I came across this proof on the Arxiv that there are no odd perfect numbers. It is elementary and easy to follow and looks correct to me? Of course there must be a mistake there somewhere but I am not catching it - could someone else take a look?
I'm an amateur mathematician working on a small part of the collatz conjecture, and Ive found some interesting results. How would I get a paper published and is it really necessary?
@ParamanandSingh Since it is really a pure PSQ, why not just close it?
Not that it matters here, but I'm wondering whether there's a better way in general. Unilateral closure ability is useless if it is never used. Yes, it seems too heavy if 1 vote is enough, but how about closing then mentioning it here? Then the unilateral closure is transparently announced and the post can be reopened if enough people disagree with it. CC @TheSimpliFire @XanderHenderson
I have a query about this post: math.stackexchange.com/questions/4322328. It was asked 14 hours ago but both asker and answerer look like removed/unregistered accounts, how is that possible? (by the way it is a dupe so we can close it anyway, but I was wondering)
@user21820: I personally like your suggestion that we can be transparent about unilateral closures and if other reviewers disagree we can reopen. But need to check with other mods too
@ParamanandSingh Of course, that's why I pinged other moderators, and it would be great if you all could come to a consensus about the best way to use unilateral votes in a transparent and accountable manner.
@Sil I think that such accounts are very often sockpuppets.
@ParamanandSingh I think it is much better not to go there and leave things the way they have been for the last decade. This has been discussed much on meta in the past.
@MartinSleziak Thank you : I found the one I needed. I didn't find it from Approach0, but rather went with a decent search text on Google : norm preserving implies inner product preserving. I could have chosen any of the posts that came in that list, thanks for your efforts. I'll also use the chatroom when I can.
Thanks for the feedback @BillDubuque. I can understand the issue. Even the very notion of Pure PSQ is debatable as the recent meta discussion indicates.
@Peter Currently running some research threads, sorry about that. In fact, my entire machine is so slow that having five tabs open is giving me trouble! But when the code finishes I'll let you know.
Please vote to delete this answer. After downvoting, I voted to delete; when I failed to see my delete vote, I thought I needed to vote to delete, but inadvertently undeleted my delete vote :( .
@BillDubuque I think it is fine, if a mod casts the fourth, or fifth vote. I'd prefer mods suggest closures here, and let at least three of us support it. After seeing how easily mod's use of unilateral actions lower the barriers in mods, before they do it again, or make other decisions on site, unilaterally. Unilateral power is addictive, and deteriorates community trusts in mods who abuse it. I think what I've written is in keeping with your concerns. (None of this is to negate anything
you've said.) I am in support of what you say, save that if a mod is fourth close voter, along with three close voters, I'd consider it legit.
@BillDubuque Thanks! I had not been one of the deleters. So I've added my downvote, and voted to delete.
@BillDubuque and @Peter, @user21820, @TeresaLisbon The link Bill provides above to an unfortunate resurrection of a deleted answer, can also be handled now that the VLQ question has been closed and is open for deletion.
@JoséCarlosSantos We could use a third delete vote on a question you answered effectively in a comment: open for deletion. Same link I provided in my penultimate comment.
@XanderHenderson The asker links to their previous question, for context. Would you prefer they reproduce their previous question within the new question? I think it's a fine question, given the link, but I am willing to suggest the user reproduce what is relevant from their linked post. Just give me the word.
I'd be happy to link the user to your post here, and suggest, as a result, they include all their former work in this post. I await your word.
@SmokeDetector Rolled back the problematic edit, and flagged for moderator attention. Thanks!