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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Try amarok (I tried it again today and was satisfied - except for the slightly ugly-ish interface).
Here it is...
There's what I created in Blender.
Backing up /home/user http://bit.ly/kuvq1a #1104
@GeorgeEdison Whatever it is - it isn't loading
@MarcoCeppi Wha...? After all that hard work embedding the Flash player?
Does it work in Firefox?
If all else fails, you can watch it here: files.quickmediasolutions.com/blender/fluid.flv
That's the FLV that the Flash player loads and streams anyway.
It's not much considering what Blender is capable of and what others can do with it. But it was sure a huge accomplishment for me :)
why the jitter in the liquid?
I used a low resolution for the simulation.
...a higher resolution would have eliminated that.
But it would have taken orders of magnitude longer to calculate.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
What virtualization software can I use in Ubuntu 11.04? http://bit.ly/lV4RK9 #1104
@AskUbuntuTwitter windows.
Q: Gran Tristeza me llego con esta nueva distribucion.

Luis MuñozUbuntu, con Ubuntu One dio el primer paso hacia la oscuridad donde quedo lo del espiritu de Ubuntu, donde quedo el Software libre, con la version 11.04 ya no queda casi nada libre, pronto tendremos que pagar por la version con Unity, me siento estafado por Ubuntu, creo que nunca debi abandonar Sl...

is this better?
1 hour later…
Permanently convert tabs to spaces in vi / vim http://bit.ly/ik1bO0 #vim
shouldn't the keynote start in 10 minutes? i'm not hearing anything at icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/ballroom.ogg.m3u
(although the stream seems to work)
good morning, btw :)
ah, now
good morning
keynotes are cool
@htorque it is working properly for me
Access denied from admins here at work (but we would also have no speakers here) :(
streaming is one thing we are now allowed :( though some still use it to do radio here
@htorque thx but also no luck (at least page loads but stream doesn't). I think they removed all software needed here. So streaming would be allowed if it was possible :D
@htorque why the hell does it require flash
yeah, you should work, not watch streams
like me :>
and me!
I am multitasking
Me too; finished all open mails just now.
mark is speaking now!
work's done; now I have to wait till it is 17:00
but work generates a CPU load of 100% - must be a bug :D
@Rinzwind lol
multitasking = tryiing to do multiple things at once
wish it was 17:01
@htorque lol: we're forced to run XP here
so my brain tries to adapt
@Takkat us too; or 7 :X
so you turn off your brain? :D
no 7 - too dangerous they say (rather too expensive I say)
click here to listen to Mark's keynote address
@StefanoPalazzo video.ubuntu.com/live to see him
oh even better
if you like flash :-?
it's lagging a bit behind, though
thanks but all mp3 stuff is locked and prohibited too - too bad
could we get an on-the-fly transcipt? >:D
I'm just watching twitter
because I have no sound on this pc..
on fok.nl/forum someone claimes Ubuntu 11.04 was crap. He was using a lousy connection in a foreign country where it went dead several times during install. He didn't get passed the login sound.
..... DUH :X
that crappy flash loading cycle is always showing
> 2011-05-08 rep +190
hehe, i'm living in the wrong time zone :D
you can add +20 to your rep >:)
since I got 60 already on the one you edited :-D
oh, i don't get any rep for this!
I made me a new rep record y-day: 288 O+
2011-02-08 rep +530
well, cheated... got a 500 bounty
and you laid back the rest of that day? :D
sure :)
all streams down :(
during the "saying good bye to matt zimmerman" >:(
I just got you some work >:D
serves him right for quitting >:D
maybe that's fate telling me to get back to work already :D
hey guys (huge grin)
@Allan hey Allen why is your face fixed into a grin?
carefully or you end up like the Joker
Hi @Allan smile back
@Rinzwind why so sad?
got an orange thingy with my name on
I am at work. There is nothing to do. and it has been like this last week the whooooooole week
I am not sad. I am Frustrated :D
@Rinzwind so you may be relatively well paid ;)
Or you could say I get paid to answer questions on AU.
Answering questions on AU can't get paid: it's invaluable!
@Takkat Priceless
worth a million $$
but tips would be nice :P
as long as we don't have to pay tax for average tip value ;)
and that was windoes crash #1 today :P
shouldn't xp be pretty much stable after ten years? :P
tbh, the only crashes i ever had with xp were caused by nvidia drivers
well the notebook I have here was created for win vista...
the network card once every while crashes and does an automatic 60 seconds "I am going to shutdown"-countdown that can not be interupted
mark says it GNU Linux !!
They are flooding my desk with real work here - too bad :(
it's the heat!
@Takkat can I help? :D
I just had 19 mails done in 10 minutes and that's it
thx @Rinzwind but no way out here - I need the money ;)
this could be a community topic: askubuntu.com/questions/41407/…
living under the roof is awesome - it's 21°C outside and 23°C inside
I once had 31° outside and 43°C inside in a roof flat - good we moved
now it's ground floor in an old building - air condition couldn't do better :)
that's why i'll continue work in a dark basement (the only right place for coders) in an hour or so :P
but yeah, moving out is a top priority :P
i can't sleep well at >21°C and if i don't get my sleep, everybody has to pay :D
when my boss passes by he always turns on the light in my room :X
yeah I always tell him it is to save money but then he starts talking about those 4 systems on my desk _O-
me wonders why we do not get keynote updates :P
keynote is over :P
I have to admit that is a fairly valid reason.
but then again... that should have been an update :D
i'm no twitter bot
French and Belgium scientist just released a paper about filesharing with Rapidshare en FileFactory. +1 rep for anyone who guesses the main conclsion :*
that it works?
- Those sites use a unique id for a file. With bruto force they can found 10% of those id's.
and thus can access 10% of the files stored :D
ah well... time to pick a random non answered au q and dig into it :D
is this 2nd answer worth flagging as 'should be removed': askubuntu.com/questions/40547/…
@Rinzwind we tend to remove spam or offensive stuff only
wrong answers may be corrected over time
Your comment is great. I tend to not downvote too often as this makes people feel bad. In this case they even made a screenshot...
k :)
yes boss!
A: screen brightness fading options

ChriskinCheck it in "power management" - it's in the bottom part of that window (in order to launch it, just write "power management" in dash , if you use unity at least. it's somewhere around system-->preferences in the old-style menus)

refusing to accept a mistake :P
it was me that -1'd him O
this guy seems to have 2 horizontal arrows: askubuntu.com/questions/41453/…
@OctavianDamiean waves back
lunch, cya
is in Budapest right now
bon apetite @htorque
@OctavianDamiean where you at the keynote? @htorque have a good one! Mine starts in an hour
@OctavianDamiean and if so any nothworthy comments?
@Rinzwind yes I was there, up in the plenary
@Rinzwind well the how to pronounce oneiric part was quite funny and other than that I was almost falling asleep because I woke up at 3 am and drove around 350 to 400 km so I'm quite tired
I'll have to grab one or two hours of sleep
Oh Nay Rick :D
Can workspace switching Ctrl + Alt + Arrows be changed? http://bit.ly/lpc5IL #1104
3 hours later…
@OctavianDamiean where are you?
How do I install the closed source version of VirtualBox in 11.04? http://bit.ly/kJwykP #1104
2 hours later…
Is there any other way I can End a process ? The system Monitor's end process button is not working
Q: Best practice to identify and kill hanging process, when system hangs and reacts slowly on user input?

NESRecently when I tried to open a video with VLC, my system slowed down, the open applications webbrowser, VLC and filemanager and others didn't react any longer. The mouse just reacted still very slowly. On a windows machine i would press a keycombi CTRL-ALT-DEL to open the taskmanager, search th...

This was written for 10.10
I am using 11.04
@Takkat Using 11.04. Anything for Natty ??
@SandeepKrFOSS those things work on any Ubuntu (so Natty too ;) )
well the command line part is the same but I doubt you still have that force quit panel applet unless you run GNOME classic (can't check that here)
oh but Marco's answer is the one you need to focus on :)
I do miss something in this topic though!
ps -ef | grep {what you look for}
sudo kill -9 {pid of previous grep result|
afk way home be back later
Does anyone have experience with gpsd? I'm having an issue and I need a resolution by 11:30 or I'm screwed. :-/
Where can I watch Mark Shuttleworth's Keynote at UDS 2011? http://bit.ly/kQ0nJg #uds
1 hour later…
@Allan oh hey there
@TheX hello
be back later
writes from Budapest
@OctavianDamiean how are the pest doing?
@TheX I guess their doing fine, met Allan and Jorge today went to two sessions and now I'm back in my motel
@MarcoCeppi FYI, something I saw from today's UDS summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-o-software-center-web
@OctavianDamiean cool
@OctavianDamiean any earth shattering decisions?? like removing Unity?
@TheX lol, no hopefully not :D
like I said I managed to attend only two sessions because I was/am dog tired
Shuttleworth wants 200 million Ubuntu users by 2015...
I got up at 3am this morning and drove around 400 kilometers so I'm a bit tire :D
I was barely able to follow the keynote
Shuttleworth worth has delusions of grandeur
or maybe it isn't a delusion... I don't know...
@RolandTaylor you ok?
I'm totally fine, really :D
I think you are the only person in the world that wants to see Ubuntu move to DVDS :P
what would be ideal though...
I want dvds too!
you could have a CD version, with the core, apps and OS... kinda like what they have now...
evening @all
then have a DVD version that includes everythng else that won't fit on the CD...
making the CD the main target, and the DVD for people like @Rinzwind and @RolandTaylor :P
@TheX 'they' consider that too much work.
I want -all- packages ready at my side :P
but then again if there was a unified way to put an ISO on a thumbdrive, easily, then the whole dvd vs cd thing would be mute...
Sweet. Ubuntu is being translated into Klingon.
omg :D
I converted someone to 11.04 today
@TheX actually, the CD should be just a basic installer, with the DVD as the main focus
it's common sense reasoning
another idea regarding installing!
@RolandTaylor btw I have never seen a 850mb cd ever, and I live in a devolped country
update after an install should allow you to add extra packages
@TheX I live in one too :)
@Rinzwind I think they don't want it going the way Fedora did.
Fedora has like a dozen CDs.
@JamesGifford and dvds :X
@JamesGifford yeah... cause it's Fedora :)
@RolandTaylor right just saying
@Rinzwind congrats!
@Rinzwind Yup. @RolandTaylor Yup.
in all honesty though
I prefer the way Fedora does it TBH. - fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora-all
but my other idea is not too bad is it? install from cd and at the end let you choose some extra utility packages that are then downloaded. I want a working kickstart :D
@Rinzwind That'd be awesome.
there is absorptivity no reason for the entire repository to be available on one DVD
None at all.
When I suggest DVDs, I'm not doing it cause "I want more software" - I'm doing it based on experience with real users, and from my experience of having to do installs for people and then download a million and one things after (including ccsm...)
@Rinzwind that was how mandriva was...
however, being able to bootstrap a install when i'm offline would be very nice.
@TheX the entire repo?
@RolandTaylor just saying, first it will be one or two apps...
(like, a complete install. terminator, lubuntu, xubuntu, guake, xchat, shutter, you name it etc)
say 800 mbs...
then next thing it will be 1gb
then 4
So I actually want the entire repos. :P
where does it stop?
@TheX that's how most people think about it...
@TheX When the USB drives aren't big enough to handle them.
@JamesGifford you are an exception to the rule
ok another question! why still use a cd? why not focus on usb install! 16 Gb >:)
then 2
@TheX Very much so. :P
because most people reason "First they will want the GIMP, then they will want VLC, then they will want XMBC and Nexuiz"
that's just being silly :)
those without usb boot can go fish ;)
Look at win7
it's a huge DVD, but mainly because of documentation and drivers, which contrary to popular belief, are not trivial
@RolandTaylor using Wind0zes as an example here is bad karma. :P
@RolandTaylor win7 is 12gbs of OS, can't count it...
@JamesGifford yes, it is bad karma... but I don't follow karma. I follow reality :D
@RolandTaylor win 7 comes with no additional software, other then notepad, paint, and calculator
and also windows is the focus of bug #1
if someone asks a q on launchpad and then on AU can I then flag as a. a dupe b. a bug? >:-D
@TheX exactly...
@TheX You missed IE. shudder
win7 doesn't come with much, but it's 12GB for a reason
it's got a pre-installed swap file >:D
@RolandTaylor also documentation hardly takes space and ubuntu comes with driver of MUCH MUCH MORE hardware than win7 .
@RolandTaylor because they need to trim the fat
and having had to install/configure/use it several times (ugh - I feel used) - I can think of some good reasons
@RolandTaylor I've got the same experience.
@RolandTaylor it is because GNU/Linux use the shared libraries MUCH more extensively .
@RolandTaylor put it on a flash drive :P
now, I don't think Ubuntu needs to be 12GB (not even 2GB!), but having a little "fat" is a good thing
Q: What are the PROs and CONs of moving to a DVD ISO for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10

CYREXWhat PROs and CONs are there in moving to a DVD release for the upcoming 11.10. From my perspective i see this: PROs More users use DVD than CD the same way as more users us Ati,Nvidia and Intel video graphics than som old 748 sis motherboard. The size will not jump 10 times. In the worst case...

@Rinzwind ^^
Well, I've done the impossible...
@RolandTaylor how else am I going to get my chat starred :D
@GeorgeEdison removed unity from ubuntu?
...I've got a 64-bit VM running on a PC that doesn't provide hardware virtualization.
@GeorgeEdison oh...
Had to flag that one. :P
Subjective and argumentative. :L
@Rinzwind One of the things I can see is this: include some of the things people are more likely to install immediately after in most use cases (ccsm, for example, plugins for some default programs, etc), some good documentation in a standard format (readable by yelp), etc, and possibly a short intro video (not played on startup, but included in examples) for showing users where to get help (like here) (or that could be a web page or something)
+ Cheese, And possibly the top 5 most popular applications).
to bad Canonical killed ship-it... if they hadn't this wouldn't even be an issue
@GeorgeEdison nice O.o
how did you do that?
why do I still have a pending flag? I had 10 when I left from work expecting them all to be done O-)
@RolandTaylor Agreed.
@RolandTaylor yeah all they need to do is check the amount of packs downloaded and add the top 5/10/20/30 until the dvd is full >:D
who wants all that installed on their system by default?
OR they could just drop all the games on the dvd and call Ubuntu a gaming platform _O-
@TheX who doesn't?
@RolandTaylor I don't
One of the things I found a lot of people kept asking me for is applications included by default.
@TheX And... that is why I say a CD version (bare bones CD with just the basics and almost no defaults) should be made available along side it.
shutter should be default. so are some of the indicators when using a notebook (like cpufreq)
okay fine, but if I have an additonal 30 games installed by default because @Rinzwind wants the top 30 downloaded applications on the DVD, then I would have to install Fedora or something
Power users like you and me install what we want when we're done. Non-power users whine and complain, then install windows or buy a Mac.
@TheX on the dvd yes; but I never said as a default :=D
@TheX loool
Just talked to a buddy of mine. He's saying that he'd prefer a DVD full of stuff.
and who here never played frozenbubble?
@Rinzwind Me.
I wouldn't suggest games like frozen bubble by default... O.o
@RolandTaylor Don't think people are still going to have to install their preferred applications on Windoze?
@TheX Yes. But that's because Windows only comes with MSoft products.
@TheX yeah, power users do that. Non-power users buy windows preinstalled or ask a technician to do it (again, speaking from experience). Do you really think the windows installer was kept so dumbed down for so long because they wanted to maintain good hardware support?
besides windoze takes 3 hours to set up... compared to 15 mins rocking a compelty usable, installed system
It was really just done that way to keep normal people from installing windows on their own, so whenever they "see" windows, it's on a pre-installed, pre-configured system.
this chatbox has a annoying feature.
the text seems to jump up and down a little bit
Until manufacturers start mass pre-installing Ubuntu, we need to put on our best "Friendly Squiggles The Clown" face...
@Rinzwind reload the page
@RolandTaylor thx that's better :D
@RolandTaylor Love it.
with 200m Ubuntu users we could start our own hdd manufacturing plant and pre-install Ubuntu
Unity... why won't you just work????
Cuz Unity does not own the "Just Works" trademark :D
with 200m users Canonical could just by Microsoft
@TheX Unity is being careful to avoid making you have an affair with her, she doesn't want you to fall in love :D
falls off his chair laughing at most of this
is it just me, or are we on a roll today?
not just you
awaits MarcoCeppi's Chuck Norris-ing the chat with a classic line XD!
@TheX not if those 200m own 5 dollars in total :P
At 200m users, Steve Jobs will sell Apple and run for President :)!
@RolandTaylor: qemu.
@Rinzwind if I'd only understand a thing :D
@OctavianDamiean that is Dutch >:) BUT I bet you get the gist of the question >:D
keywords: virualbox, root user:bart should be enough to know what his problem is _O-
@Rinzwind something with chown and recursive ownership settings :D
see! :D
this might be a nice community topic: askubuntu.com/questions/41557/…
MS just released the image of a new shipit cd for Oneiric
sorry had to restart unity again
@fluteflute Awesome, Wish they would contact me :)
Q: I've stopped coding for fun, is this a bad sign?

PSU_KardiAt some point in time, I just stopped coding for fun. I used to go to work, finish my assignments and then upon arriving home I'd go and write stuff on the side for fun. However, I now just go home and try to avoid the computer. I'd rather read the paper, watch TV, go out to the bar, etc. Is ...

for those of us that feel the burn now and again
@lazyPower: On Windows again?
@GeorgeEdison yep
immediate crash on startup
let me clean out the old install and re-install it. Something might be lying arond thats causing the issue
@GeorgeEdison screencast.com/t/N7TcraGyaUG -- is that supposed to be hanging around like that?
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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