I've seen (and answered) quite a few questions on changing key 'A' to do key 'B' or make key 'A' do 'So and so' etc. I was thinking it might be a good idea to have a general canonical question for remapping key bindings.
If it's a good idea, we should get someone to ask the question.
Some pr...
I'm building an application and it's very important to me to know how to get this information. In LXDE for example you can get a .xml (/usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml) file that have all the programs that can be executed from its menu.
For that reason I'd like to know if there .xml file in U...
@Zignd can you include a sample formatting of the file you are using, it may help. (because I'm not sure it exists in ubuntu, it may help in finding/creating)
so it has the "N" and the arrows to signify sending things back and forth, and if you look closely the arrows look like a "S" (maybe even a lightning bolt)
@mateo_salta That doesn't "work", because the central line of the S is the same as the N's central line, while the tips of the S are the outer arrow side. :/
@mateo_salta Scratch that, just tried it and realized this ^
In askubuntu.com/privileges/suggest-tag-synonyms, the paragraph titled "How do I propose or vote on tag synonyms?" has this: Any suggested synonyms for the tag will appear below that which up and down arrows so that eligible users ... It should be with and not which.
@jrg, I keep Firefox for analytical purposes (and for downloading certain things Chrome doesn't let me do easily). By "analytical" I mean the DOM Inspector with which has a nice right-click Inspect Context helper on whatever you want to open there. Sometimes, finding a selector in Chrome isn't as convenient.
@FEichinger New submissions have been made after each of yours. I find it surprising that they wouldn't have gone through yours submissions (or maybe they did?).
@AndrewC And how exactly do you expect us to keep all similar questions tracked? I'm sorry, but this "Once we get one question answered, we can link them all together." scenario seems very utopian. I suspect we'd rather end up with a ton of unanswered questions that may or may not at some point possibly magically mahaps perhaps ever be linked to the answered one, maybe. — FEichinger1 min ago
The following packages will be REMOVED: libreoffice-base-core libreoffice-calc libreoffice-core libreoffice-draw libreoffice-emailmerge libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-impress libreoffice-math libreoffice-pdfimport libreoffice-writer python-uno
Well, I'm glad I do speak French, but if it were something African, I'd probably begin renaming everything to single character variable names at that point. Cause who cares anyway?
Silence is the lack of audible sound or presence of sounds of very low intensity. By analogy, the word silence can also refer to any absence of communication, including in media other than speech. Silence is also used as total communication, in reference to non verbal communication and spiritual connection. Silence also refers to no sounds uttered by anybody in a room or area. Silence is an important factor in many cultural spectacles, as in rituals.
In discourse analysis, speakers use brief absences of speech to mark the boundaries of prosodic units. Silence in speech can be hesitation...
@Seth, not to worry. BTW, I too use LibreOffice direct from libreoffice.org. But I'll wait till 4.0.1 or so which, by their track record may be out by now ;) The size of LibO discourages me from updating often. And my addiction is browsers, not office suites ;)
@Seth and others. Please help me with this ... it was an answer that went into a lot of detail about why installing software via apt-get or the Software Center is better than installing it "direct" from say libreoffice.org in case of LibreOffice or from Mozilla in the case of Firefox, etc. Problem is I can't find that answer :( I thought it would be a nice caution for Seth to add to his LibO 4 installation QnA.
@FEichinger Actually that might be enough to get me possibly interested in playing minecraft, the opposite effect the teacher was going for I believe :D
@Seth, that's another matter :) I've been using LibO, Firefox, and Seamonkey for quite a while without issue. So I'm quite happy so far with the "direct" way.
@Seth, nice, but that wasn't it. I'm sure I voted that up and so should be able to find it.
@Hailwood Morning. Oh, the idea is awesome. I just find teaching kids JavaScript of all languages is just gonna spread bad habits. JavaScript is still one of the most awful languages that are reasonably "in use".
@FEichinger I don't think the language itself is so terrible, but I do believe teaching people Javascript as their first programming language is asking for trouble, still, could be worse he could be teaching them the jQuery "Language" haha.
The nice thing about direct for Firefox and Seamonkey is that the updates are incremental so I don't mind using Firefox beta which is updated every Friday, mostly.
@AmithKK, I was about to suggest the link I was thinking of was a possible dup of the one @Seth linked to :) Looks like that slipped by a lot of folks!
Yeah, I have it installed, but it doesn't seem to do anything, don't really feel like installing chrome just to find out if it is just chromium. But the other issue is that it doesn't support the popups by other extensions, which are where most of my popups come from :/
I use offline docs, so I can edit on the train, I use google for everything else, so why not, and I have never had a slow down with google docs, but I have had it speed of collab editing.
@AmithKK If I had the skills I totally would, but er... I am a web developer, not a system-level developer (I 'spose that's going to make me more partial to a web based solution anyway :D)
With that said, this is still experimental -- if it's breaking the site we can always remove the requirement for an answer. Now that this is live, we're especially interested in examples of things you'd like to close as dupe but can't now.
(To quote David Fullerton♦)
Recent cha...
@mateo_salta: I really really like the new logo you've designed. I would love to include it in the project - I'll need you to provide me with an SVG or high-resolution PNG and something stating that you release the icon under a Creative Commons license. In return, I will make sure you get a mention in the credits :)
Sometimes, I see that my rep increases by one point. Is that because something I downvoted has been "vanished"? I'm sure there's a better term than "vanished"!