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13 more hours
5 hours later…
Hmm, the only one of the many election events where actually something of importance happens and I'm probably not around. Well, doesn't run away afterall and I guess after a good movie and some drinks the decision will be easier to digest anyway.
2 hours later…
Don't drink and moderate.
My next slogan :D
3 hours later…
3 hours, ladies and gentlemen!
@ChristianRau Are you at an election party? ;)
@atticae No, at a John Wick Aftershow Party.
@ChristianRau Will Keanu be there?
@atticae Oh, I hope so, but the chances are low.
@ChristianRau Doesn't he even have german roots? Or am I remembering that wrong.
Anyway sounds like a fun event, with or without Keanu. ;)
Uh btw I saw Kingsmen yesterday, fun movie, but nothing I would watch twice.
@atticae Don't know, the are some people from which you wouldn't guess it, like Bruce Willis, who's actually the cousin of the wife of one of the Wildecker Herzbuben. ;-)
@ChristianRau Now that you mention it, I see the familiarity!
Which is strange, seeing how they aren't related by blood. But hey.
@atticae Oh, I guess Harry Potter goes James Bond is a nice concept and I only heard good things about it. I hoped it would be more than mere mindless entertainment fun, but I'll see. Sure gonna watch it sooner or later anyway.
@ChristianRau Well, it is certainly worth watching, and most of my friends were really into it. The acting was pretty good (especially Firth and Jackson obviously) and the movie nicely plays with common tropes from spy movies. But in the end, I just found it was a little too light overall and not too memorable. It didn't help that the plot was very far-fetched (which was by design), which broke the immersion for me.
3 hours later…
Ahhh...i though announcement to be automated.
1 hour later…
Who won?
I am too dumb to see it on my phone apparently
@atticae no one yet
They didn't announced
Aren't the results online? The data?
According to an online stv analyzer: Winners are iandotkelly, Napoleon Wilson, and Ankit Sharma.
Sounds like it could be right ;)
You earned it. Don't let us down guys. :)
didn't able to check that file
Anyways thanks for telling
I came in last, haha. Too bad, but wasn't expecting to be up there anyway. :D
How to check that
Copy the link to the data in there
got it
Too long calculation
It was there for me in a second
Copy this link into the url field in the Form:
I tried with downloading stv software and then uploaded file
i checked :)
Just copy the link to the data, no need to download anything
@ChristianRau @iandotkelly congrats guys
@atticae thanks for the help
Congrats @ChristianRau @iandotkelly @AnkitSharma !!!
I'm surprised I was in 4th
Hey, I've got to say how happy I am for @ChristianRau and @AnkitSharma .... and for me its personally just great to have a team of moderators again.
Where is the third devil ?
A: 2015 Community Moderator Election

atticaeIf I did not read the data wrong, those are the winners of the first M&TV election and our new site moderators: iandotkelly Napoleon Wilson Ankit Sharma Congratulations and the best of luck in your new position. I am sure you will do a great job representing our community and keeping our sit...

@AnkitSharma He's at the movies.
C u guys later......bye
bye !
Also, with moderators in India and Germany - by the time I am awake, all the flags will be dealt with for the day :)
I added the ranking to the above post. I hope I evaluated it correctly, used Meek STV as the page said.
@atticae - thanks for doing that
Congrats ian, never doubted you would win this. :)
I'm totally humbled by the amount of energy that others have put into the site recently.
Turnout of 18.3%, could be worse I guess.
Considering that many of the elegible voters probably aren't around anymore.
@atticae - yeah - I suspect we have a high turnover of users. We have quite a big userbase because its a popular, less technical subject.
@ChristianRau - what movie?
1 hour later…
Congratulations to the big 3! Thanks to everyone else for running. I'm sorry it was limited to a field of three.

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