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1:45 AM
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3 hours later…
4:40 AM
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5:45 AM
ML Classification 0.017512098992618925 (Old classification 0.4)
@SantiagoSquarzon yes I read carefully before signing up. Stack Overflow is a question-and-answer website for computer programmers. I only asked for an answer to the question that I could not find elsewhere. And I think everyone learns from asking questions. if you don't want to help then kindly do not demotivate others. — Vlavin just now
6:10 AM
ML Classification 0.012112159474405375 (Old classification 0.43)
@Vlavin Welcome on Stack Overflow! Please read the Stack Overflow help topics What types of questions should I avoid asking? and What topics can I ask about here? We expect on Stack Overflow that programmers do the necessary research before starting writing code by themselves. The Stack Overflow community is neither a human based search engine nor do we offer free code writing service on which a questioner can just post the task description and expect now that a programmer writes the entire code for the task. — Mofi 25 secs ago
4 hours later…
9:59 AM
For software recommendations, ask here: Software Recommendations. — mzjn 37 secs ago
10:45 AM
ML Classification 0.28637160206476825 (Old classification 0.0)
Similiar question on softwareengineering.SE: What do you do with branches you've abandoned?sleske 25 secs ago
11:01 AM
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ML Classification 0.010370420815412996 (Old classification 0.41)
Explain the close/downvotes please. This is MRE of a documented feature that does not behave the way it is expected. ag is definitely a software tool primarily used by programmers so it is on topic. — alex 45 secs ago
11:40 AM
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4 hours later…
3:57 PM
ML Classification 0.9736546710571911 (Old classification 1.0)
Your question might be more suitable for softwareengineering.stackexchange.com as it is not directly programming or tool related. — BenjyTec 20 secs ago
4:42 PM
I think you might be looking for Software Recommendations. — SiKing 6 secs ago
5:10 PM
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2 hours later…
7:17 PM
ML Classification 0.1176016642308991 (Old classification 0.0)
If you want ease of acces, maybe try looking into graph ql. Having 3 endpoint which have the exact same functionality is just bad software engineering. — Gijs Den Hollander 51 secs ago
3 hours later…
10:35 PM
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