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Q: Which mathmatical (or physical) theory was inspired by cables?

Nan ZhangI want to know the influence of cables (ropes) for the development of math and physics. Any insights offered by cables for the development of math and physics are welcomed. This could include: Physics theory benefit from the research of pendulum (a cable-suspended ball). Knot theory inspired by c...

Note the comment "Euclid shot by time travelling string theorists". Apparently the only answer to such a theory is humour. Should the intent actually be to advertise string theory , this would make this question even more off-topic.
And in the case that the author asks this question over and over again, moderators should take a watchful eye on the user.
I do not think that the author trying to solve Brocard's problem is a crank. But I am astonished about the optimism that easy approches are able to solve a famous open problem. This is almost never the case.
Q: Why is $A^5\equiv A\bmod5$?

Nicholas Kryger Nelson Why is $A^5\equiv A\bmod5$? I would love a proof, I was asked this as a math question for homework. Please Help!

A classical "do my homework" queestion ! I think, not even the hints should have been given.
@Peter: there have been some examples of simple proofs of results which ones had a complicated proof, but I think in this age of information tech such a thing would become instantly famous. An example of unsolved problem with a simple proof is that of irrationality of $\zeta(3)$. The proof is indeed no difficult that Niven's proofs of irrationality of proofs of $\pi$ and the like.
1 hour later…
@ParamanandSingh It is hard to make a word like "difficult" objective. I cannot judge how difficult the proof of the irrationality of $\zeta(3)$ is. Maybe you can present a sketch proof to convince me that it is actually "easy" to prove it.
1 hour later…
@Peter: it's already available in my blog posts see this and this
@Peter but I agree that difficult is subjective.
@Peter: I also have similar feelings like you about people trying easy approaches to unsolved problems, but still I am a bit optimistic there.
5 hours later…
Hello can somone help me?
I need help to reopen my question math.stackexchange.com/questions/3916522/…
Let me explain, the thing is that it only needs two additional votes for reopening, but I would like to explain that if such is allowed. It could help me to write an answer for my own question because I think I had solved it. So far I had read the guidelines and so on and edited my question providing all the missing information and I even included my progress.
Because the question remains closed it doesn't allow more answers thus I think it is some sad because I believe its a good problem and it could be benefited with different inputs from other users.
@ChrisSteinbeckBell Be patient. You have four out of five reopen votes. Thanks for your effort to improve the question.
@rschwieb Open for deletion; one reopen vote, one delete vote.
@amWhy I know. I just attempted to improve the question the best I could giving all my effort. I wish I had known more before posting the question so it wouldn't had downvoted such way. Begging for votes isn't exactly something which makes me feel comfortable, in fact I feel ashamed. Is that really a bad question or am I a lousy student?
Don't worry about it, @Chris! Seriously; this is not a reflection of how good a student you are; in part we all start out here not knowing a whole lot about how the site operates, and such. You responded to feedback you got, and to me that tells my you are a very good student! :-)
@amWhy Thank you for that. This community has helped me a lot to improve my skills and I couldn't be more grateful there were wonderful people who had motivated me to not give up. However sometimes I feel the policies are a little bit too much. The site emphasizes that OP must write a question which it can be answered and not opinion based but when it comes to voting for something I think that part becomes opinion.
@amWhy Tell you that I've been recovering from sore eyes and bronchitis over the lockdown was very difficult and at times this community helped me to keep calm.
@ChrisSteinbeckBell I know, and it can be frustrating at times getting downvotes with no explanation. That happens to askers and answerers alike, and it still happens to me sometimes. Keep up the good work, students like you help remind a lot of us why we started to contribute to this site. I hope you're feeling better! (I suffered bronchitis about three months ago, and it was no picnic!)
@amWhy Sure I know. The awful part if the feeling of fluids in the lungs and how hard is to sleep or eat. Wish you well and thanks for your words. I gotta go. Nice afternoon from my timezone. :-)
@ChrisSteinbeckBell See you! ;D

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