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> I want to have a quick way of setting the Vim 'paste' option, inserting some text, and reverting to the previous value of 'paste'.
Can we agree that the question is about how to gracefully handle interaction with some keystroke-replaying mechanism?
@200_success That's the motivating example. It isn't the purpose of the question.
I think I might just leave it at that. I've done my part to point out that your question is unclear or doesn't express your intention. I'm not trying to argue with you, just trying to understand and improve the question.
Q: Set the paste option for the one insertion only

GillesI want to have a quick way of setting the Vim 'paste' option, inserting some text, and reverting to the previous value of 'paste'. A typical use case insert the OS clipboard content literally, regardless of any insert mode rewriting that may be active, such as automatic indentation, and without ...

Since there are several people misreading my question it must be unclear.
Better. You might want to change the title as well. I'll leave it up to you.
But part of the problem is that you and jamessan assume that I don't know what I'm doing and I should be using "*p. I wish you'd operate on the presumption that what I'm asking is in fact what I'm asking.
make it a question make it a question
@200_success Do you think it should be “Set an option for one insertion only”?
@JoshPetrie The title? No, I generally dislike titles that are questions.
That seems to align more with the information that you are seeking.
I expect paste to be a common use case, that's why I put it in the title
But once you do that, it's fair game to "mis"-interpret the question (from your point of view).
Compromise: "Set an option (e.g. paste), but for one insertion only"
@200_success too verbose for a title
It's a fine length.
@200_success it's not a matter of length, it's a matter of verbosity
A title doesn't have to completely specify the question, just enough to be distinctive
But it needs to be descriptive enough not to be misleading
@200_success How is it misleading? It doesn't say anything about using a clipboard. It says “set the paste option”.
It would be safe to assume that you have an X-Y problem.
@200_success No, it would be legitimate, but not safe.
When you suspect an XY problem, leave a comment requesting a clarification.
I apologize for my poor word choice.
Don't automatically assume the asker is stupid.
If I thought you were being … (not going to say the word), I would have just edited it without consulting you.
Anyway, I've said all I need. If you could also write a tag wiki summary for , that would be appreciated. Thanks!
We have plenty of options to retag that question
har har
@200_success Ok. Do we have a tag for command line options?
That would be Vim's command line, I think?
as in ex commands
We should probably do something about that trap.
At least please write a tag wiki for , and add a note “for command line arguments when starting vi, see
Will do.
I don't think anyone has enough rep to review them yet
yes, it's 750. Tomorrow maybe.
I just need 29 more points. (Hint!)
@200_success no, that's to review edits on posts. The threshold for tag wikis is higher.
Shog9 will probably get to it then.
@Carpetsmoker The background color question applies equally to gVim, I think.
I wouldn't use .
oh...Because it's sort of a terminal limitation
in normal vim, anyway
(I think)
@200_success link?
Q: Is it possible to use two different color backgrounds in a single vim buffer?

Karolis KoncevičiusI am looking for a possible solution for applying two different background colors inside a single vim buffer depending on context like in this sublime text example. One use case of that is to color code snippets inside markup files differently so they stand out more. However I have never seen a...

@Carpetsmoker Why?
I don't see anything in the question that's related to the terminal
There may be a limitation in vim's terminal driver, but that would be something to mention in an answer, it isn't what the question is about
AFAIK, You can't say to a terminal: Draw that part white, and that part black ... Not easily, anyway. You can draw characters with different background colours, but that's not quite the same thiing
But I could be wrong perhaps
@Carpetsmoker Yes, you can draw each character with a different background color. That's all the question requires.
But filling up all the "blank" area's with "blank" characters has a lot of side-effects (copy-paste would be fubar, for example), so you're working around a terminal limitation
But if you feel the tag is wrong, feel free to remove it :-) The question came up in an edit review queue, and thought it would be a good tag
For the purposes of classifying the question, you're thinking too much.
@Carpetsmoker That could end up being a limitation of an answer. But it's irrelevant for the question.
You could add “I only ever use gvim and I don't care about other implementations”, and the question would still make as much sense.
So doesn't apply.
8 hours later…
A: Do we want questions for tutorials?

200_successOpinion on this matter appears to be divided somewhat evenly. TeX.SE has shown that it can work, but users accustomed to the rules of other sites remain skeptical. I propose an experiment / compromise: Let's allow resource-request / reference-request questions during the private beta. Do you...

3 hours later…
Q: What do we do about on software recommendation questions?

muruIn my short time at AskUbuntu, I have seen software recommendation questions ("What IDEs are available?", "What rich text editors are available?" [that one was actually asked, answered and upvoted quite recently], etc.) pop up fairly regularly. AU already has quite a few of such questions with ex...

7 hours later…
This site seems to actually be doing fairly well
I think this question can be reopened after my edit:
Q: What is the difference between the vim package managers?

ZucchiniZeI have been looking at the different package managers for vim and the one I decided to use vim-plug but I have seen others like pathogen and vundle and I honestly don't know what the difference is. Can someone give me a brief overview of the differences so I can decide which works best for me?

done de done.
Q: Is it OK to mark a question as a duplicate where the question and solution is similar, but about different topics?

Andrew FerrierThis question on filetypes for Markdown is close to being closed as a duplicate of this question on the .sage/Python extension type. To be fair, both the theme of the question ((associated a filetype with an extension) and the answers are very similar. Is it OK for this type of duplicate to be ...

@Undo I am worried about the types of questions though.
@JoshPetrie like?
I don't really feel like the majority of them are not-also-offtopic on SO or SU.
Maybe not officially, but I bet the nasty people on SO would close them just the same
Yeah, possibly.
But I'm not worried about the nasty SO users.
So they might as well be off-topic there
I'm worried about the nasty SE staff who get to make the decision to kill the site or not.
And who have, in the past, killed every proposal on the grounds that it would "draw traffic from existing SE sites."
Independently, I worry about the questions that just turn into plugin linkspam.
@JoshPetrie those can be moderated.
We do it all the time on SR
Yeah, it's just a chore. :D
meh, moderation in general is a chore
Much more fun than cleaning the kitchen, though
Well, anything is more fun than cleaning the kitchen
Using Vim to clean a kitchen, though… that's fun.
Q: What criteria do we need to meet to ensure Vi and Vim continues beyond private beta?

Andrew FerrierThis is the first StackExchange site I've been involved in as a private beta. I've heard murky rumours that not all sites make it past this phase; how can I understand what criteria this site will likely have to meet (either quantifiable or not) to graduate past the private beta, assuming that st...

@ViMeta How many sites have been killed off in the private beta? (not the public beta)
@Carpetsmoker Clearly the site scope is much too small.
What do people think about this being too broad? Some sites have done similar things in the past before and it worked out ok buuuut it is suspect.
Q: Does Vim have any hidden "easter eggs" or jokes? If so, which?

CarpetsmokerI've heard rumours about Vim having some hidden "easter eggs" and jokes. Is this true? What are they?

@Seth I'd vote to close; "list of" question. Maaaaaybe community wiki, but I don't like those personally.
Why did I know if I posted that here Doorknob would vtc? why? :P
Got to it before I did :D
I don't see why it's too broad
@Seth Haha, I actually found that from the close vote queue.
But maybe I'm biased
This is not STackOverflow, because this site has a small scope, we can allow more broader questions (IMHO)
yes we can, but will we. That's the thing.
I think it's one of the things that would distinguish this site from SO
(I need to write a meta post about this)
I also don't object to it being community wiki, btw, this seemed better to me (seperate answers)
Just because you're small doesn't mean you should be permissive with broad questions.
As a site you also want to attract experts.
Experts already have countless excellent places for discussion (which most "broad" questions effectively are).
Plus, the question is also a list-of-things.
So? It's not an unending list, there are only so many easter eggs
It's also not a subjective list
So it's different than 'list all Vimscript tutorials', or something
It's also a list of things that are non-obvious, like 'list all autocommands', or 'list all functions' (which is just in the docs)
Maybe, but I still don't really see it being a great question one way or the other. It just seems like trivia with no useful purpose.
there seems to be a high concentration of other-site mods in vi/vim
@mixedmath I noticed that as well...
who do we have? Game Development, Math, Philosophy, AskUbuntu, CodeGolf, SoftwareRec
maybe more
Code review
French Language
yeah, quite a bit
@JoshPetrie Yes, I suppose it is a "trivia list" ... I don't really see that as a problem, though...
@Carpetsmoker It is a problem. Stack Exchange is a network of question and answer sites, and questions asking for a list don't work well with that.
The question alsp has many more upvotes than downvotes (+10, -3)
But many SE sites do have 'list-of-things' questions
Votes mean nothing in terms of on-topicness.
Such as?
It means people found the question to be useful ...
That doesn't mean the question is on-topic.
Or that it should remain unclosed.
From the tutorial meta question for example: meta.vi.stackexchange.com/a/77/51
I saw more examples, don't have a list handy
In fact, that's not always true. Votes can be used in whatever way one wants, whether it be because the question was well-written or because the answers were valuable or because the voter had a good breakfast that day. You can't tell people how to vote.
Yeah, you're right, upvotes aren't 'leading', but I would say it's a rough 'indication' ...
No, votes should by no means be used as an indication of whether a post or type of post should be allowed on a site.
@Doorknob I'd say "no means" is too strong. A heavily down-voted post probably does not belong, for instance
In Game Development, our highest-voted questions are closed for being off-topic.
Voting and on-topicness are generally not related.
@JoshPetrie Like mine ;)
Another prime example: [code-trolling] on Programming Puzzles & Code Golf.
@Doorknob I'm not sure what [code-trolling] is, but it sounds bad
Well, that means that oon Game Dev you're closing the questions people like the most ... There are certainly questions that are very OT, and should be closed (like 'recommend me a foo', or which is better, foo or bar), but other than that, I'm not big on the closing questions, myself.... It's not like this sort of question (that we're talking about) is harming anyway or is going to spark a long discussion
@Doorknob I'd call [code-trolling] a failed experiment, really
At one point it was "acceptable" to post them, but the community realized it was a mistake and decided to banish them
@mixedmath Uhh... yeah, it was. Not sure how to summarize the whole event.
@Carpetsmoker No, we're not.
On Carpetsmoker's behalf, it is true that some SE sites have tutorial questions, big-list questions, reference-request questions, and others don't. It might not be right for a vocal minority (even some of us other-site mods) to prevent a community opinion on these rise
And it does not matter if the question is high-voted or "liked"
If it's not on-topic for SE in general, or the specific site, it's not on-topic. Period. Full stop.
StackExchange is not a discussion forum.
True, but this question wasn't a "discussion question"
@JoshPetrie In this line, you've already presupposed that it is not on topic to the specific site.
@mixedmath I'd agree with that in general, but the question under discussion was voted closed by the community, not a moderator.
Okay, so @Carpetsmoker, if votes == quality, how do you justify this?
Q: What is your best programmer joke?

hmasonWhen I teach introductory computer science courses, I like to lighten the mood with some humor. Having a sense of fun about the material makes it less frustrating and more memorable, and it's even motivating if the joke requires some technical understanding to 'get it'! I'll start off with a cou...

Actually, I said that discuussions are OT
Granted, that was asked way back when, where the rules were much less strict.
@Doorknob That's an infinite list, like I said before, there are only n amount of jokes in the Vim docs
@mixedmath Referring to the gamedev questions though.
@Carpetsmoker The vim one wasn't, no, but most of the gamedev ones you were referring to were.
So it's not the same ... Also, we're not StasckOverflow, we can have different rules. Hell, I think we're deciding the rules now together :-)
Still, many highly, highly upvoted questions on SO are closed, and if votes determined whether a question is on-topic, Stack Overflow would be a much different place.
@JoshPetrie oh, I wouldn't dare suggest that every community include these questions. I think they're dangerous. Maybe not bad, but dangerous. TeX.se seems to handle them well, but it takes dedication and oversight
@JoshPetrie I haven't ever read GameDev question, I just replied to your comments about the most upvoted questions getting closed
@Carpetsmoker Of course we can have different rules, but there's a point where you start to step outside of the boundaries of what actually defines a Stack Exchange site.
@Carpetsmoker No, you can have different rules within reason.
Did you vote to reopen?
But this is within reason
No, I didn't vote
That's probably the best course of action.
You're not going to convince me (at least) the question's on-topic without serious edits.
Okay, That's fine :-)
We can "agree to disagree"
And you probably want to take the discussion to the question (or meta) rather than here.
So what edits would you propose, then?
Also, let me just put this here:
Chat tends to be a relatively specific subset of SE users, culturally-speaking.
> Focus on questions about an actual problem you have faced. Include details about what you have tried and exactly what you are trying to do.
(from the tour)
I wouldn't propose any edits, I'd just re-evaluate my position if edits were made.
@Doorknob Yeah, I like this point.
I much prefer questions about accomplishing something useful to questions about trivia.
Well, on vi.SE there are only very few such questions you can ask, on SO, you can ask a gazillion of those questions, because Python's scope is much broader (the same applies to tutorial requests), so I think there's "room" for a limited number of those questions (perhaps about 4 or 5) ... On SO, those types of questions would be a significant portion of the total questions, but we don't have this risk on vi.SE, so we can allow these questions without fearing of them becoming a significant part
I think that sums up why we can allow this much better than what I said before :-) I will also leave it at that, before I start boring people ;)
So ... Something different:
Does anyone understand this answeR?
A: Prevent Vim from clearing the terminal after exit

jalanbAs you are using an xterm you could use its main and alternate screen buffers for screen swapping, as in this section from my .vimrc if &term == "linux" set t_ti=^[[?1049h set t_te=^[[?1049l endif These vim commands add the relevan...

Because it doesn't seem to do anything on my system?
@Carpetsmoker I don't think "ignore the problem until it becomes serious" is a healthy attitude for the community, long-term.
@Carpetsmoker Are you using the same terminal?
@Carpetsmoker You're inputting ^[ as an actual escape character (\u001b), correct?
I also tried TERM=xterm, TERM=xterm-color, TERM=linux ...
I'm not even sure I understand what it's supposed to do?
:help xterm-screens isn't very clear on that...
vim sends the strings in t_ti and t_te at some point, presumably when closing
t_ti on startup, and t_te on exit
I don't generally use vim in a terminal, so that's more or less all I know offhand without going to :help, which I assume you've already done.
Not in a terminal? What?! You're nor a real vimmer! :p
Yes, well, vim is a lot of things.
But "an elegant modern piece of software" and "a good IDE for the languages I use" aren't in the list.
I'd be willing to dispute "elegant modern." ;)
Wait, are you referring to the actual code? Because that's just a mess.
"Elegant" referred to the code, and "modern" referred to the terminal legacy and cruft that hangs around.
It's my observation that code quality & program quality are not necessarily related ... Certainly not in the case of Vim, IMHO
I'd point you to NeoVim, but that's still very much in development. (I personally still use "original" Vim.)
I would totally use another editor if one existed, but basically nothing else does model editing right that isn't just emulating vim.
Terminals is almost nothing but legacy
@Doorknob have you tried NeoVim?
@mixedmath I've tried it, yeah
does it feel like vim, pretty much?
I've been thinking about the prospect of embedding vim within a proper IDE. It feels like the future
(I know there's no reason for me to have not tried neovim, I just haven't yet)
It does seem almost identical.
(Although I only tried a few things for a short period of time)
Q: What is NeoVim? How is it different from Vim? And why should I care?

CarpetsmokerI've been hearing about NeoVim; how does it differ from Vim? All the points on the homepage are just architectural changes 'under the hood'. As a user, what's the difference for me?

"As a vim user, not much might change besides the fact that neovim should grow as a software much faster (fix issues, add features) as compared to stock vim and that it will have much better performance in the long run."
So it should behave almost the same, I think
At least, initially...
Oh noes, no EBCDIC support! How will I encrypt my files now?!
@Carpetsmoker They aren't, but in this case they are related to why I don't want to use vim in a terminal.
NeoVim's nice but too much work to build on Windows at the moment.
Q: Is it ok to ask a generic question like "what commands are useful"?

aharris88Here is a question that would seem to have a lot of opinions for answers. Are questions like this ok? It's asking about what commands is ex mode are actually useful. What are Ex commands (and the Ex mode) useful for in modern vim file editing?

Q: Should screenshots be encouraged?

aharris88Should the use of images in questions and answers be encouraged? I think there are definitely times when it's hard to explain the problem without an image, but at other times it's reasonable to ask a question without having to include an image. What do you think? Should images be encouraged eve...

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