@muru AFAIK, you've only asked two... We probably won't throw you out until you start asking a bunch of "in the constantly-swapping OS pretending to be an editor, if you [something with 43 pairs of parentheses], how do I make vim work like this (except for the swapping?)"
I was wondering which is the best way to use syntax folding for HTML files. Specially if it can recognize javascript code within <script> tags.
Any clues?
@Gilles: In regards to your “Multiple buffers, same file, different settings” you can use tabs. I never use tabs myself, but at least for syntax and cursor position it seems to work.
As in; then you do not have to have the window visible.
I might be wrong, but believe it hierarchically something like like, top down; tabs: View of windows, windows: view of buffers, buffers: view of files.
Point being that tabs are not tabs in the sense of “one file one tab” as in some editors, but a view of windows.
As for multiple syntax you might also want to look at :h sh-embed (That is an example on how to add awk syntax for sections of sh scripts that have awk 'awk code' - but can be used to add similar additions for other pieces of code with custom "triggers")