine is very much the same
err. my school that is.
(I still keep reading "school of mimes")
I'd love to see an interview for a mime.
Am I the only one that thinks python docstrings are really, really inefficient?
@MichaelT I bet the phone interview is tough though
@Sparticus Should have taken it, if it's basically the same as where you are at least school of mines is a beautiful area
Come all you young fellers so young and so fine,
Seek not your code in at the dark dreary mines
It will form as a habit and sleep not but coffee
Till the stream of your blood runs with caffeine
Where its dark as a dungeon and cold as the cave
Where the danger is naught and the lights blink as a rave
Where the rain never falls and the sun never shines (its Oracle now!)
Its dark as a dungeon when you're coding in the mines
@MichaelT Where did you find this?
Filked it from a classic song... "Dark as a dungeon"
"Dark as a Dungeon" is a song written by singer-songwriter Merle Travis. It is a lament about the danger and drudgery of being a coal miner in an Appalachian shaft mine. It has become a rallying song among miners seeking improved working conditions. The song achieved much of its fame when it was performed by Johnny Cash in his Folsom Prison concert (At Folsom Prison). During this live performance, one of the prisoners in the background was laughing, and Cash started to chuckle. He gently admonished the man, "No laughing during the song, please!" The man yelled something about "Hell!" a...
@MichaelT was just going to say, Johnny Cash doing that some has to be awesome
@WorldEngineer you should probably decline that flag I did on that UI question... I didn't read it fully before suggesting the migration... its... one of those programmer health questions.
@JimmyHoffa Nah, I love milwaukee. What an awesome city
@Sparticus Yeah I have heard good things about it
@JimmyHoffa Milwaukee? or Old Milwaukee? Those are very different things.
And it's actually on the rise. New projects being done, bigger buildings, etc
@MichaelT Dunno, the times I've met people who had lived in Milqaukee they've always said it's a great city and they loved it
oh he's talking about Milwuakee, I meant Milquakee, large duck settlement in the east of Canada
Old Milwaukee is a brand of American dry lager produced by the Pabst Brewing Company. History Old Milwaukee was first brewed in 1890 and reintroduced in 1955 as a value priced beer by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company. In 1982, the Schlitz Brewing Company and the Old Milwaukee brand were acquired by Stroh Brewery Company of Detroit. In 2000, Stroh's and all of its beer brands and recipes were acquired by Pabst Brewing, which included the Old Milwaukee brand. All Old Milwaukee products have won top honors at the Great American Beer Festival and the World Beer Cup. Over the past 10 ...
Don't you hate on Old Milwaukee, you beer snob
@MichaelT O I thought you meant like a part of the town. Yeah that beer is much loved by all who think beer should taste like year old fermented Coors (which is just fermented goat piss to begin with)
Oh come on, I like to enjoy a nice glass of water between stouts
@MichaelT Declined with immense vigor.
Hear that @MichaelT ? he didn't just decline it, he stomped on it after bashing it with a hatred only rivaled by Steve Ballmer's hatred for success.
@Sparticus And its good that he did.
@ThomasOwens I skimmed it and thought "oh, he's asking for a ui question" flagged it, reread it, said opps, thats just wrong for that flag... and then found that possible dup.
@Sparticus Haskell really is cool honestly, watch at least the beginning of that to see why it's type system is so damn awesome: With nothing but a signature a functions implementation can be completely inferred.
I know haskell is cool, but it's so much fun to make fun of. Eventually It will make it onto the top of the todo list, and I'll be back here grovelling for tidbits of knowledge.
@Sparticus heh, of course it's fun to make fun of, steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2010/12/…
@JimmyHoffa already read that and everyone in the office thought I had finally lost it.
Still, just watch the first couple minutes of that video, it is really neat
just to see how the guy completely infers the implementation of the compose function using nothing but the type signature and the compiler errors to direct him to what he needs to write
I always try and read and watch these videos but it so far above my head it barely makes a noise
@Sparticus haha fair enough. You probably won't take as long to grok the stuff as I did, seriously it took me at least 6 months of genuine effort to really get past the basics of Haskell..
Formal CS education would have really come in handy then
Haha my CS education is much less refined compared to my engineering education
I mean I get the basic concepts but don't expect me to be scaling anything to google size anytime soon
@Sparticus Well at least that means you'll have no trouble doing the actual hardest part of this whole career: Starting it, and being helpful.
I just always find the labs to be so dry. "Pick an algorithm. Let it run for 2 hours. Try a different one. Let it run for 2 hours. Make a pretty graph in excel. Pontificate on the differences"
As much as I love the CS concepts that I have found and think they're neat, like @MichaelT said earlier, 95% of my time has been and will always be application of sound engineering principles
Why don't I just chew my own arm off for you
@Sparticus its the scaffolding upon which to build the concepts for doing other stuff... be it learning haskell or google scale. If you have the scaffolding its easier to build because thats already there. You don't have to build from the ground up for each concept.
I know enough to pick a good algorithm based on what wikipedia tells me
and choose a pivot that doesn't give me O(n^2)
@Sparticus If this is a serious offer... well, wait, is it? I mean, I could put together an ad campaign and you could make a lot of money. I'm just saying..
I would take it more serious if I didn't need my arm, but these video games aren't going to play themselves....
I mean it's one thing to make enough to not have to work, but if I can't fully enjoy that money...
I find that, in general, its more important to know the data structures to match to the problem than to worry about sorts and the like.
I like languages that come with all of that stuff built in. It just picks the best one based on what you're trying to accomplish
Knowing when you want a LinkedList vs an ArrayList, or a HashMap vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMap... those are the 'important' questions that you deal with more often than worrying about pivots for a sort.
wooohooo science
what about a rotary buffer. Those are cool
and really hard to debug
(not the kind you use to buff a car)
whatever the hell its called. See, my CS knowledge is lacking.
@Sparticus buffer?
{anecdote with punch line} The military was having trouble with one of their big systems crashing periodically at night. They put in debuggers and such and still had trouble. They pulled in a contractor to work on it. He was working on the problem late at night one evening after getting called into the problem...
The cleaning staff came in and started cleaning the platform. One of them went over to the outlet and unplugged the disk drive to this expensive computer, plugged in the floor cleaning tools, and went on. When he was done, he plugged the disks back in. The consultant went out to the hardware store, got multiple outlet thinggy, and plugged it in one of the spots. Next night, the staff came in again saw a free outlet and used that one instead.
The next day the consultant went to the commanding officer and claimed to have fixed the problem and it shouldn't show up again. When asked what the problem was the consultant said "a buffer error."{/anecdote}
reminds me of the origin of "bug"
@ThomasOwens I didn't say it was a good joke, just an anecdote that I heard from a guy who worked at a contracting company that specialized in military (branch of Lockheed or something like that) out in the bay area.
I thought it was good haha
It was a "you don't want to mess with the policies and procedures that have been written down and followed - especially if a simple workaround is possible." Trying to change that, or get the cleaning staff to know what they're doing (that will be rotated out to another position somewhere else in a few months or so)... just get the local people to make sure there are spare outlets in the data center.
or hide the outlet behind a cabinet
a depressing number of complicated problems can be solved with very simple solutions
they can also be solved with more complicated solutions, which is inherently cooler
at least that's what I've gathered from some of the "solutions" I've found so far
Since more people are on at the moment, I'm gonna troll again for some advice: anyone have any good HTML5/CSS3 articles for beginners?
I'd be convinced to buy a book if it was a good value (knowledge/cost)
<sigh> Need. more. close. votes.
@GlenH7 you could always feel better by hitting the recent dv cast and poking any of them you feel worthy (unworthy)?
@MichaelT - good point. It's been therapeutic. Now I need more delete votes too. BTW, check my deleted message just above this for a quirk about flags.
@GlenH7 Yep, thats a known thing. I do see how one could abuse it given 10k.

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