Requesting that this question be re-opened. The referenced "duplicate" does not answer the original poster's implicit confusion. This confusion surfaced following his reaction to my posting. I tried to address the confusion in my Addendum.
@EvanChen Regarding your flag (which I am going to answer here, since the box for replying to flags only gives me about 200 characters): I cannot close / delete a problem under the contest problem policy without a publicly available list of problems, and a publicly viewable ruleset which indicates that getting outside help is cheating. As a moderator, my hands are tied.
That being said, I am all for closing low-quality questions (which this one is).
I would also recommend that you leave comments on problems which are competition problems---the rest of the community can vote to close in cases where moderators cannot really act.
Yeah, I kind of was trying to avoid drawing attention to the thread by saying it's a competition problem since it's not particularly hard to guess which one, so I thought to ask cured first.
Here is a Ai proof of a partial map of the Collatz. here is the question I asked. Consider you have a single line of 3x+1 which increases at the rate of 3x+1 and reduces by division of 2 can we prove all numbers end at 1? Certainly! Let’s explore this interesting mathematical question. We’ll anal...
@Jakobian Yes. I am aware, as is indicated by the comments I left below the comment to which I was responding. The issue is not that the question needs to be deleted, but that it is a competition problem, and there is a desire to prevent cheating.
Hence the reason for the request for deletion is largely handled by closing.