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> In fact I often downvote questions I answer. — fleablood 3 hours ago
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yeah, I know :(
This user has been getting away with PSQ's for awhile. Plus and more unbelievable is that this user has over 3k in rep.
How to deal with users like the one I link to just above?
You die internally a little bit, downvote/vtc a few, and, um, yeah.
@SimplyBeautifulArt It doesn't help matters that the user has been here for 4 years, 10 months!
@amWhy Well that's where the dying internally part comes in. Some tissues may be required for the crying.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Big sigh. You're probably right :P
@SimplyBeautifulArt Hahahaha lol! :P
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: fdfghghghghgfdfghghghghgfdfghghghghgfdfghghghghg by Vlart on math.SE
@SmokeDetector Rolled back.
Voting to undelete
Question isn't bad, it has an answer and some comments.
Don't think it deserves to be deleted by the OP, especially after self-vandalization
If it doesn't get undeleted, perhaps @DanielFischer could leave a comment explaining not to vandlalize posts.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Did the same. Seems the asker no longer an account,
2 hours later…
@amWhy @ZacharySelk @SimplyBeautifulArt: This and this and this and this can be deleted.
10 hours later…
@amWhy @ZacharySelk @AsafKaragila @SimplyBeautifulArt: This is a ridiculously wrong but accepted answer.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Gone; unstarring.
@AsafKaragila @amWhy: You may want to take a look at this cranky post and cringe. Why do such people always think they know better than everyone else about logic... I think "not about mathematics" is the best reason for closing. What do you think?
And this PSQ seems of zero worth keeping.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: List the members of these sets. by user510907 on math.SE
@user21820 Open for deletion now.
@user21820 They're all gone now.
4 hours later…
Man, I answered two questions today and I'm 3/4 of the way to the rep cap. Voting system is broken >.>
@user21820 Review this user.
@ZacharySelk Open for deletion.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Silly, that's what we just did.
@SimplyBeautifulArt The user you link to has had a number of posts deleted today/last evening. I've cast a delete vote on the most recent.
@user21820 Then maybe he should've just linked said user.
@user21820 Deleted.
Oh, foods ready. I'll be back
@SimplyBeautifulArt Closure?

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