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@SimplyBeautifulArt How did this copied image survive 12 hours without any downvotes (I just added one) and with only one vote to close (I just added a second)?
@amWhy I only got to the page of questions which are currently 3 hours old. You gotta give me time to catch up lol
@SimplyBeautifulArt Oh.... I wasn't directing this about you... It was a rhetorical question. (I'm in the close review queue, and it boggled my mind that it's still in the queue!)
I actually spend nights like this on the "newest questions" tab, scrolling page by page towards yesterday. Then I usually stop.
You know, for finding questions like this one, which do not make it into the review queue until someone flags them or votes to close or something...
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yup... I agree on your call there. I do the review queue to catch up on yet to be closed posts from the last 12-24 hours. For the rest of my close votes, I do what you do.
After all, someone's gotta follow up with close votes when a close vote on a question sends them to the review queue :P
Well, haven't even been on mse these past few days lol.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Understood :) Just saw I'm the third all time all time reviewers in the close queue!
You slacking? :O
(can't say I should be one to ask though)
Funny I find this in the review queue @amWhy @Did
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yeah... I've already voted to close. Who is this user/joke?
No idea.
Their profile is also somewhat object-able in my opinion.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yeah... I've seen. Seems very full of themself, given their posts, e.g.
Another case in point: COLOR, Too Broad... off topic math.stackexchange.com/questions/2478876/… from same user.
@amWhy Funny how they happened to have a calculus tag: math.stackexchange.com/q/2489211/272831
^ Think there are some new people in the review queues?
2 hours later…
@quid When I look at those questions now, 2478336 is closed as a duplicate of 2267249 (revisions/timeline) and 2267249 is merged into 2478336 revisions/timeline.
Maybe I am missing something and reading the history/timeline incorrectly, but if the system closing making Question A as a duplicate of Question B after Question B was merged into Question A that seems like a bug to me.
Should I post about this in the reopen request thread, or should I leave resolving this to moderators?
And you are right about the difference between the posts about this problem - If $A \in M_n \mathbb{(R)}$, $A^2=E$, then $\mbox{Rank} (A+E) + \mbox{Rank} (A-E) = n$ explicitly mentions we are working over $\mathbb R$ while others do not specify the field. I should have noticed this before suggesting merging.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 1 out of 4): Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition - Lagrange multiplier by Alvaro Rodriguez on math.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 3 out of 4): Chatting about mathematics (with real-time LaTeX rendering) by Alvaro Rodriguez on math.SE
Cycles of duplicates were discussed on meta before: What should I do when I find circularity among duplicates? But this seems to be slightly different - since these are not both duplicates; one of them is duplicate and the other one is merging.
@amWhy Now deleted - revisions/timeline. Unstarring/unpinning.
2 hours later…
in Tagging, 18 secs ago, by Martin Sleziak
I will just point out that is for roots of polynomials and is for square roots, cube roots, etc. (But you probably know this and the question was mainly whether the tag for square roots - which is (radicals) - is suitable there.)
BTW if there are some tag-related discussions, you're more than welcome in tagging chatroom. (Although I have to admit that almost nobody visits that room. Which is why I thought it might be reasonable to advertise it also in this way.)
@Did @amWhy @ParamanandSingh @SimplyBeautifulArt @ZacharySelk: This and this are wrong. Please help to clean up, or tell me if you disagree. Thanks!
2 hours later…
@MartinSleziak I reopended it. That this is even possible ought to be some kind of bug or corner case. When I merged the question already had 3 dupe votes. Presumably this is a cause for it having been possible.
I should have cleared the votes right away.
Thanks quid!
The question into which this question was closed as duplicate is already part of this question via a merge. I thus undid this. The other question mentioned in comments are not strictly duplicates, as far as I can tell. — quid ♦ 52 mins ago
7 hours later…
@user21820 Those answers have been deleted, and the question has been closed as a dupe. Since this site has far too many "fake proofs" of this same kind, with the same error in logic, I've also downvoted it, and would support deleting it, if that option were open.
@amWhy Yea one of them was self-deleted, I guess after my comment. The question can't yet be deleted though.
@user21820 I know. I contributed a downvote, but without more, it will not get deleted, given the highly voted answer (which is itself, a duplicate answer, in that questions of this same sort (negative base) have been answered ad nuaseum.)
12 messages moved to Logic
1 message moved to Logic
2 hours later…
@user21820 "right" is now deleted. The rest are open for deletion, three already have 2 downvotes, waiting for another, and one has one delete vote (mine), ready for two more deletes.
@user21820 left: needs one more downvote; right: deleted; center: needs two more delete votes; before and behind: each needs one more delete vote.
2 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt "one who lost four wisdom teeth": How goes it?
PSQ. . A question, about something else the asker is trying to post, but never mentions in his/her question, and won't even after my request that they do so. I find it interesting that this user seems "to be followed" by an upvoter of their questions and comments. @SimplyBeautifulArt, @Did, @user21820
Another question by the same asker ^ : open for deletion: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2382205/…
@amWhy Feels.... better?
@SimplyBeautifulArt I'm glad... hope you'll soon be back to feeling normal/good!
@amWhy self-deleted.
which is quite annoying.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I may have been a bit too naughty in my comments below this meta question: math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/27265/… Let me know what you think, because I'm prepared to delete one or both if they sound too offensive. (To me, I'm just telling it like it is, but.... for a newbie who's having a hard time accepting that his question received a downvote!, it might be too much.)
@amWhy If you wish to remove them, feel free to do so. I'll try and add something of my own to the post.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Do you think I should? I just meant, I'm open to feedback, and if one or more sounds too harsh, just let me know.
@amWhy I'd say perhaps the second comment.
Yeah, thanks for the feedback.... It's gone (in 10 seconds)!
Actually, I haven't much criticism to return to the OP.
@amWhy Think this question should be closed?
I just get sick of users who run from the main site directly to the meta site to cry about a downvote.... that's what motivated the post. Can you imagine what meta would look like if every user who receives a downvote, or a close vote, were to run to meta to post a question about a question, or a question about an answer?
@SimplyBeautifulArt It's not about criticism to give to the OP.... I just don't think there was sufficient reason to address one user's particular question that received a downvote, that's all.
@SimplyBeautifulArt indeed... added mine.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I am troubled by the asker (see what I am replying to., hence my PSQ post. I've already downvoted two of their posts, and would like to downvote more, but try to stop at two any given day. But I've voted to close a few too, and just now, the one you just linked to.
Hi, @MichaelHardy.

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