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^^^My last two posts, I meant to request a merge! Certainly not migration ::face-palm:: Pretty much from the most I last linked to, to merge with it's dupe target?
@MartinR It's now closed, and open for deletion. Thanks for posting!
New Dawn
@amWhy It has been a long day, and I am not braining well enough right now to satisfy myself that a merge is actually a good idea in this case---there seems to be some distinction in notation, thus I am not happy merging the questions without more thought. I'll try to have a look at it tomorrow, after, I hope, I have gotten some rest. Group theory. Ugh.
@XanderHenderson You must obviously be in need of rest, because group theory is beautiful :P. No problem I brought the issue up because a number of posts were (correctly) closed as a dupe of one post, so I thought, in case there are any answers anyone might want to include, via a merge, I'd speak out. I'm not always comfortable with the dupe hammer, without considering some of the answers might be worth preserving. In the end, I found only one, but if it doesn't add anything different, ...
...then no merge needed. :)
@Xander Any plans for Show Low tomorrow evening? (I went to a map of AZ to refresh my memory.) Have you visited, or just pass through "Snow Flake"?
You can answer any time, @Xander, when you've got the time. :-)
@amWhy It depends. It is looking like snow, so probably not.
And my office is in Snowflake, though I haven't actually been down there since November.
Been teaching from home.
@XanderHenderson That's right; I new I recognized it.
Fun fact: Snowflake is not named for the weather. Rather, it is named after the two founding families, the Snows and the Flakes.
The Flakes are still pretty powerful and influential in Arizona---for example, former senator Jeff Flake.
In any event, I have one more class to teach this evening. Gonna go do that now.
@XanderHenderson That is fun! Were the Flakes flakes?
@XanderHenderson Hasta manana!
@amWhy No, they were (and are) Mormons.
Okay, I'm really gone now. WebEx is starting.
7 hours later…
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As I've already said this multiple times before, this will be the last time, but: you seem to be engaged on a crusade to get rid of old questions. Most of us have little desire to deal with such old questions because (a) standards have changed over time, (b) these questions are not really the kind which continue to encourage bad questions, and (c) a philosophy of triage indicates that new questions should be prioritized.
So, please, feel free to continue posting your requests, but understand that it is unlikely that people are going to do very much with them.
I am not necessarily against those questions due to their age but rather because of their low quality/ them being dupes
These particular questions, I picked up while I was self studying group theory.
@Buraian I did not claim that you were "against those questions due to their age". Please reread what I wrote.
The thing is , these questions main topics are somewhat timeless because I think most students who are studying in Undergraduate will have these questions. Since they are multipile versions of the same questions, closing the dupes into the best one saves a lot of time.
OF course, the best ones are usually always voted high, but just in case someone lands on the wrong one
Here are some examples on the topic of Orbit staiblizer theorem :
1 , 2
This I think is the best post on the topic
Not sure what the proper close reason is for this post , "missing context" seems not to hit the nail on the head.
@Peter Close reason: "Not even wrong."
@Buraian Consider that users have a limited number of daily votes. It is more important to close/delete new posts and I do think that they influence users more than stone-old posts.
Does the same apply to moderators and those with golden badges?
@Buraian You were off a bit on your suggestions yesterday; it helped me to close groups of questions as dupes of a post that was far better than the one you suggested. Yet you already took action, without considering criteria for "best question" which is not equivalent to the highest upvoted question. I don't have two hours to waste on cleaning up your wrongly chosen dupe targets.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean ill. I took what I thought was the best. I'll post the collection of dupes here without choosing the close target next time.
@Peter What concerns me is when folks target old answers, more concern is raised about whether users are chasing down posts of specific users to target. The older the post, the greater the chance that such votes are suspicious.
@Buraian I trust that you mean very well. And you have been helpful. And it seems you are strictly focusing on collecting dupes for closure, but not interested in posts' deletions.
@Buraian Yes.
@Peter Closed.
PSQ? or is there sufficient context? it seems a little borderline to me. If it is not a PSQ, is there a dupe target? Alternative form of the radius of convergence‭ - Kij Mung‭ 2022-03-10 16:02:56Z
@XanderHenderson I don't much like references to "it seems many sources use a definition (what sources?) just as I don't like references to "I tried many things, but didn't get anywhere" (what work, where?) That's just me. Some users seem only to master how to write so it resembles context. I would think it would easier just mastering how to actually include context. My two cents for the day :/
@amWhy That matches my own feelings.
@XanderHenderson Would you consider the possibility of deleting this answer single-handedly? After all, it's an answer to a question about the number pi which doesn't mention pi at all.
@amWhy You're green!
@JoséCarlosSantos I am, indeed!
@XanderHenderson I thought I voted to close earlier; just added my close vote.
@JoséCarlosSantos Exactly my point of view. But that $\pi$ is not mentioned is not the only problem with this answer.
@amWhy I hope that the green colour does not mean that you also want extremely high petrol prices :) Clarification in the case of confusion : There is a party in German whose name could be translated as "the greens" and one of whose aims was (and is) exactly that.
No, @Peter. It's to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, March 17. I'll be back to "blue" in a week! :-)
E.g., robjohn is now "the mean shamrock!". You can blame @Xander for my new look! :-)
We also have "pi-day" soon. I invented a challenge concerning a number both having to do with the current year and with the decimal expansion of $\pi$ , namely searching prime factors of the number we get if the first $2022$ digits of $\pi$ after the comma are written down. The number can be seen here
@Peter Ahh! Nice challenge. When exactly is pi day: March 14th?
@Xander I've seen more and more questions/answers written in code on math.se. Yesterday I encountered a post tagged only "virtual vision" which struck me as entirely off topic on this site. Might the problem be that there are some questions/topics that don't yet to seem to have better-fit home sites?
@amWhy Yes. And we can also celebrate Albert Einsten's birth.
@JoséCarlosSantos Indeed! Thanks!
Maybe I'll switch to a green pi for the fourteenth.
@amWhy Yes, as one would expect. So not much time anymore to search the factors ...
@amWhy I have not noticed this, but I'll try to keep an eye out.
@JoséCarlosSantos Another moderator has already declined flags asking for unilateral deletion. I am going to keep my hands off of it for the time being, but I will bring it up for discussion.
@XanderHenderson And I'll do a better job, if I refer again to such posts, by providing an example or three!
Not sure this is the right place to post this, but: it looks like frequent spammer/sockpuppeter Wolfgang Muckenheim is back (here and at other sites in the SE network incidentally).
(Currently his obsession appears to be the phrase "dark numbers.")
@NoahSchweber Oh no! Thanks for bringing it up!
(Possibly elsewhere, these are the only SE sites I frequent)
@NoahSchweber A worse idea than the "dark matter" or "dark energy" in modern cosmology , but not much.
@NoahSchweber No doubt you want to be aware of Noah's post:
10 mins ago, by Noah Schweber
Not sure this is the right place to post this, but: it looks like frequent spammer/sockpuppeter Wolfgang Muckenheim is back (here and at other sites in the SE network incidentally).
10 mins ago, by Noah Schweber
For example, https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/7643/produce-an-explicit-bijection-between-rationals-and-naturals/4401107#4401107
And examples elsewhere. Just wanted to ping you too.
@amWhy Did you mean to @ me in your last comment? (I mean, I do want to be aware of my own posts ... :P)
@Peter I don't know enough about dark energy to comment, but dark matter is not problematic at all. Either there is a lot of stuff out there that isn't very EM-interactive, or very fundamental ideas about gravity are wrong; the former seems like a more plausible guess, and "dark matter" is a reasonable name for such stuff.
@NoahSchweber Oh no, too late to edit. Perhaps Xander will be so kind as to delete the post pinging you directly. I had thought I pinged @user21820. He'd be very much wanting to know about the return of Wolfgang.
Hehehe. :P I mean, you're not wrong that I want to be aware of it!
@NoahSchweber ::face palm::
@amWhy Yup, good to know, thanks! I see the account has already been destroyed. =)
@XanderHenderson Thank you.
@NoahSchweber I'd guess might be a suitable tag for your recent question on MathOverflow Meta: How to respond to well-known sockpuppeters (I was also thinking about - but that probably doesn't really fit.)
Welcome, @kijinSeija !
Thanks, @Xander!
@kijinSeija Welcome :-)
@amWhy What did I do this time?
@XanderHenderson That was a sincere thank you! You handled a post I had flagged, in a short period of time. Perhaps your action was independent, and the action triggered a message of "helpful" to my flag!
here. Feel free to delete this link.
My green identicon is throwing me off! I enter rooms, and wonder where I am (did I "leave" this room).
But I hadn't; I was looking for the "real me", in blue!! Hah!
The deepfaked amWhy.
@XanderHenderson Indeed!
@XanderHenderson I'll probably do a "double-take" if I ever see "you" again, without your mask!
This question needs to be reclosed. Please check the review history.
1 hour later…
@Xander not immediate urgency, but the last five posts I reviewed in the close review are very highly voted posts from years ago, with superfluous reasons not really relevant, like "needs focus" when only one question was asked, and three "opinion based" when they were clear-cut math questions. It would not be reasonable to flag each of them.
@Xander: 1 2 3 4
5 Each of the five had one close vote cast. Perhaps we just need to let others weigh in, too. They are all quite old. Anyway, it's time, for me, for happy hour, or at least a could beer.

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