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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@MarcoCeppi omgubuntu bash? funny guys :D
That's pretty cool (:
@MarcoCeppi nice for on that kernel answer delete
all hail a system that works
if that was a forum we'd be doomed forever
natty is blazing fast compared to mav
@lazyPower Evening.
I know, right?!
just wish i wasnt suffering from a bug thats causing unity to dump core
every five minutes :P
Hey, I've got one where if I don't restart compiz every 10 minutes, I lock up. :P
and evening @JamesGifford
(Yes, I reported that)
wow, thats got to be not fun
(i reported mine as well)
However, this is typical with fresh software, haven't got all the kinks worked out of it yet.
I honestly haven't noticed things getting stabler... just faster. (Since Alpha 1)
It crashes faster, it runs faster, lets me do stuff faster before it crashes. :P
@JorgeCastro :)
hi5 @JamesGifford
It is safe to quadruple-boot Lucid, Maverick, Natty AND Windows, right?
(Don't ask why I'm doing it)
@JorgeCastro any word from MPT on the apt.ubuntu.com thing?
nope, but thanks for the reminder.
Hey @StefanoPalazzo, I have askubuntu lens questions
I'm not in natty right now, but fire away
ok so when you search
when you return, I know you strip the end of the title
do you manipulate things further? Like, order by votes or hotness or anything?
no, the results come back ordered by relevance, I don't manipulate them further. I was going to look into that once I came up with some reliable measure :-)
If I use votes or hotness, every gaming question will return the list of games as the first result, that's not good enough.
so relevance as set by the site?
like does it figure that out for us?
that's right. I'm pretty sure they use some sort of simple "largest common subsequence"-type measure to figure out what's "similar"
something like 1/|diff|
Love SE and AU. My friends are making a video and they are fed up with their Windows program. Fired up AU, asked "Video editors" in the search, Got the recommendations, pressed the giant software icon, installed. 10 mins later I'm installing Ubuntu on their laptops.
One of my ideas was to use tags: If I get back a list of 100 questions, I can save the top-most tags and filter every question that doesn't contain any of them, and repeat until I have only 10 questions left, or something along those lines
@MarcoCeppi nice :D
to the cloud
doesn't the site have like "interestingness" or something?
I am using it on my home page
@JorgeCastro that's the same as 'active'
at least for now, it works on the trilogy sites I think
it seems to sort of work for me
the homepage is slightly different
maybe we don't have enough questions to make it a difference yet
so how long for the next 10k questions? any bets? :)
@Jorge Castro, I am your new boss :D! wp.me/p1rM7H-1U
(and it's still March 31 in Barbados so that's real)
You're getting raise as of tomorrow btw
@RolandTaylor you're obtuse :P

adjective: dull, blunt, dense, slow-witted

Annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse
Difficult to understand
some of the lyrics are a bit obtuse
(of an angle) More than 90° and less than 180°
Not sharp-pointed or sharp-edged; blunt
I'm going with 1 or 4
(most people choose 2)
i meant, greater than right and less than 180
I fear the watermelon cat
fear the cat, but never fear me :D
omg lol
my post shared automatically on fb
and one of my friends took it seriously :D
your friend is invalid
I think he needs to do fsck on his harddrive
2 hours later…
i must be bored out of my mind... i'm busy looking at unanswered questions trying to find something worthy of being bountied, but i'm finding more items worth flagging rather than being bountied >.>
flagging is also useful
oh noes, jono's secret identity is revealed!
well i finally answered the question about Dell offering systems
got the answer straight from their support staff
grah evil image
i think if I circulate that among the interwebz, it'll get people's attention and they'll stop recommending Dell systems
in short, Dell confirmed they no longer provide Ubuntu systems :P
@StefanoPalazzo FYI, ignore the fact I kinda went on a /review spree today :P
I really like the omg one
chromercise.com this is slightly disturbing
@StefanoPalazzo is it wrong to go on a /review or a flagging spree when you're bored out of your mind?
and holy lord, disturbing is an understatement
@ssj6akshat lol i broke it :P
@EvilPhoenix Nope, it's great. /reviewers rock
@StefanoPalazzo true. btw, i MIGHT have misflagged something as spam slaps self
with the actual spam flags >.>
curse my act-before-completely-thinking mindset
someone was putting a link up to an answer about the mouse sold in the canonical shop
it seemed like an advertisement to me, hence the spam flag
i shoulda just flagged it for attention, rather than resorting to spam flags
no worries, they're closely looked at.
although considering they've only posted one answer ever and the answer was the canonical shop link...
they being the user who posted the answer
lool they're an unregistered user according to their user page :P
that explains some things...
doesn't this mouse have the scroll wheel on the right side or something crazy like that?
i have one
but only for show, not actual use
even so, as i said, the answer they posted was worded like an ad, among the other aforementioned red flags
where's the mouse wheel on it? I distinctly remember reading someone complaining about it
i think its on the side of the mouse... like the right side
some freaking obscure location for it
the mouse is perfect for left-handed people
but sucks for right handed people
(perhaps this is why I use a lame Microsoft mouse on my computer...?)
I switched hands some weeks ago, but gave up quickly because of the back- and forward buttons. Being left handed must make it impossible to buy a nice mouse
A german news site reports the the german ministry of foreign affairs is swapping all workstations for iPads (:
this is the best day of the year to read news
gnome-shell is skrewed
1 hour later…
hehe I love April fool hoaxes :D
Ooo I hope the Minecraft update isn't a hoax
@Oli have you tried to view the OMG! Ubuntu! website?
that is awesome :)
Q: how to enable my terminal's ctrl + shift + c

zjm1126my terminal cant use Ctrl + Shift + c or Ctrl + Shift + v since I setup something? so what can i do, thanks

this is the type of question I love ...
I especially love the effort he put into describing what he did
it's truly a model question
Good Morning all
what happen to Omgubuntu site today?
@Achu cat about.txt
is it april fool?
@Achu no it is brutal truth :)
is a bit sarcastic today
@OctavianDamiean ohh i thought they are joking
@Achu well they are it is 1st April :P
read the small print :D
Google up to no good ^_^ :)
@OctavianDamiean haha.. a nice one
@KaustubhP awesome :D
lol thats what I love most
A: Viewing Text view

KartikYour Code : import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; public class ButtonDemo extends Activity{ Button btn1; TextView tv; static int cnt=0; int len; S...

note the comments
and on the accepted answer as well
I can smell whiplash :p
well it is meant in an educative way actually but it might sounds a bit harsh due to my mood today
@OctavianDamiean never mind.
maybe it was his karma ;)
is getting frustrated with the Android tag
@OctavianDamiean i know. And I yearn to be working on android again.
@KaustubhP if you need help with Android ... well you know where you can find me :D
What major changes have come since the SDK was on 1.6?
That was the last I worked on Android.
@OctavianDamiean Thanks xD
@KaustubhP that is pretty much like the question what major changes came since Linux kernel version 0.01. :D
Welcome to this beutiful day, 32 of March! :)
it varies from oh-my-god-too-much-to-tell to undefined
@Alvar morning ... kind of
Hmm. I guess I have lot of catching up to do.
Look around 24 hours in the history..
@KaustubhP but a good point to start off is from here developer.android.com/sdk/android-2.1.html
work your way through all versions :D
It all began with what I first thought was the first of april (yesterday) ...
@octavianDameian said it was 31 of march and then I said tomorrow will be the first day of 32 day in a month..
Does anyone knoe if somebody is making a list of all the best 1 april tech jokes?
@Alvar I have no idea
I like the swedish macworlds joke "apple have bought macworld" " and here are rhe new rules" that's awesome :)
laters guys
@OctavianDamiean auf wiedersehen!
Hi all
hi all
no joke: backing up ~/.thunderbird somehow doesn't seem to be enough: i now have 7394 dupes in my inbox (pop3) :D
@htorque looks like another cache at other place :/
maybe the tb installation gets a specific ID and the pop3 server couldn't find that ID and sent me everything again - i'm not sure because it only happened with one server
luckily all those mails were still marked unread, so i just had to sort by read status and delete 'em
@Takkat @htorque hello!
@KaustubhP hi!
Hello @KaustubhP
Hey guys
Hello @JamesGifford
Hello @Takkat. How're you doing this fine March 32nd?
@JamesGifford beeing worried about google street-view indoors (private homes) :D
@Takkat I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.... * hates april fools *
BREAKING: @RolandTaylor has forked Ubuntu. - 2buntu.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/…
@JamesGifford they say you can let inventory worth > 10,000 € be pixelated :D
@Takkat haha.
@JamesGifford that's a good one too :D
@Takkat Hehe. Tell Roland that. :D
Contrary to reports by OMGUbuntu, GNOME Shell hasn't been delayed, and will in fact be released EARLY, in an attempt to appease the masses.
at least ubuntuforums.org isn't all pink like last year (or was it two years ago?)
haha true @htorque.
haha, new tablet from microsoft: goliath
haha NICE.
Little brother when he saw that: "It's not a tablet, it's a computer without a lid."

lol. I don't think he knows it's April Fools day. ;)
@jrgifford :eyeroll: this has troll written all over it
(In reply to the ubuntu being forked)
> lol. I don't think he knows it's April Fools day. ;)
haha. :D
whos back? :D
hi @OctavianDamiean
@JamesGifford Oh I know :P
@MarcoCeppi .... Oh uh Hello Marco. ;P
(or just @JamesGifford but near enough)
lol, check this out.
And here: archlinux.org
And here: grml.org
guess gentoo & grml as well ;)
Ubuntu is for serious people.
And, yeah, you guessed it... here too: gentoo.org
Yeah, as if they can be merged. The typos kinda gave it away :)
Oh! no way ubuntu.com put up an April fools page!
@Oli Ouch.
@MarcoCeppi oops!
why do people always have to shout?
Q: how to connect 2 different computer via wifi using android emulator

user687333the system is a client-server architecture. The server contains a PostgreSQL database. The client should send a text to the server via WIFI. The server should use the text to search it in the PostgreSQL database. If the text is found, the server should send back an array of strings to the clie...

add this comment: *&(*&@(*#$()@#() <----- THIS IS WHITE NOISE*
got an advice for you: a system without kernel doesn't work very well oops
@htorque that is a very good advice!
chroot ftw
oh hello @MarcoCeppi :), how are you? Hope you're fine! :D Yea man I'm ok. Thanks! Isn't that cool to not clutter the chat with our small talk? I think it is great :)
@OctavianDamiean hehe, fine - thank you, you're self? oh I see what you did there ;) Glad to hear this, glad indeed. It's super effective! Couldn't find a way to embed the image in our conversation. I can! :P
haha :D
ohno! I can't edit anymore :(
Well that was fun
yea :D
hmm Canonical will get more Ubuntu Hoodies mid-end April! YAY :D
Q: How to set up two Gnome sessions to start automatically

Grzegorz OledzkiIs it possible to set up two different Gnome sessions to be started at boot time? As it is now (and by default in any Ubuntu installation) a gdm login screen is presented after a few minutes of booting. After I log in, it's possible to use the "Switch user" functionality and have a second Gnome ...

I wonder if this question is somehow related to Warhammer 40k :p
whos up for some VolleyBrawl?
@OctavianDamiean Is it an online game?
@MarcoCeppi yep :)
@MarcoCeppi like this one? the serious link is to Ubuntu download page
gosh just make sure to turn of the sound :D
the old 8bit music drives you nuts if you play more than 5 minutes :p
is this an early first of April joke?
Have everyone forgot that it's the 32 of march today!
@Alvar what?
@OctavianDamiean or did I just miss intemperate everything?!
@Alvar I don't know what you meant.
@OctavianDamiean never mind then...
Did anyone try googling Helvetica?
just like recursion
@KaustubhP :D
Lol, i stumbled across this.
And this.
awesome! I think this is the first application following the U1 design. blog.ubuntu-tweak.com/2011/04/01/…
Can anyone make sense of this? I tried editing it to a sane level, but failed.
Q: Accessing partition inside VirtualBox running Ubuntu

PandyaHow to map local partition / folder / drive with assigned letter like windows. This is useful to access from virtual machine installed within Ubuntu with virtualbox.

@KaustubhP I think he maybe wants to mount a shared folder to something like 'C'
But why???
@Takkat I cant grasp what he is trying to say.
@KaustubhP I'm not sure maybe he does not like our pathnames and prefers windows teminology? We can't mount to 'C:\MyWindowsFolder' though :P
Wow Elementary is under fast development. Release already
He may be happy with a mount point like '/mnt/c_drive'
@Takkat not only can't but don't want to :D
@OctavianDamiean of course not. :P Death to Backslash!
@MarcoCeppi pic/link or it didn't happen. :D
@Takkat, thats what I'm thinking...he can just mount it to his desktop so he can see the drive icon
@OctavianDamiean, I need a picture of a sad microwave instead of a sad robot....
@sadmicrowave hmm I can try to make one but not today. I'll ping you on monday. ;)
@sadmicrowave was your name sandmicrowave till a few days ago, or was i blind?
@OctavianDamiean - that was more rhetorical than anything - but that sounds good too
@KaustubhP - its been sadmicrowave forever, and still is
@sadmicrowave I like doing stuff like that, like this one odamiean.deviantart.com/#/d33dnzl
@sadmicrowave my apologies, i have been misreading your name.
@OctavianDamiean - lmao
@KaustubhP - its cool
@OctavianDamiean - I'm looking for a sadmicrowave logo to use as my website logo's like a "sad microwave production" type of logo
@sadmicrowave hmm all flat or with gradients and stuff? I'd go with flat.
yea - flat is good for logos - but you can use flat fade gradients if you want...
lol someone has to explain to me how it is possible to have more downloads than views?! odamiean.deviantart.com/gallery/27255599#/d335wl4
lol the yellow yatty
@MarcoCeppi awesome! :D
have you already checked it out using Google Earth?
Not yet :P
@OctavianDamiean - @MarcoCeppi - just drop the little orange man from google maps on the street next to the river for a street view
@sadmicrowave Do you have a link? Can't get it to work
@sadmicrowave can I get a link to your website?
@OctavianDamiean - all my sites are business internal and only accessible through the corporate intranet
@sadmicrowave oh ok
@MarcoCeppi - when you drop the little orange dude it doesn't create a new URL so..no I don't have a link that will work for you
@sadmicrowave Yes it does, you have to click the "URL" button
@OctavianDamiean - currently diving into php scripting though so I will soon have my own php server at home for my own sites
@sadmicrowave I imagine something similar to this:
@MarcoCeppi - you are correct sir - maps.google.com/…
@MarcoCeppi - "ubuntu is for serious people" lmao lmao lmao
Rofl loving the 1911 button on Youtube
Not that it makes working any easier on a Friday afternoon
:O all of this narwhal thing on Google Earth is a lie? In Street View there is no narwhal. :(
@Oli wut? What are you talking about?
oh nvm
@Oli Have you seen the top 5 things?
@MarcoCeppi What? Where?
Loving Flugelhorn Feline
yawns loudly for no apparent reason
hi everyone
I am at a hotel and my wifi on my laptop keeps dying out they have the usual password page keeping outsiders from connecting
morning @dustyprogrammer
greetings @dusty
ideas on why it keeps disconnecting?
my friend on windows has no problems :(
@dustyprogrammer more information required. Ubuntu version, wifi adapter and kernel version
how do i find that out
A: How can I find my hardware details on Ubuntu?

OliThere are a few options: lspci will show you most of your hardware in a nice quick way. It has varying levels of verbosity so you can get more information out of it with -v and -vv flags if you want it. The -k argument is a good way to find out which kernel driver a piece of hardware is using. ...

while true ; do wget www.google.com 2> /dev/null; sleep 20; done
and for the kernel it'd be uname -r
@dustyprogrammer what are you trying to do there?
i am just tryiong to maintain an intenet connection
it constantly
disconects after some period of time
never more than 5 minutes
@dustyprogrammer why not just ping google?
what does that provide me with?
   product: RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller
well it is definitely better than wgetting the google page
I feel the connect dies for some reason
i am not sure why its happening
@dustyprogrammer :/ can really tell anything about that one
it seems to be okay now
I've experienced similar issues a while back with my Intel adapter (it was quite common back then due to a kernel problem with the intel driver)
yeah but with normal wireless I am more than perfect
Lovin it, squashing bugs like a champ today
i'm still basking in the glory that is me pwning the ubuntu community today, because i have proof Dell no longer offers systems with ubuntu linux installed :P
from their sales people's mouths :P
@EvilPhoenix That's not what the website says
@EvilPhoenix Yes, I've seen that. Just saying - that's not what the site says.
@MarcoCeppi they offer things for business level and up
you need to be a business to get those
did his research
@MarcoCeppi i've known this for a while, though... so its technically not new news
i did find out something
the ubuntu.com site is a tad out of date
ubuntu.com/dell <-- points to a page that doesnt actually list any real systems which you can get ubuntu on
ogod i just realized i've got 6 hours of driving to do...
@EvilPhoenix #aprilfools?
wait, its april fools day?
arms massive antispam methods on IRC nets he's on

hahahaha this is so funny ... not? mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html
april fools joke for the sake of it?
google has done elaborate april fools' day things for the last few years.....
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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