If anybody sees any answer that is on the brink of deletion and has been answered by a high rep user (rep > 10K) then please inform me and let me have a look, thanks. I am trying to catch deleted answers of high-rep users that don't appear on their profile.
@RyanG Generally all edits by the same author within 5 minutes are accumulated into a single edit. There are some exceptions, e.g. if a comment is posted. See meta.stackexchange.com/a/251876/196432 for more details.
@MartinR My question wasn't clear: I meant, does the 5-minute block apply only once after posting, or subsequently too. I gather from your reply and link that the answer is: the latter. Thanks!
Also, the OP of the 40 edits inequality post has been suspended. So there was, after all, something wrong going on there. Victory for us, but the problem doesn't go away. All inequality questions will now have to be kept at arm's length.
If someone who frequents this room has flagged 9 or more consecutive answers from one specific user as "very low quality", that fits clearly the definition of targeted flagging/targeting behavior. I have flagged the situation for moderator attention. But please act respectfully on site, if you frequent this chat, because CURED gets cursed when its participants do something curse-worthy: like targeting one within one-half hour through flagging.
Also, for other users still reviewing the low-quality queue, please note this repetition and vote as you believe appropriate.
@amWhy I flagged a handful of recent posts by a new (former) user as "not an answer" (most were also very low quality). That user has contributed more low-quality (almost spam) posts (and comments) than all other users combined in my tags. They deleted their prior (very active) account when the community feedback was overwhelmingly negative (similar to an infamous Dr. xyz account).
I think the best way to deal with such users is to bring the poor posts to the attention of the community asap in order to prevent the problem from getting out of hand again. Alas, the revew queues don't seem to be the best place for this since that user has a knack of composing posts that superficially look like ik even though they may be complete nonsense (or far from applicable), I encourage those who know some number theory to carefully review these posts.
But maybe this is better done with moderator help. @xander are you around?
I understand, @BillDubuque. The user you mention and address is very familiar to me. I just feel awkward when my last nine reviews in that queue are all from one answerer. So Perhaps flagging three per day, and pacing it? I don't know the best route.
@BillDubuque Unfortunately, this week Xander is hugely busy, hosting his daughter for the week, and a key member of his institutions Presidential Search, and this week is "interview week". But certainly, it's worth posting in the mod's chatroom.
I hope that Alexander, quid and the rest are around. A few, like Aloizio,Michael, Daniel one'd almost forgot they existed from their non-existent meta participation. I had to go and look up the moderators page because I had forgotten some of the names. I could have been at risk of this, since there are a few users who regularly come up (and I keep track of them) but I actually flag some of them that are really urgent (like PSQ answers), and put the rest onto CURED, where it gets cleared quickly.
If anyone, anyone comes within even a sliver of resembling Dr. xyz in behaviour then they have to be removed. I'm very sure Dr. came with a double PhD in PSQ answering. Some of his doctoral students do roam the halls, and Teresa's watching carefully.
@TeresaLisbon Alexander Gruber has not been around much lately, for good reasons which are not really mine to share. Asaf and quid are around, and have been working behind the scenes. I'll poke them and see if either wants to drop in here.
@XanderHenderson Thanks for responding, and I didn't take Asaf's name because I know he is pretty active. Speaking of which, enjoy "interview week", and if you need us to do anything let us know.
One more interview this afternoon, a morning of discussion tomorrow morning, and them I am going to be in the Tonto away from all digital devices for a few days.
@amWhy I say "Good morning" no matter what time of day it is. I figure that morning goes from midnight to noon, afternoon goes from noon until an hour or two before sunset, evening starts an hour or two before sunset, and goes for an hour or two after sunset, and the rest of the day is "night".
@amWhy Indeed. Remember those languages I was talking about? I'm South Indian and live in South India as well, one of the biggest cities in South India. Those languages are South Indian as well.
@amWhy So you are from one of the "partial" observers of the CDT, which is one of the states of Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, right? (Just checking Wikipedia : I actually don't know much about US time zones, funnily enough I know the time zone of all European capitals and one big city in every Russian time zone!)
Yes, indeed. Minnesota too, and Illinois, and Missouri. Every state bordering with Wisconsin, as well as the section of Canada above us, are CST/CDT. Indiana does not honor daylight savings time.
@XanderHenderson Hah! I should say, @TeresaLisbon Xander lives within the state of Arizona, but in a large section which does not honor daylight savings time. Are you now at 8:09am, Xander
@amWhy Thanks! Actually I attend these big fat Indian weddings, and all the groom's parents and relatives will be talking about where they are in the US. Literally, just literally everybody is in California, in an IT job, or in the Kew York/Washington DC neighbourhood. Almost nobody I know is in any, any other state. Oh yes, my uncle was in Houston for three months, but apart from that nobody. The only thing I know about Arizona is that it's capital is "Phoenix"!
@XanderHenderson Thanks. I didn't recall if you were a mod or not during the time of the old account, so you may not be aware of the complex history. We were very patient the last time around, and the site suffered a great amount due to that (in my tags).
@TeresaLisbon But to really understand the US, one needs to venture strictly between the east and west coast, and north of most of Texas. Very different regional cultures, but cities in the US have the greatest cultural diversity. But no doubt, India varies greatly from north to south, east to west, and urban vs. rural.
@BillDubuque Cannot afford any patience any more. For the record, I have been tracking a high-rep user , and using just their first page of recent activity Q&A I located 5 out of 15 answers which were to clear PSQs. I flagged some of them and downvoted the rest, but I have noted down all the addresses in case any get deleted.
@XanderHenderson I also say "Good morning" by default, but when challenged on it I just tell people I have my own private timezone and it's morning there :)
Even shorter, @postmortes "Good Day!" Because most people consider a full day all but the time they are sleeping, it which case, they won't respond to your ping!
@amWhy The problem is , I believe that at least in India, we tend to look at the US from that point of view of not having as much diversity, and I think nobody really mentions those states you spoke of at all, it's just the big cities and CA/NY and very, very rarely I see Atlanta, Georgia mentioned (I recall some relative was there a few years) so , well , there is diversity, just that no one talks about it!
I followed some candidates of Indian origin during the elections and otherwise as well : none really stood in those states, I think most stood in the coastal states.
This village went mad, and was all over the Indian papers, there were interviews of the neighbours of her grandfather's ancestral house and so on.
Quite interesting how the whole thing happened, really. We were also celebrating, because that is actually very close to a nice little temple town which is famous in Tamil Nadu (which temple town isn't? It is a state of temples and deities) and which I've been to a couple of times.
There's a temple that was built in 1091 over there.
@TeresaLisbon I wish this problem were as simple to handle as PSQs. One good note to add: recent activity appears to have sparked the user to review and delete some of his downvoted posts, so perhaps community feedback will work better this time around.
@BillDubuque They also answered just today on the most recent meta-most.
@TeresaLisbon I think you meant "downvoted, and voted to close. I also voted to close, @user21820, and downvoted. currently 3 close votes, net zero score.
@amWhy That meta post is ironic. Can I vote to delete it for being posted by a user that frequently posts incorrect mathematics? To "dome degree", that's not supposed to be how delete-votes are used, but my fingers feel itchy and the post is lousy.
LOL it got self-deleted exactly as my fingers felt itchy.
@BillDubuque While I hope that is the case, I also know that high-rep users will find it harder to get rid of the habit, like Dr. earlier. A solution for such users has to be permanent and effective, so that others coming to the site don't see the dross that these users have written up and think they can get away with the same.
@user21820 It still got answered. The problem is, such a user will say that we have left comments, and so the question is a good one. Of course not : such a user fails to realize that I kept my statement deliberately vague to have the user ask to clarify and bring them to edit their question, what their background is, and what they think the issue is. I do this quite often, and it is helpful, unless some user posts an answer.
@TeresaLisbon It is asking about "some question" in a book, without quoting the question and describing the problem. I voted to close (needs details or clarity).
@MartinR Thank you and I have voted to close on the same note as well. The reason I was a little on the edge regarding that question was because I was wondering if OP might say : "I saw it in Apostol Calculus , qualifies as context" or something, so I wanted people to see it and judge if that qualified as enough context. Well, clearly not, and I will up my standards in this process.
@amWhy That particular user, I will take a brief look at the recent history and get back.
Sadly, it seems only three of the top 12 in rep consistently answer fairly decent questions. The rest answer whatever yields them rep, though one pays attention to flack from users in CURED, he still answers crap when he can get away with it, and votes to close and delete crap he doesn't answer.
@TeresaLisbon This one needs (Q) needs one downvote and one close vote, so it is open for deletion. I downvoted the answer, but not yet able to vote to delete it.
@TeresaLisbon I flagged the answerer in the first; when an answer is flagged by more than one user, or the answerer is flagged by a number of users over time, chances of mod action is greater.
@TeresaLisbon Bottom line, it is a very poor contextless question. I voted to close it. Not happy to have yet another "insatiable seeker of PSQs to answer"
I really wish I had ready access to a list of "All questions deleted in 2021", from which we could search for the most requent answerers of those questions. Even better would be a study going back 6 months, or a year. I think many of us here could suggest quite a few answerers who'd appear regularly in such a collection.
I'm not worried about very occasional efforts to help on a PSQ. But I'm looking for those who regularly answer PSQs. I suspect the list would overlap with a couple in the TOP TWELVE users is lowercase rep.
@amWhy No fear, Teresa is here. I have a few users in my back pocket, especially deleted answers (those that we delete). Currently I am actively tracking three users. On a good day, Pandora's box will explode open (well, for those users it is Pandora's box. For me it is Bubbles' treasure chest.) and lo,let the magic unfold!
@TeresaLisbon I know two on your list! But if I had the time, I would keep track of three additional users, one in particular. But one of those three may be the third on your list.
@TeresaLisbon That's another one (the answerer you linked to for the dupe). Perhaps in your other chat, we can arrange for me to send you my email, at a time you can copy it, and I can then delete it. Only if you'd find it helpful to communicate off site.
@amWhy That would be great, on the other chat. As soon as you send me the email I will jot it down, and then you can delete that comment. Great, this works.
I am beginning to wonder whether textbook exercises should be PSQ's; Like, instead of "Solve the following integral", or "Give the domain of the following function", then couldn't be more engaging, like "Suppose the roof of your house will cave in, unless you come up with the correct indefinite integral of f(x), in which you you will save your home!
But that sort of still sounds like an imperative :(
@TeresaLisbon Just a quick note. When you use the URL of a post, after searching specific answerers answers, and want to close the question, users clicking on the URL will be taken to the answer. Instead, when seeking of closures questions, click on the "share" option below the question, copy, paste here, which will then take users to the question.
@ParamanandSingh I know. I posted in the mods' office chat; four of them helped immensely later fall last year. The number of posts in that queue seems to increase during the last two months of academic suspensions. I also learned from meta.se that on sites where the number of posts in which the posts in a review queue exceeds 1000, users are awarded up to forty reviews in the queue.
I think there's a good case to be made for raising close votes in our review queue to at least 30, (I'd prefer 40) when the number of posts exceeds 500.
We have a couple newer users with respect to this room: Welcome @yavagi and @Ethan. Feel free to inquire about this room, participate, or just watch for now.
In case Ethan is the user who frequented "this is the realm of SBA"'s chatroom for awhile, welcome again!
@A-LevelStudent Please give me time to evaluate your posts for a response that addresses them all. On today's post, you do not include all of what was said on Wikipedia, you only said "I don't have a clue what any of it meant". You still ask questions in a manner in which you continue to fail to research the topic, explain the research, and specify, specifically, where you get stuck. Your post today was like many of your posts: seeking rescue.
@A-LevelStudent Please understand, I do not relish criticizing users, and I try to only do so in cases, like with you, where I see great improvement and potential. I appreciate you're seeking feedback. You are improving, and I see great potential. Else I wouldn't waste my breath! :-) Cheers!