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5:08 AM
@user21820 I see that a link to some scripts was added by Xander Henderson to room description.
Jun 29 '20 at 17:42, by Xander Henderson
room topic changed to CURED: For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopened/Edit/Delete for questions and answers on Math SE (for Math Meta stuff go to https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/64952/). Your experience of CURED may be improved by installing the SE Close Vote Request Generator script found at https://socvr.org/tools/userscripts . [close] [delete] [edit] [reopen] [undelete]
However, as I do not use those scripts, I am not really sure whether this is what you're looking for.
You can also see various GitHub links mentioned by Makeyn in this room: chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=github&room=2165 chat.stackexchange.com/…
1 hour later…
6:19 AM
@MartinSleziak Thanks, I think that's the one:
May 13 '20 at 4:05, by Makyen
The CRUDE version of the URRS has been updated to Version (GitHub) (install).
It recognizes the request formats commonly used here, and produces the following:
All outstanding requests are highlighted at the right. If there are multiple requests in the same message, it displays the message with one request per line, so that the status can be shown at the right.
6:37 AM
It also recognizes requests involving "PSQ":
room topic changed to CURED: For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit/Delete for questions and answers on Math SE (for Math Meta stuff go to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/64952). Install Makyen's review-script linked from chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/54361568#54361568 (requires GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey) to see real-time request status and have automated request generation. [close] [delete] [edit] [reopen] [undelete]
room topic changed to CURED: For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit/Delete for questions and answers on Math SE (for Math Meta stuff go to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/64952). Install Makyen's review-script linked from chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/54361568 (requires GreaseMonkey or Tampermonkey) to see real-time request status. [close] [delete] [edit] [reopen] [undelete]
For convenience here are the installation instructions:
For real-time request status: Install Greasemonkey (for Firefox derivatives) or Tampermonkey (for Chrome). Then install Makyen's script.
6:54 AM
7:33 AM
@Peter You might be interested to try the above-mentioned script, so that you don't have to click on any requests that have already been completed.
7:49 AM
@user21820 I have installed the script (using Tampermonkey on macOS Safari) and it works good so far.
@MartinR That's great to hear! It catches your last request as well, right?
@user21820 and @MartinSleziak: Thanks for digging up that script. That looks like a far more practical solution to me than (manually) moving requests to the trash or to an archive. Thanks to @all who provided feedback.
8:08 AM
8:26 AM
Just in case that anybody is interested: I purchased Tampermonkey for macOS Safari from the App Store for 1.99€. Previously I had tried the (free) userscript manager Userscripts, but that had strange side effects (expanding a collapsed reputation view did not work anymore).
8:46 AM
D1, D2, D3, D4
D5, D6, D7, D8
This is such a great script! Thanks all.
8:58 AM
@ArcticChar: I just wonder: I would have expected that every question that you suggest for deletion has at least one delete vote already (from you). Or are you out of delete votes for the day?
9:16 AM
@MartinR As a low reps user I have only 5 daily delete votes (soon to be 6). I mostly spend all my delete vote in cured, not necessarily on my own request (this time I voted on 5 of the 12 request I made)
@ArcticChar OK, I understand.
9:36 AM
@JoséCarlosSantos Not really surprising , considering who posted this polemic claim. This is comparable to the claim : "I do not agree that I am not allowed to shoot people. This prohibition to kill other people will destroy the human community day per day." This user obviously does not want to understand the purpose of this guideline and why the site collapses without it. Ironically exactly because of users like this.
9:57 AM
1 hour later…
11:13 AM
12:07 PM
1 hour later…
1:33 PM
@Peter Interesting, in Russian the user ID is "Mahatma Gandhi". I guess we can delete right away, it doesn'tseem to be asked in good faith.
@Peter This user frequents AoPS and is trying to convert MSE to AoPS, if I am thinking correctly. Over there, we don't have anything like deletion, only removal of spam/advertising and flagged posts (usually flagged for rudeness or being terribly incorrect). I think the transition between the two atmospheres is creating friction. I have to say this : someone will have to ram home to this user that MSE != AoPS.
@TeresaLisbon Yes, here there is no reason to hesitate. I am not sure whether the user wants to troll. Or does he/she actually not notice how basic this post is ?
@Peter I think the user doesn't care how basic the post is, even if they notice it. I don't think they are trying to troll, but they're used to being on the AoPS forum where literally anything gets through as long as it's appropriate to which subforum it's getting posted to. Another fact is that the community isn't actually the main part of AoPS so there isn't even any emphasis on how it runs. You can't find "online reviews" or outsider info on the community because it's very peripheral...
... to what AoPS wants to do. So nobody cares, and this user doesn't care about opinions on AoPS. So to suddenly find that people care on MSE, and care more after EoQS, is probably surprising them. Having said that, they cannot carry on doing as they please, I've flagged. I wanted to reply "get me the opinions of 20000 please!!" but declined to open conversation.
1:49 PM
By the way : The german utterly annoying special donation appeal (I guess for the recent flood) has even reached the english wikipedia. Do you know any alternative to this utterly corrupted site ? The donation appeal is a pure insult for the people here that lose all their money anyway for rising prices everywhere. But of course, millions of germans are still stupid enough to fall into this "trap".
Whatever AoPS is, it is apparently bullshit, hence I guess a very popular site ...
No, I don't know any alternative, sorry. I'm aware of the flood situation, but I didn't know the site had such a reputation. Also, regarding AoPS community vs MSE : a brief check on Quora will tell you how many opinions there are about MSE on Quora. AoPS community... is NOT very popular, hence not talked about, according to a recent Quora answer. On the other hand, there are questions like "who is Did?" and so on, so we know which one is more popular.
@TeresaLisbon The donation appeals anway appear at almost every site : lichess , alpertron and so on. Seems to be a new trend. I should create my own page and beg for donations as well, perhaps I could profit as well from the stupidness of so many people.
2:05 PM
@Peter You might! Well, I hope the floods recede soon.
2:37 PM
D again !
2 hours later…
4:39 PM
@MartinR That's really strange; I thought TM was free. Apparently it was free only until Safari 11? Lol. At least it is still free for Chrome, and GM is free for Firefox.
Not an answer because it is not only skimpy but doesn't even address the attempt.
4 hours later…

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