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@Seth yes. accepts
I'll fix it for you :P
@Seth with two accepts you can get to 230
There :)
I can't wait until one of the mods sees that...
Sees what? ★
Hey no, no, no, no.
@gertvdijk Accepts don't count at all?
Whover just starred that, please remove it.
@Seth not for the cap.
Hang on.
@GeorgeEdison shrug
@GeorgeEdison wait, you can kill stars.
I'll abuse my mod powers and fix it :P
@Seth if accepts were limited within the 200 then I wouldn't be at 10k now.
Please do not star that message :)
quakes in fear
@GeorgeEdison ★
Takes off mod hat.
we're wasting stars again.
@gertvdijk wasting stars? That's like "Hey! Turn that off! You're wasting the batteries!"
@Seth there's a star limit per day, right?
yeah, 20.
we should only star messages being actually useful. imo
or exceptionally funny.
no one does that.
besides, I've only hit the limit twice
How come I never find out about these things???
on wasting stars...
good grief.
touchpad went wacky.
@GeorgeEdison: We see everything. I command you to speak and let me know what you say.
11 mins ago, by George Edison
I can't wait until one of the mods sees that...
16 mins ago, by AbrahamVanHelpsing
9999 Man, this message needs some stars...
@jrg yeah, it was sort of clever, but i'm sure someone has done it before
@AbrahamVanHelpsing i know, i know.
i'm just keeping up the appearance of a all-knowing moderator, and a guy who gets pinged when his name is mentioned anywhere.
really? it pings without the @ tag for you?
Q: Add retro filters for code

Konrad RudolphTriggered by a question where the code was provided via a link to Instagram and by the existence of the code hosting service Instacode, I’d like to suggest implementing hipstery image filers for code posted on Stack Overflow: However, it’s obviously (duh!) bad for usability to just replace the...

@AbrahamVanHelpsing always. i wrote the script that sends me a text message when i'm in the house but not at the laptop
you guys can't get away with anything.
noice does it catch it in edits? jrg
except when we say "Sathya" instead of "mod" or "jrg" or "oli"
21 hours ago, by jrg
see, if my grepping script doesn't alert me to "mod", "jrg" or "oli", then i don't worry about it.
yesterday, by Seth
@jrg How do you always know when we talk about mods?
does it catch @mods ? if it doesn't it should
yeah really.
guys, i'm joking
that was actually a decent idea though...
i just make it a point to read the scrollback and stuff.
you mean, it doesn't do that @jrg?
go figure.
@Seth correct, it doesn't do that.
@Josh Does it really matter? It’s always Friday somewhere. — Konrad Rudolph 3 hours ago
someday yes, i'd like to have all mentions of my name sent to my pushover account or emailed to me or whatever.
it would be nice to have a mute button for individual tabs in chromium
that could be useful.
yes. for sites that aren't as awesome as SE. so you could mute say, a flash game running in one tab and still have internet radio playing in another
Anyone want to see what happens when a chat message is quoted multiple times?
they get auto-merged.
Something definitely happens.
for crying out loud
did you paste that
oh my.
Now for the fun part.
Boom! Gone.
yes, gone.
that is what the sandbox is for guys. :P
that would be some serious rawr for disrupting a conversation. do you have a query to find those?
@GeorgeEdison go there! ^^
That's where I got it from :P
then stay there :P
i know that's where you got it from.
I know that you know that that's where I got it from.
I just wanted to liven things up in here.
i know that you knew that I know where you got that from.
okay, i see that the letter get smooshed. what happens if the root of the quote was an image?
Okay, everyone follow me to the sandbox...
@AbrahamVanHelpsing that'd be interesting.


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
oh the wackyness of...
never mind.
I did not say that.
We know you want a unicorn. Why else would you be a Linux user?
I'm using Linux 'cause I don't like Windows 7
that reminds me, if you search for starred messages said by me, you might find a unicorns inside logo from way back
@jrg - did you find that contagio site interesting?
"I'm addicted to Internet, please help me" askubuntu.com/questions/253271/…
Is that a serious question? It could be...
Yeah, but then what? We're going to propose him a "solution" which he can always undo. He is asking for a solution which is irreversible but temporary... like, impossible.
interesting question though.
Is there a package to disable network access? Like a child monitoring thing? Take the user out of sudoers and have a friend set the parental control password.
ha! good idea.
Just saying...
I wonder ... How did he upgrade to 12.10?
Seriously. parental control software for ubuntu...does it exist?
Q: How do I restrict my kids' computing time?

TakkatAccess to our computer (not only to the internet) needs to be restricted for the accounts of my kids (7, 8) until they are old enough to manage this by themselves. Until then we need to be able to define the following: the hours of the day when computing is o.k. (e.g. 5 - 9 pm) the days of the ...

Q: Parental controls with different settings for different users

Hamish DownerDoes anyone know of a good way to set up some sort of parental controls so that one user account is subject to them, but not another? A couple of friends of mine use Ubuntu and have kids (7 to 10 years old) who use the family computer. They'd like to have some blocking of adult sites. They're no...

@GeorgeEdison is the CSS file the only thing (beside Bootstrap itself) that you need for Cosmo?
@Seth you could dupe that addicted halp question to the one with the gnome-nanny answer. it solves the problem of disabling web browsers
great. Lets hope the OP isn't a web dev :P
what I find funny is it doesn't have any close votes
if he's a web-dev but wants to disable networking, just service networking stop on login.
@Seth Yes.
Nice. If only MetroJS wasn't so hard to use.
that's kind of nice. someone did a conky theme too. i don't like the bright colors though.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing You haven't seen?
seen what...
@GeorgeEdison damn. your. site. is. slow.
I know!
I have been trying to figure that out too.
It seems to be Django-related because the static content is loading fine.
it usually loads fine for me, but sometimes the initial load lags.
nevermind. it started crawling on me....
side-note. this is neat. sheetengine.codeplex.com
in jQuery can I select a class of a class?
@Seth classes aren't to be nested in CSS. An object can have multiple classes though.
I was afraid of that.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing very much so.
there are 48 hours left to toss your hat in the ring for moderator. Step right up, lets make this interesting.
i don't think i'm cut out for moderator...just saying. i could toss it in there, but i wouldn't feel like i was doing enough to deserve it
seriously.. 4 votes for this one-liner? askubuntu.com/a/253273/88802
well, then don't go for it.
@gertvdijk because the other answer is wrong.
^^ that. DE isn't the only factor in performance, but it is a larger and larger factor. Openbox performance versus Unity performance on low end hardware for example
@Seth Oh then we're interpreting the question differently. :P
I think OP is asking whether installing will cause a slow down. Others read it like performance in using it.
The thing is ... My answer to that question would be something along the lines of "Just try it out, for god's sake."
I read as using it. Just downloading it would be a little ridiculous as a question.
@gertvdijk Uhm, both answers interpret it as "using", though.
@gertvdijk Well, I disagree.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing exactly.
ah yeah, the title is about running indeed
in that case: Y U NO TRY IT?
because cinnamon breaks stuff. we have odd bug reports for various things with cinammon from ppa
Also, Cinnamon doesn't install as many packages as say Kubuntu.
@gertvdijk Yep.
but then it's the question deserving downvotes imo
The question is fine. I wouldn't upvote it, but it's fine.
In theory, nothing should slow down.
In practice, the remains of unity and forcefully GNOME-based software is probably gonna slow something down.
I wouldn't downvote it either.
Actually, I'm gonna answer with that.
it comes down to the fact that we don't have DE benchmarks. we should.
it's not sailing worthy, but i won't sink it.
@jrg that that that
don't sink an answered question indeed.
Also, as for the oneliner with 4 upvotes ... It's also "fine"... I wouldn't upvote it, but it's fine.
ok, i'm not sleeping for a few more hours.
@FEichinger I upvoted it because the other answer was wrong.
I just downvoted the wrong answer.
I'm not touching it. The question should read is Cinnamon more performant than Unity. And the answer should be a table containing usability feature checkboxes and speed benchmarks for each DE. A restatement of my previous we need benchmarks comment.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing ok, so, lets hash out the requirements.
benchmark: idling, 5 minutes uptime on $HARDWARE
benchmark: chromium open, 5 tabs, ram and CPU usage, disk IO
benchmark: firefox open, 5 tabs, ram, CPU usage, disk IO
dare I ask a question on SO?
benchmark: 5 windows open of $TYPE, ram, CPU, disk, overall "feel" of snappiness.
those are just a start, anyone have anything else to add?
video temperature and video chop occurring would be another one. non-compositing desktops or fake compositing desktops perform a LOT better in those areas
ok, is there a way to measure those?
phoronix does this stuff.
why don't more people do this.
video temp yes. video chop would be something like fps of sample video and fps perceived.
that wouldn't necessarily be accurate though since you might get a visual artifact that counts as a frame
we should start using phoronix's test suite then.
that's interesting...i was more thinking a user survey of performance option that takes down hardware information.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing You'd get very negative results.
i don't know of a way other than human eyeballs to test video chop. that's one of my biggest reasons to use lightweight desktops now. recently (last year or so) you'ld get a lot more chop
@FEichinger that's fair i suppose
Human nature will result in people instantly complaining about minor drops in performance, while smooth working isn't considered "important".
to be sure, i would high rate the convenience items of unity. i'm not willing to sacrifice my video not breaking up for it though. so i'm on the fence. i think it's finding the right test bed.
There needs to be a balance.
My sister and I have identical laptops.
She never complains about speed, unless she's in windows.
Meh. For me it's really just "Is it easy to install, will it be easy on my eyes once it is installed and will it manage not to break something?" Don't care for anything else.
@jrg agreed. that's why i was talking about a chart with both usability features checkboxes and performance checkboxes.
Sooo ... a feature matrix + performance rating?
On the other hand, I notice any and all slowdowns. Same OS, same browser, different experiences.
Sounds like something a community team should maintain.
Possibly. But variations in hardware would make it difficult to do.
(She plays lots of flash games, I run many web servers. How mine uses more ram than hers is beyond me)
@jrg You run them simultaneously. :P
@jrg intelligent pre-caching of site assets
There are many possible answers, but yeah. Its all perspective.
I am running the full phoronix test suite on my machines though.
Then I'll save the stats and compare the month before raring. If I don't see similar or better results, then I'll stick with precise and quantal.:-)
i don't see a point in sticking with quantal. stick with precise, or push forward with raring. either LTS or latest. anything in the middle is...not as complete a user as you are.
temporarily. Supposedly they fixed a lot of memory stuff by testing on the nexus 7.
so i guess raring is going to flip the switch?
... I just read "Breast Mode" and was kinda worrying about you.
thanks for caring i guess...but you just sucked all the fun out of that joke
I know. :(
That's what I get for following Amanda Palmer on twitter, I guess.
Maybe @abrahamvanhelpsing.
i hope so. i understand what unity was trying to do, and it was good. it's just not as for me on underpowered hardware. i did use it on the desktop before it went away.
I keep using unity. Its what I learned first with my first computer, so its hard for me to get away. :-!
i like it when it's performant.
unrelated. i wonder if anyone has made a dbus proxy
Oh man,unity crashed on the monster GPU. Surprise surprise.
KDE == Awesome. KMail == Not Awesome.
@jrg my first computer was a tandy, then windows 3.11/dos 6.22(oddly highly performant games required me to exit the windows DE), then with windows for a while, then about 4 years ago popped to linux when what is now legacy gnome was the norm, then on unity i'm on both sides of the fence for DEs depending on the hardware.
I have a laptop with a cruddy CPU and respectable ATI card. Its about 10 times as fast in the john-the-ripper benchmarks as anything else in the house, so its the monster.
@jrg my desktop was the beast. now i just have the lappie
@Abraham OK, that makes sense.
Right, I remember that.
@George so, you think I should switch to KDE next cycle?
@jrg You should
Of course, be sure to use Thunderbird or something for email.
@jrg Agreed.
OK. I'll keep it in mind then.
It's truly beautiful. AND STABLE.
@George wouldn't dream of using anything else.
everyone wants ppl to switch to kde. i do find it interesting that (correct me if i'm wrong here) unity was written on qt then thrown on top of a gtk based DE
is there a way to coexist unity and KDE without making new users or dual booting?
You pick the DE you want to load when you log in.
@Abraham unity 2D was qt based, then they dropped it.
@George so it isn't like lubuntu where they replaced notify-osd with their own thing and make gnome/unity look all funny for the rest of my life?
I've only used Lubuntu once - on a Pentium MMX.
...so I didn't really get much chance to play around with it...
Or at least until I purged the package and reinstalled the whole Ubuntu stack.
i still haven't installed a full desktop pack on the laptop. it does what i want
I installed crunchbang on a guys machine at work, he's pretty happy with it. First Linux experience he ever had.
tempted to follow suite, but with something Ubuntu based instead of plain Debian.
So right now the options are a custom xubuntu or lubuntu spin, but I'm still not sure....
it would still be debian based, just with a degree of separation
I'm more interested in the installer and stuff.
i still don't have transparency/compositing working on openbox. i'ld look at xfce for that reason
if i were you
I keep trying to learn straight debian, and as time goes on I keep remembering the old phrase that "Ubuntu is african for can't learn Debian":-P
i used fedora first, then debian, then ubuntu
Fedora could be fun. Definitely more enterprisey, which is unfortunately where the money is.
Oh, I missed that they finally got a new installer, not bad.
i could handle using straight debian. if i was using it on the job, i'ld just use what they told me.
Oh, cool! OpenSUSE 12.2 is out. Might give that a spin,
The problem is zypper.
I thought SUSE was dying...
Are they? I started writing a book about them back in October.
Does anyone have the permissions to change a bug status?
Incorrectly marked as "fix released".
@jrg It's just the impression I got when Novel started migrating towards Windows Apps and away from a Linux App Server.
@Mechanicalsnail You want to mark it what?
Open a new one
@Abraham might be valid, I wasn't aware of them doing that.
"""Setting intrepid as invalid as it's already EOL.

As this bug is marked as fix released, the better is that somebody that still experiences it in a supported Ubuntu version creates a new bug for it. Then, he/she can link there to this bug report for extra completeness. Thanks."""
@smartboyhw Confirmed
@jrg Someone already did that, I think, and it got marked as a duplicate.
OHHHHH, then yes, absolutely...and add a comment about that. Just what I would do
@AbrahamVanHelpsing You mean on the original bug?
@Mechanicalsnail yes. so if someone reads to the end of the thread, they see that piece of data. it may not be possible to comment on a closed bug, i haven't tried. if that's the case, it should be filed as a bug against launchpad itself citing this as an example
that way, you probably fix or get in the fix queue two bugs at once
@AbrahamVanHelpsing It's definitely possible to comment on a closed bug.
But it's closed: nobody will notice.
It would have nicked us telling you to open a new bug...
@AbrahamVanHelpsing "nicked"?
kept us from telling you. like "nicked it in the bud" ... i stand corrected "nip in the bud" is the expression. gosh i'm a redneck
@mechanical snail kill two birds with one stone I think is what he means.
Oh, I'm wrong. OK.jpg
i'm fetching the source to try a build and see if it just works. it may be that the current deb-src works and it just needs a build trigger. would explain the bug closure
Man. KDE is such an ornery little bugger. The 4.10 upgrade stomped all over my xfce and lightdm configs like a Vandal sacking Rome. :-/
How's the AU world today?
@maggot you'll have that rep to push you over 2k soon. and i've heard that about KDE. it is well afaik
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Awesome. That answer got quite a boost once the bounty was put on the Q.
@Mechanicalsnail yep that's the problem. it builds properly. someone just needs to trigger a build or shovel in a junk commit to get a build to happen
The strange thing is, I was aware of KDE doing that, but I didn't have a problem installing 4.9. My other WMs were kept intact. Guess I was lulled into a false sense of complacency. This install was mildly brutal.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing So it just copies the old package if the source didn't changed, without checking that it still works?
@maggotbrain Is this from the updates PPA?
i just did an apt-get build-dep. apt-get install photoprint(to confirm the bug). apt-get remove photoprint. apt-get source. debuild -us -uc. dpkg -i photoprint.
@Mechanicalsnail ^^
@Mechanicalsnail Yep, from ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu. I'm only so much of a masochist these days. :-/ I'll compile apps. But, kernels and WMs, no thanks.
everyone should compile their own kernel at least once.
not for daily use. just to have done it
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Isn't visiting the jslinux webpage enough to have done that?
Oh, I have. Believe me. I don't miss the days of building an install off of 24 floppies of Slackware. I might do a Linux from Scratch build this year to refresh my pain.
@Mechanicalsnail that's like saying installing from binary packages and waiting for a freebsd ports build is the same thing
Am happy I never caught the Gentoo bug.
gentoo is interesting, but for the same target i would go archlinux
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Sure. It has it's place. It's just not a viable lifestyle choice for me. ;-)
Just curious, if anyone can tell me. What is going on with the AU troubleshooting tool. I've been seeing folks talking about it, in chat here, and was wondering if I could help with any testing. This is George Edison's baby, no?
@George ^^
@GeorgeEdison pingedipingping
@FEichinger ninjamicated
Oh, the AU Troubleshooter.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Damn you!
It's not quite ready for testing yet.
oh. Hi, George. Didn't realize you were here.
Was looking for burrito, found a dune worm reference instead. winning: static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Burrito_675859_649847.jpg
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Redirects to funnyjunk
user image
@Mechanicalsnail and you saw where i commented on that bug. i referenced the room here with the screenshot. should get the bug resolved "easily" but not necessarily the underlying issue.
This is probably the best Ubuntu Forums post of my life
while(!this.isRested()) {
@FEichinger good code
Awful code, but suffices for my purposes.
how does dunecat get more star weight than troubleshooting an issue on launchpad?!? w.t.?.
lol > srs
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Because looking at a dunecat is more fun than triaging bugs (srsly) (LOL)
that's fair. i was going on pure usefulness since the bug in question points out a problem with auto-build as opposed to a non-core package
@FEichinger You won't get much rest sleeping 100 ms at a time.
@Mechanicalsnail That's why it loops and the Thread handles the check. :P
@AbrahamVanHelpsing That said kill all the bugs.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Should we report the auto-build issue?
@FEichinger Obese grasshoppers are not scary enough.
@Mechanicalsnail I think so. I don't know where to report it though.
I think it would be launchpad or libtool with a cursory glance. To be fair I don't have a thorough understanding of either at the source level. This is just based on symptoms and things I notice during build process.
@Mechanicalsnail Then I'd go with this fancy bug.
@FEichinger It is a big one.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing It also spits fire.
@FEichinger That doesn't even look like a bug. This is a real fancy bug.
No, this is a non-bug-looking bug.
@FEichinger it looks like a horrible bug. it's diabolical nature just isn't addressed in a cursory glance
This bug is so severe it's not worth addressing directly initially. It affects so much that it's worth working around for a while
@jrg I use google analytics
@JorgeCastro - you might want to send this up the chain bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/photoprint/+bug/260849 it's not a bug in photoprint directly, it just evidences there
seems like a dependency tracking and libtool issue to me.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing you need to flip the bug to "Confirmed" if it exists
I don't have that level of privilege on LP
@JorgeCastro The problem is that Launchpad doesn't let us.
afaik anyway...confirmed, i get a dialog that lists bug states but doesn't let me change bug state
I tried changing it to Confirmed using Firebug, but it wouldn't accept that.
huh weird, like 5 people see it and no one has rights to flip it?
ok no worries, I've set it to Confirmed
(you can't change a status on a bug unless you're in the bugsquad)
cool beans. it's just something we were talking about here and i went the extra mile to confirm the if and why
or reopening a new bug works too
I left a comment on the bug
<--- goes out drinking
@JorgeCastro Well it lets me change most Ubuntu bugs to anything other than triaged or wontfix.
It's just this bug that we can't change the status of.
Maybe the Intrepid sub-bug is the cause.
<--stays in drinking ;)
happy new year
I have a networking problem and i want ask here before i put it in askubuntu
and i can visit it using ip directly
so i wirte the ip in /etc/hosts ,but ut seem that it dosen't work
sounds like a dns problem to me. i can view it by domain name. speaks to your dns provider
if do something like .class1 > .class2 > .class3 it will select class3 right?
i'm too spent for programming questions. sorry
That's OK :)
I understand.
Q: Suggestion to write app for girlfriend question are acceptable

911I just saw a question below I want to write an app for my GF, Any suggestions? Ok here's the thing. She's my ex. I want to write an app for her (in Java) for V day. Nothing overly complicated, or overly love-ly. Something mild, something that says I miss her - but in a fun and int...

@Seth that.is.hilarious
I love that feature.

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