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Wow... I just hit 20,000 reviews in the "close" queue!
Aw... I just failed an audit. :(
but I think it is a poor question
and definitely not something that should be used as an audit :\
also, @amWhy, congrats(?)
@XanderHenderson I agree...
@XanderHenderson Yeah, I saw that. Hoping its deletion happens before any misdirected reopening.
I am fairly well convinced that the good doctor is a chatbot programmed to answer questions on MSE
@amWhy Let's leave the second one around for a while more, so that nobody can say the asker didn't see lulu's comment?
I've pinned it to keep track of it.
@XanderHenderson I think this is a fine question, because Max did sketch how he solved the simple case of p = 2.
@user21820 You'll note that I didn't vote to close (nor did I downvote it)
it just seemed kind of marginal to me, and I thought others might have an opinion
also, I felt like sharing my misreading of the title ;)
and I don't grok the question, but likely for reasons that are due to my lack of familiarity with "well-known" problems in a field that is not my own ;)
I've requested clarification
@user21820 Thanks!
@XanderHenderson And I've given you a link. =)
It's a fun puzzle, at least the first time you try it.
The graph theory tag threw me---I assumed it was a Bridges of Königsberg style problem (clearly, I can't spell in German...)
@XanderHenderson Oh. My brain auto-filters out tags from my visual input.
okay, after five minutes of fiddling, I am convinced that it is an interesting question. Thanks for the clarification, @user21820
@XanderHenderson @Did @amWhy: The asker also posted this PSQ.
@XanderHenderson =D
Aw, shizzle! I just hit 10k! Time to start deletin'! :P
That's right, the lunatics run the asylum now!
@XanderHenderson Lol. Rosenhan?
Google. Heh.
Yikes! That is scary...
I think I would have liked that guy, but unfortunately he is no longer around.
@XanderHenderson You think that is scary? Wait till you read about the unabomber and project mkultra and the Flint lead poisoning.
So, there is a prof at my current institution who worked with Kaczynski at UC Berkeley
This same professor later taught the guy that shot up the theater in Colorado
Oh, yeah, and he's on my committee.
Scary is near you.
Heh. The thing is, the connections are very tangential, and the prof is actually one of the nicest people you will ever meet
I'm just joking haha..
honestly, the meanest person on my committee is Baez, and he's a teddy bear
Wait the author of the crackpot index is a teddy bear?
Yup. Whoda thunk it?
He has a sense of humor, but is quite giving of his time.
And does an excellent job of helping his students do well. He does have an unfortunate penchant for category theory, however.
I suddenly imagine a big brown teddy bear in a professor's office, waving his paws around animatedly.
I wonder if my grandfather knew Rosenhan...
I honestly wish there were a hundred times as many Rosenhans, each in a different field.
they would have been about the same age and were in the same field, though my grandfather did his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley then went into practice
1 hour later…
@Did @amWhy @XanderHenderson: PSQs and useless answers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
11 hours later…
Someone is clearly trying to finish a homework assignment: (1), (2).
Oh, and number (2) got inappropriately closed as a duplicate by a gold badge
Oh, it is open again.
@XanderHenderson Actually isn't it an exact duplicate of (1)? Posted within the same hour too. @quid: Delete?
@user21820 It isn't quite a duplicate. The first asks about nilpotent matrices. The second about matrices $A$ such that $A^n \to 0$.
Though it honestly threw me at first.
That being said, both questions should likely be closed.
I lover it when answerers use Landau notation to answer questions where the asker almost certainly has no idea what the Landau notation means.... PSQ bee tee dubs.
though they did make an attempt
2 hours later…
This PSQ needs one more close vote.
@XanderHenderson Congrats!!
@amWhy Thanks.
@AirConditioner Hello!
@Producer I'm having a hard time taking you seriously, given your self-chosen new username. I'm afraid that your choice of a username can only make your situation worse on this site. And, in truth, to me BS is just as offensive as "bull sh**"
Sorry for lurking. I'm trying to get a better sense of what types of questions are considered good/bad.
@AirConditioner I was sincerely welcoming you. No need to apologize for checking things out!
@amWhy If it offends then I'll gladly change it but I can't do so for 30 days. I don't take issue with your comment per se but I think you would be in a better position to be offended now if you had been equally offended when Did called me exactly that two days ago in this chat.
In my last link above, "double-dipping PSQ" = "two problem-statement-questions in one post". By "PSQ" we are referring to posts that are basically just statements of a homework problem or exercise, which often/usually includes words like "Prove xyz. Solve abc. Calculate kmn. etc"
@ProducerofBS Mainly I am worried that the new username undermines you and your work. I wouldn't say I'm fully "offended" by the username, but I don't like it, and anyway, by renaming yourself, it was likely lost on Did, and most all users on this site. and ultimately leaves you looking like you believe the same about yourself. Of course, I forgot about the 30 day wait above. But if you flag a mod, or go to the mod-office-chat room to ask if it can be done sooner, you'll likely get results.
Oh darn, I meant to ping @AirConditioner in my top comment immediately above.
1 hour later…
@ProducerofBS Sorry to disappoint but I am not your problem here. (Did I already explained this... probably I did, right?) Rather than accumulating antics, you might want to concentrate on posting quality material on the site, from now on, and avoiding protracted discussions where you exhaust the good will of the people who try to help you.
@Did when I said the change in Prod of BS username was likely lost on you, I meant that you likely could care less what he calls himself, and likely laughed out loud, or rolled your eyeballs at this antic.
Oh Geez: See the comment thread below this answer‌​. I went there because of Sebastiano's "+1 again", and his request for help for the linked post, below gimusi's answer here, in which 4 comments I flagged from the two of them were deleted.

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