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4 hours later…
This title seem to have quite big vertical height.
Q: About $\prod_{n\in\mathbb Z}\left[{\tanh\Big(\frac{\pi}{2}\sqrt{a^2n^2+ab}\Big)\over\tanh\Big(\frac{\pi}{2}\sqrt{n^2/a^2+b/a}\Big)}\right]^{(-1)^n}=1$

NemoThe infinite product in the title is invariant under the transformation $a\to 1/a$, however it is not a modular form because it is not a periodic function of $a$. Before asking the question one needs to explain some facts about this infinite product. Consider these two propositions If $\cos\frac...

But I am not sure what would be a reasonable edit to change that. (And I am not even sure to which extent such change is needed.)
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: Deleted post Deleted post by cplex on math.stackexchange.com

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