[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, repeating characters in body, repeating characters in title (327): Gggggggggggggggg ✏️ by Anas chaabi on math.SE
Can we say that null part added to itself will always remain identical to itself, namely null.?
3*0==0+0+0 == 0
infinity*0= 0+0+0+0+0....==0
and because
Eulcid and his axioms ....
A point is what the game is drawn for.
therefore according to 1 a point has :: neither le...
@ArcticChar What do you mean? Re your 1st sentence - the other answer is my own actually. Re your 2nd sentence - do you mean i don't really need to add something about branch points to the original answer (the one that's not mine)? please try to use less pronouns and stuff
I am referring to Moishe's answer (somehow I did not see your answer when I checked). And if you think that answer is wrong. Just point it out and downvote it. No need to correct their mistakes.
@user64742 If the OP there wants to delete the question, I see no harm in leaving it be. Nobody has answered. They changed their mind and maybe went to post it on the quantitative finance site where it may be more appropriate.
@user64742 As @MattSamuel indicated, a user is welcome to remove a question for any reason at all if it has not yet been answered. There is nothing inappropriate about this at all.
@user64742 No worries, given the post had been downvoted, and the poster deleted, and that deletions of poor posts weighs heavily, along with other downvoted posts, and deleted downvoted posts, in such an asker being banned from asking, when they reach a threshold.
Generally speaking, the only time that the (a) the software allows a user to delete a question and (b) it is considered inappropriate to do so if if the user deletes the question immediately after an answer is posted.
@XanderHenderson I specifically told them to not delete the question, they then replied to me, and when I went to view the reply they had deleted the entire question. At the very least, it was rude.
@user64742 Reading the comment, you said "I wouldn't delete the question." That's not telling them to, it's suggesting it, and they disagreed. In any case, simply telling them doesn't mean they need to listen to you, and it's not rude if they don't. They're entitled to delete it, as Xander said, for any reason, even if you don't want them to.
@Xander But I repeat, there are consequences to askers who delete downvoted questions ... they aren't erased. But indeed, there is no point in forcing an undeletion. If they continue in the pattern of deleting downvoted posts, even when not answered, it will come back to bite them in the butt.
@XanderHenderson I totally agree. That's what I tried to convey in my first comment to @user64742. Sometimes it's best to let "nature" take its course.
As in, if you’re going to delete a post, then delete a post. Don’t leave a reply that I cannot access nor read and then immediately delete thereby notifying me for no reason.
I also felt the question should be moved not deleted.
Now they will go make a post that will inevitably be closed as a duplicate of the deleted post. Oh well. Not my problem, I guess.
@user64742 You can't close a question as a duplicate of a deleted question. Also, viewing the question I see no reply to you, so if they made one they deleted it as well.
Oh, they did post a comment, but didn't @ ping you, though it would automatically ping you because you were the only one who commented.
"I apologize. My question is regarding financial mathematics, so it felt apt to post on here. I found questions regarding hedging on here so I felt it was okay. "
It's hard to know how to hold PSQ askers, and rep hunters accountable when the usual subjects grant pity upvotes to questions that show no research, nor are useful, just because.
@user64742 Because the vote is for a question that shows no research, no context, is a PSQ, and likely an isolated questions. The usual suspects tend to upvote what is downvoted, even when they are crappy posts; just because.
If that is the case, then I'm sorry for saying it was insincere: but then before judging others and before complaining, familiarize yourself with this site a bit.
@MattSamuel o/
So you support and upvote askers of PSQs, who seek nothing more than someone to solve it "for them", and upvote answerers who allow those askers to cheat, @MattSamuel ??
@amWhy As I said in the election I have no problem with most PSQs, so I would obviously see no problem with people upvoting and answering them. I don't know if these people are cheating, and I wouldn't automatically assume that they are.
@amWhy you are making the bold claim that users are deliberately in bad faith upvoting unacceptable content. This is not a failure to understand site policies. What evidence do you have that users are deliberately upvoting out of MALICE.
And if you don’t have such evidence, then don’t make rude unsubstantiated claims!
@MattSamuel The point is, copying and pasting an answer does nothing to students be able to independently, in exam situations, comprehend, if they refuse to think for themselve.
@user64742 I never claimed it was out of malice, but it violates this site's policies. When you start using bold, and exclamation points, after being told to let it go about your earlier outrage, I stop engaging. Cheers :-).
@amWhy I think the only way voting can violate the site's policies if it is something disallowed, like a voting ring or sockpuppets voting on the main account, serial voting, etc. Otherwise SE is pretty clear that people can upvote or downvote for any reason.
@MattSamuel the way I’m understanding @amWhy there is a group of voters that go around and serially upvote any post downvoted by specific people moderating PSQs.
And based on the insincerity remark, I gather that AmWhy believed me to be in this ring...?
I guess I’m trying to figure out how we’d know the difference between people just thinking a post is good and useful and well written and people just trying to throw an upvote out of “pity”.
@user64742 You just implicated yourself, after asking for the link to which I was referring. Until your last comment, the thought that you did the upvoting never entered my mind.
@user64742 $$\int x^2 dx$$ Solve it for me. I have no idea where to start.