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I need help
I have over-layered text in my desktop
Q: failure to install ubuntu one on pinguy 12.04

si-moanThe installer opens then freezes on the third orange loading ball, the window then goes blue and shuts down. It sometimes takes out the docky and side panels with it. I've uninstalled and reinstalled via terminal and software centre but the same fault persists. Is it just Pinguy? Also installed ...

@fossfreedom @jokerdino
Oh. Nevermind.
Reviewer got it.
\o/ for the reviewers
@pourjour The icons?
@Seth yes the text under them it's too large
I changed the font size
@Seth yes the text under them it's too large
but it still too large
any suggestions
No.. not really.
@Seth I remember there is a property in dconf-editor to change
use unity-tweak-tool to change fonts and font sizes
@fossfreedom I already change it
I change it from 11 to 10
it's fine but the text label is large
that's why I hate ubuntu it still use the damn nautilus
?? so use another DE then
@fossfreedom do you know any?
I just wanna change the files manager
or jsut change the number of character per line for all folders and files names
you'll need to get your hands dirty and make those changes yourself by modifying the code.
@fossfreedom do u mean the source code ?
damn it
beauty of opensource - dont like something - change it.
@fossfreedom do you feel like if this is a problem in nautilus
windows have good way to deal with files names
nautilus is the desktop manager - so yes.
@fossfreedom they must give some importance to that shit or it will ruin ubuntu reputation
they being who?
nautilus is gnome
@fossfreedom developers of ubutnu
@fossfreedom btu it's used in unity
@fossfreedom developers of ubutnu
the unity devs can only integrate what they have been given - its the gnome devs who have been steadily "refining" the experience
@fossfreedom I see gnome... gnome shell = shit
it used a lot of space for title bars
that's the second ... mind your language please - public forum
\o/ new job starts monday... so i have a week to firm up all the other stuff
@fossfreedom any alternative?
@CallmeV congrats!
@fossfreedom ty
@pourjour alternative to what? if you want to stick with unity - then you'll need to hack nautilus.
otherwise use xubuntu and thunar
or lubuntu and pcmanfm
i sort of want to make the top bar+buttons huge so it's usable on the nexus7 desktop image... any ideas on that front? i know how to make the unity launcher fatter, but top bar+notification icons i have no idea
@CallmeV good question - dunno though.
@fossfreedom ok I will the time I become big c dev
@fossfreedom ok I will the time I become big c dev
Steve Wilhite has been honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award by The Webby Awards, for inventing ... the GIF.
at least now i know who to thank for this:
can i upload this pic to my answer ?
i wouldn't. in fact i might edit it out of chat, despite it being all over the place
@XxxXxx I'm gonna go with "No."
@CallmeV Indeed.
Full award list here, btw.
to be fair, at least nvidia has a way to run opencl apps in a virtual execution space for testing whereas ati stream-sdk does not (my only complaint with amd/ati)
ya thats true
Dumb Ways to Die got both Webby and People's Voice for Best Animation.
has anyone heard anything new on the "torrent-video-streaming" thing that they were working on and had a demo for but no product?
if u have windows u can do it in bittorrent
there were bolt-ons and view during download if you got it sequentially, but it was a broadcasting solution...so different on an proto level if i remember correctly
yes that. i hadn't heard/seen anything about it in a while. didn't know if anyone had used it
I'm pretty sure my question is about a bug and should be closed as such, but someone else has already opened a bounty on it. What happens to that?
Good Night
Q: How to edit , read kannada documents created on microsoft word with Nudi Ekabhashe fonts on ubuntu? And vice versa?

loganathan_user141369How to read, edit Kannada documents created on Libreoffice with Unicode fonts (kedage lohit etc) on Microsoft word in Windows.How to ensure inter-operability in both ways?

I almost spamblasted it.
Hmm. "This question has an open bounty and cannot be closed." So should I just mark my calendar and come back later?
What is it?
Q: How can I remove the gray boxes around custom folder icons?

ændrükWhen I set custom folder icons in Ubuntu 13.04, gray boxes appear around them: How can I make the icons just look normal?

I can refund the bounty and close it.
But is that preferable?
The answers at least indicate that there might be a lot of solutions for similar problems.
I'm not sure what the precedent is for things like this. I suppose we could change the question to be about immediate workarounds.
Well, the question does ask for a fix.
Two answers are "use something else" style workarounds.
It's not a "Why is this the case?" - which would make it a bug, and a bug only - it's a "How to fix this?", which include workarounds. Bad workarounds get ignored/downvoted, good ones get upvoted, and whoever gets closest in the eyes of the community/the bountying user gets the bounty.
I'd say keep it the way it is.
@FEichinger Okay, works for me.
Q: How should we deal with bounty questions that are confirmed bugs?

fossfreedomThis question is with reference to this bounty question: How do I theme the Sound Menu playback buttons? As the OP has indicated, this is technically a bug - there is a launchpad bug-report, confirmation that it is a bug and in this case it looks like a possible workaround by moving to Quanta...

1 hour later…
Do you know what it is called when a byte is scared?
2 hours later…
Hmm. Link queue has been pulled.
Can i ask, Ask Ubuntu about things like Mate? Whats the cut off for specificaly ubuntu questions? Specificialy, my question is: Under "system> prefferences" There is no place to edit user accounts. Is it something im missing? in gnome2 there was an option to use a gui user permissions editor. For Mate1.6, what is there?
I guess @jokerdino you might want to remove the stars from that message since it only leads to a 404 now..
Mint is off-topic, but Ubuntu running Cinnamon/Mate is okay.
You could always ask on Unix & Linux if you'd rather.
I installed mate in ubuntu. Im not using a remix of any kind. (if one exists) @Seth
Okay you should be fine then :)
Cinnamon isn't offtopic is it?
Anything that runs on ubuntu is pretty much ontopic I thought
Cinnamon isn't offtopic if installed on Ubuntu.
1 hour later…
@Uri are you around?
@jokerdino Do you remember when we deleted more than 50 SPAM post in less than an hour? Thanks to the great work of @Marco @Jorge and several users :D
@JorgeCastro Whoops. I meant "Mint" not "Cinnamon". Can you edit that @jokerdino so that it's correct? I don't want to confuse anyone...
edit what?
@fossfreedom This message:
2 hours ago, by Seth
Cinnamon is off-topic, but Ubuntu running Mate is okay I think.
I meant to say that Mint is off-topic, not Cinnamon.
(and the message before it)
Can you do the one before that too?
2 hours ago, by Seth
@j0h Depends. Are you on Cinnamon or Ubuntu w/ Mate?
Should read: "Are you on Mint or Ubuntu w/ Mate?"
Deletion works too.
Thanks :)
just installing Fedora 18 in a VM ... the anaconda installer is terrible - buttons all over the place. Not logical as the ubuntu installer.
Hmm. Is 18 the latest version?
dunno - I'm not a fedora person - thats the first thing I saw on their website.
Looks like it is.
\o @MarcoCeppi
Hmm. Is this an update GRUB problem?
Q: Installed Ubuntu, windows 7 boots up by default?

AltinI have windows 7 installed in my C:\ partition .Now I just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on my D:\ partition ,but I don't know how to boot to Ubuntu.... ? Any help is much appreciated !

comment at the bottom - says he didnt install grub
do we have a default "how to use wine" q
use wine to do what? how to install wine? Questions need to be specific.
yeah, the normal how to use a windows program in ubuntu... found it
Q: How can I install Windows software?

akshatjCan ".exe" and ".msi" files (Windows Software) be installed in Ubuntu?

@Seth it's probably latest stable. they generally refer to alpha/beta as rawhide.
I know someone that uses Fedora..
who me? no, i started on fedora and decided i liked canonical over redhat
@CallmeV Nah, a relative.
@fossfreedom You might review this since it's been edited: askubuntu.com/questions/288300/should-i-change-my-installation
oh. your brother from another mother @jrg ? he was talking about fedora for a while...
(I haven't read the revised question yet)
@CallmeV Was that directed at me?
@Seth yes.
it was a joke...
I can tell...
Anyway, the answer is: no.
@Seth I've edited it and reopened... think that is what the OP is really asking
@fossfreedom Sounds good.
I wish I could figure out how to use Lightworks.
I tried it on Windows a while back and... I couldn't figure out how to use it.
Well I'm not making an account just to test their software.
So I can't really help you there :P
@NathanOsman good call. looks interesting, if kdenlive would just be a little more stable i'ld be good with it
Allow me to put in a good plug for kdenlive.
It works amazingly well for simple transcoding - I use it to convert WMV files to MP4 videos for my Android phone.
I like it for splicing and minimal transitions. Everything else is just avconv/ffmpeg with presets for output for me.
e.g. the transcoding you speak of and syncing/chopping
Exactly. It offers some very well-tuned presets.
That it does.
Most "problems" I see people have with kdenlive is that it doesn't install with all the plug-ins or you get version mismatches, or dangling bits of configuration you need to do. It's relatively nice if you get it working as if it was a static build.
speaking of... does ubuntu-studio come with it working out of the box and installed by default? if it doesn't, it should
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