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it's interesting that someone actually did a blog article on being feasible offline. it's necessary and a lot of people overlook it.
true, too true.
personally i think all sites should make themselves available offline. then check for updates. maybe it's just me.
Well, how would AU do that? You'd need a gigantic hard drive.
it would require restructuring the "thought process" of the site
that wouldn't work. Just too much data. (IMO)
the interface could remain largely the same though. say 20 questions of each tab to be available. more needs a network connection...blah blah blah
it means making the site more like a stand-alone app and with remote records and less like a website, but it could work
that would work, but then, what would the point be?
Would it be worth the trouble just so I could read 20 questions without internet?
just to exist offline. then you could have a slider to say mirror the latest/top X.
yes, it's not as relevant for AU. it should be a design pattern though
Too minor? Come on, that thing was a pain to read.
Nice edit, but i don't have the rep there
ahh, too late anyway.
@Seth Oops. I think I accidentally rejected it
SO should support 2-point bounties.
yeah. nbd
@Mechanicalsnail LOL
2 point bounties...you're funny
Are you sure you're not dance trolling? youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KrVC5dm5fFc#!
@Mechanicalsnail well, you got the edit through anyway. That's what counts :)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing @smartboyhw @jrg @JorgeCastro bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1120870
@Mechanicalsnail marked as also affects me for bug heat
@ZhangYuan what
few mitinus ago
i said about that dns
but i find that it may not a dns problem
what about it? use a real DNS server
use dig
that command maybe help?
@ZhangYuan enough. if it doesn't resolve, issuing commands to check doesn't fix it
@Mechanicalsnail i'm writing a comment right now
why i write /etc/hosts do not help?
stop. read. fix your dns
@Mechanicalsnail added comment, subscribing
there you go
OK. Thank you everyone.
np on my end. i try. if i had the privs, i'ld just push in a junk commit to get it to be working and put the problem in orbit with more heat and some peeps to work on it...sadly i am not in control of this situation
I edited this question and its tags which I felt were not warranted based on the original content. However, the "related" posts still seem to be influenced by the previous tags. Will someone please take a look? BTW, the question would mostly be a duplicate of something or the other!
what's the protocol here for questions not in english, translate and flag?
just translate if possible. flagging is mean
@JourneymanGeek Somebody seems to have proposed an edit.
unless it's consistent
@Mechanicalsnail: that's me
I flagged, then realised that due to the magic of google translate, fixing it was trivial
and then I realise I forgot to fix the title facepalm
don't stress the small stuff...and it's all small stuff
@AbrahamVanHelpsing The title text is larger than the body.
I'm too used to not having much stuff to flag ;p
Good morning everybody


sad :(. need to go
hey @maggot s you're over the 2k line...let's see some edits!!! (in his best DI Pewey voice)
Re. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/8048817#8048817, never mind. The related links are now different. Looks like it just needed some time.
@Anwar Well lookey there. So I have. Well, time to EDIT ALL THE POSTS!
in theory you could do it anyway ;p
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Sorry Anwar. Meant for Abraham. Maybe I'll hold off 'til tomorrow.
Thanks for the bounty, too. very nice of you.
np it's worth doing if you edit all the things
@maggotbrain No no no. Edit that to: ASKS, EDITS AND ANSWERS ALL THE THINGS
@smartboyhw heh. we're referring to his 2k rep bump.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing In edits~!!!!?!?!?!?
Q: Wierdness on the election page - missing comments, and disqualified candidate is visible

Journeyman GeekI'm using chrome on a HTC one V and noticed two odd things when attempting to view the election page Firstly, the candidate here has been disqualified (twice?) and dosen't turn up on the non mobile page. Secondly I see a certain lack of comments - its inconsistant, some have one, some have u...

@smartboyhw i was under the impression he could make unbridled edits with a rep-bump so i tossed him some rep. also youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=FoNClS3jxp8
@AbrahamVanHelpsing toss me some please:P
@smartboyhw how much? my hard limit is 1399 since it would put me under 10k
@AbrahamVanHelpsing The hard limit:P
/me trouts @smartboyhw
@JourneymanGeek eh what?
that's no fun ;p
@smartboyhw - i don't see one i can really dump rep to in good conscience
@AbrahamVanHelpsing LOL
Q: How to set up an NFS server on ubuntu?

Amith KKHow do I make my ubuntu install an NFS server. So that it is accessible to another system running XBMC on my network? Output of exportfs -v: root@amith-dualcore:# exportfs -v /media/amith/Amith-Deskt,async,wdelay,insecure,root_squash,no_subtree_check,fsid=0) The cli...

btw I just downvoted your answer for being technically incorrect. on the bountied q.
@Mahesh I know, I replied and deleted. I had misinterpreted the q
oh. happens.. :)
Q: Can anyone tell me what window theme this is?

user127180I moved Ubuntu installations to a new hard drive and in the process of updating my theme, this default theme appeared by accident and I quite like it. I just want to know the name of the theme so I can revert back to once faience finishes installing.

XD what?
I guess the answer would be something along the lines of nautilus xyz&|poller.sh, right?
where poller.sh takes the PID from the program run and then loops
yup that.
now to get the resource id of the window spawned by that process...
At home. I need a linux box to blow up
this is getting offtopicish. jump to AUGR
@AmithKK isn't that just default with green as the gnome-terminal text color and transparency enabled on the top bar?
Want me to move the discussion over?
10 messages moved from Ask Ubuntu 2013 Moderator Elections
@Mahesh any idea how we could do that then?
the first part is tricky.
getting the WID
once we get that, polling to see if its still open is trivial.
I remember answering a question about getting window information.
@Mahesh how so? (I'm not that great with dealing with processes and all)
there's a variant of wininfo
i dont remember it exactly.
it can take a window id argument and spit out all info on it.
wait, one sec
I realised something
When you launch a nautilus window with nautilus&, it spits out the PID first
when the window is closed, it exits with an error code and says resource does not exist.
and then "done" when you close the window
Couldn't we harness that via piping?
@Manishearth nopes.
do this.
I can't, on a windows machine
then hit enter
at home
@Mahesh it gives the PID. then?
using chrome? I dont mind allowing you to RDP once.
@Manishearth another enter. :P
@Mahesh nah, I can SSH into the insti if I want. Takes a bit of time, though
it spits out done.
anyway, that's shell doing all that.
nothing specific to nautilus.
Yeah, but we don't need a nautilus specific way, right?
@Manishearth Ports blocked here, else I may have allowed ssh on a dummy account.
Well, we have a login server from which we can ssh in. But setting up VNC is a pain
@Manishearth we need a thing that is specific to processes that fork and return and then spawn a GUI window.
@Manishearth forget that. :P
@Mahesh sup?
nothing great.. you tell me.
kind of tying the loose ends for UTT. one second it all seems so clear and the next I lose clarity. :|
@Manishearth bbl. I've got to wake up, brush, have some lunch and finish some work.
ah, np
cya later :)
@AmithKK looks like the rotation also works. Thanks. :) bbl
You guys seem to have lots of NAA answers :/
The new spyware feature of Unity Dash in 12.10 is a welcome improvement, but needs to be extended to all Ubuntu packages. Ever since I switched my home computers to GNU/Linux, closed my Facebook account and stopped using Google Search, I have been suffering. Finally now with Dash, some of my private information is once again being disclosed along with my IP address to Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, BBC and Canonical, but this is limited. Dangerous gaps still remain in my files in the mass surveillance databases of several governments. Plus I find myself at the supermarket wondering what to buy, not having seen enough targeted advertising. I have tried calling Amazon and asking them to send someone around who can watch everything I do outside of Dash and then shout personalized advertisements at me, but they have refused. Likewise, no government would send a spook around specifically to record my computing actions. Apparently when it comes to mass coverage, they all rely on the vast
Critical / Incomplete
/me flags some ;p
@Mechanicalsnail, that bug's status changes by the second :) Saw that a lot when the Amazon stuff first hit the fan!
What to do with that?
@green7 link?
Q: How to prevent Ubuntu from changing screen brightness?

cholazerI have recently installed 12.04 on ASUS-K53SV-V300. I can change the brightness on start-up with: echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness >> /etc/rc.local or manually by Fn key. But, whenever Ubuntu dim my screen brightness to save power or wake-up from suspend or inacti...

@green flag as Not An Answer
Q: Are answers that just contain links elsewhere really "good answers"?

romandasI have often wondered at the practice on SO, SF, and the other sites where someone will ask a question and an answer will come in that says Look here: http://link elsewhere. Rarely will the link have exactly the answer necessary -- often it's an entire article -- yet these answers get voted up. ...

@Manishearth sometimes you may get really good answers from reading other articles. Especially if it's well written.
That's why we encourage linking the source in the answer
@mojo so you link to the article in a comment, or you write up the answer in short and say "more info there"
@Manishearth Write the answer in short and say "more info there"
Do you have to be a Mod to be an Evaluator?
what evaluation are you refering to?
Maybe, Site Self Evaluation
@mojo706 No, you don't have to be a moderator to perform site self evaluation.
@Mahesh http://askubuntu.com/review/community-eval/80666
^ this type
@green7 ^
you submit your feedback of sorts.
any member can do It.
I dont know of the minimum rep required if there exists one.
@Mahesh but I don't see the mentioned tags
or may be I do not have enough rep, do you see the tags
@mojo706 I dont know how those questions are chosen, but you filter only on the chosen questions. may be the queue has no questions on those tags.
if you can access the queue, you should be able to eval it.
oh ok I see it now.
Hey Guys :D
Hey @AmithKK
Upboats pls
A: Is there a way I can rename Trash to Crap?

Amith KKYeah, you can abuse the translations system to do this. Make a temporary text file using gedit gedit /tmp/foo.po and enter this text it: msgid "Trash" msgstr "Crap" Change to /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES And then apply changes sudo msgfmt...

Thank you to @fossfreedom BTW :P
Only some 300 to 4k
gotta remove some upboats I gave Amith ...
@FEichinger nooooo :P
upboats to Amith are unundoable
@Takkat Does that not mean that it is doable?
damn double-negatives
@Takkat Hey
all that is not doable is not unundoable.
because it would not be undoable otherwise.
Module englishDecode exited with error code 1
every inch \o/
That is 7 on my netbook.
@AmithKK @jokerdino @Mahesh congrats
What the....
@AmithKK you are late to the party. :P
@AmithKK wow awesome
I think we have a problem with bluetooth schema missing.
Hi all, I've only taken the plunge with Linux this week. With a raft of hardware faults getting things installed felt like a miracle. After that the particular hardware on my laptop was sufficiently incompatible with the standard drivers everything crashed all the time. With the help of some wonderful chaps this is a working Linux laptop now to learn from. Thank you all! Especailly chili555 and p00c big hugs and kisses
Hm, nice to hear!
Also I suspect no woman has ever been quite so happy to discover the "sudo su" command that allowed copying into a directory that didn't want to give me permissions!
who taught you "sudo su"? cringes
sudo su isn't exactly preferable ... Not to mention that permission troubles usually do have a reason.
I discovered it through various "help" and experimentations!
Oh, this was a pointless withholding of permission - I was trying to install the flash plugin for firefox and wanted to do it in the terminal. But it was a root online directory
well, anyway, all is well and I am glad to hear that you have got it working fine. :)
I want to learn to be a sys-admin I figured that a good place to start would be learning to use Linux... first step was installing it.
With all the things that didn't work, I learned so much more than I would have done if everything installed and worked properly first time... I appreciate that
there are better ways to install the flash plugin than sudo su. but well, that's the past.
Oh I could have done it with a single click but that was the boring way! :D
Usually, folks come here for support rather than to say thanks. So, you are kind of a weird one. ;)
Well, given that I spent a day trying to get a beaten up old laptop to install Ubuntu when it didn't want to play ball, only to have the broadcom driver cause a crash after about 30 seconds of logging in I was desperate for help... and the wonderful people at AskUbuntu came soaring to my rescue.
did you also thank the individuals who helped you? i dont know if any of the people in the chat were the ones who helped you.
I made sure to add a comment to both questions I asked with an @name at the beginning saying "thank you"
Well, also remember to accept their answers as the best one. Upvoting would be a nice gesture too.
Never mind me. I see you have already did it.
Yeah, I like to thank people that help because there's so many who can't be bothered. People taking their own time to help deserve a thank you at the very least.
> [..] there's so many who can't be bothered [..]
Not here necessarily I mean in life...
Yeah finally able to build Android source code~!!!!!!!!
I'll pretend I get it.
I've had some odd life experiences where the help of a stranger would have been greatly appreciated... so to find a whole website of people helping one another do stuff - even when they probably think it trivial is pretty awesome
I should have to say, please also consider helping in your own way if you possibly can. :)
@jokerdino: that invariably happens ;p
That would be a good way to say thanks to the community that helped you. :)
@JourneymanGeek Hehe
I realize timely help is far more celebrated than anything.
Makes me feel guilty not helping others when I can right now.
/me runs to a corner.
Having only has a few days experience I've not got much to offer yet, but I suspect that as I learn I shall be here more and more and offering help when I can
Yeah, that would be good. Don't take me as forceful. I was just suggesting.
Ubuntu community is mainly made of volunteers, like you and me.
I think I scared her off. Oops.
Hoping to start an entry level IT job soon, and have an idea of what I want to do in 5 years time, in between there's a lot of Linux to learn, eventually moving over to BackTrack or similar and penetration testing and ethical hacking... that's going to give me a LOT of things to ask questions about and learn, and so I'll be here a lot of time and will be getting a lot of things I can help with
Company I work for has a vacancy and while only a small portion of stuff is linux based it will give me access to a whole professional linux network to play with :D and hopefully not break it
Hm, you seem to have a plan. You'll do good.
@ami @mah Ubuntu Tweak is yours? I use that! :D
No, ours is unity-tweak-tool.
not Ubuntu tweak
@Myranda: forensics is pretty fun if you get a chance to do it
Ah. I use that as well :)
What's wrong with sudo su?
well. you can just run sudio <command> I guess
Not something I would suggest to a newcomer.
it is the second dangerous combination after rm -rf $UNIVERSE_AS_WE_KNOW_IT
su is not really necessary
sudo su drops you to a root shell.
@Mahesh censor that....
sudo "Please let me perform this command, and nothing else"
@JourneymanGeek I hope so, lots of opportunities employment wise
@Myranda: that's a good chunk of one of my majors ;p
@jokerdino done. :P
We have someone who is just two days old.
you mean age on AU?
or a toddler at your place?
as in, Myranda is into Linux for that many days.
I'm so new I have the wrapping still on
choking hazard? eep!
/me takes wrapping off
But babies come with wrapping these days?
@Myranda: my first linux distro... I had trouble working out how to install software ;p
and the girl who had told me it was awesome had no idea either ;p
I've gotten somewhat better since then
@jokerdino: actually yes
@jokerdino I'm kind of desperate to get things done now.
@jokerdino They do:P
@Mahesh I am too.
I don't have a working CD writer, and my USB bus on the laptop seemed to refuse to allow booting...
So WUBI right? well that crashed every time
@Myranda: if you have windows, maybe bootstrap it with unetbootin
so desperate that I invented a class that can use the old code as it is.
but I dont like sphagetti. :/
... I was frustrated. Turns out that 12.10 was just not playing ball so on a whim I tried 12.04 and it installed...
(and I am rather thankful that I have a USB CD drive, its saved my rear on quite a few installs of various OSes)
@Myranda: 12.10 seems to have a few odd bugs
like breaking DKMS >_>
Then it crashed every time I tried booting up... so I thought "try failsafe graphical mode" and boom it worked... lots of trial and error, lots of guessing
@Mahesh I feel like just getting the old mess into repo and slowly switch to rewrite.
(I also run KDE, not a fan of unity, personally)
And I can happily get PPU and we'll all be happppppy.
make a decision now.
If not for the boring work, I would want to have rewrite version.
nope, actually let me see what all can be done by tonight
per package upload.
@jokerdino Add oil
basically, power over uploading UTT to repo.
And hopefully I can get Ubuntu membership:)
one of the things that kills my interest is the boring part of the work.
and no one else is ready to do it either. :/
i was about to but then i wasn't too sure about it
@jokerdino Add a needs-packaging bug against Ubuntu for UTT
@smartboyhw we already have packaging.
@jokerdino I mean, into the Ubuntu repo.
I have a MOTU who said he wouldn't mind helping.
@jokerdino over to IRC
on it
Grrr no chat mates then:(
Hmm, there is a question about one of the questions I asked earlier. When I had trouble with the broadcom driver, I tried booting up into the root command line. Trying to purge the driver wouldn't work because it told me I had to run "sudo dpck --configure -a" first, if I did that it crashed. Is there a way to just delete a driver so I could have gotten around that?
you could have uninstalled it?
could have just blacklisted it in /etc/modprobe.d: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modprobe#Blacklist
well I tried "sudo apt-get remove --purge bcmwl-kernel-source" and that's when I got the "E: dpck was interupted... etc"
stop saying dpck
it's debian packaging in short. dpkg
or at least, that's how i remember
sorry, typing with dyslexic fingers
So if I blacklisted the driver and restarted it would not have begun to run and fail, so I could then have un-installed it or deleted it with a variety of commands

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