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math.stackexchange.com/a/4154917/357390 This is a new user, I gave constructive criticism, yet they just deflect it all back at me instead of helping with something highly technical. Flagged the answer as being link-only
(And this topic is very obscure relative to other fields. There's SnapPea for exploring hyperbolic manifolds, but even I don't understand many of its buttons)
and this one - this user seems to be doing nothing but spamming
3 hours later…
close this PSQ. Been "two months into calculus" isn't much of a context.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in body (67): Question from pathfinder for Olympiad mathematics 2 ✏️ by XYZ on math.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, pattern-matching website in answer (111): Question from pathfinder for Olympiad mathematics 2 by Hi Hi on math.SE
3 hours later…
This answer does not address the question The question asks for a critique of the proof provided, while the answer is a different proof of the same proposition.
1 hour later…
This silly answer should be downvoted and deleted.
@JoséCarlosSantos I pointed out the issue, and it was self-deleted.
@TeresaLisbon Yes, I noticed it. Thank you.
@TeresaLisbon I have both downvoted and flagged this answer, but it still cannot be deleted.
@JoséCarlosSantos I wonder. I too have downvoted, but not flagged. It has too many upvotes, probably because it's mathematically correct and is a one-liner.
@TeresaLisbon I just downvoted and flagged. Now the score is 0!
@amWhy The author added one line to their answer, which is basically a comment on why the proof is false. I don't know what quite to do now.
math.stackexchange.com/questions/4154857/… I now have the dubious honour of deleting an answer to my own question (that is not my answer)
@ParclyTaxel Are you sure, from the posted links and the comments, that the user is saying nothing useful at all?
It was principally deleted for being link-only
And the answerer refused to cooperate
I'm not saying that the answer was good enough : but for me the user seems like someone who knows what they're talking about but don't wish to expand on it for reasons mentioned in their second comment, and yes you're right @ParclyTaxel they did not cooperate as well.
@ParclyTaxel: I was also a participant in the deletion. I don't know the topic and related math at all, but relied instead on discussion in comments which show a lack of cooperation.
And your situation is unusual
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
D1, D2, D3.
D4, D5, D6.
D7, D8, D9.
C1, C2, C3.
C4, C5, C6.
C7, C8, C9.
@vitamind Up for deletion now.
@vitamind Open for deletion for users with >=20K in rep (question). One answer is open for deletion.
2 hours later…
Hello, @Niklas. Welcome!
Thanks :)
Just went down a rabbit hole clicking stack exchange links. Goodbye chat
@Niklas See you! A much more fun room is the Cafe and Tavern on math.se, next door ;D
chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/112937/…; pretty much casual, fun, etc.
Hi, @leslietownes.
@leslietownes Where do you call home? In the US, we have a long weekend, with tomorrow being Memorial Day. I live in Wisconsin, and here, we sort of think of Memorial Day as the start of Summer.
You don't need to reveal anything, @leslietownes, just glad you stopped in here.
i live in long beach, california. it's a short weekend for me because we agreed to do a work thing by tomorrow evening and it depends on the combined efforts of about a dozen people. i will probably spend most of tomorrow in front of my computer and (sadly) working.
just popping in to say that overall i am fairly impressed with the recent rise in quality of the site. the signal to noise ratio is improving.
@leslietownes I've noticed that too. I envy you and your climate, but I here the West Coast is in for some heat? Good luck with your work tomorrow!
it's supposed to bake in a lot of the state very soon. we have the advantage of being close to the water. it never gets too hot. slightly more inland, it can boil.
@leslietownes Yes! you're lucky in that way :-)
i was very nervous about moving down here, i really don't do well with hot weather. i did not appreciate the moderating influence of the ocean. it is cooler here in the summer than almost anywhere i've lived.
i lived in iowa for a while. i think the air conditioner ran constantly from april through september.
@leslietownes Where did you grow up? Or did your family move a lot? I know I've been in different regions, do to grad studies and post grad fellowships.
@leslietownes The semester I adjuncted at Scripps College, I shared an office with an adjunct who was a doctoral candidate at UC Long Beach.
How many degrees of Kevin Bacon is that?
@leslietownes Ack! Really? Where in Iowa?
I went to high school in Cedar Falls (which is next to Waterloo, and is the home of the University of Northern Iowa).
@leslietownes I hear you! @Xander, A fellow Iowaynian??
I believe that the correct endonym is "Iowegian". :P
i grew up in the CA bay area, several places. lived in iowa and massachusetts and michigan.
iowa city.
never got up to waterloo. visited des moines twice. i can't say that i recommend it.
Iowa City is one of the good parts of Iowa.
i really liked it. except for the summer weather, but i guess that was good for the corn.
My father went to graduate school with folk that ended up at University of Iowa---we spent time with them with some frequency.
My parents also had a pair of friends (also from graduate school) who ended up "sharing" a single position at Grinnell College.
@XanderHenderson The only advantage it had, when traveling at age 16 to Lincoln Nebraska for the Junior Olympics in track and field was that driving in Nebraska was even more boring than driving through Iowa (from WI).
when i lived in iowa i gave my sister a novelty t-shirt for st patricks day that was green, contained an outline of the state, and said "Kiss Me, I'm Iowish."
@leslietownes Ha!
we used to argue with our colleagues in nebraska about whether nebraska's state motto should be 'gateway to iowa' or vice versa.
@leslietownes That's hilarious!
@leslietownes Really, there is only one good thing to have ever come out of Iowa.
and tom arnold.
Herbert Hoover was Iowegian, but I don't think that he counts as a "good thing".
@XanderHenderson Is that the term for someone from Iowa?
he was clueless but maybe a victim of circumstances. you can see a life size sculpture of him fly fishing at his childhood home in west branch.
@amWhy As I said, I believe that Iowegian is the appropriate endonym.
I think we in Wisconsin call ourselves "Wisconsinites"
@leslietownes In middle school, we took a field trip to the Herbert Hoover presidential library.
first president born west of the mississippi and somewhat bizarrely a member of stanford's inaugural class, or something close to it.
@XanderHenderson Sounds like a cross between Iowa and Norwegians.
so you've seen the statue.
i was thinking Glaswegians.
@amWhy That's where most Iowegians come from. :P
@leslietownes Fun fact: the first president of Stanford very likely murdered the founder.
@XanderHenderson Of course, the left Minnesota!!
wow, that's bizarre.
David Starr Jordan (January 19, 1851 – September 19, 1931) was the founding president of Stanford University, serving from 1891 to 1913. He was an ichthyologist during his research tenure and then served as president of Indiana University. Starr was also a strong supporter of eugenics, and his published views expressed a fear of "race-degeneration" and asserted that cattle and human beings are "governed by the same laws of selection." He was an antimilitarist since he believed that war killed off the best members of the gene pool, and he initially opposed American involvement in World War I....
poisoning used to be such a thing. not as common as it used to be. maybe we have science to thank for that.
@leslietownes Paperwork might also be part of the explanation.
It is harder to get one's hands on poisons, particularly anonymously.
i hadn't thought of that, but that's exactly right. the regulatory structure at least in the US is very unforgiving. you can go to jail for failing to keep paperwork, even if you never sell your poisons to anybody.
@XanderHenderson Me no like David Starr Jordan!! (Based on that article at least)
it seems like everybody in that era in academia was a strong supporter of eugenics and a promoter of toxic poison about human capabilities. they took a few names off of more than a few halls of my alma mater over that.
i can't say i'm sad about that, either.
@amWhy Yeah, he seems to have been a pretty terrible person.
@leslietownes I'm inclined to never name anything after a person. All people suck, particularly when judged by history.
i agree with that. it's like when they were deciding on designs for the various euro coins. nations could submit bridges and buildings and stuff but not people. seems wise.
you never know what you'll find out if you go looking into the past.
@leslietownes Agreed.
@XanderHenderson (Note to self: jot that comment from Xander to record it for the future biography of Alexander Henderson!)
Though I am fairly excited by the US Mint's plan to put important American women on quarters.
@amWhy Oh, I'm sure I suck.
@XanderHenderson I'm juss jokin!
@amWhy I mean, if the vegans are to be believed, we will all be seen as monsters for eating meat.
@XanderHenderson Was it Trump who held up the release of Harriet Tubman into currency?
And I am sure that I hold social views which will eventually be seen as utterly monstrous.
@amWhy Yeah, I think so.
i offered that as an example in a class in law school once. there are certain things that 'international law' regards as beyond being defensible. for example slavery, at least some forms of child labor, etc. it was fine a few hundred years ago. i suggested that it was conceivable that some day meat eating would be added to that list.
According to that article, Trump had little to do with it (the next time the currency can change is 2030!).
it prompted laughter but i wasn't joking.
@leslietownes Yar. It seems well within the realm of possibility.
Particularly as "artificial" or "lab grown" meat alternatives improve.
or if we learn more about cognition in delicious animals. i'm certainly already uncomfortable with many forms of farming.
@leslietownes Highly likely, and I think you're correct. I mean I read Diet for a Small Planet years ago, like not quite 20 years ago. And it really impacted me.
M'kay, I'm off for the night. Time to go make dinner.
@leslietownes Indeed. I am a vegetarian, but not a vegan. Not any sort of moral stance, I just kept losing my appetite when I'd think of cute little calfs, and piglets, and poor chickens valued only for the sale of them after slaughter....
i'm still fine with eating fish, they just seem dumb to me. i don't know if this is an ethically defensible position.
@leslietownes I think it's not a problem; but I don't care much for fish, unless they're drowned in batter and deep fried, or of the few species that don't taste "fishy". It doesn't help that we had an aquarium when I was growing up, and named all ten little fishies!!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in title (70): 123456789101112131415 by DRAW SIRWAN HAMA on math.SE

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