This post seems to be an interesting case. The OP posted it as a PSQ in the first place, but after getting so many complete answers (!) the OP added "efforts," which are probably from these answers, in order to avoid the post being deleted.
Is such action of the OP legitimate given such purpose? Also are these reopen votes based on such "efforts" legitimate?
@AlexFrancisco I honestly don't know if there is a bright line that can be drawn in a case like that. My general philosophy regarding the site is that it should be a repository of high quality questions with good answers. If a question eventually becomes a high quality question, and it happens in a way that does not invalidate the answers, I am not sure that I would complain.
An aside comment, I believe that the question (the linked post) does not deserve to be deleted. I say that seems to me a good post. — user2433019 hours ago
Please help me to find a closed form for this integral:
I=\int_1^\infty\frac{1-x+\ln x}{x \left(1+x^2\right) \ln^2 x} \mathrm dx
Routine textbook methods for this complicated integral fail.
@user21820 For I, they've added I sort of found the answer by intuition and by some general trial and error... but somehow I am not satisfied with this. I tried derivatives but the expressions come out quite unpleasant, after Sonnhard answered using that method.
Yea. Though if I'm in a cynical mood I'd guess that they do that only to maximize the likelihood of getting a full solution to their homework before their question gets closed.
@XanderHenderson Well, the question itself, no matter how many efforts are showed, is far from being inspiring, edifying, or at least interesting since it's so trivial. So I still find it not useful to keep it.
@Holo There's no rule. Everyone uses whatever counters they like. Normally, I use only one counter for each batch that I generate. Other people usually use their own counters. I just followed your lead because it's a convenient labelling.
@user21820 I just had voted the question down for poor question/lack of research, (after someone apparently cast another upvote for it). One more delete vote needed.
@TheSimpliFire Hmm maybe you don't have enough rep yet, in which case you will not be able to vote to delete until it changes from "on hold" to "closed".
@user21820 d26' is gone. I had already voted to delete d29, d30 (each needs only one more delete vote to go). Each of c8, c9, c10 need only one more close vote.
@Holo That was an accident, I meant "off topic" $\to$ Why off topic: Lacks context. But I clearly missed the correct circle, and apparently clicked "seeking personal advice". I had already auto clicked submit, when I saw the error and quick tried to change it. Didn't work. $ \left(\ddot\frown\right)$
@amWhy This is not possible to create 2 different sizes for the outer and inner circle in $\bigodot$, but I can do this:$$\require{enclose}{{}^{{}_{ {\overline{--} } }^{ ~{\small\enclose{circle}{\Huge\cdot}} }{}_{\large<}{}_{ { \overline{--} } }^{ ~\small\enclose{circle}{\Huge\cdot} }}_{ ~~~~ \Large \frown } }$$
Anyone up to responding to this premature meta post. I've commented, but I think the question will only get feedback representative of many users on this site, users that the asker seems not interested in acknowledging.