@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ Why did you move those messages to trash? They contained useful discussion on policy that are pertinent to all here. transparency is important here.
@BillDubuque The asymmetry on disclosure of reasons why to answer/close/etc. specific questions or in general has recurred so many times here and on meta that I don't find it constructive in any sense to reignite the exchange of words in this room.
And it's downright detrimental to transparency to attempt to involve me in another new chatroom instead of in here. @NoahSchweber
IMO, the best tradeoff bewteen efficiency and justifiablity regarding the mechanism of CURED is just like that of Math SE itself: People dispatches new informations needing interaction, e.g. new questions or new requests for closure/deletion/etc., and other people take actions on their own discretion; and when some conspicuous patterns are spotted, flag for mods' attention.
@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ I just want to make sure I understand: it is inappropriate to ask why someone wants a question closed (or deleted or etc.) here? Can I at least voice a contrary opinion?
(Also, it seems disingenuous to both chide me for asking why something happened in CURED and chide me for creating a new chat room to ask you why you moved messages to trash. No opacity was intended, but I'm genuinely not sure how I was supposed to go about this!)
@NoahSchweber The request for disclosure of reasons is on the borderline IMO, but apparently the interaction soon drifted out of control and fell into the same old story. So I relocated both sides' words.
Side note: It's good to remember that any potential conflict of interests should be disclosed along with the request for disclosure of reasons.
@XanderHenderson Thank you. Would it be possible for my original comment to Peter (which included the disclosure that I had answered the question in question) to be un-trashed? Separately, would it be possible to delete my comment of a few minutes ago beginning "Also, it seems" - that was written in annoyance, and in retrospect was rude, but too much time has passed for me to delete it (and sorry to @Saad re that).
@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ It is very important for room owners to remain as neutral as possible. In the past some room owners have abused their room powers by trashing discussions critical of their views. You trashed the highest (4) starred comment in this room (Noah's remark that " I believe it is entirely fine to ask why another user wants a question to be closed"). That is problematic.
There is no "meta" for this room, so it is expected that there will be (brief) policy discussion here from time to time. That is fine, as long as it remains polite and constructive. Such discussion allows one to gain a feel of community opinion on various topics so it should be welcomed - not trashed.
@BillDubuque OK, next time I'll put the room in calmdown mode if I happen to be here when a potential argument is about to take place instead of cleaning up the aftermath :/
@XanderHenderson Side note: glad to learn a new word "denizen" :D
@NoahSchweber I have untrashed a few comments. I left the argumentative ones. I cannot undelete comments---that simply isn't possible.
@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ It is neither of these things. Everyone who posts requests for action here should expect to be asked to explain those requests. This is entirely on-topic and reasonable. This room exists to create openness and transparency. A refusal to engage with the simple question "Why?" seems to violate the spirit of the room.
I think that it is also worth noting that the majority of the people who are active in this room are typically in favor of closure / deletion (there are systemic reasons why this probably should be true---Sturgeon's Law being what it is, but the fact remains). I think that this makes it very hard for people to request reopening / undeletion, particularly when those people are treated with hostility in a way that close / delete requests are not.
Note that I am generally in favor of closure / deletion, so the above paragraph is a self-description, as much as anything. But I think that it is important that we remain vigilant towards remaining civil. Particularly towards those people with whom we disagree.
@XanderHenderson I was as civil as Noah was. As you've said above, there is nothing wrong with asking a participant in this chatroom about their action. So please undelete my question to Noah.
^^^Also note this psq via link in need of closure, which seems, given style, asked by the same user that asked the question immediately above. @Xander, perhaps both questions I posted here are sockpuppets from the same user?
@amWhy The still deleted comment is not simply a request that another user explain themselves. The deleted comment also accuses another user of being argumentative. On balance, I am disinclined to restore your comment, nor the other three or four comments which I left deleted.
Please note that no punitive action was taken, and that I am not trying to call anyone out, or single anyone out, or admonish any particular user or users.
I am just trying to reset the tone of this room a little bit, as it seems to have gotten heated. I would suggest that all parties take a certain snow princesses's advice, and let it go.
@amWhy Thank you for the heads up. I'll look into it.