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00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

@Eliah - on the this isn't really true part on right to left, while a game manual may be written comfortably, are you telling me the greater part of design isn't thought of "traditionally" in a culture where it is an insult if you don't accept a business card with both hands?
@GeorgeEdison it's that newfangled Qt release you're using for sure ;)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing The thing is that they don't even have a single "B" character (Yes, I know there is an "A", sheesh), so the whole "tradition" thing makes no sense at all.
Either way. TomAto, Tomaaato
@Seth it's dependent on DE
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Not completely is it?
Launch an app by key. Openbox has a different method than say Unity/anything-running-compiz
Soo.. xmodmap xbindkeys or xkb won't work in Openbox?
Q: Do Questions about File Conversion via software available on Ubuntu Belong here in askubuntu?

Brenton HorneDo Questions about File Conversion via software available on Ubuntu Belong here in askubuntu? For further details the question I'm contemplating asking is about converting chm files to pdf.

@Seth :/ they could i guess. i was more looking towards xml config files.
ooh, XML configs? Know enough to add an answer :D
it would be an openbox archwiki quote.
on your stackoverflow comment, do check the domchange answer. it is right.
@Mechanicalsnail - r u around?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I'm not sure I see the relevance of this to your claim that modern Japanese text is written right-to-left, which as far as I understand, is incorrect. Also, please note that I was not telling you anything; I posted a oneboxed comment written by someone else in that thread because I thought it was relevant and interesting.
@EliahKagan Vertical Japanese writing is top-to-bottom, then right-to-left.
@EliahKagan Modern Japanese is not. We agree. I was more pointing towards a culture that clutches to tradition and years passed more than most
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Which one?
The one where you said jQuery .on evenet
Ah that one.
Well, I'd use it, but it still requires an event.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Yes, it is not in any way my intention to detract from your observations about the importance of tradition in Japanese culture. But Japanese was never written right-to-left, was it? sljfaq.org/afaq/right-to-left.html
`$('body').on(someEvent , handler() {

The pages are.
@EliahKagan they could have stacked the AB buttons, but that would have made it atrocious to use both at the same time
@AbrahamVanHelpsing That ...is a good point!
@EliahKagan You want this re-opened? askubuntu.com/q/255926/44179
@EliahKagan well it wouldn't have made it atrocious if it was bottom up right left...unfortunately it was top bottom right left.
@Seth Unless I am mistaken about the problem, yes. But please check to see if you agree it's different, first.
@EliahKagan I would start by placing in a comment why {a} makes it a different problem
@Mechanicalsnail Did you see that launchpad bug against LP itself got closed? I checked the control file and I don't think the person that closed the bug did.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Then reopen it?
@Mechanicalsnail I'm going to apt-mirror source repos this weekend and grep for the problem to see if I can find an exploitable instance of it. Then they'll have to not ignore it.
That whole don't bring a gun to a gunfight. bring a nuke to a knife-fight mentality
@EliahKagan Traditional Japanese is top to bottom, right to left, like Chinese, while westernized Japanese is left to right, top to bottom. Usually modern Japanese is westernized. This also applies to macro-reading direction (as in, books also start at the other end respectively).
@AbrahamVanHelpsing it'll get closed again, it's not a launchpad issue
okay. so it would get closed as file it upstream?
an explanation was provided in the last comment on the bug, if library maintainers aren't changing package name properly on SONAME change then it's a package bug obviously
however managing library transitions & rebuilds like that is still out of scope for launchpad
they're depending on a pseudo-package. a GOOD practice imo. do check the control file
all it takes is a rebuild on pseudo-package change.
and that's done
? so the original package got kicked for rebuild?
it's not an automatic thing because there might be API changes as well
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I did. (This is probably what @Seth saw before asking me if I wanted it reopened.)
@EliahKagan I've seen the {a} answered well before, but I can't find it
Yep. I rarely VT-Reopen
@ajmitch OK. We'll have to go about this thing another way.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Why do you think it's a Launchpad bug? The package's dependencies are wrong -- they don't provide the files that it depends on. The fact that a rebuild fixes it doesn't make it not a package bug if the package's dependencies don't tell the packaging infrastructure that it needs a rebuild.
Errg, my edit timed out when I wasn't looking.
I meant, I rarely vote to re-open when there isn't a comment.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing It's not Launchpad's job to trigger rebuilds in cases of broken dependencies anyway; it's a separate part of the Ubuntu archive management infrastructure. But even then it's not a bug there, since that infrastructure relies on package dependencies rather than knowing how to manual check relationships for every one of the dozens of language-specific library formats.
I agree on part of that. It's probably not against launchpad itself, but on a component of the build system
No. It is purely, 100%, a bug in photoprint or the library that it incorrectly depends on
I say this with both my Ubuntu developer and Launchpad developer hats on.
It seems to me:
Depending on a pseudo-package for dev files: Good thing.
Depending on dynamically generated binary dependencies: Good thing.
That's where my logic stops. I can agree it's not against launchpad though.
@wgrant It's got to be a process bug in something in the build system when a package can end up in the archive without being tested to even run.
@Mechanicalsnail It presumably worked when it was initially built, then libgutenprint changed and broke it.
@wgrant And it got added to the Precise archive without testing that it runs on Precise.
@Mechanicalsnail This is why there's work being done on automated package testing, however covering tens of thousands of packages in universe can be infeasible
@Mechanicalsnail If it runs on oneiric then it ran on precise when it was added to precise.
Either a) fix the build system or b) remove all meta-packages. either way solves the problem...
Because it was added to precise about 3 hours after oneiric was released, at the same moment libgutenprint was added to precise.
There is no problem with the build system! There is a problem with one of those two packages.
like i said. we need a grep of source repo-s to find an exploitable edition of this bug.
Time to report a bug in Qt.
It is a package bug. There is question about it.
no question
Why do you think it is a Launchpad or archive infrastructure bug, when multiple Ubuntu developers and a Launchpad developer have categorically told you that it is not?
if i can leverage this evidencing somewhere else in a delay loaded library that requests root privileges expectedly then i can load an arbitrary so as root. which becomes a problem. rapidly. it's fine though. we'll go about it a different way.
That's completely unrelated.
no it's not. if a package gets "updated" and ldpath contains a directory i control that isn't root owned(possible) and i can get an so there under the old name...i have a priv esc exploit waiting to happen.
i know. it's a lot of conditions
If you're running a binary as root with an untrusted LD_LIBRARY_PATH then you have bigger problems.
that's fair
It's entirely unrelated to this bug, except that it happens to also involved dynamic shared libraries.
If you think it's related then I suggest you give up now :)
Wow... absolutely bizarre. It works when I run it under strace. Otherwise cc1plus crashes.
This is going to be a very interesting bug report.
Like I said. have to go about it another way.
@GeorgeEdison Good luck sir.
Another way?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing If you're trying to find a way to prove that this is a build system bug, you're going to be trying for a while. I suggest you start treating it as a package bug so it can actually get fixed.
I'm not saying it's not a bug in the same way that porn sites and warez are responsible for malware.

I am saying that it's a problem that should be fixed by kicking the packages for build.
Sure, rebuilding the package will fix it.
That's triggered semi-automatically when dependencies break
The problem here is that, due to a package bug, the dependencies are still satisfiable
This is probably a bug in libgutenprint
If I write a new language with a new library system and get it into Ubuntu, it's not the job of the Ubuntu archive to understand my new language's dependency system and work out when the package will no longer work
It's the job of my package's to declare the correct dependencies, so the archive can know in a language- and build system-agnostic manner whether the dependencies are satisfiable.
It's a bug in how pseudo-packages when declared as -dev then resolved as binary dependencies are resolved.
Which is purely libgutenprint's problem
Nothing broader than that.
(or photoprint is doing something strange)
If libgutenprint-dev creates a binary dependency that doesn't provide the files that applications linked against it need, then that's not an archive problem.
And that is clearly the case here.
=> not an archive problem
Whatever you say. We'll see.
@FEichinger love it
I eagerly await your alleged root exploit.
@jrg: So it looks like I will be able to maintain my own custom cross-compiled build of Qt5 after all. For some reason, running the command that was failing under strace actually caused it to succeed (no idea why).
Q: Common reasons for bugs in release version not present in debug mode

BennyWhat are the typical reasons for bugs and abnormal program behavior that manifest themselves only in release compilation mode but which do not occur when in debug mode?

I've personally seen the side-effect in ASSERT one
32 bit spam:
Q: CBS TV! The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 16 online Free in HD

Fary SeseilThe Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 16, Watch The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 16, The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 16 6x16, The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 16s6e16, The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 16nline, The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Episode 16 free, The Big Bang Theory Seaso...

is it bad form to star close this questions?
funny thing, last 5 spam questions were all tagged
it's probably a script that uses that tag to fill the "tagged" requirement
idiots ;)
Someone must think this is a joke.
Anyone know where Amarok pulls its lyrics from?
@GeorgeEdison out of the box, i don't think it does any more. isn't that feature disable by default? it was at one point to avoid "copyright entanglements"
We need to be able to flag users...
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I honestly can't remember.
@Seth This.
Q: Function to flag users as spambots

Konrad RudolphStackOverflow probably needs a function to flag users, not only questions and answers. Case in point: SO tools: new posts by recent users. Looking at the few first pages, it appears that almost all new users are spam bots. It might be possible to counter this wave quite quickly but the general ...

Q: Flag abusive users

RSolbergI think the community does a great job policing questions/answers, etc. and the community has some good tools available to do this. Between flagging questions with some reasons behind it and editing posts, closing them, and deleting them, the only thing that seems to be missing to me is the abil...

Man, my eyes aren't working very well today.
@GeorgeEdison - deleted why? that was ... hilarious
I thought it said something that it didn't say.
My eyes were playing tricks with me.
tar xvf /mnt/hgfs/somemountpoint/thisarchive.tar.gz

where are my files?!?!?!
local directory...oops
Okay, this time I have found something slightly amusing.
Q: Opening Floppy's in Ubuntu 12.04

CHUCK Kyle NorrisHow do I access the media on a floppy within Ubuntu 12.04 it recognizes the usb floppy drive but not the disks

First of all... I haven't even heard the word "floppy" in close to four years.
Secondly, I doubt this is a serious question based on the name of the user asking it.
I submitted that user to GFSE already as "Floppy Chuck Norris is floppy."
We had the profile-onebox on the chat earlier.
either way. chuck has been bested at least once. and not by chest hair ripping either
Yes this is a test. What'd you think it was? O_o
how do I install packages that are cross dependent on each other
using dpkg?
@Seth Did you grab that?
@GeorgeEdison No, I reviewed it on SO.
You should submit it to gemsfromstackexchange.tumblr.com
@GeorgeEdison Oh, I'm sorry, did I just ninja a GFSE submit? Cause I kinda habitually insta-submit everything that gets pasted here, isn't already on the blog and looks remotely funny now.
@GeorgeEdison /me doesn't put email in email boxes.
@gabemai hello?
@GeorgeEdison Seth doesn't have a tumblr, I believe, so he kinda relayed that to me a while back. Which is why I'm all over that thing.
I'll submit it if you want.
Aaand apparently my chat is close to timing out ...
@gabemai Hello! Hello!
@gabemai Greetings!
how do I install packages that are cross dependent on each other using dpkg?
@GeorgeEdison @FEichinger Just 'cause I post it in here doesn't mean you have to submit it.
> test
Much better.
It's just to funny to keep to myself.
@gabemai That's actually very easy with dpkg - just install them both. dpkg doesn't track dependencies.
Q: How to start like Windoze

uhclemI installed Ubuntu to dual boot on my XP box but it wouldn't ever work, so I uninstalled it and am now downloading it to install as a stand-alone OS on another PC. But one thing it did do that drove me insane, was it kept asking me to enter a username & password every time I (tried to) log on...

Use Windoze?
@Seth And it's too funny to keep it to the AU chat alone. ;)
@FEichinger I have no objections to submitting them ;)
Okay then.
Also, I die from the captions I give that stuff sometimes. And they kinda fall flat if I just post them here. :P
It's not obligatory, that's all.
@FEichinger lol
@George when I try to install libgnome2-bin it says dependent on libgnome and when I try to install libgnome2 is says dependent on libgnome2-bin
Hmm... maybe I am getting mixed up here.
Are you using apt-get or dpkg -i to install the packages?
dpkg -i
i dont have an internet connection
You should be able to specify both in the same command.
dpkg -i <package1> <package2>
Just separate them by space, I believe.
did it
Did it work?
No problem. Glad to help.
@Seth "Windoze" is hipster for Windows. Very mainstream nowadays. :/
The question itself is bloody hilarious, though.
Qt5 finished compiling!
@GeorgeEdison This is the appropriate success meme, I'm afraid.
class palindrome
        public static void main(int n)
                int rem, reverse=0, num=n;
Why won't this code work?
oh wait
@AmithKK Is that... Java ...???
@GeorgeEdison yeah
pls help
@FEichinger "Correct meme selection" has never been one of my skills.
@AmithKK What's the problem?
@GeorgeEdison Then use Google for that! :P
@GeorgeEdison Well, entering 141 does not print "Palindrome"
"while(n<0)" you sure you have a negative n?
oh lol
juuuust sayin'
It works
Also, wouldn't it be easier to print the integer as a string and just do direct inspection of the characters?
@GeorgeEdison Yeah
Also, I think there's a different name for a "number-palindrome", no?
I guess my marks would go down for that.
I'll even throw in a free tip: don't use Java.
@GeorgeEdison Call the Board and tell that
Also, what the hell is with that formatting?
What's their number? :)
You sir have been [star]
So you had it
give me that
@LuisAlvarado That's not Unicode (well, yeah - technically it is, but...)!
@FEichinger I do know.
@GeorgeEdison It's an asterisk, not a star.
For the love of god, how do I make it lol
Question: How do I create a star? Tags [32 bit][12.10][ubuntu]
@LuisAlvarado you just have to do it.
easy for you, my mouse has some serious psychological problems
I don't even yell at it anymore. We don't even talk to each other
yeah keyboard power
@AmithKK Seriously, why that formatting? That's so many useless indentations.
Wait until @LuisAlvarado discovers the Unicode RTL character...
@GeorgeEdison ‮That might take quite a while ,though.
It's more fun when one of those is starred :P
Stop starring that! jrg says!
waits to get stomped into nothingness...
@GeorgeEdison Meh. They're more magical if you insert 202e at the end, then.‮
@FEichinger Nobody's stopping you from editing your post... :)
The chat is.
Friggin timeout.
I've come to the conclusion: staring is SO random.
No, it's SO random. ‮
Every time I think "This will get stars!" it doesn't. Then I look at the star list and "Who starred that??"
That's the beauty of stars.‮
points at star list See? More magical.‮
7 starred messages in 10 minutes. AWESOMESAUCE!‮
Okay, now that is funny.
screenshots for good measure.
Ahyup. Also, I have now made it my mission to end every of my messages with 202e.‮
@LuisAlvarado that works. :D
@GeorgeEdison oh wat wat
^-- Has successfully gamed the chat.
@FEichinger wait, so you posted a message with that unicode thing and a space.
that's it?
@jrg Now that is worth a conversation bookmark XD
@Seth oh, yeah.
@jrg Nope, only 202e.
It auto-adds the space, I believe. ^-- Space + 202e
But, overall, I have now found a way to remove messages to less than nothing.‮

Your... young

4 hours ago, 11 minutes total – 11 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 22 secs ago by Amith KK

excellent @AmithKK!
@jrg He's also wrong.
@mateo_salta oh man, that'll be funny.
want to email that to google security?
@RolandiXor Conversations like that prove who is really young don't they?
"your search" part is backwards!
@Seth yep :)
@FEichinger Python Experience
it looks more good
@jrg is older than he can imagine :D
in The DMZ, 4 hours ago, by Gilles
your momma is so FAT, Microsoft has a patent on her
@jrg: ---^
@GeorgeEdison I saw that.
When I was 16, and at uni, people who were 17 called me "the baby" -_-
@GeorgeEdison LOOOOOOL
in Ask Ubuntu 2013 Moderator Elections, Feb 5 at 17:34, by Luis Alvarado
Now the case of jrg, for the love of god, his 16 acting like 61
in The DMZ, 4 hours ago, by AviD
your momma so dumb, she installed javascript on her server.
61 year olds
Wish me good Luck
^^ That one was priceless though.
@AmithKK luck, good i wish thee.
@jrg Sad fact: That is a thing nowadays.
@FEichinger that's why it's funny. :P
@jrg TomCat?
@AmithKK Node.js
@jrg That's not "funny", it's depressing.
CMake completely ignored the parameter telling it to use a different toolchain.
@RolandiXor tell me about it...
@FEichinger depressingly funny.
@jrg nodejs
It happily compiled and linked an executable for the host platform.
1 min ago, by jrg
@AmithKK Node.js
I'll be back a bit later.
@AmithKK yuck
I hate JS.
go wash your.... hands!
so nasty
@jrg what kind of IT guy is your dad?
@Seth manager, windows-based, likes his linux, but can't get away from MS.
ah OK.
@Seth Stop talking about it, do it.
I don't want to go down in history for doing it :(
@Seth oh man, why.
well behaved people rarely make history, but poorly behaved people do, but for the wrong reasons.
Now I could pop that into the DMZ room with a link to your first message XD
oh, BTW @jrg: Spam user: askubuntu.com/users/132104/fary-seseil
I like my account destruction the way I like my spam: Cold, served on a silver platter, with a side of pickles. And then tossed into a fire.
Pickles? Oh my.
HAH! @jrg admitted he likes spam! KILL IT WITH FIRE!‮
man, google makes my life so easy.
meeting > google calendar invite > invite all involved > email > done.
instead of having to call everyone. :P
@RolandiXor of course it is
the mouse is chasing the cat on that one bro.
@jrg case in point: Hitler
Hey guys, Someone needs help in the link askubuntu.com/questions/256260/… He posted the contents of sources.list
What would you suggest ? move his question to the chat ?
@RolandiXor Now that is funny.
Oh, and speaking of funny things @RolandiXor has unearthed...
@Seth +1 awesome :D
Q: Are questions about making "unofficial" derivatives of Ubuntu welcome?

vasa1I wondered whether How to add custom services to Ubuntu that aren't Canonical's but my own (Cloud service etc) is off-topic because of "I'm making my own distribution of Ubuntu" in the body of the question. From Eliah's comment, reproduced in part below, I get the impression that questions about...

Hi everyone :)!
This is about the tray icon that is shown when the wired network is connected (screenshot attached) under the Oxygen icon theme (KDE default). It's supposed to be a picture of an RJ-45 ethernet connector being plugged in, which makes sense. However, it looks more like a punk with a mullet wearing a hat. The cause of the issue is that as drawn, the cable is drawn being plugged in *upside-down*, with the grooves (containing the contacts) on top. Besides being wrong, it leaves space on top in the shape of a hat. While I have nothing against mullets, the icon should be re-drawn to avoid user confusion.
oxygen-icons (Ubuntu)
Wishlist / Opinion
@RolandiXor Hey!
I'm this close to getting a Qt app I cross-compiled to run.
@RolandiXor I added a comment to that one.
@GeorgeEdison what action should I take with it?
I think I voted to close as NARQ.
...but I can't remember.
Yeah there is a vote there.
What in the world is that supposed to mean?
BTW, I have not been able to upgrade Nitroshare on 13.04 :(
I had to remove it.
@RolandiXor Upgrade?
From the PPA.
You aren't trying the 0.3 series are you?
Oh, don't use that.
But but but...
It's for development purposes only at the moment.
It will break horribly and crash your computer and ruin your partition layout and forcibly enable that annoying bouncing lines screensaver and drain your bank account and eat your children and...
Just don't use it.
At least it is not responsible for any harm to my dog.
Makes a note to add that.
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