There are two identical glasses: Glass A contains 99ml of pure cranberry juice (colored red); Glass B contains 99 ml of water (colorless). We take one spoonful (1ml) of liquid from Glass A and mix it thoroughly into Glass B. Then we take on a spoonful of liquid from Glass B and mix it thoroughly ...
I am pretty sure that all three versions were posted by the same person, and that they are frustrated at being told that they have to ask a good question.
@ParamanandSingh Thanks. I have no idea why nobody before me had any issue with it even though it is obviously false. Anyway, I also don't know why the accepted answer makes things so ridiculously complicated, and only celtschk pointed that out (besides my answer).
@user21820: thanks to @Peter a lot of bad answers are being deleted nowadays from this room. There is so much content on mathse that one can always miss such bad answers.
@user21820: on the other hand not every case of bad answer is easy to handle from this room. Even i am waiting for conclusion on "divide 100% by 3" which you raised in mods office.
@user21820 In fact a nonsensical answer (at least as it is written down). Who knows why it received 4 upvotes.
@ParamanandSingh The main problem are the heavily upvoted bad posts , but in this case we can do nothing, I guess. So we have to concentrate on the massive downvoted posts no matter how old they are. The automatic deletion takes too long and is too unreliable.
@Peter While I'm happy to see those massively downvoted posts go, I personally don't know how much effort is worth to be spent on them, because people do already ignore anything with score ≤−3 (since SE fades them). However, in case you aren't aware, answers are never auto-deleted, so yea if you want them gone posting them here is probably the best way.
@Peter Inexplicable upvote:downvote ratio often shows up on HNQs haha..
Please look at these two questions:… and… They are not identical but they are asked by two different users about a very similar topic and use the same distinctive notation for the covariance and variance, around the same time. This seems very suspicious to me. Any thoughts?