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@SimplyBeautifulArt I have edited the question How to solve such a quadratic question: If $a^2 -a -3=0 $ then $a^3$ equals $a+1$, $2a+1$, $4a+1$, $4a+3$ or $5a+3$ (revisions/timeline) and added description of OPs own attempts mentioned in the comments.
I am not sure whether this is sufficient change to consider reopening. Are there some suggestions how the question could be improved further?
It already went through reopen review queue once. But it entered the review after the OP adding a single sentence: "This is a belgian math olympiad question.* (Of course, my edit will not put the question in the reopen review queue - a question can only be enqueued once per closure via edits.)
I have also posted a comment asking the OP wehter they can provide more details about the contest.
1 hour later…
@Jack: I saw your recent post here, and I totally agree with you that your answer (now deleted) is the only correct one. If you undelete it I will upvote it. It is always saddening that the mathematically correct answer always struggles against downvotes from people who post mathematically nonsensical answers. I have been a victim of that quite a couple of times.
Sometimes the downvotes are out of spite too, like here and here and here.
2 hours later…
@Did: Typically the motive to downvote my answer comes from my answer saying something that people don't like to hear (like "the teacher is wrong" or "the existing answers are incomplete/incorrect"). But in one of the cases I cited, the downvoter disagreed with my comment on another answer that it invoked circular reasoning and hence downvoted my answer just because I'm the author...
It was almost surely BD, but I never bothered to verify it.
5 hours later…
@amWhy @Did @SimplyBeautifulArt: This PSQ needs downvotes and deletion.
@Jack Deleted now; unstarring.
@amWhy: Oops I just realized you already mentioned it...
This PSQ is ready for deletion.
2 hours later…
@user21820 Gone!
Vote to close this one, the title does not make sense:
Q: If I have that $\sqrt{n}(X_n-\mu) \overset{D}\to \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$, how to show $X_n \overset{D}\to \mathcal{N}(\mu, \frac{\sigma^2}{n})$?

user136503If I have that $\sqrt{n}(X_n-\mu) \overset{D}\to \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$, how can I show via a transformation that $X_n \overset{D}\to \mathcal{N}(\mu, \frac{\sigma^2}{n})$? Here I have that the $D$ above the convergence indicates convergence in distribution. My book goes from the first equation...

@Jack If only the title didn't make sense, that would be fixable by an edit. But since the title is an accurate summary of the body, I cast the missing close vote.
@DanielFischer Thanks. That should be what I meant for this particular one. :-)
@Jack $\checkmark$, now deleted.
@amWhy voted.
@Jack Only one more delete vote needed now.
@SimplyBeautifulArt, @Jack Amin is at it again on Meta: math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/26903/…. Up for deletion.
Actually, no matter on my last comment above. Deleting it now would probably feed Amin's conspiracy theories on MSE.
@Jack I voted as such; one more delete vote needed.
3 hours later…
@Did, @SimplyBeautifulArt, @Jack, @user21820 Problem statement alert: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2412680/… and math.stackexchange.com/questions/2412679/…
Please also take a look at this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2412676/…

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