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5 hours later…
There're a bit too many posts for deletion today since my bookmark list is getting lengthy.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body (94): deleted......................... ✏️ by Karla on math.SE
Glad to see a few accepted my invitation here.
21 hours ago, by Xander Henderson
Q: Finding $\sum\limits_{k=1}^akf(k,a)$

pgp1First we define $f:\mathbb{N}\times\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ by$$f(x,a)=\begin{cases}\dfrac1a;&x=1\\\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{a-x+1}\frac1a f(x-1,a-k);&1<x\leqslant a\end{cases}.$$ ($f$ is defined that way only where $x\leq a$ in every other place it is $0$.) How can I find $$\sum_{k=1}^ak...

Q: The polynomial $x^{2n} - 2x^{2n-1} + 3x^{2n-2}- \cdots -2nx + 2n + 1$ has no real roots.

HC Verma Prove that the polynomial $$x^{2n} - 2x^{2n-1} + 3x^{2n-2}- \cdots -2nx + 2n + 1$$ has no real roots. Here is the solution Can anyone explain how the last line of the solution implies that the polynomial has no real roots?

@rschwieb Yet, the standard for voting to close and delete is rather unclear. In the long d-list above, a few questions are essentially the same in the standard of "PSQ"; a user chose to "answer" one (above) that is "worse" while casting close and delete vote in a rush to others. What is the principle?
I think the first thing to learn is that there is no "the standard." I suppose yes there are some loose principles we should all share, but that doesn't mean everyone has to agree and apply to a universal standard. Postings you disagree with you simply ignore... or if you feel very strongly about a particular one you can post your rationale for keeping.

Let me familiarize myself with the list you're talking about. At the very least you can use that list by considering what might improve the questions.
@T.S OK so for example, out of 16 of the requests, I voted to delete 6, ones like [this one](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3599521/prove-that-if-101-whole-numbers-between-1-and-200-are-taken-there-must-be). I left a few comments and up/downvotes on others.

Life goes on for me... I presume if you were in my place you may have cast additional votes otherwise.

What's objectionable about this?
Hi @Saad: for those coming after, can you explain what you are responding to? I for myself don't see who or what is precipitating the comment.
@rschwieb I was responding to this line.
@Saad Ah! I see... thanks!
Btw, how to move it into Trash?
@Saad No idea! I've never done it...
3 messages moved to ­Trash
whoa cool
@rschwieb Is this magic happening because you're also the owner of Trash or something?
@Saad I'm not sure what privileges one needs, but I was able to go to the dropdown next to "room" in the upper right panel, and it had a "relocate messages" option. I was able to select our three messages and move them to trash.
Look like both of us are owners
1 message moved to ­Trash
Let me rephrase it: For people that really care about the quality of posts on MSE, it would be much more helpful and constructive to actively take actions on the main site to guide users that have posted low-quality posts instead of putting so much attention only on the participators of this room.
1 message moved to ­Trash
@Saad I fail to see how your double standard "guide users that have posted low-quality posts".
@rschwieb If there is no "standard" for the room, then do you at least consider one should be "consistent" when choosing the so-called "PSQ"?
@rschwieb Any room owner (here) can move posts to the trash.
We cannot move posts back from the trash.
@T.S So you're only complaining about this single post?
As both Xander and rschwieb has elaborated, standards are elastic and vary person-by-person. If you disagree with any suggested posts for closure/deletion, then leave them there. If you feel any more candidate posts for action, post it here with a clear explanation and let other decide. It's even better to cast votes by yourself.
But by continually targeting a single participator in this room, I doubt if your real intention is to help improve the site's quality and I see the possibility that this might escalate into harassment.
@T.S The basic guideline is that a question that is just a question and nothing more needs to be improved (and possibly closed until improvement occurs.) Whether or not everyone flawlessly adheres to a uniform standard when making this judgement is not something we waste time on doing.
@T.S Please steer away from belligerence like this: it's not welcome. You can try to be persuasive without slinging accusations like this. For example, maybe you can mention the particular post you think doesn't deserve the same treatment.
And of course expectation of 100% consistency for matters of judgement is an unreasonable stance to hold. Anywhere, frankly. This room is not about black-and-white.
I see a couple of new users here: welcome @YaniorWeg. Also, I am sorry that I did not welcome you, @MattSamuel . I noticed that you dropped in, and I even replied to one of your comments, but I never actually said "Hello."
Hello. o/
In particular, @MattSamuel, I know that you and I have very different outlooks. I appreciate that you are here, and look forward to your input.
@XanderHenderson Thanks. Our outlooks are indeed quite different, as I think most questions that have upvoted answers should not be deleted.
@rschwieb I do not understand your "belligerence" accusation. Please check the chat history, if necessary. I simply raised a question, and Saad refused to answer. Instead of "giving a rationale" so that others can listen, Saad continues to attack me personally. Such action does not at all make sense.
As everybody can see, the activities of listing a close/delete candidates are very active in this room. I do not make any criticism/judgement about such activities". Nevertheless, I don't consider questioning ONE or two questions from an active user in this room as "harassment". Such accusation is factually incorrect.
And I was asking, active users in this room, "will you consider this question" a PSQ and thus close it or not. Only @Xander has provided his opinions so far. And the answerer of that question, who refuses to give an answer, "attacking" such reasonable question as something that might escalate into harassment; that makes me shrug.
2 hours later…
@T.S I see the history, enough to see that you contributed your own jabs, and justifying what I said. This is natural, but something we don't want to escalate. You'll also notice I left a similar message to Saad about the conversation going a little off the rails and he agreed to retract and trash the messages. He beat you to de-escalation, apparently. Let's see if you can catch up, and maybe Saad will also pick up the thread on the conversation again.
I'm not going to keep going on about it now though. I anticipated some new turbulence from new visitors, and it'll probably take a little moderation to keep things moving smoothly.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url in title (96): imgur.com/a/5WDszAz by neversettle evolve on math.SE
::shakes head::
ah wow, yeah I didn't even realize smokey beat me to it

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