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This question came across the review queue. I lack the expertise to judge whether or not the proposed dupe target is a good one. Perhaps other here would like to weigh in.
@stressedout I have seen those 'famous' questions too and honestly it's such a waste of time. I'd suggest to flag and explain your arguments that you give here to them
I recently did that. And it was helpful though apparently they didn't have to intervene directly on the question, it turns out it was solved by high rep users
7 hours later…
@BillDubuque I am actually having second thoughts about my use of the dupehammer here. IIRC you have posted something on Pisano periods and related elementary number theory. Feel free to add more (better?) targets. And/or revert the closure, if you think it is not close enough. The present asker seems to be looking for something more elementary.
4 hours later…
@stressedout I would assume it is a duplicate too. A solution might be to find a duplicate and move the answers.
4 hours later…
@JyrkiLahtonen I don't have any entries for such on my list. But I wouldn't be surprised if there exist better dupe targets.
This is the post I intended to put of for consideration for deletion, not the most recent D1: D1
@amWhy Ignore this comment.
2 hours later…
@amWhy well put
@AlexanderGruber I try! Thanks for chiming in!
@stressedout "what are some alternative proofs of the pythagorean theorem" might be a more apropos example. There isn't a rock hard consensus as to how off-topic big-list questions are, but it's agreed that they're at least a little bit off-topic, as the format of the site is supposed to be more along the lines of well-defined questions answerable with a single answer.
Sometimes exceptions are allowed when the question is really good or interesting but they're also often closed and given a "historical" lock (meaning essentially that they contain content that's good enough to not delete, but that the way the question was formatted is discouraged).
@AlexanderGruber Does Daniel Fischer ever frequent "these parts" (CRUDE or Math Mods' Office?) I miss the guy!
I presume, he doesn't like he used to, but I heard he's "back", so I'm glad, in whatever capacity!!
Anyway, @AlexanderGruber, if you can pass along my greetings to him, I'd be regretful!
Close. Seems more a reflection of sibling rivalry than a math question.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in answer (81): Writing a number as power of two by Unknown on math.SE

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