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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body (94): One-to-one functions and Onto functions question ✏️ by xclineofh on math.SE
7 hours later…
This might be a wrong place to post this, but please upvote this meta question, as introducing the newly available Markdown syntax for tables to (new) users can help them reduce the use of pictures in questions and improve the searchability of this site.
Q: How do I insert a table when asking a question?

Tom MartinezI'm having a hard time to insert a table here when I'm asking a question. Any help would be appreciated. Also, is there any, not too expensive, math programs that allow me to enter math terms and equations kind of thing? Thank you Tom

I observe that many new users don't put enough effort into their questions as they don't know how to use MathJax.
When they know their writing tool better, some of them might be more motivated to provide more context to their own questions, probably reducing our workload.
@Peter The question asker seems to be new. I think it might be helpful to remind him about the bounty system.
so that (s)he knows the proper way to attract other's attention to his/her problem.
@GNUSupporter8964民主女神地下教會 Maybe it would be good if new users had to check a checkbox with "I used MathJax for mathematical expressions in this Question". But I don't think SO would implement this.
@supinf I think this would be exaggerated. The main problem is usually not the layout but the lack of effort/context. It is enough if experienced users edit the question and mention the possibility to use mathjax. Unless a question is completely unreadable which is however relatively rarely the case.
@supinf I understand the reason, but I think there're many different kinds of implementations. Some actual projects that would bring money to the enterprise include private SE sites.
similar discussion on meta:
Q: A message before new users post

suomynonAAlmost all the time, new users post a question with no explanation with no context given, and no mathjax used. I have written "Please write what you tried" a countless number of times. There should be a popup or message that asks new users to confirm that the met all of the following requirements...

@Peter so a checkbox saying that they included sufficient context and own attempts would be more reasonable?
yes, that would be a far better idea.
The Smoke Detector's alarm provides an instance of new user posting pic-question PSQ.
On private SE sites from which SE can gain money, your suggested functionality might interest only clients who need MathJax.
I'll just mention that every user is shown a modal window before asking the first question - the screenshot can be seen here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/83225/2020/5/30 Although some people say (as a joke) that what they see is actually a bit different.
Since you mentioned SD, Alexander Gruber considered running a separated version of SD to detect frequent duplicates: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/107936/rehab
Thanks @MartinSleziak thats already not so bad. Maybe I am biased because I looked too much at closing questions recently.
@MartinSleziak: thanks for sharing the view of modal window for PSQ askers :) :) also thanks to @user21820 for creating that pic.
@ParamanandSingh Hahaha.. Strangely, I don't remember creating that so recently. This year has been a long one.
4 hours later…
FYI: Consider reading the following meta post:
Q: is it true MathematicsStackExchange is a homework site?

Sylwester LI am currently in dispute with the Physicists. I am interested how force vectors act on single points of a rotating rigid body. Unfortunately, the community PhysicsStacExchange doesn't tolerate my questions and closes them permanently. Since I have a problem with the Physicists site, I decided to...

@Xander In particular, in reference to the above meta post, please consider posting a comment, or better yet, an answer, because the asker seems to be somewhat misled by a user from Physics.se, but still, due to what we might consider misrepresentation, the post reveals how some other serious sites view and assess Math.se.
@MartinSleziak Can you give a rough average regarding the average number of closed questions per day, and the average number of new questions per day? That will be useful info to use in a response the the asker of the asker of the meta question I link above.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in answer, bad ns for domain in answer, blacklisted website in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer (267): What is the purpose of an oracle in optimization? by Anita on math.SE
@amWhy I have added an answer. I don't find it terribly satisfactory, but the question itself is so scattered that I hardly know where to begin.
@XanderHenderson Yes, it is a very scattered question!
This meta question strikes me as something that comes very close to the line of "unfriendly or unkind". It is possible that the asker is a troll, but, lacking further evidence, it is best not to air your suspicions publicly. At best, you draw attention to a troll. At worst, you accuse someone of acting in bad faith. Raise a flag and move on. Please to not level public accusations at other users. — Xander Henderson ♦ 10 secs ago
^^ Am I alone in that feeling? or do others also believe that the question is a bit out of line?
@XanderHenderson I think it's out of line, as it's based on a single instance, and even if there were multiple such posts by one user, if there's a problem, one of the problematic posts should be flagged for mod attention. I do not like the use of meta to publicly accuse particular users.
Request for undeletion. The linked question now has context.
@amWhy Prevoiusly when you asked about number of question, I have posted some queries here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/19138/conversation/… Maybe you can look whether some of them might be useful for you. (And you might let me know which of them would be useful with counts of closed questions rather than counts of all questions.)
And I have also listed some already existing SEDE queries for closed questions here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/19138/conversation/… There are mostly with percentags - I might add some with actual of questions.
@MartinSleziak Thank you! I'll be sure to bookmark your links. Thanks again!
@amWhy Thanks for the input. It was deleted by the author.
@Xander Our close vote review queue is heading towards topping 500 again... :(
It seems to be rapidly declining currently :)
@amWhy: Yours is now deleted. DA - DL each need an additional vote (although I suspect you have voted on these already).
@RRL Thanks for the info. Yes, I already voted on them all, yesterday. Good calls you made, on each of them.
Close request. The OP has asked, verbatim, the same question on Chegg (see first comment below post, or it's someone at Chegg wanting to know the answer so they can answer the Chegg question.
@amWhy Indeed. I noticed that last night and spent a little bit of time on it. I am taking it easy today (now that grades are submitted), but I'll try to spend some time on the queue before the weekend.
Thanks for the poke.
@XanderHenderson Congrats!! That's all I meant to do: poke, or nudge. Enjoy taking it easy!! You deserve it!!

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