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@WChargin If I read <kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>o</kbd>, I would try what you intended; if I read <kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>O</kbd>, I would try shift+o ... That being said, you argument about O and 0 is indeed true ... I wish more fonts would add a slash to the 0 (as in Ø)
But maybe that's just me ...
The help tag is CTRL-O btw
I would say both are find anyway, it's your post, so your preference has the upper hand unless there's a very good reason to change it :-)
@yo I had <C-O>, but that was changed to the kbd tags by @muru.
@Carpetsmoker I usually access the help tags by pressing :help <C-V><C-O> (actually pushing those control sequences), which works too
@WChargin It was agreed on meta that it's the post owner's choice how to mark keypresses.
@WChargin Cool; didn't know that worked :-)
btw, could someone with a higher rep correct the typo in this answer? It's really not "TEX", it's "TeX":
A: Are vimgolf questions on-topic?

OxinaboxFrom being on CodeGolf.SE. Golf (and other competition) questions think about Rep in a different way. Having them, and having them award Rep, would mess with out rep system. How much it would mess with it, I am not sure. It might only be a little (and we could not worry about it) Other sites,...

@Carpetsmoker thanks :)
TeX people and their capitalisation of TeX :-)
@200_success Great post:
Q: Celebratory fireworks animation

200_successTo celebrate an important event, I hastily cobbled together an HTML canvas-based animation. A few concerns I have include: Performance: Does it run reasonably smoothly on most modern machines? How can I make it more efficient? Portability / Compatibility: Does it work correctly on all modern ...

I also didn't know that variable names like Δr work in JS
Actually, it also seems to work in Python and Ruby ... hm
@Carpetsmoker not ours! It's Don Knuth's ;)
@Carpetsmoker It's actually not the true problem with the answer, the problem is that it is quite misleading.
No new TeX/LaTeX user knows how to either spell or pronounce it... IMHO that sort of describes the rest of the intuitively of TeX as well :-)
@Carpetsmoker c'mon, do you have any problem with our beautiful language? Who else is expandable, tell me :)
Well, it's sort of true? The first part, anyway?
I used LaTeX to format one document years ago ... It took me days! I will admit, it looked GREAT! but ... it took me days!
@Carpetsmoker the learning curve knows to be long, but that's also because people are not willing (having time) to sit down and read one of the good LaTeX manuals through
I don't think I'm the "target audience", anyway ... For me, markdown (the "Kramdown "extended" flavour) is enough.
Relax, I was making a joke :-)
@Carpetsmoker well, LaTeX urrently earns me money :)
@Carpetsmoker I'm fine, don't worry :) And you have a point!
I did quite a bit of work to get TeX Live to work on FreeBSD ... FreeBSD was without TeX Live for many years ... There was this guy working on it, and he kept saying "it was almost finished" for like, 2 years ... I sent him a whole bunch of Makefiles and code and patches, but never really got a reply :-/ Eventually someone else did it I think, not sure (I had lost interest by then)
@Carpetsmoker well, now, you've got a vanilla TeXlive that is dependend only on the architecture, not on the distro.
I'm not sure if I understand what that means?
@Carpetsmoker well, you just download a small script, run it, and on both x84_64 and amd64 architectures, you get a working LaTeX. It doesn't matter what linux you're runnning, as long as it's linux.
Well, FreeBD ain't Linux :-)
It's in ports now, I see; but with 300 lines of patches (for texlive-base), and quite a large Makefile
@Carpetsmoker ah, well, as long as the binaries work and the libraries are avail
Perhaps it works, perhaps not ... Often there are subtle differences, such as GNU sed hhaving some extensions that FreeBSD sed doesn't have, or assuming /bin/sh is bash, assuming /proc is linux' procfs (with all the clutter like cpuinfo) etc. etc. etc.
1 hour later…
@yo' Re: http://meta.vi.stackexchange.com/a/138/360
I don't have long. and I am not sure that there is more to be said.
@Oxinabox I was looking for some discussion about the big-list questions. My opinion is that 3/4 of them are bad and useless.
The brunt of my point is: to allow codegolf is something for us to think about once well established.
I wouldn't recommend any new site to opt in for this type of Qs
@Oxinabox And I don't agree. There's PPCG for a reason. Let them deal with it.
I also think that it belongs on PCG (rather than here).
But also that we should defer considering if it does belong here.
ie. Not only don't allow them now. but don't consider allowing them for another 12 months.

Re: Biglist, I think they do a few things, which I outline in this post in http://meta.rpg.stackexchange.com/a/3663/1362
@Oxinabox and I tell you: keeping them "reasonably curated" is a real problem.
yes, but they do have there plusses.
I don't thing CG has the same plusses though.
Notably when it comes to Big-list. Software-Rec, a site which many expected to have them, is pretty strongly against them.
Questions that asked for a list of software are closed, and unfocussed questions are told things along the lines of "Write your question as if you expect one correct answer."
A Plus that i think Code golf questions miss, is the education side. Code golf is by defination incredibly terse, and thus often hard to learn from.
@Oxinabox I don't say they do not. I just say they are not suitable. Not every question works well on SE and you have people using both SE and standard forums to solve their problems.
Are you disagreeing with me?
It seems like neither of us want code golf questions on the site.
@Oxinabox we agree on this. I just couldn't agree with what you have written about TeX.SX
Ah right.
I am fine to disagree about that point.
and agree there are definately some issues with the abuse of format.
If this came up to TeX.SE meta i would abstain from voting as i see it two ways.\
3 hours later…
@yo' With widespread Unicode support, I'm surprised you all don't insist on ΤεΧ or Τ<sub>Ε</sub>Χ ... especially since the later is supported on SE. :-P
@Carpetsmoker I think complaints about things requiring a fair bit of knowledge to start using should be canonically off-topic here. I mean, the one true editor is the one that a new user's first question is "so... how do I type?"
6 hours later…
@derobert Honestly, I'm not that much a "unicode everywhere" fan. Especially "worried" about unicode domain names and user names.
2 hours later…
@derobert Haha, ouch, okay, that's fair :-)
There was also some thread about it on the OpenBSD misc@ list IIRC about why it doesn't do Unicode by default, but I can't find that right now...
1 hour later…
Q: What should the on-topic section of our Help Center contain?

DoorknobOur current /help/on-topic page is just the default boilerplate, and doesn't really help new users learn what kind of questions are on-topic here. It's definitely in need of improvement. What topics should the Help Center cover? I have posted a single Community Wiki answer containing our current...

2 hours later…
Carpetsmoker has been automatically appointed as owner of this room. (What does this mean?)
@Carpetsmoker I love the part about "most phishing doesn't do this." They forget to add: "Because it doesn't work yet. 'We plan to register 𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥.𝐜𝐨𝐦 soon, and 𝕗𝕓𝕚.𝕘𝕠𝕧 later on, because we aim high,' say phishers."
𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥.𝐜𝐨𝐦 actually just goes to the real gmail it seems :-) Same with 𝕗𝕓𝕚.𝕘𝕠𝕧 ...
@Carpetsmoker prbbly a current browser setting. Each alphabetic chharacter carries the information on which non-alph one is the equivalent.
whois also does it then...
drill doesn't work ... But I'm not sure how/if that supports IDN
@Carpetsmoker there can as well be some standard mapping, I dunno. You can ask David Carlisle
btw, 𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥.𝐜𝐨𝐦 is not recognized here, and 𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥.com goes to GMail.

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