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Do the pros actually train indoors?
Given how much they must train to reach and remain at their level, and given how resilient they are to either turning red from sunburns or getting a thorough tan, I'd say they must be practicing, a lot, indoors.
Do you agree?
Ok, now for the (shopping) question I really want to ask. If they do train indoors, what do they use? Is this public knowledge? This video could be just from the company that paid Pogi for sponsorship, not the one he actually uses.
I don't want to buy an inexpensive one to test the waters, and then keep upgrading it. Yet I don't want to be that guy who just buys an expensive option (a Peloton?) just to have a good solution.
@Sam7919 Peloton is to be excluded, it's not a real smart trainer, it's a device meant to sell Peloton subscriptions (you can't use it with other services). If on the market, I'd say the minimum is to take a direct drive trainer (more powerful and installing the bike on the trainer is like swapping a wheel)
The ones based on rollers require an additional wheel with a special tire anyway, so unless you have a spare wheel, they won't cost much less, and they are less powerful.
The main challenge is to know what motivates you, riding indoor is very boring, and the even best trainer won't be used if you are bored.
2 hours later…
Today I was actually grateful for headwind - on a slippery descent 😅
3 hours later…
@Willeke erp that's not good !
Does a VM offer much physical protection? They're lower so less distance to fall, and the outer casing/hull should provide sliding protection, no?
@Criggie on the recumbent day recently they told about a guy who accidently road onto an 80 kmh road in front of a driver who did do that speed and hit him full in the side. The VM did three full rolls, the guy came out with just a sore shoulder.
An other was launched over a wet ditch (couple of meters,) onto a field and rolled over, just a bruised knee.
Those are the kind of accidents where on an open bike, upright as well as recumbent, you will be dead or would want to be.
In a VM you do not fall onto the road, you roll over. Only if you cycle on hills you can go down the hill and that can get serious.
I have not yet heard what the damage to Marks Quest is but the insurance of the driver will have to pay, plus whatever damage Mark suffers himself.
:66666874 You're right. Motivation is the devil. Growing up we always had this bike sitting in a corner. I don't recall seeing anyone use it, ever. But then over the last 3-4 years, while I had been trying as hard as I could to brave the cold and the ice, a fellow rider trained strictly indoors. I saw last summer that he had overtaken me in strength and endurance (though he remains lacking in agility and maneuverability), and so it seems that indoor training rather works.
The dilemma is that if I buy a starter model, I may not be too motivated to use it because it's not nice enough (as with a "outdoor" bikes). But then again if I don't find the motivation, a nice indoor bicycle-trainer may do nothing for regular training.
Also check compatibility, not all trainers are compatible with all bikes
indoor training is better than not training.
But no real racing happens on a trainer, though zwift etc are trying to change that.

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