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@rschwieb Possibly/probably. I wasn't sure if it got quiet in the past month, or back further than that.
4 hours later…
Q: Collatz Conjunction trying to proove

Yoav AlhindiI am kind of new to this problem and I tried solving it with open mind. Please don't be judgmental, this is what I got. Let us assume, for the sake of contradiction, that the Collatz conjecture is false and that there exists a cycle in the Collatz sequence other than the well-known $4-2-1$ loop. ...

Fits for a comment
I voted to close this question as a duplicate, but my target was not really a duplicate, and I had to withdraw my vote. Now, I can't vote again to close it. Please vote to close it as a PSQ.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@SineoftheTime question can now be deleted
2 hours later…
A: Requests for Reopen & Undeletion Votes (volume 01/2022 - today)

userPlease reopen Introductory Group theory textbook. It's illogical for this to be closed as "opinion-based", when introductory textbook recommendations remain open. Books on Number Theory for Layman Good Book On Combinatorics What is the best book to learn probability?

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