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Hihi, hehehe, hahaha, ahahahaHAHAHAHA!, MUHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAH!!!!
@AnkitSharma @iandotkelly So for when do we want to schedule that big identification delete session? We should all be available at that time, since it will be quite an effort to cleanse the site of over 1000 questions.
@iandotkelly John Wick, was quite fun, great soundtrack.
@atticae Well, that is a bit surprising to me, I actually voted you on 2nd place.
@ChristianRau Meh, did not have high hopes for winning the election anyway. Although I have to say that it's a bit disheartening that I did a lot worse than some people who have contributed relatively little (yet). But I am happy with the three winners, so the rest of the election results really don't matter.
I might just focus my energy a little more on getting this blog rolling then. We'll see.
@ChristianRau Anyway, I am glad to see you up there. I have voted for you as well, obviously, you are doing a great job on the site. And now get rid of those ID things. :P
@ChristianRau - Ming the Merciless - nice to see the power is going to your head already ;-)
Now there is a franchise that would be worth rebooting.
1 hour later…
What I think is interesting is we have a mod each from three different territories for film and television.
2 hours later…
Congratulations to AnkitSharma, ChristianRau and iandotkelly.
12 hours later…
So did any other mod candidates get an email about getting some swag for at least stepping up to become a mod? Is that a separate thing from the two pages of top users getting swag for graduation?
@MattD It seems AnkitSharma did, while I'm about to complain to SE that I didn't (for whatever reasons). So you also got such an e-mail?
@NapoleonWilson Yep. Do you have your email address listed on your profile? I do, so I'm figuring that's how they got mine (plus I use Google's login service for SE sites).
It's basically thanking me for at least being willing to step up to be a moderator, and while they wish they could let everyone who's willing have the position, they only have so many, but as a consolation they wanted to send me a t-shirt and some other stuff.
I filled it out, but you have two shirt options: either a general Stack Exchange shirt or a site branded shirt (if possible), so if this is separate from the swag the first two pages of top users will be getting, I wanted to know if I could change my answer to get the generic SE shirt since I'll be getting a site branded shirt via being a top member at graduation.
@MattD On the other hand this lets you play a little more with the shirt size to get the most fitting (and I don't really care about a general SE shirt).
@NapoleonWilson Eh, I could use some new shirts, so getting two shirts would be best, but I suppose you're right. I do plan to lose some weight this year so it could be nice to get a second shirt at a smaller size, and think of it as a goal to achieve.
@MattD Yes, I do. Hmm, who knows.
Wish they had an official page where you can see the shirt designs. Did find a few meta Qs with pics, but still.
I meant the general SE design
@TrishLing Yeah, wish they had a pic of the generic SE shirt as well.
They shown pic for cap
@MattD i also thought quite long and picked site specific and now thinking same
@MattD what about personalized business cards?
@TrishLing you also got that mail?
@AnkitSharma Yes I did.
@AnkitSharma Not sure what I'd do with personalized video cards indicating my e-score on some website related to movies, at least not as a software developer. :P

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