Could I ask something about the site? I'm interested in the posts of a few users, like Quanto, robjohn, pisco, etc. Is there a system that when they write their posts, I get immediately notified.
Is there a better way of keeping track of users you want to follow than just visiting their page manually every time? I've found I enjoy looking at various users' posts and the list of usernames/names to remember is reaching the limits of my memory.
I am not a twitter user or anything but I ca...
@Wolgwang & others ^^^^ This idea could be problematic, if one regularly checks on their "friends posts" in order to indiscriminately upvote them, only because they are friends.
@schn It looks as though this has been handled. In the future, please also provide a link to the room you want unfrozen. This dramatically simplifies the task.
@amWhy Sure. But I am about done for the day. Two hours of grading, followed by four hours of lecture and office hours, followed by another hour of grading (I got behind on everything while traveling last week, and am stilly trying to catch up). I'm going to go pay attention to my daughter, now.