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I like the fitness/freshness graphs in pro
and I like segments
garmon connect has them too, but strava's got the most
Try stravistix - seems to negate the need for premium strava for the freshness graphs
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
@Criggie I think gshenk ("I hope it stays on the phone then") meant "I hope using Strava doesn't make me feel the need to upgrade from phone GPS to some fancy, expensive tech."
heh yeah . I deal with safe habour laws in the EU, and they have device info which must not leave the continent.
5 hours later…
@CristianCiupitu I don't know. I thought it would be a good question for bicycles.SE.
I've seen some signs at stores.
3 hours later…
Q: I asked what happens if you neglect your chain. My question was closed. How can we make it comply with the subjective-question guidelines?

unforgettableidI posted a question: "If you buy and install a brand-new chain, but never clean or lubricate it, what will happen?" It was closed as "primarily opinion-based". For now, unfortunately, nobody can post any more answers. I edited it and added this text near the bottom: You need not back up y...

I was just looking at that Meta question and I have to admit, I'm a little unclear on why the question was initially closed
My gut says to reopen it, but I'm reluctant to overturn 5 users without a better understanding of what the community thinks is wrong with the question.
Perhaps cos it feels like something we're tempted to do but know we shouldn't.
@DavidRicherby Your thoughts on that meta question?
@robokaren Your thoughts on that meta question?
the other three voters have not been seen here.
@jimirings Voted to reopen, but the title question might be better titled as "What are the downsides to never cleaning or lubricating a chain?"
As someone who bought a bicycle with a belt so I don't have to take care of the chain, that question is more than welcome.
@jimirings I think @RoboKaren lurks around this chat room.
@Criggie Thanks for the heads-up.
3 hours later…
Target like the following video. While it is almost like an advertisement, it has some Bob-Ross-like quality I enjoyed immensely.
Horizontal top tube for the win!

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