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@Carpetsmoker, thanks for taking the time for trying to get this straight! :)
I'm talking about Insert mode completion. <C-p> does not start at the bottom of the buffer. Both C-p and C-n start from the cursor position, C-p backwards to the previous match (maybe that's what you meant – that C-p starts at the bottom of the buffer part before/above the cursor), C-n forwards to the next one. Backwards seems to make more sense to me, because that's where one has typically just been entering text (one might want to repeat).
@accolade Huh? I'm confused how buffers come into play here?
@Carpetsmoker My best guess for your what you meant by «<C-p> starts at the bottom» was that you meant the bottom of a buffer. The bottom of what did you mean then?
… Well, and the other way buffers come into play is that the use case I'm thinking of is the one where the completion is done from words in the current buffer (which is what's done by default for C-p and C-n, at least for me), as opposed to idk from some tag file or programming language keyword collection.
I need to figure out how to record screencasts
So I can show
The bottom of the completion list
@Carpetsmoker, ah, I see, you're talking about the popup.
Yeh, what else?
As I said: the buffer.
From which the popup is populated.
(Well, evertyhing I said about C-p and C-n still holds, as the completion popup is (by default, at least for me) populated with 1. the matches in the buffer part after/below the cursor, in order top to bottom; then 2. the matches in the buffer part before/above the cursor, also in order top to bottom, thus starting at the beginning of the buffer.)
Example: Buffer looks like:
l ← invoke completion here with <C-p> or <C-n>
→ results in completion popup:
So what I was saying is, that I'd think that when in line 3, one is more likely to want to repeat "l2" than "l4" (in terms of this abstract example).
1 hour later…
Hahaha, brilliant! chat.stackexchange.com/404
@DJMcMayhem, hehe. (I was confused at first, until I tried refreshing.^^)
Do you get this one? «Anthony: The sun may rise in the east, at least it settles in a final location»
(Neither do I see a relation to easter or eggs, nor do I get the joke.)
@accolade I don't get that joke, but I can explain the relation to Easter eggs
An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in an interactive work such as a computer program, video game or DVD menu screen. The name is used to evoke the idea of a traditional Easter egg hunt. Atari's 1979 release Adventure contains the first hidden message in a video game to have been discovered by its players; the message is "Created by Warren Robinett", and was inserted by Robinett, the game's programmer. According to Robinett, the term Easter egg was applied by Atari personnel on being alerted to the secret addition, and making the comparison of players' discovery...
I know what figurative Easter eggs are; the other messages in your first link have a relation to easter or eggs, e.g.: «$(egg).hide();»
Oh, I get what you mean
Yeah, I don't get it either
Ah, thanks for the info.^^
(So I googled it: It's a line from Californication and Anthony is their vocalist, which will be the joke. So no Easter/egg reference I spose.)
@Rich It is indeed: Bram says, in his Vim's 25th birthday presentation from November, that plugin authors told him about things neovim was working on which vim should really have, "so that's what happened": youtu.be/ayc_qpB-93o?t=59m49s
3 hours later…
@accolade Ah, thanks for the info. Haven't gotten around to watching the presentation yet.
4 hours later…
@accolade Right, now I see. I only use insert mode completion with Go code, which is always sorted, so I didn't know Vim sorts the menu like this
4 hours later…
Q: Do we want to add a Twitter account?

CarpetsmokerStack Exchange offers some amount of Twitter integration (for example see @StackWorkplace). Do we want to add this to the Vi site?

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