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Not yet. thanks @amWhy
@quid Thanks to you as well!
5 hours later…
This person has had a few hours to respond. The question itself is almost certainly a duplicate.
5 hours later…
This answer is unjustly downvoted. Adding to it a graph of the functions x --> 1/(4-x) and x --> x on the interval (0,4), together with the few first iterations of the sequence of interest, might help convince the readers that the method is worth knowing.
3 hours later…
@amwhy My point was that close voters behave arrogantly and aggressively without a good reason. Which you in particular keep reinforcing. There are currently 4 close votes on the reasked question with an explanation which says it's a duplicate. As has already been noticed it's actually not a duplicate and moreover the system doesn't even allow to close as a duplicate of unanswered question see meta.stackexchange.com/questions/10841/…
@DRF that is rather rude to judge as you did in the first sentence. There's no truth behind the claim.
@amwhy Really. You personally told someone to go answer on Yahoo answers if they thought questions like the original had a right to be answered. That is both agressive and patronizing.
@amwhy as for my question you voted to close as a duplicate of a question that is missing context and will most likely be closed and deleted. Other then being a duplicate there is nothing wrong with my question or if there is you didn't bother to point it out
@flagger(s) I don't see anything that is spam/offensive.
1 hour later…
o/ @user21820
@amWhy Hello!
As per the comments, it's not at all likely that much effort when into this.
2 hours later…
@amWhy @XanderHenderson @JoséCarlosSantos: Up for deletion: 1, 2, 3.
@user21820 All gone now.
For future record, this BW's ghost post comprises pseudo-math such as cardinality subtraction ("ℵ0−|{x}|=ℵ0"), wrong set-notation ("{ n^(1/k) | n,∀k∈N≠0 }"), wrong understanding of set-notation in the question, pretend expertise ("just a clarification for those mathematically inclined") and confounding remarks ("For those confused about the notation, n does not terminate in N.").
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly dots in body (51): Deleterrreeeeeeeee ✏️ by LeoL on math.SE
Reminder from side-bar: Carl Mummert (11/28) asked as to review this post, which was closed, and now needs two delete votes, and this additional post which needs only one more delete vote.
2 hours later…
This question is annoying me; it's a PSQ, and I've voted to close it. While the OP managed to ask the answerer for more of an answer, they've failed to address my questions in the comments below their post. Note this is another question with $2018$ coincidentally appearing in the problem.
@amWhy Close
@Holo Thanks!!
@amWhy I've downvoted it.
@JoséCarlosSantos Thanks!
1 hour later…
PSQ needs to go. The asker has gotten away with posting only PSQ's, thus far.
@amWhy It is closed now and I have already voted to delete it.
@JoséCarlosSantos Thanks!!
@Holo, @XanderHenderson Do either of you have a downvote to spare for the post I link immediately above related to "numerology"?
it currently has a score of -3, so is deletable for those with 20k+ XP, yes?
@XanderHenderson Yes. When I posted my request immediately above your comment, it was at (-2).
I know. It was at -2 when I loaded the question, too. I was just letting you know that its status had changed. ;)
@XanderHenderson Magic!! :P
open for deletion, for +20K users; will be open for deletion in two days, unless already deleted or reopened.
Closure needed: C1. C2.
This user is on a roll with PSQs: C3. (I'll need to wait one hour to add my close votes to C1-C3).
It's got to be Sunday late afternoon/evening, before the school week, in much of the world, as we're getting tons of hw problems flooding the site.
Thanks, @AlexanderGruber! It's nice you brought a heavy-duty mop to help clean up! :)
no problem
@AlexanderGruber When does your semester end, officially? Are you TA-ing or teaching this semester?

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