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Your comment was a bit charged, but... well... it's Meta, it wouldn't be any fun if things didn't get heated every now and then.
Hi. Do you think a language that can spark a long winded discussion on how to implement a simple algorithm such as the sieve of erastostenes (http://clj-me.cgrand.net/2009/07/30/everybody-loves-the-sieve-of-eratosthenes/) optimally can be really practical?

I'm just re-approaching Clojure recently (I tried learning before) but every time it seems like it's overly "flexible" to be practical, if that makes sense. Maybe I just don't get it or I'm not skilled enough. Am I misguided in thinking like this?
@Jubbat Personally, I like the Sieve of Sundaram.
In mathematics, the sieve of Sundaram is a simple deterministic algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a specified integer. It was discovered in 1934 by S. P. Sundaram, an Indian student from Sathyamangalam. Algorithm Start with a list of the integers from 1 to n. From this list, remove all numbers of the form i + j + 2ij where: *i,j\in\mathbb{N},\ 1 \le i \le j *i + j + 2ij \le n The remaining numbers are doubled and incremented by one, giving a list of the odd prime numbers (i.e., all primes except 2) below 2n + 2. The sieve of Sundaram sieves out the composite numbers just as s...
There are some neat bits with it that make it possibly more applicable in FP...
Poke at me and @JimmyHoffa discussing it back in April...
Apr 17 at 17:31, by MichaelT
The thing I like about Sundaram is that it doesn't use any previous information to eliminate a non-prime. That may make it slower, but its also much simpler.
thanks, although I chose it as an example
rather than whether is the best prime finding algorithm
Lisps are very flexible languages, and practical too... it just takes a different way of thinking of things.
The biggest problem that you'll have is the... framework that people build up of macros to make it even easier to do things.
I find the inherent flexibility of dynamic languages sometimes leads to analysis paralysis, especially with inexperienced developers. Having 50 ways of doing the same thing isn't always a good thing... I guess Clojure and Lisps in general could suffer from the same thing (although I wouldn't really know, I avoid Lisps like the plague)
If you ever happen to find a lisp (or Clojure) shop, and learn their way of doing things and then go to another one, it may be completely different because of that 'framework'.
I watched the "simple vs easy" talk by Rich Hickey and I have the suspicion that it's a bit of a phallacy, I wonder if not having more constraints makes things harder, but again, maybe it's just my problem
I used to like common lisp, I did things in a more primitive way, but I struggle with clojure
(fallacy... a phallacy would be... well... an interesting root to work from... not that I'm a spelling master, I'm just smirking)
fallacy? (otherwise the rest of that sentence reads... oddly).
oops English is not my mother tongue, sorry
@Jubbat No problem at all, I understood it... I'm just smirking too.
@Jubbat - sorry to pile on. I hadn't seen MichaelT's last message yet.
@Yannis why do you avoid lisps?
@Jubbat I honestly am often impressed at the mastery of english by non-native english speakers and applaud the work that you have done to become very proficient at it.
@Jubbat Mostly cause I value my sanity ;)
(and to get the background as to why I'm smirking - en.wiktionary.org/wiki/phallic )
@MichaelT thank you :)
Apr 14 at 1:38, by MichaelT
Oh, another fun anecdote of language idioms... HS french teacher, when she was a exchange student in france the first time. Big dinner at the host family the first night. At the end, she pats her belly and says literally, "I am full" - Je suis plen. However, this translates to "I am pregnant." (the correct french is J'ai plen or "I have full") The host parents gave their son very harsh looks until this was cleared up.
(just some fun I was reminded of with language confusion)
Some other language fun - from British English to American English is told in telegraph.co.uk/expat/4184879/…
Sep 19 at 19:47, by MichaelT
> My family and I moved to Arkansas from England two years ago as part of a company move. We were given all sorts of relocation assistance: someone to help find a house, to show us the schools, the athletic clubs etc. We were even sent a book called Hello! USA - Everyday Living for International Residents and Visitors. I dutifully read this from cover to cover and found out that Americans also shake hands, appreciate eye contact, and value personal hygiene and personal space.
Sep 19 at 19:48, by MichaelT
> Pants: This word refers to the outer-garments that cover your legs in the US. In the UK, pants are the undergarments worn beneath your trousers.
Anyways... lisp. The functional languages are often just so different than the more mainstream procedural / imperative approach to thinking about things. Setting up instructions of 'tell computer to do this' - we've got that mindset.
With functional languages, its... different.
yes, functional style is more declarative
And its such a different thought, and the flexibility that comes with it that makes it quite challenging. However important things come from being able to make your mind that flexible (not sanity).
it doesn't come so naturally
In computer science, the Schwartzian transform is a Perl programming idiom used to improve the efficiency of sorting a list of items. This idiom is appropriate for comparison-based sorting when the ordering is actually based on the ordering of a certain property (the key) of the elements, where computing that property is an intensive operation that should be performed a minimal number of times. The Schwartzian Transform is notable in that it does not use named temporary arrays. The idiom is named after Randal L. Schwartz, who first demonstrated it in Perl shortly after the release of Perl ...
@sorted = map  { $_->[0] }
          sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } # use numeric comparison
          map  { [$_, length($_)] }    # calculate the length of the string
That idea is very functional based.
MapReduce is a programming model for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. A MapReduce program comprises a Map() procedure that performs filtering and sorting (such as sorting students by first name into queues, one queue for each name) and a Reduce() procedure that performs a summary operation (such as counting the number of students in each queue, yielding name frequencies). The "MapReduce System" (also called "infrastructure", "framework") orchestrates by marshalling the distributed servers, running the various tasks in parallel, managing all co...
This has functional written all over it.
And so... just being aware of the idea of thinking of functions as first class things in the language is useful.
@YannisRizos - I had already walked away from the matter. His follow-up comment to me clearly indicated it was going to be an unproductive conversation. Thanks for the feedback.
Thinking functional, about sequences and immutable objects can make for some applications to have superior performance.
Random off topic - I just ordered String Railway - looks to be a neat game.
@RobertHarvey - you wouldn't happen to know any mods on SO who could migrate the question here for a merge, would you? — GlenH7 32 secs ago
Aside from writing new code, I wonder if maintaining a system written in a functional language is really hellish
my understanding is that functional code is intrinsecally harder to read than imperative...
The off quoted post on that is Paul Graham's Beating the Averages post paulgraham.com/avg.html
Its different reading.
Ah yes, I had read that one
I do enjoy lisp, my issue is more with clojure really, so just wanted to pick up your brains and see if it's really my lack of skill / experience
I've dabbled in clojure some.
Sep 5 at 19:42, by MichaelT
I still had my head explode when I realized I could use cycle in clojure to flip between functions
In fact, I think browsing SO while drunk is quite popular. I think a lot of people are reluctant to post while they're drunk because they're afraid they'll say something stupid and get heavily downvoted, so they go and review suggested edits instead. That's the only way I can explain how so many ridiculous edit suggestions end up getting approved. — Adi Inbar 29 secs ago
He's on to something...
May 9 at 16:57, by MichaelT
(defn pi
  ([] (float (* 4 (pi 1 0.01 0 true))))
  ([term tol accum pn]
      [t (/ 1 term)
       a ((if pn + -) accum t)]
      (if (< (* 4 t) tol)
        (pi (+ term 2) tol a (not pn))
Ok... I've gotta get something to eat or my stomach will claw its way out of my belly and beat me over the head (its grumbling that loudly).
@MichaelT - no doubt.
:11412884 Closed. There's no point in migrating and merging if there are no answers.
@YannisRizos makes sense. Too bad I can't flag it and scream "BURN IT!"
@GlenH7 Of course you can:
I have to leave now, thanks all for your input
@GlenH7 Ah, he self-deleted it. Always nice when people clean up after themselves.
1 hour later…
I'd like to combine CSS with C++, I plan on creating an application and I don't want to use Qt because it's not free, any ideas? It'll pretty much be a web app but for windows.
why not just write an actual web app?
or, spawn a IE container using MVC
err, WPF
That's what I had done at first but I've been thinking for the project itself is best to be a desktop application, overall it's the reason for it to be created.

Also for learning experience.

Thank you for replying again.
5 hours later…
@GlenH7 yeah RhysW has passed the message across his connections...
in The Water Cooler, 9 hours ago, by RhysW
@gnat got some support from friends at space/astronomy
makes me feel that Programmers and Workplace are not the only of smaller sites that get painful hits because of the bug in the formula
Shog promises a big rework going forward...
I don't have an answer or really even a useful reply here, but given its popularity I feel like I should note that we're in the midst of taking a good hard look at what and how we display in the network-wide "Genuine Stack Exchange Multicollider Doohickey Thingamajig" - expect a discussion on this from our design team at some point in the next 6-8 days. — Shog9 7 hours ago
...learned from past experience, I once again confirm that my personal interest is focused strictly on a minor bugfix... :)
@Shog9 in case if that matters, I personally like how collider works now, except for the "positive feedback loop" I talk about in my request. I especially like how current formula is sensitive at picking promising questions at early stages. If you aim at more radical changes, I am merely mildly interested to learn about these... — gnat 10 mins ago
i feel like i've come in halfway through a conversation
@MattD in chat, it's always like that
Online chat may refer to any kind of communication over the Internet that offers a real-time transmission of text messages from sender to receiver. Chat messages are generally short in order to enable other participants to respond quickly. Thereby, a feeling similar to a spoken conversation is created, which distinguishes chatting from other text-based online communication forms such as Internet forums and email. Online chat may address point-to-point communications as well as multicast communications from one sender to many receivers and voice and video chat, or may be a feature of a web c...
Q: Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts,-

Universal Knowledge nwerd Theories etc i Challenge you all So called intelligent Atheists Or So called Puffed up Rascal Cheaters ( If anyone have got guts then disprove this Practical Explanation or disprove Gravity ) Practical Explanation ( For Example ) :- `1st of all can you tell me every single seconds detail ...

same post on gamedev as well.
can we just IP ban that guy? ;)
you can tell its a friday
people are asking the weirdest questions
Q: Main resons why the developing of games is stagnating for the last 10 - 15 years?

DerfderCould somebody name the main reasons why the games development is not so inovative and the games look the same for the last 10 - 15 years? My last 3D person shooter I have played from start to finish was Half-Life in 1999 or 1998 (or somethnig like that, not sure) and Dark Forces II a year earli...

Q: Queue for moderators: questions that appear stuck in close votes review at SO

gnatSuggest to setup a dedicated review queue for questions that hang in Stack Overflow CV queue for more than specified amount of time - say for 5, or 10, or 20 days, or maybe for a month. For this queue, suggest to have no review limits set (as moderators are expected to be trusted), allowing the...

yeah. Just asked a weird question myself...
2 hours later…
@MattD Hello
4 hours later…
@MattD On MSO they've got some fun tags - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/… (there's also two empty tags of 'friday-afternoon' and 'friday-in-australia')
And because its friday... divajutta.com/doctormo/ubunchu
Crazy busy this week. TGIF
phone system I been working on went live beta last week and live production this week. Some frantic hot fixes yesterday but in all, everything going very smoothly. Always feels good getting code live, moreso for a new from-scratch product launch
"just quit"? Never! :)
A: Being More Aggressive about "Just Quit" Comments/Answers

gnatAs has been stressed, "quitting a job is a very big decision and is irreversible"; a responsible answerer would do their best to ensure reader that such a serious advice is justified in a given case. Any answer of just-quit kind, if not backed up with a compelling justification, is guaranteed to...

@gnat I never really thought about it too much, this is actually good advice; I toss that out lightheartedly-ish (ok, I've executed that option myself a variety of times, so maybe I'm being mildly serious) but perhaps I oughtn't. Lord knows we have plenty of those comments floating around P.SE.
@JimmyHoffa It would have been easier if you just put it in a monad...
Apr 17 at 17:51, by Jimmy Hoffa
hmmm maybe I need to think about the list monad for this.. I did a hack of the continuation monad which is for asynchrony which I'm dealing with in this phone system, but realistically the reason I couldn't write a compositional monad is because the phone system is non-deterministic, but the list monad exists exactly for non-determinism... Hrmm... I've always had trouble wrapping my head around the list monad.. maybe this is the opportunity
I didn't want to ask this as a question considering how open ended it is. But if you look at the current Google homepage and specifically the current "doodle", the javascript file behind it "bday13.js" is just utterly confusing me (even after formatting it). What sort of study should you undertake to be able to understand and code like this, I'm assuming advanced University level maths is a given.
and it's not so easy for everyone. some are in @MichaelT's situation, hard for me to relate because I've skipped around a bit just to find the right place
@BenM I highly doubt that because it's javascript, advanced maths are hardly ever a requirement for most javascript. I'll have a look...
@JimmyHoffa Most javascript... probably not. When you start getting into doing funky things on a canvas... it gets more important.
@MichaelT True, animation always has an element of maths, but that's not the problem here, I know what @BenM can't understand it. I bet without even looking if you think about it for a moment you can guess...
Minification (also minimisation or minimization), in computer programming languages and especially JavaScript, is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing its functionality. These unnecessary characters usually include white space characters, new line characters, comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which are used to add readability to the code but are not required for it to execute. Minified source code is especially useful for interpreted languages deployed and transmitted on the Internet (such as JavaScript), because it reduces the amo...
Jimmy, No I unminified it
I don't under the process of knowing which mathematical operators you would need to apply to this sort of problem to get the desired results.
unminifying is ilke decompiling optimised code
sure you can read it
but its not likely to make a hell of a lot of sense
@BenM ...unminified? There's no such thing. The minification process completely restructures the functions and variables get turned into single and double and triple letter variables, you didn't suddenly know meaningful names for the variables or how the functions and objects were originally structured
eg this is used in part of it. if (80 > Math.sqrt(b * b + a * a) && fe) and to me, whilst i understand the individual components and how the y work together. I've no idea how that translates into what has been created.
Ah I thought minification meant removing uneeded whitespace
If the hypotenuse of a triangle is less than 80 and fe is true.
@MichaelT What I don't get is how someone would think of using that particualr expression in a pinata game.
And what sort of things I could study to gain an understanding of that
(I don't even want to code games, just understand HOW to code them)
whats the actual result?
@MattD it's the google doodle
Its also the distance between two points - how close are you to the target?
    if (80 > Math.sqrt(b * b + a * a) && fe)
                i: {
                    for (Sd = -0.002, Ud = -0.5, window.clearInterval(Qd), cd = Math.min(10, cd + 5), S = Math.abs(S) + Math.abs(X / 10), fe = !1, b = Math.max(0, 1E3 * S - 1), b = Math.floor(b * b), Dc(19 > b ? zc : Ac), td += b, Q += b, b = 0; b < pd; b++)
                        if (Q < od[b]) {
                            nd = b;
                            break i
                    nd = md - 1
which doodle?
no google in AU atm
doodle even
got a direct link?
www.google.com ?
still nothing?
The 'stick' is 80 units long.
just a flat google image
@MattD dunno what to tell ya..
Its testing to see if the stick intersects the pinata.
its usually easier to just write that kind of thing that it is to read fragments of someone else's code that does it
Which is part of the point of minification.
@BenM the hypotenuse can tell you a lot of things, if you swing something at a diagonal, the trajectory of a moving point on it could be said to follow a hypotenus up to a certain point where the swing goes beyond 180 degrees rotation
@JimmyHoffa I used the prettypirnt functionality in chrome developer tools to restructure the code to a degree, but the variable names were all meaningless.
FWIW, minification is a compiler of sorts - compiling one javascript program into another.
@JimmyHoffa So what you're saying is, I need to get myself back into learning maths?
@BenM Yes, pretty printing and unminification are two different things :P I'm looking at it pretty printed in chrome as well
@BenM You should plausibly do that regardless of the fact that maths is minimally necessary for just about any javascript
Its possible that the minifier also picks up some patterns in the ast and converts them to other structures.
as soon as you get into animation though some amount of math relating to vectors and dimensional spaces becomes relatively important
(and by pattern I mean sequence of things... not GOF pattern)
I have been coding for about a year now in Javascript and my algebra skills etc are all ok and I can do 99% of things you need to do for web and server side development of business applications it just when the heavy physics based maths comes in that I get lost.
@MichaelT It does. the ASP.NET MVC minifier I noticed just the other day turns true and false into !1 and !0 for some reason
functions get totally restructured
minifiers these days don't just obfuscate and do naive minimization, they really reorganize your closure hierarchy etc
Luckily I don't need that skill in my day job but I want to be able to expand into it.
im an ex gamedev
@MattD What maths did you study :P
i didnt. i only really got the gist of maths much later in the piece
when i wrote my own rigid body physics engine
and then one using verlets
i cant read complex mathmatical formulae
Its the practical use of the theory that makes the theory get understood at a deeper level.
So how did you find that affected your ability to design games? Or were you not deep into the engine at the beginning?
im not a mathematician
im a programmer, not a designer
@MichaelT any good examples/things to look into?
the maths you do need to understand, are matricies, and vectors
and most importantly above all, 3D spaces
its unlikely that you'll need to write an actual physics engine these days
@BenM Yeah here, learn some category theory, it's right in your native language and all: github.com/JimmyHoffa/Machinad
so calculus and integration/differentiation etc etc arent really necessary
but you'll be expected to operate in 3D, move between difference spaces as necessary
@BenM I'm awful at math... I was thinking more of the computing theory there. DFA and lexer or RE, PDA and a grammar or parser...
if you can visualise things in 3D, and know your way around vectors and 4x4 matricies, you'll be fine
i would recommend though using something a little more structued than JS
also something that has vector/matrix primitives
@MattD it's weird how unnecessary these maths are when you consider how core they are to most math curriculums. They're rarely used practically compared to many other maths which are just as complex
the best trick you can do in 3D is the use of arbitrary spaces
@MattD I've got it! He should go learn APL!
well, they also teach them terribly. i didnt get integration / differentiation until someone pointed out that distance, velocity, and acceleration... and moving between them require integration and differentiation.
and because i can relate that back to moving between 3D spaces using transforms
ping. i got it
i've always been far better at problem solving that maths
@MattD Here as well, only moreso being undegreed, some day I hope to be good at maths, but for now I have to settle for being good at making complex larg-scale software
but back to the point. if you can deal with vectors, matricies, and understand how to do things like move between "world space" and "model space" you'll be fine
@MattD OooO see category theory strikes again, that's just a simple isomorphism that need be defined :D
thats basically spanish to me
and i cant speak spanish
@JimmyHoffa @MattD @MichaelT Right well thanks for the pointers. I've book marked the links to look through when I get home. THe fact you all say you're not mathemeticians makes me feel like a dumbass haha but I guess that's just even more reason to learn.
@MattD It means wet floor, at least I think that's what most spanish means
@BenM for the most part. you're going to spend your time doing things you dont know how to do. so being able to work out how to do things you've never done before is a useful skill
Or maybe i'll give up and become a troglodyte. Me see food, food good, me eat food.
@BenM finding information, knowing who to talk to are valuable skills
@BenM moreso than being able to parrot off a bunch of equations
@BenM having worked in games, and got out. Its a pretty broken industry. But then i think how we develop software is broken in general. Games just has it worse as you combine creativity AND broken software development practices
@BenM Don't feel stupid; we don't know math to any greater degree than you, we've just worked with more code. I often find myself understanding some semblence of maths more when I read code implementations than any other way
@MattD I agree. I'm not the sort of person by any means who will see an example of something in code and just accept and use it. I won;t be happy using it until I fully understand how it works.
@BenM but. the best advice i can give. is if you want to make games. make games.
@BenM oh, and the best way to learn, is to fail. and you will fail a lot. repeatedly.
@BenM so make games. and if you've got any questions say hi. always happy to help where i can
@MattD Yep I fail daily, and it does help, especially once you get over being disheartened by it and embrace it.
I'm off, thanks all.
I just got home from dinner
@MattD where are you again?
I really want to write a blog article / post thing on "how to think like a programmer".
I just rolled into the office and I'm still the first here
as i see a lot of "learn ruby!" kind of articles that teach syntax but not how to think
im in australia
@MattD The SICP already did it
ill give it a read
i really just want to explain that programming is just procedural problem solving
make a bunch of analogies to cooking
I think of programming as pure creation. not sure if that's the right way to do so, but I like it
and hopefully blow some minds and get them to realise that anyone can program well once they stop treating it like some crazy thing they dont have any relation to, like quantum physics
@MattD you have to be able to think abstract thoguh
everyone already does
they just dont realise they do
@MattD I think this right here is the misnomer we programmers fall into too often.
@JimmyHoffa no kidding. NO kidding
I used to believe that completely; my faith in that theory has been shaken though. I think there are many folks who just never practiced that faculty and it languished, like if you never walked your whole life and then when you're 30 somebody showed you how to move your legs and said "See, now walk"
like, the first example ill use is.. making toast. everyone can make toast. but do you ever think about how you make toast? you have a classic requirement step, which you can formally define. our starting state is bread + a toaster. our ending state is toasted bread. we can define a process by which we toast bread. at varying levels of complexity. we do this. every day. without thinking.
a lot of people can't do basic problem solving though
there's a reason this is so depressingly accurate - xkcd.com/627
i think everyone can. but when you call it that they arent able to do so
putting it in context of a "problem" causes a lot of people to freeze up
I think everyone can but there is a certain aptitude for things such as programming
i've worked a lot with discrete event simulation too, and it's the same thing - some people just do not think that way well at all
right. I agree. I'm a "technician" not an artist. I can take reasonably passable photographs. i understand the theory, but i dont have "the eye".
but i can still take decent photographs. even if i wont ever be a pulitzer prize winner
i tihnk the way we teach people who arent naturally programmers how to program is like giving someone a camera, and telling them to press the "shoot" button
some people will get it. and take good photos
most wont.
now, if you just explained to them the rule of three. instantly more people would take better photos
@MattD I think the way we teach people in general is like given someone a camera and then beating them about the head and shoulders with a wiffle ball bat for 16 years straight
hehe :D
also most people have no self confidence about "math and science and hard stuff"
right. but if you explain those things in terms of something they are comfortable
they get it. at least to a rudimentary level. they wont be professors of fluid dynamics. but they'll at least get the gist of it
I guess thats what I'm trying to do. get across that programming isnt some kind of dark art
@MattD Alternatively you could do what we actually do: Give students teachers that extoll how much they hate math and are scared of it because it's so difficult for them. I'm sure that doesn't cause children to be afraid of math at all to hear authority figures constantly tell them it's hard and scary
I think everyone has the ability to learn anything, some people have better aptitude than others. but I also think some people have systematically purged this ability from their life
when someone is 20 and has been teaching themselves and training themselves to be bad at "math and science" or "programming" then it's dang near impossible to convince them otherwise
i live in hope. im not hoping to teach everyone to be awesome. but i'd like to be able to help more people "get the gist of it". i dont think the'll all suddenly be carmack.
see, this is all part of my "I need to fix software development" approach. as part of why software projects are so fucked is because people dont understand what software development is, or how it happens (even most people doing it)
@enderland This is basically what I figure. I believe everyone can learn anything, yet many have allowed severe atrophy of these things. And unfortunately the brain grows less elastic over time so the longer they go without exercising this the worse their results from attempting to exercise this will be
@JimmyHoffa it's also very suspeptible to self fulfilling prophesy
i actually think that we're so terrified of letting kids fail that they never learn how to learn properlly
I think half the reason I am good at learning things and diving into things is that I think I'm good at them :)
as i got older
i forgot how to learn, a lot of that has to do with expecting a certain level of productivity and being frustrated when i wasnt able to achieve that when doing something new
realising that has been interesting
@MattD I am absolutely fanatical about continuing to learn even while working fulltime - if I ever am forced into "can't learn, only produce" mode I will likely leave that job quickly
every job i've ever had has been produce
some i've learnt more at than others
but i've never had the time to learn comfortably
outside of uni
@MattD join a corporotocracy, they're oft too scared of change to actually allow you to produce. Banking joints are very well known for this. Impress the MBAs (really not hard at all) and they'll be more than happy to have you around while whincing every time you suggest fixing something because they don't want to risk bugs, and voila, plenty of free time to study on the job.
...if you can tolerate having absolutely no work accomplishments at the end of each day, day after mind numbing day. :)
that would drive me crazy from boredom
@MattD Yeah, I've been through a couple of these joints, that's precisely what happens. You feel so useless
though learned a bit at them by having the time to study on the job
yeah. i've bene around for a long time :) i've done all that too
i basically learnt "how to be a web developer" at my current job
and "how to be a game developer" at my first job in that industry
@enderland I suspect just about anyone at SE works it out like this.
well ok, maybe not the folks who show up here with question marks falling out of their ears
@JimmyHoffa yeah I suppose that's true. I think that part of the primary value I provide my organization is being able to learn and apply new technology - so continuing to refine that ability is key to me both 1) remaining valuable to my current corp and 2) being competitive should I choose to leave
i've never asked a question on here
i far more enjoy answering them ;)
@MattD I ask more questions on SO "This library I have to work with now that I never touched before seems to misbehave when I X, has anybody else seen this and a solution for it?" type stuff, here on P.SE the questions I've asked I have general answers for but it's more of asking to get feedback and learn what others think
(that git question has to be linked from somewhere... or are people just stumbling across it a few times a day and upvoting me... not that I'm complaining at all... just wonder what other discussion is happening about it elsewhere if it is so)
I can't claim I've never asked, but have a look at the questions I have asked, they're at least interesting and none of them are ones you would likely be able to easily find an answer to
tbh. the questions i have are very specific and i can find an answer (usually already asked)
or they're so fucking out there no one else will know anyway and ill just have to figure it out
Other than this one, which I just asked because somebody else wanted to know and didn't know how to ask it:
Q: Are there any large scale enterprise frameworks for PHP

Jimmy HoffaI'm curious if there are any commonly used large enterprise frameworks for PHP that would be your whole or most of your environment if you were working in PHP. Something comparable to ASP.NET's WebForms or MVC in that when you're working in either one, most of your code and system is based off of...

@MattD See I like asking these ones regardless. You'd be surprised what others have figured out
@MattD this is my problem on SO recently
@Random832 to relate into real-world objects as is so common in OO, think of the interface of a book: It presents information(data), that's all. You have the free function of turn-page which works against the class of types that have pages, this function works against all sorts of books, news papers, those poster spindles at K-Mart, greeting cards, mail, anything stapled together in the corner. If you implemented the turn-page as a member of the book, you miss out on all the things you could use turn-page on, as a free function it's not bound; it just throws a PartyFoulException on beer. — Jimmy Hoffa 8 secs ago
@JimmyHoffa have you tossed any cv's around today?
@MichaelT Nah, been taking it easy after the last few days I've had. Perhaps I'll go peruse the review queue
You could start with...
Q: Algorithm of "Greatest common divisor of two numbers"

VedantaHow many iterations are needed in the algorithm of "Greatest common divisor of two numbers"?

Since you like being the 5th vote...
(insert an innocent whistle here)
@ThomasOwens You're welcome for the setup on closing that question. Now you're just a 5th vote and not an evil mod
Its no fun when a mod casts the 5th vote (though, its the one that mods can cast and pretend they aren't mods, because while it might be binding, it would be the same result even if they weren't a mod)
@MichaelT I like to give them a chance to pretend they're normal again. If only for a single question.
@MichaelT Instead I'm going to anger you (if no one closes it first)
@JimmyHoffa Thomas beat you to it
I was actually going to try and save it
I wish I could cast non-binding votes. I'd vote a lot more.
(Can I edit post-closure?)
It's the point of closure, in some cases, to let people edit before they get crap answers.
@ThomasOwens poke at the 10k/mod tools, close votes, 30 days, expand 'most votes' and look at all the 4s?
@JimmyHoffa easier to save it now that it's closed
Eh. My build is almost done, so back to work for me.
But yes, I will at some point.
your edit will push to reopen queue, and you don't run the risk of a close voter ignoring the changes you made. Especially when it's at 4 close votes, easier to close and go for the reopen
Oh right
for some reason I forgot that non-poster could edit closed questions
I'm not all there today. TGIF.
There are some fun ones in there like...
Q: C : How to convert BASIC language code to C language

shail koratI have some code of PIC18f25k22 in BASIC language.I want to convert in C language I don't know BASIC language. So anyone help me to figure out this problem? This is the code in BASIC language: https://github.com/RHWorkshop/IR-Blue-Eagle-Files/blob/master/IR-Blue%20BT2/Firmware/IR-Blue_BT2_Firm...

and because you're special, your edits go straight in; bypassing the edit review queue
@MichaelT ding
oh you guys
@GlenH7 you can poke those easily too - programmers.stackexchange.com/…
Q: Feedback request: New top bar and supercollider redesign

Jeremy TunnellTL;DR: We’ve incorporated a ton of your requests for the top bar into a new version We’re going to ask you to test it here on Meta sometime in the next 2-3 weeks (double-time!) We wanted to share the current work in progress now and get your input on anything glaring you think we should know ev...

@MattD it's not glamorous, but someone has to take out the trash
@MichaelT I'm in there at the moment. Need to get some code running first
ah trust me. I dont envy you mods. but I certianly appreciate what you guys do
even if i cant spell at 1:30m
@MattD only Thomas is a mod. The rest of us are "community members". @MichaelT, gnat, and I are 10k+ users. And we keep egging Jimmy on so he'll clear that bar.
But MichaelT and I routinely get threatened with being given a diamond by some of the other mods
I'm yet to clear 1k ;) but give me enough time
Some day, we'll even get @ampt (where is he?) to 3k too.
so far, we haven't really called their bluff
a diamond?
diamond == moderator
ah i see
On the main site, there's a diamond by their name / gravatar
I've only really been using SE for a couple of months as a user. I'd been using it as a resource obviously
it's a progression. At some point, you want to make a contribution so you register and give back. Then you realize there's more to keeping the site quality up, so you start participating in the review queues. And then you realize there's even more that you can affect once you get past 10k rep. And then you let yourself getting suckered into being a mod.
yeah. its been fun getting involved. and being able to help out. its rekindling my own want to learn
@GlenH7 I'm not going to ever become a mod
@enderland There's not a huge difference between mod and 10k or 20k users. The binding vote is perhaps the biggest aspect.
If you poke at shirky.com/writings/group_enemy.html there's some philosphy in there on the subject.
There are some additional clean-up type tools available for merging and obliterating comments.
> 2.) The second thing you have to accept: Members are different than users. A pattern will arise in which there is some group of users that cares more than average about the integrity and success of the group as a whole. And that becomes your core group, Art Kleiner's phrase for "the group within the group that matters most."
The increase in privileges associated with rep (close votes, 10k tools, 20k tools, mods) is associated with the ability of the core group to defend the community and keep it appropriately focused.
> So the core group needs ways to defend itself -- both in getting started and because of the effects I talked about earlier -- the core group needs to defend itself so that it can stay on its sophisticated goals and away from its basic instincts.
@ThomasOwens - joking aside, is there any actual consideration of bringing in another mod for P.SE? The impression I had from the last election was that our volume was high enough to merit a 6th mod. But then one resigned, bringing us back to 5. I know World likes to tease MichaelT and I, but I had always figured that was just teasing.
and, well, mods are the 'pinnacle' of that - the defense of the community against the fairly constant pressure of new users who think 'forum'.
i guess it depends why you got involved
@MattD binding votes and lording power around, obviously. </jk>
@GlenH7 maybe I won't ever become a 10k or 20k user either? probably won't on programmers at least
i dont even read SE main. i only float around on gamedev/programmers
In reality, mods have 'less' power than 10k and 20k users in some respect. They can't go around casting 'hmm... cv/reopen/delete on this, send it in the review queue and see where it goes (or not) anymore'
@MattD I rarely participate in SO - too much churn. My rep there is ~325.
I got +12 rep there yesterday!
@enderland - there's always time and participation on your side. I like answering questions and solving problems. So blowing past 10k and hopefully 20k soon was a given
@GlenH7 yeah I guess at workplace it's going to happen unless that site gets axed
already at 15k or so
i just find the main SO is just so full of random crap. finding anything useful to answer there is ridiculous. but at least on the sub sites its a little more focused.
@enderland SE (the company) is fine with letting some sites live in Beta until they're ready. Workplace continues to grow, even if it's slow. No one expects another SO type site
ever look at the realtime tab? stackexchange.com/questions?tab=realtime
Q: What is the big-O cpu time of Euclid's Algorithm of "Greatest common divisor of two numbers"

VedantaLooking at Euclid's algorithm for the "Greatest common divisor of two numbers", I'm trying to divine the big-O cpu time for numbers K, and N. Can anybody help? This is the algorithm as I understand it.. where max(A,B) = the greater of A or B such that: min(10,3) = 10 min(A,B) = the smaller of A...

why does that read like homework?
@GlenH7 our problem is a perception workplace is only software quetions
@JimmyHoffa - it's okay to vote to reopen a question you edited.
@enderland are there really any other types of questions though? :-)
@MattD I think it probably was homework
@GlenH7 lol
@GlenH7 Iduno if I should. What do you think?
@JimmyHoffa hehe probably. i was being very sarcastic. obviously i need to dial it up even more
@JimmyHoffa it's already got 1 reopen vote now. :-)
@MattD over the top sarcasm is always welcome. Subtler stuff I end with a "</sarcasm>" tag to be clear
@GlenH7 We won't know until you guys know, I don't think.
But I haven't heard of anything.
I made an honest go at making a quality question out of someone who needed to know the Big-O runtime of euclid's algorithm. I was hoping any of you could give pointers if it's still too "Just do the work for me" or if it's actually a decent question
I'm on the fence myself heh
@ThomasOwens good to know you're in here with the rest of us mushrooms then. No special info for you!
prime case for a reversal badge
Perhaps it'll get a useful answer and the original poster can come back, re-read the question and read the answer and have some light bulbs to actually understand the algorithm, what runtime is, and how to calculate it. Maybe.
@JimmyHoffa - it really needs a request for a pattern to make it complete. </trolling>
@JimmyHoffa Looks to be a good question, and not the one that the OP asked (which wasn't a good question) - all in all, a good edit.
@MichaelT I think the OP didn't understand the course material well enough to ask it; but I believe this is what he meant to ask, and what he needs an answer to
Also, did I get the algorithm right? lol I was trying to parse a few different sources, if I had my TAOCP on hand it would have been easy but I just don't remember the algorithm and it's too early for me to go around getting shit correct
Trying to recall my own cs theory class (if it was theory this is for) - and I don't think this was the actual homework problem the OP had... which is a good thing.
@JimmyHoffa too early? what time is it lol
The wikipedia explanation had way too many symbols for me to get a handle on at 9 in the morning on a Friday
I think I might be coming down with a cold actually; I'm a bit groggy and stuffy. Always happens right during the season change like this.
...this must be what @gnat feels like with his insane edit history. Trying to turn a question from the dark side is a bit gratifying
I think my divination is actually relatively close to the TAOCP recursive form if I recall correctly; originally he had a swap operator but then a couple pages later changes it to a max(K,N) which returns a reference for assignment like I did... unless my memory fails me
(on a side note: My reading of it tells me it's log(min(K,N)) runtime, is that accurate?)
@ThomasOwens next time you have to run a build pop in here and riddle me this: Should I flag this as obsolete? I tried to notify the commenter so he'd get a ding to look at the edit and delete on his own if he agreed, but pondering whether I should flag. It leaves a bad taste in viewers mouths to see a comment like that which may bias them
What did you try to find the answer yourself? this is not a "do my homework" site please don't treat it as such. — ratchet freak 2 hours ago
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